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Spectrum Radio Network, October 25, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Ben Stewart & Rob in the Pagé Family - UNGRIP - Impact & Timing - Sovereignty
Ben Stewart joined the show with Rob in the Pagé Family to talk about his new film UNGRIP. Ben said that there is an evolution of his art when it comes to his films from Esoteric Agenda, Kymatica and now UNGRIP and that as he grows as a person that growth is reflected in his Films. The film UNGRIP reflects a general worldwide feeling of individual & collective freedom now being shown all over the world in the Occupy movement.

Rob Pagé spoke about how after Ben approached him to do a film talking about sovereignty and living Off Grid that he was at first excited then became apprehensive about the attention that such a project might bring, eventually Rob decided to complete his interviews with Ben and get this valuable information out to a broader audience. Rob spoke about his Earth ship house that removed his family’s dependency from the power grid.

Rob Pagé also spoke about the lessons he learned from organic farming, he spoke about the free range chickens & goats as well as how to raise bee’s to get the best honey. Rob said how the film Food Inc as well as a great deal of research influenced his farming.

Ben Stewart told a story about how his new film UNGRIP was shown on the side of a building to thousands of people during an Occupy Movement LA event and said that it was a beautifully independent way to get information out.

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