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Healers of the Light, August 3, 2017

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SRM Case Studies and Intro to Mind Control
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with Johanna Bassols

SRM Case Studies and Intro to Mind Control

In this episode, we discuss two case studies:
-The effects of the Soul Reprogramming Method in Insomnia 
- Can SRM reprogram homosexuality?
We also introduced our mind control discussions:
- How frequency words can be used to access mental spaces
- Where ideas come from?
- What does it mean being yourself?
- The root of the idea of being yourself and of anything
- The polarities of being yourself, good and bad
- What is really real?
- Understanding the multidimensional reality

Healers of the Light with Johanna Bassols

Healers of the Light

Healers of the Light with Johanna Bassols
Show Host
Healers of the Light with Johanna Bassols

Our mission is to EDUCATE.

We bring various metaphysical healing methods, seminars and publications to allow us to connect to the truth beyond what is apparent and tangible.

We are proactive in the efforts of offering tools of value and practical application in our every day lives. We bring a practical approach in metaphysics with the use of tools and methods that allow us to use it for healing and wakening.

Our programs also promote finding our uniqueness, choosing higher consciousness and freedom over limiting believes and traumatic memories; choosing love over fear. In sum, being ourselves over the limiting ideas of what we think we are. We also bring one of the most powerful methods for DNA activation available, the Soul Reprogramming Method.

As part of a whole, we have the responsibility of healing ourselves first; removing all negative programming and blockages that may be preventing us from bringing our best self forward. If we rise our frequency, one person at a time; we will eventually improve the collective consciousness that makes the frequency of our planet.

We offer workshops, classes, seminars, webinars, personal coaching, certifications and retreats in various locations. We can also craft custom group classes or retreats upon request.

Our SIGNATURE class is The Soul Reprogramming Method.

This is a metaphysical healing technique that resets and updates the entire human operating system, including DNA, cells, memory, body, brain and main purpose.

During a SRM class we receive a 10 strand DNA activation and learn the following:

- How to use a pendulum 

- How to connect to your higher beings, who they are

- What is your life purpose 

- Heal, balance and integrate the life purpose program

- Activate the main program 

- Heal, balance and integrate the cells & memory

- Heal, balance and integrate the elements of the body and brain

- Remove traumatic memories

- Remove old ideologies and blockages 

- Establish limits to the effect of new frequencies at all levels 

- Remove discordant energies from the root with each group of relationships that recorded them

- Unify your qualities into one superior quality

- Give commands to your elements, to work on your favor

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