Affirmations For Living, January 15, 2014
Two thousand years ago, the Archangel Gabriel announced the coming of a new age with the birth of Jesus, the Christ. Now, Gabriel is proclaiming a new 2,000 year age, one of man's spiritual unity. This New Age was born January 23, 1997, when planets aligned to form a six point star, the same configuration that announced Jesus' birth 2,000 years ago.
In this New Age, humans will follow the pattern of self mastery that Jesus demonstrated to awaken the soul. This, Gabriel says, is the Second Coming. It is not, "The Christ, the man, coming to rescue and save you...What he was telling you was that the Christ lies within you. You are the Christ. The time in evolution has come for the Christ Consciousness, the soul, to awaken in all humankind. We come to give you the step-by-step process for the awakening of the Christ Consciousness in all humanity."
Guest, Joel D Anastasi

JOEL D. ANASTASI is the author of THE SECOND COMING: THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL PROCLAIMS A NEW AGE. The book is based on interviews conducted over several years with the Archangel Gabriel through trance channel Robert Baker.
Joel has adapted Michael's teachings to create a powerful new self-study program called, LIFE MASTERY: CREATING YOUR LIFE AND THE COURAGE TO LIVE IT. He recently published with channel Jessie Keener THE ASCENSION HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO YOUR ECSTATIC UNION WITH GOD based on channeled messages from the combined energies of Mary the Mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, his spouse.
Joel has been a news reporter, magazine editor, VP at a major financial organization and a management consultant working with a wide range of organizations from Fortune 500 companies to small non-profits. He holds a BS degree in Economics from Syracuse University and an MS degree from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.
Affirmations For Living

Each week you’re invited to join in on our upbeat discussion as we look deeper into spiritual based principles that can change your life. For it’s your birthright to live with passion and purpose, and to prosper! If you want to learn how to connect to your true authentic-self, and become aware of your Higher-Self, then this is the right place for you!
We have reached the dawning of a new day. What does life look like for you? Do you have the vision to create powerful moments each day in your life? Are you ready to stand up and be the change that you’ve been waiting for? Are you ready to go within, deep within to those places you’ve been hiding from? We will share the tools that will support the manifestation of your dreams and desires!