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Signs of Life, August 31, 2023

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Signs of Life
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with Bob Ginsberg and guest Piero Calvi-Parisetti MD

Signs Of Life Radio is Tonight! Hosted by Bob Ginsberg. Special Guest Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti, MD

Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti is a medical doctor and Forever Family Foundation Scientific
Advisory Board member.

Dr Parisetti is a traditional medical doctor who always had a materialist perspective. After examining the evidence of an afterlife, he was blown away by what he discovered. He has written books on this topic,
as well as created a workbook to help people learn about evidence of an afterlife and help cope with grief. The proceeds help benefit Forever Family Foundation.

Learn more about Dr. Parisetti here:

Can’t make it? You can listen to any episode anytime in Radio Show Archives.

Thursday, August 31st
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Host: Bob Ginsberg
Guest: Piero Calvi-Parisetti MD
Tonight on Signs of Life Radio, Host Bob Ginsberg will be speaking with guest Piero Calvi-Parisetti MD, author of 'Step Into The Light - Transform your fear of death by learning about Life After Life.'

What happens when we die? Is death annihilation – the end of everything as far as we are concerned – or is there an afterlife? And if there indeed is one, what does it look like? Instead of speculating philosophically or reviewing different religious beliefs, this book looks directly at the testimony we have from witnesses with a direct experience of death: those who’ve had a deathbed vision, those who’ve had a Near-Death Experience and those who have actually died and allegedly went on living in a nonmaterial dimension we call the spirit world.

Make sure you tune in as he will be announcing a new research project about grief and the afterlife, with instructions on how our listeners can participate!

Guest, Piero Calvi-Parisetti

Guest Name
Piero Calvi-Parisetti
Doctor Piero Calvi-Parisetti
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Doctor, Grief Counselor
Guest Biography

Who is Dr. Parisetti?

Basically, I am a person who cares about others. The following few paragraphs tell the story of a lucky person - somebody with a range of diverse interests and passions who was able to pursue them to the fullest. I have done different things in my life, there have been phases, and changes. But one thing stayed with me all the time: the fundamental desire to make a difference for those around me - patients, victims of war and natural disasters, students, and now the bereaved and the dying.

1980's - university and general practice

After getting my MD in 1986 from the University of Milan, Italy, I worked for a few years as junior GP, employed by the Italian Red Cross. This was a great experience - working at the entry levels of the medical profession, in direct contact with people and their real, immediate problems, I could fully appreciate something I wasn't really taught at medical school: whatever the condition a person suffers from, there is always a psychological, emotional component at play. In some cases, emotions play such a primary role that we can say they are largely responsible for the patient's condition.

Early 1990's - further education

Being interested in working in the international humanitarian aid sector, I went on to get postgraduate education in Public Health, form Cardiff University (UK), and in Disaster Management, from the University of Louvain in Belgium.

1990's - an "explosive" humanitarian career

At the end of 1992 I was hired by the International Red Cross and had some of the most humanly enriching experiences of my life. Young, enthusiastic, highly motivated (and reasonably lucky), in the turn of just a few years I moved from technical positions in the field (Kenya, Somalia, former Soviet Union) to senior management, first in the field (I was the first Head of Delegation for the Red Cross in North Korea) and then at the Geneva headquarters (I was put in charge of the largest-ever assistance operation of the Red Cross, serving 1.1 million refugees in five countries of the Great Lakes region of Africa). Pursuing such inflationary growth in my career, in 1998 I then moved to the United Nations in New York, dealing with the political aspects of international humanitarian assistance.

2000's - academia

After three years, I realised that the UN job had taken me too far away from my medical roots and my humanitarian motivations. I therefore decided to leave the international system and took up a late academic career. For 13 years I taught public health and disaster management to graduate and doctoral students at three major universities, and for six years I also was the coordinator of a Master's Degree in International Aid Management.

A scholar of psychical research

In the mid-2000's, a new, major intellectual interest appeared in my life. I started passionately studying and researching the transition we call death. I became a member of the Society for Psychical Research in the UK and of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, two professional scientific and research organisations. I also became a member of the Windbridge Institute in the US, which carries out cutting-edge fundamental and applied psychical research. After reading some 30,000 pages of literature, in 2008 I decided to write my own book, called 21 Days into the Afterlife. I compiled and systematically presented the evidence I had come across as I would have done in my university classroom. This was to become a bit of a world-wide success, drawing very positive reviews and being translated into several languages.

Grief counselling

In 2013, my desire to turn my scholarly interest into something directly useful for others brought me to take early retirement from the university and to dedicate myself fully to working with the bereaved and the dying. To prepare for this, I had formally trained in cognitive and behaviour psychotherapy at Stonebridge College in the UK. In 20I2  I also had the incredible luck of training personally with one of my intellectual heroes, Dr. Raymond Moody in the US.

Signs of Life

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg
Show Host
Bob Ginsberg

Signs of Life Radio Show is a unique radio show dedicated to the exploration of Life After Death! 

Call In or just listen to top Scientists, Mediums, and Researchers discuss their personal work in the field and answer your most perplexing questions.

Topics will include: Mediumship, Near Death Experiences, Death Bed Visions, Reincarnation, Apparitions and Poltergeists, After Death Communication, ESP and Telepathy, Survival of Consciousness, and the list is endless!

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