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Reach For It Radio Show, May 21, 2015

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Reach For It Radio Show
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Space Clearing with Sound

Create Sacred Space with Sound. Space Clearing is essential for your home and office to clear stuck or negative energies. Did you know that sound can be one of the most effective ways to clear a space!  Learn about different techniques you can use to create a Sacred Space in your home, office and in your own body! Ted Winslow is involved in research and development of healing frequencies used in sound healing. Learn about his recent research at one of the Vortexes in Sedona. 

Headlined Show, Reach For It Radio Show May 21, 2015

Solfeggio Sound Healing
Broadcast Date

Creating sacred space and clearing lower energies through sound healing. Do you ever notice how some houses or offices just "feel" good? Or how other buildings, houses or places feel uncomfortable, negative, aggitating or just creepy? Spaces hold energy and we are easily affected by these positive or negative energies. Learn about space clearing, raising the vibration of your home and office and how to use sound healing and other tools to change the space for a more loving and healing environment. Ted Winslow is joining us with his sound healing research, live callers receive a free mp3 copy of his latest sound healing CD!

Guest, Ted Winslow

Guest Name
Ted Winslow
Ted Winslow
Guest Occupation
musician, producer, audio engineer, sound healer
Guest Biography

Ted Winslow is a producer, audio engineer, musician, singer, songwriter and vocal coach. Ted holds a BS in Music & Audio Engineering from the University of Colorado and has over 25 years in the music business starting his career in an 80's rock band. Ted runs Big Country Productions where he produces commercials, music, builds custom internet tv stations, records & produces audio books, live streams events around the world and conducts research on sound healing frequencies through music. In addition to his internationally acclaimed "Vocalist Scales & Intervals" voice coaching CD series, he has released "Solfeggio Sound Healing from Earthly Frequencies" and "Armonia, Sound Healing from Divine Frequencies" available on iTunes, amazon, Tower Records and worldwide distribution. 

Reach For It Radio Show

Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow, banner
Show Host
Christina Calisto Winslow

Reach For It Radio™ is a live weekly broadcast on BBS Radio, hosted by best selling author Christina Calisto Winslow. Tune in every Thursday at 11am PST, 2pm ET, for an enlightening and entertaining hour about life, love, finances, spirituality, health, and business as Christina challenges the status quo. This show is dedicated to assisting listeners to reach higher to attain what they really want out of life. Christina brings no-nonsense and practical tools to her listeners though her interviews with great thinkers, healers, and spiritual teachers of the world combined with her intuitive coaching abilities. Callers will be given the assistance to remove blocks and become empowered to see what is actually possible in their life. Reach For It Radio™ is a catalyst for change and provides new ways for you to reach for the stars!

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