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Piercing The Veil, November 5, 2017

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Show 70- The Outer Edge, w/ The Wizard Twins
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Guests John & Jared aka the Wizard Twins

Piercing The Veil


SUNDAY 11/5/17

THE OUTER EDGE- With Special Guest John & Jared,

a/k/a the Wizard Twins


Corey, Jordan, John, and Jared briefly discuss current events. Big names are dropping, from pharmacy tycoons, media moguls, to Saudi billionaire princes. Child trafficker’s & Pedophiles being exposed left and right. Soros Campaign manager had a dungeon. This is normal for these Satanists. More than one has been caught with torture/sacrifice chambers. Normalization and acceptance of terror (americans told to get used to it, just like in the UK). A “new chamber” was discovered in the great pyramids recently. Veil is being pierced voraciously right now, we need to ride the wave and stay alert.


The populations on earth are targeted with energy weapons for varying reasons under various disguises. “upgraded” Cell phones, 5g wifi, smart meters, weaponized cell towers, haarp, etc. Most accept this is true and are sharing around social media, however, what is not oft discussed is, the energetic psychic harassment of certain key individuals. Along with negative archontic influence during crucial times in one’s life.

Corey, Jordan, John & Jared each discuss with us, some technique’s and/or practical application, for casting off, alchemizing or rebounding this negative energy back towards its source. Psychic protection if you will.


Discussion turns from protection and defense to offense. A lot of light workers wish they could be more proactive. Here is a perfect way to create not a “defender” but a “entity like manifestation” which seeks out and corrects or “balances” the wrong or “evil” which you trying to interdice and/or expose.

After some collaboration and distinguishing of personality and core moral beliefs, we come up with a consensus different techniques and the level of concentration required to create a "tulpa".....  Jordan and the Twins have differing perspectives on the amount of energy required, and a mini debate ensues regarding form of practice.

A great show, with great guests and quirkiness abounds.... The Wizard Twins don't disappoint and we all learned some valuable protection skills.

Pierce The Veil And The Truth Will Reveal itself!

Piercing The Veil

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael
Show Host
Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Greetings World!

Join Us as we discuss & disclose powerful concepts, techniques, and methods for self-mastery and conscious evolution. Our goal is to spread important knowledge and information that is being withheld from the general population on earth.

What started as a banned youtube channel (in less than one week,) has developed into a full blown Weekly Radio Show. Since Jan 2016, Piercing the Veil radio, has enlightened the hearts and minds of thousands of listeners from across the planet. [Which is most definitely not flat, stop falling for Alphabet Letter Agency diversion tactics, its bad for your health.]   :)

We strive to maintain a nice balance of factual analysis juxtaposed with Accurate Speculation. Our show delves into many rare, and esoteric topics such as: Past lives, Psychic Development, Near Death Encounters, Crystal Programming, Manifestation, Exo-Politics & SSP's, Universal laws or maxims, Dismantling of Shadow Governance, ZPE or "free" energy, Reclaiming personal power, The Future of Cryptocurrency, and much more.

​Our Show features new and re-occurring guest speakers, including but not limited to Authors, Experiencers (both NDE and ET), Keynote Speakers, Free Energy Researchers, Shamans, Spiritualists, Retired Intelligence Analysts, Financial Experts, Reiki Masters. 

On Behalf of Myself and Corey, may you attain the freedom, and the necessary tools for spiritual freedom and mastery;

Keep Up the Good Work Folks, You Know Who You Are!

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