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Spectrum Radio Network, July 12, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Stephen Bassett - World Disclosure Day
Stephen Bassett joined the show and spoke about the creation of the Paradigm Research Group in 1996 to pursue the political UFO/ ET issue; Stephen was the 1st person to register as a lobbyist with the United States Congress, since then the group has grown internationally. PRGs goals will be realized the United States or some other major political power confirms the reality of ET existence to the public.
Stephen spoke about the possibility for another Country other than United States to preemptively publically confirm the presence of the UFO/ issue.  Stephen also spoke about the enormous interest in the UFO/ET issue in Hollywood and the amount of TV shows and movies which in turn increases the public awareness of the issue.

Stephen told us about something he has recently started called “World Disclosure Day”, within 72 hours he had 1000 endorsements, World Discloser Day is the new Earth Day. Stephen chose July 8th as the Day because that’s the day in 1947 when General Roger Ramey held the event where he held up the weather balloon wreckage and claimed that’s what was recovered in Roswell, that’s where the cover-up began and now is when we are going to end it, the name of World Disclosure day July 8th will change to whatever day the event actually happens.

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