The Power Hour, October 7, 2024
The Power Hour with Guest Hosts of Distinction
Guest Host, Don Jeffries
Headlined Show, The Power Hour October 7, 2024

Guest hosting The Power Hour today is Donald Jeffries, author of the critically acclaimed best seller "Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover Ups in American Politics.
Guest, Donald Jeffries

DONALD JEFFRIES was inspired by a diverse and ecclectic group of authors like Charles Dickens, Madeline L'Engle, Edward Eager, George Orwell, Kurt Vonnegut, Bram Stoker, Charles Fort and Ambrose Bierce. The Unreals was published in 2007 and has been compared to the television shows The Twilight Zone and X-Files, as well as the classic fairy tales The Wizard of Oz and Alice In Wonderland.
Jeffries has spent many years researching the assassination of John F. Kennedy and other significant historical and political events. Various conspiracies and unexplained, fortean-style phenomena play a strong role in his writing.
ABOUT Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics by Donald Jeffries...
The US government has spent half the time covering up conspiracies as it has spent helping the American people. In Hidden History, you will see the amount of effort over the past fifty years that our government has dedicated to lying and covering up the truth to the world.
Starting with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Don Jeffries chronicles a wide variety of issues that have plagued our country’s history. Whether it’s the assassinations of MLK and RFK, Iran-Contra, the Oklahoma City bombing, TWA Flight 800, voting fraud, or 9/11, every major disaster or war that we’ve witnessed has somehow been distorted by those who are supposed to be protecting us.
Jeffries also delves into extensive research on the death of John F. Kennedy Jr., and you’ll be shocked by what he finds out.
So whether you’ve only heard bits and pieces of these stories or have read several books on the topics, Hidden History is the book that belongs in every conspiracy theorist’s library, as the information included in this encyclopedia has never been collected together in any other published work available. So sit down, strap in, and get ready to be shocked and awed by how much has been hidden from you by our government over the past fifty years.
The Power Hour

The Power Hour began in 2000, becoming a voice for all veterans and truth seekers. Two decades later the original voices have faded, yet their legacies are responsible for validating what is now known as independent media.
For the past 20 years The Power Hour has focused on subjects which inform and educate about the real challenges we face as a nation.
Come join us as we discuss current events, the Constitution, natural health solutions, and more with the best experts on radio. Learn from some of the most insightful commentators you’ll find on talk radio.
The Power Hour has interviewed some of the top guests in the Truth movement, here are just a few:
- Ron Paul: Author, activist, physician and retired politician who served as the U.S. representative for Texas's 22nd congressional district
- Sean Spicer: Former White House Press Secretary
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Politician, environmental lawyer, anti-vaccine activist
- Donald Jeffries: A JFK assassination researcher since the mid-1970s. His first novel, "The Unreals," was published in 2007. His first nonfiction book, "Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics," was released in 2014 and quickly became a best-seller.
- Alex Jones: host of the Alex Jones Show
- John Whitehead: Attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law, human rights and popular culture & founder of The Rutherford Institute
- Jennifer O’Neill: Actress who portrays Nelle Wilson Reagan, mother to Ronald Reagan, in the REAGAN Movie
- Dr. Edward Group: Creator of Global Healing Center and Healing for the Ages conference
- G. Edward Griffin: Creator of the RedPill Expo, RedPill University and author of the well-know book “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve”
- Clay Clark: ReAwaken American tour founder
- Richard Mack: Creator of Constitutional Sheriffs Peace Officers Association. He is an Author/speaker and former sheriff
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Cleveland-area osteopathic physician and outspoken anti-vaccine advocate
- Ammon Bundy: Idaho Gubernatorial Candidate Ammon Bundy & leader the 2016 occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.
- Jeanette Finnicum: Daughter of LaVoy Finnicum (occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January 2016. After it began, the occupying force organized itself as the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, of which Finicum was a spokesman. He was the only fatality of the occupation)
- William J. Federer: Historian, best-selling author and nationally known speaker
- Dr. Cass Ingram: Natural preventive medicine pioneer. Prolific author and educator in functional foods and holistic medicine.
- Patricia Bragg: Author, and health consultant. She served as the chief executive officer of Bragg Live Food Products and books, and chairperson of the Bragg Health Institute
- Susan Olsen: Actress who played Cindy Brady on "The Brady Bunch"
- Tony Lions: Founder of Skyhorse Publishing (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s publisher)
- Alex Newman: Award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant
- James Corbett: The Corbett Report
- Ken McCarthy: Brasscheck TV. Ken was one of the original pioneers of the movement to commercialize the Internet. He sponsored the first conference on the subject of the Web’s commercial potential in 1994 with the then 23 year old co-founder of Netscape.
- Dane Wigington: Lead researcher for (started in 2009) and has investigated all levels of geo engineering from stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) to HAARP.
- Troy Miller: President & CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB)
- Cheryl K. Chumley: Opinion editor, commentary writer and host of the “Bold and Blunt”
- Dr. Pierre Kory: President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
- Del Bigtree: One of the preeminent voices of the Vaccine Risk Awareness Movement & Producer of the VAXXED film
- Joel Karsten: Author of Straw Bale Gardening
- Joe Cross: the Fat Sick, and Nearly Dead film
- Dr. Naomi Wolf: Rhodes Scholar and a Yale graduate. She's written eight nonfiction bestsellers, about women's issues and civil liberties, and is the CEO of, a news site and legislative database in which actual US state and Federal legislation is shared digitally and read and explained weekly
- Joe Hickman: Whistleblower and author of Based on thousands of government documents, over five hundred in-depth medical case studies, and interviews with more than one thousand veterans and active-duty GIs, The Burn Pits will shock the nation.