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Starseed Energy Radio, August 26, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
GUEST - David Chim - Tone Master
NEWS - Did Fracking Cause the Virginia Earthquake?; Seismic evidence reveals underground nuclear detonation south of Washington DC; Backup Generator Cooling Nuclear Power Plant Shutdown By Virginia Quake Fails;  "Twelve other nuclear power plants along the East Coast and upper Midwest declared an "unusual event"; Hurricane Irene gusting to 150 mph; Photos And Videos Of Massive Oil Slick Found At BP’s Deepwater Horizon Gulf Spill Site; Monsanto GM Corn in Peril: Beetle develops Bt-resistance; Anonymous-Led Protest Against San Francisco BART Police Turn Violent; Obama: Kadhafi era over, US will be 'partner'; Join The Anti-NATO Truth Movement; World Bank ready to help Libya; 'Stealth' warships to test China's nerve; Australia 60 Minutes - Fukushima Radiating Everyone on Earth - Unspeakable impact upon all of humanity and Earth!
MUSIC -  Destination Lounge - Hong Kong -  samples from album
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