Reaching For The Gold, April 8, 2014
Reaching For The Gold with Harriet Tramer, with special guests, Scott Penwell and Suzanne Caplan
My two guests are both concerned with keeping seniors "safe." But they express very different concepts of that term. Suzanne Caplan is concerned with making certain seniros remain physically secure in their homes. Scott Penwell, however, concentrates upon internet security, so that traveling through cyberspace can be an adventure - not a danger - for people of all ages.
Guest, Suzanne Caplan

The Community Center for Aging in Place (CCAIP) has one major goal in mind: upgrading services available to Southwestern Pennsylvania seniors. Suzanne Caplan who serves as the Founder and CEO of CCAIP comes to this position with a rich array of experience. The author of 13 books on business techniques, she has created and presented seminars throughout the US and the UK. Suzanne has also worked to educate and encourage older entrepreneurs and to implement strategies that will help to make small businesses more efficient.
Reaching For The Gold

A publishing journalist and a college instructor Harriet finds that these two careers have much in common as they both demand honing communication skills every day. Harriet instructs her students almost exclusively online and her writing is published in print and over the web. Times change but the need to speak to your audience by being concise, yet intriguing, is key.