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Spectrum Radio Network, May 24, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Mary Tocco - The Danger of Vaccines

Mary Tocco joined us and spoke about the dangers of vaccines and how Mary got involved in Vaccine research. Mary started out researching all about vaccinations to be knowledgeable for her children. Mary decided that they would not be vaccinating their children and continued to do research on vaccine injury. Mary was asked to testify at the Michigan Health Policy when Michigan was trying to remove the philosophical right to refuse vaccinations; they defeated that bill and to this day Michigan had exemptions available for Parents that do not want to vaccinate their children.

Mary went on to speak about the increase in childhood vaccinations and its relationship to the increase in autism and neurological disorders. Every parent needs to be informed to make their own decisions on if they should vaccinate their children or not.

Mary interviews Doctors on her radio show that are now speaking out against vaccinations as well as informing people about the ability of Parents to fill out a “Conscience” form to exempt their children from Vaccines.


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