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Spectrum Radio Network, June 7, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Jeane Manning - Breakthrough Power
Jeane Manning joined us to talk about her years of research into the field of alternative energy, over the years Jeane has met the leading inventors of alternative energy devices. Jeane realized that the possibility that this technology could be available to everyone was most defiantly being repressed by people who financially benefited by current technology as well as the military complex who wanted the technology for themselves, not to mention the political powers that be that needed society to remain in scarcity based consciousness so that the mass’s were easier to control.

We also spoke about the need for a new paradigm in the approach to the release of free energy devices; perhaps if free energy is ever to be available for everyone we need to move to more of an open source concept. If inventors continue to work within the old paradigm rules of the monetary system they are doomed to fail, just release the technology transparently and free for everyone.

Spectrum Radio Network

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