Social Work Today, June 12, 2016
Have you ever lost a pet you loved dearly? Most of us have gone through this. Our topic is: Grieving the loss of our pets. For many people a pet is not “just a dog” or “just a cat.” Pets are beloved members of the family and, when they die, you feel a significant, even traumatic loss. My guest will be Shirley Meyers, a Clinical Therapist, who will help us find ways to accept and cope with our grief and loss.
Social Work Today

Every other Sunday, Social Work Today with Shirley Tabb discusses a variety of issues including home health services, elderly care, support services, end of life care issues and opportunities, hospice services, Medicaid/Medicare awareness and benefits, working with home health agencies, social work and case management services, geriatric care management, community care, discrimination of people 40+, and so much more.
Join us and learn about all the benefits and possibilities that result from a better understanding of aging well, death and dying, good deaths and bad deaths, and other life issues/opportunities! Call-ins are welcomed, even encouraged. If you have a question, don't hesitate to call during a live show!
Scroll down to see what we will be discussing on upcoming shows. Previous shows are available in the show’s archives.