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Spectrum Radio Network, March 15, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
James Gilliland - Japan Earthquake - ECETI and UFO Contact
James Gilliland joined the show and spoke about how he at an early age he had a near death experience that expanded his consciousness, he eventually started a healing centre. One day while meditating, he experienced a contact with what he thought was a Master but ended up being a alien telepathically speaking to him. UFOs show up day and night over Mt Adams which is about 15 miles away from ECETI.
While James does workshops at ECETI light orbs appear in the area and are filmed. We also spoke about a regular participant at the ranch called Kan-San who has lost his whole family during the Japan earthquake and is currently searching for them. A link to a donation site to support Kan-San find his family has been placed on our site.
James also spoke about the Mapmakers who made a film about ECETI and how it will be available soon.

Spectrum Radio Network

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