GUEST - Richard Gannaway - & David Beler
NEWS - We May Be Witnessing the First Large Global Conflict Where People Are Aligned by Consciousness and Not Nation State or Religion; New World Order: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant 'slaves' are here; Occupy Oakland grows in the wake of police violence; Occupy the Vatican Serves Eviction Notice Against Child Raping Church, Native people assaulted by Catholics as Vancouver cops stand by and watch; Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Hot Particles Proven In The US, US topsoil contains levels of radioactive cesium up to 10,000 percent higher than previously believed; The Truth And Nothing But The Libyan Truth; Homeland Security streetlights include surveillance cameras and loud speakers; US doesn't have permission for drone strikes; Astronomers Discover Complex Organic Matter Exists Throughout the Universe;
MUSIC - Timeless Trance - samples from album