Sound Healing with David Gibson
At Peace in Your Own Vibration, Sound, Love and Relationships
Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck
Title: Listen to the Sound of Silence
Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle and guest Brian David Anderson
Paradigm Shifterse is delighted to include, Brian David Anderson, Inventor of subtle energy tools using specific frequencies to aiign with and create coherence that leads the body through blocks that keep us unwell. Or maybe it is about evolution.
Brian has been on the show through the years always adding advancing healing tools to the magic of purified water, - a wetter water - through to stem cell healing using GEOMETRICS, sound, and technolocy.
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld interviewing Kathleen Marden
Sound can be a little uneven
Science Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse and Tim Leach of SomaEnergetics welcomes Randall Loop of the Spiritual Healers Professional Learning Institute. Discussion included Natural Therapists Licensing and Certification, Course for Natural Therapists, SomaEnergetics philosophy of Healing and more.
Science Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse and Tim Leach of SomaEnergetics explore the principles behind SomaEnergetics Vibrational Energy work and the training and certification options available.
Science Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse
Topic: Time Will Be No More
Science Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse
Topic: Energetic Perception of Life
Science Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse
Science Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse
Topic: Left Brain, Right Brain.