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Spectrum Radio Network, December 13, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Foster Gamble - Thrive - What Would It Be Like ?

Foster Gamble joined the show and spoke about his new documentary THRIVE, Foster spoke about one of his concerns was putting so much information in a short amount of time and still connect all the dots that needed to be connected. Foster felt that Thrive needed to be a comprehensive documentary.

Foster also spoke about his early childhood reflections that led him to look at the world in the way Thrive describes. Foster spoke about the people in his life that he has met all over the world that influenced his thinking and inspiring him to ask the difficult questions.

Foster spoke about the vector equilibrium and how Buckminster Fuller spoke about it and inspired Foster to look deeply into it and include it within the Thrive documentary. In Foster's quest to find this fundamental energy pattern of the Universe he helped form a group called "The Sequoia Symposium" as a think tank comprised of about 35 scientists and researchers from around the world who met several times a year for the next 3 years to discuss this fundamental energy pattern of the universe as well as many other subjects.

Foster told us about meeting & funding free energy inventors and projects, he spoke about how virtually every lab he visited has been raided and shut down "the powers that be", the technology stolen and the inventors issued gag orders, Foster spoke about how 3000 - 5000 energy device patent applications have been confiscated and gag ordered.

Foster spoke about the occupy movement and how Thrive is being shown in the media tents all over the country.

Foster also spoke about the monetary system, the political system and the medical industry, it was a very in-depth discussion and I highly recommend watching the documentary THRIVE.
Thrive Trailer:



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