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Paradigm Shifters, November 3, 2015

Veronica Entwistle
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Paradigm Shifters
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with guest Karen Tate

Interview with Karen Tate - Karen is an independent scholar, speaker, radio show host, published author, and social justice activist. Karen's body of work blends her experiences of women-centered multiculturalism evident in archaeology, anthropology and mythology with her unique academic and literary talents and travel experience throughout the world.

Guest, Karen Tate

Guest Name
Karen Tate
Karen Tate
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Independent scholar, public speaker, radio show host, published author, and social justice activist,
Guest Biography

An independent scholar, speaker, radio show host, published author, and and social justice activist, Karen's body of work blends her experiences of women-centered multiculturalism evident in archaeology, anthropology and mythology with her unique academic and literary talents and travel experience throughout the world. Her first book, Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations has garnered prestigious endorsements, while her second book, Walking an Ancient Path, Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, was a finalist in the National Best Books of 2008 Awards. Tate's work has been highlighted in the Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times and other major newspapers. Her new book, Goddess Calling, Inspirational Messages and Meditations of Sacred Feminine LIberation Thealogy is due out in early 2014. She is interviewed regularly in print, on television and on national public radio and hosts her own radio show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine considered a treasure trove of insight and wisdom for our time. Her work has segued into writing, producing and consulting on projects which bring the ideals and awareness of the Sacred Feminine into the mainstream world through television and film. She can be seen in the new documentary, Femme, Women Healing the World, produced by Wonderland Entertainment.

Karen spends much of her time giving interviews, teaching, and lecturing at private and public educational and spiritual institutions, temples and churches; such as Joseph Campbell Roundtables, The Gaia Festival, Loyola Marymont College and the American Academy of Religion.  She guest ministers at Unitarian Universalist Churches, The Goddess Center of So. California and Sacred Sundays. She has received acclaim for reviving the Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum as well as the Rise UP and Call Her Name course.

Her published articles have appeared in both domestic and international publications since 1995. She is on the Editorial Board of the journal, Goddess Theology and a founding Board of Directors member of the Institute for Theology and Deasophy. She is currently a contributing writer to Sacred History Magazine, Mystic Pop, Circle News, the Beltane Papers, and other domestic and international print and online magazines. Karen is a contributing writer to the follwoing books: Heart of a Woman in Business, Waters of Life, Goddess Guide to Business Bliss and Jesus Through Pagan Eyes.

An independent scholar of the Sacred Feminine for over twenty-five years, an ordained minister, and graduate of The Women's Theological Institute, specializing in Goddess and Women's Spirituality, Karen's particular emphasis is on the roles of women and the study of comparative religions and ancient cultures in a modern or reconstructed context. For her significant contributions in bringing the Sacred Feminine to both academia and the lived experiences of women and men through active ministry, sacred tours, books and radio, Ocean Seminary College proudly conferred upon Rev. Karen Tate a Doctorate of Ministry in Thealogy. It is no surprise then that she is the Founder of the educational, art, and cultural organization, The Isis Ancient Cultures Society, which organized public events around the Los Angeles area for more than ten years. She is also a Founder of Sacred Sundays and Wisdom Circles.

As the Los Angeles Women’s and Goddess Spirituality columnist for The Examiner she regularly covers events in Southern California related to spirituality, women's issues, political activism and arts and culture. As a spiritual tour leader, sacred journeys she has led and organized have itineraries that circle the globe and she continues bringing the like-minded to sacred sites to experience the joy of purposeful travel.  

With this deep well of experience and rich tapestry of scholarship fueling her passions, Karen has segued to the next level in her career as a writer/producer/creative consultant on projects introducing ideals and awareness of the Sacred Feminine to the mainstream world. Recognizing the importance of the vital and vibrant vehicle that is television and film, Karen uses this new canvas to responsibly influence contemporary thought geared toward life-affirming mythology that encourages discussion and raises awareness, the goal of mythologists of the new millennium.

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Paradigm Shifters

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle
Show Host
Veronica Entwistle

Shift out of the dog-eat-dog mentality and transcend to a higher paradigm of love, collective empowerment & global consciousness.

When we are having relationship problems, or lack of money or health, these are all expressions of subtle energy fields that hold programs, either our own or of the collective, or a combination of the two.

LISTEN TO: Paradigm Shifters. CALL IN: and feel the freedom as Veronica and her loving guides tangibly identify and release the energetic bindings that restrict your expression of self.

It is Veronica’s politics, maybe yours too, to move beyond the limitations that keep us poor, trapped in the social consciousness of war, power over, greed, hopeless politics. When we learn to live with the expanded consciousness of our higher selves, and the beings of the higher realms, we enter the potential of multidimensionality, releasing the binding energies from genetics to mental and emotional reactiveness and to - all ways - all ways feel loved.

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