RADIO TONI, March 31, 2021
RADIO TONI with Toni Lontis
Welcome and intro – Listening live on FB, LI we have my EVA Pao ready and waiting to respond to your comments and questions with website links etc, like subscribe and email,, big shout out and thankyou.
Today’s guest is an author, Sharmin Smith Survivor. Author. Mom. Citizen. Proud advocate for human rights and fighting for the unheard.
Sharmin Smith is on a mission to share her wisdom gained through her unique experiences. Shining a light in the darkness that exists in some of society is her calling! She is an abortion survivor and was raised by a mother who did not want her. She shares her story to help other people who have dealt with family trauma get through their pain.
When she reached adulthood, she became a financial services expert. Sharmin has met many teams of people in the industry and is sought after for her experience in the financial industry.
Due to childhood trauma, Sharmin was diagnosed with PTSD. Eventually leaving the financial industry, Sharmin took up writing as a form of therapy.
In early 2015, Sharmin published the book “Taming The Tida,” about a reality tv show called “Who wants to be president?” In this story, a childhood trauma survivor runs for President against Hillary Clinton and runs on an anti-pedophile platform. Sharmin highlights serious changes that need to happen in our system, intending to make her readers think outside of the box! What started as one book turned into three! Sharmin later continued her 2015 book as a series, calling it the “Change the World” trilogy
It’s a while since we spoke together and I invited you on the show, I’m so glad to have you here today. First up lets tackle the difficult things early.
Can you tell the audience about growing up? Life did not begin easy for you did it?
Can we talk about “mother wounds” – what does that mean for you sharmin?
When did healing start for you?
Moving into adulthood what sparked the interest I the finance industry?
The books – can you tell the audience about the process of deciding to write?
Tell the audience about your fist book, Taming the Tida, it’s a wonderful title?
There are more books in the pipeline can you tell us about those?
How did you arrive at the unique subject matter of the books?
Lets skip to the campaign for the presidency in 2018 – how did the QAnon connection arise and how devastating was that for you?
How on earth did you extricate yourself from these people?
What does Sharmin stands for? - is prochoice because she knows what it’s like to be born to a mother who doesn’t want you and a father who wants you for all the wrong reasons.
Why do you support the death penalty? She supports the death penalty for pedophiles & believes that if we shine a light in the darkest corners of our society we can end this nightmare in our lifetime.
How do you believe we can all have a better future? Sharmin believes we have a rare opportunity to address our societal issues so that we can have a better future. Victims of sexual abuse deserve justice and those who falsely accuse others of this crime deserve to be punished.
What does the future hold for the dynamic, irrepressible Sharmin?
These questions are just a guide – follow my lead and we will have an intuitive and insightful discussion. We will keep the conversation organic and it will flow where its meant to, Sharmin.
Links for Jenn and Pao and LinkedIn business page
Some further information...

Radio Toni is hosted by Toni Lontis, author of Resilience – Memoir of a broken little girl discovering a women of strength and beauty. She is Australia’s rising talkback radio queen, who is not afraid to facilitate interviews across the more difficult conversations of our day, bringing her brand of social consciousness to the airwaves.
Radio Toni is a community of like-minded people who are dedicated to making their life journey inspirational, wanting to leave a legacy for others.
Toni is an inspirational woman who has dedicated her life’s work to helping women and the men who love them to find their passion, purpose and voice.
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