Out of This World Radio, December 12, 2020
Out of This World Radio "Spanish Show" with Ted Mahr and guests Michiko Hayashi, Emoto Peace Project and Spanish interpreter, Teresita Landin.
Teresita Landin (Spanish Interpreter)
Ms. Landin has been working at Woodland Star for the past two years as an English Language Assistant, Resource Assistant and substitute teacher. In addition to continuing with her EL and Resource work, she will be teaching Kindergarten and third grade Spanish. She has been a parent in our community for the past four years and brings a deep multi-cultural understanding to her teaching and to our community. Ms. Landin earned her Bachelors degree in Science and Elementary Education from Pacific Union College in Angwin, CA
Michiko Hayashi
Everything is vibration. Vibration is energy and information. Water absorbs all vibration. It is mainstream science that water has memory and transmits information. Our consciousness, thoughts, emotions, words, actions are vibration which affects water. As both human body and surface of the earth are almost 70% water , they affect our life, health, environment and ultimately the Mother Earth. Water shows in its crystalline structures how powerful our consciousness is and shows how we can live so that we can be healthy, happy, harmonious, and so can Mother Earth as well.
Michiko Hayashi is the Global Director and Ambassador of “EMOTO PEACE PROJECT”. Worked as the late Dr. Masaru Emoto’s personal assistant for 10 years. He was the founder of the Emoto Peace Project, pioneer of HADO (vibration), researcher of water, and author of world best-seller “The Message from Water”, “The Hidden Messages in Water”. She is the successor of his legacy. www.EmotoPeaceProject.net
YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/8FldE9v3YrI
Out of This World Radio

The program focuses on out of this world information, including psychic phenomena, UFOs, metaphysics, and predictions for the coming years in the United States planet Earth, and beyond. The purpose of my show is to make this world a much better and happier place! Thanks to the internet, we are one of the fastest growing psychic, UFO and metaphysical radio programs with listeners in over 200+ countries worldwide, with over 100,000+ listeners!
Suggestions and Comments
The purpose of this radio program is to raise consciousness and to bring love and light to our listening audience.
Branson welcome to out of this world radio this is my special Spanish and English version of the show Spanglish Espanol ES en espanol de me programa out-of-this-world English
combination of both and I want to thank teresita's so much for all of her beautiful translations I really appreciate always appreciate her help us explain Yoli English witcha Mexico of the immortal peace project will join us from Tokyo on peace peace project project Immortal peace project essay Michigan of us had a companion that way for so much for their beautiful love and support for this program
I'm trying to be better today and not speak so long so Teresita can translate a great job. Thank you I'm holding myself back to sleep the purpose of this is to make this world a better place and I know that if we all work together we can create a much better and happier World shows are supported by losing your contributions and if you'd like to donate please go to my website says out of this world radio. Net and this is a goose and a country where is out of this world radio punto net
punto punto net and I'll put it on put it on the check okay okay thank you so much I appreciate it but I'm done when I do not see on the scene, lettuce and miss or cincuenta dolares a line you run on Mondays from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Central European Time the times Tedford lord always sure it's a actually make it easier noon to 2 p.m. Pacific time Vienna Vienna Austria Los Lunas De La Sierra
Christian Services Program has illustrations out of this world radio go to queue he was my special guest today I want some Mitchy to lead on some prayers from Fukushima I'll be starting to I want to clean up Focus shame it's been like 10 years next March and I know that our prayer prayers are very powerful and if you could lead off prayers today for Fukushima cleanup Fukushima that be great in that she and I want everyone to join us please please start Astro visit antibiotic you and Steven Moses and Cesar Diaz and use the internet in Michigan
we just got our asses when a woman embracing peace project projector emoticon lapis Evo in Astoria
my name is Mika Hayashi from it with the peace project in Tokyo and today I am joining you to to give this some water prayer for Fukushima Japan Sunday Vientos 2002 Prius I have this training for the 528 Hertz Crystal kinetic Crystal the apothem Este Amor in Las vacaciones De Amor para mandar el amor eterno
Sun going to play this attorney for 528 Hertz it's a last-minute frequency so I will play this so that I can send love to everyone all around the world through water and air to please close your eyes and visualize and vision that the world has become a peaceful place in wrapped in a gold and gold and a vibration
water and Mother Earth
white Marlin theater
water and Mother Earth please forgive us water and Mother Earth
we thank you so much I want your mother theater.
water and Mother Earth we love you so much I want you mad at your mom
water and Mother Earth we are very sorry I want amolatina. Los Encinos mucho
water and Mother Earth please forgive us I want your mother to daughter and mother earth we thank you so much I want you mad at your Aunt Agatha Samos mucho
water and Mother Earth we love you so much I want you mad at the other your mom has more water and Mother Earth we are very sorry I want your mother.
Watch her and Mother Earth please forgive us I want a mother theater water and Mother Earth we thank you so much I want you mad at you.
water and Mother Earth we love you so much I want in my Doterra
please send a lot lots of your love and gratitude to its mother earth to water all water all around the world and visualize that the Earth is wrapped in the golden golden light
thank you so much and your website is triple w. O w. A moto moto
E M little peace project day of peace project status. Net internet thank you you can blame me if you like emot o peace peace project.net from water from from that site and do in espanol tambien he's also got it in Spanish as well so that's beautiful
thank you great great well let's now move on to thank you so much Miss you for sharing that it's always always wonderful to have your beautiful prayers in the part of the program admission Kapoor compartir El taconazo Christian prayers
I'd like to welcome my special guest to who's who's a graciously agreed to come on the show today we've got lots of questions from our listeners Q how are you doing today my friend like you game we amablemente as a tostada con Nosotros y
beautiful day to you my unconditional love to you can you hear it's okay
we couldn't hear Q very well okay anyway he's been called off to something important so we will try him again in the future so I just something just came up and he had to leave so that's okay we'll carry on no worries
Eleuthera massage on our own here can you hear me now is this possible
it was kind of low for 6 fine okay I've got it I've got it up.
anyway we are entering a very interesting time in our Earth history where where we are on the verge we are starting to a Sims right now important yesterday planeta esta pasando en Este momento and it's it's the amount of time it takes for this solar system to go around the central Sun twice is the planet Earth para dos veces
and I'm so I've waited a long time for this moment in human history 2000 years waiting for this moment in history 26,000 years is millennials
so it's a very important time in human history and we've all waited a long time for this moment what is the moment oh I think during this hour I'd like to just talk about the Ascension and what we can do to make this planet a better place you look at those Palermo's hacer para do that and it supposed to reflect in as to what kind of world we want to make a Nosotros mismos en la conoci en Este Mundo del mundo sorry what did you say about
what time for everyone but it's at least has given us a time to be at home and be with our families have time to reflect and meditate on what kind of world we want to create. What kind of future you want for yourselves and the world
and I talked about this before but this. From 2015 to 2030
is the most stressful time in history for many thousands of years and all of that time. 20/20 is the most stressful year okay I'm just want to make sure I hope this is better I forgot that my cruiser says my volume is low but I've got it turned up to the to the maximum so voluminous
and so anyway I hope you can hear me now okay so my apologies for the bottom of all these years this this year is the most stressful year at with last month and this month being the most stressful months for many thousands of years my sister sister s antes De Meet the Millers anos
and so we just have to all maintain a positive Viewpoint about the future in the last couple days. Parte Del Pais ship station off of Oregon Washington and California on the Pacific coast and all the Atlantic
there are
there are Fleet Station off of New Jersey and New York
So and I've been told that these are from not necessarily from China but just cabal who want to attack the United States is the first time in American history and certainly since the last since World War II where we've had all these ships suddenly off our Coast Division Estados unidos E definitiva mentiras de La Segunda Guerra Mundial De Los Estados unidos in the whole issues with the u.s. election as well
where you have video tapes of of fake votes being being part of being being counted as part of the regular balance Jonas video grabaciones de personas photos as the illegal in many many states especially Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and Michigan State Washington Georgia Washington Georgia Pennsylvania sunny and the Michigan Michigan votes fake fake fake ballots take boats added to the electron
headed to the voting system they bought us pesos $100 in SSI videos of people actually falsifying the boats than do Pacific and Oasis water
yo en cuando Este o m n t s time it comes before the US Supreme Court deciding on the case of the election fraud email kroka Vista water I so I think it'll be
will be getting a lot more information certainly in the coming weeks and months since I seen President Trump still getting inaugurated as the for a second term in January next month a in Aurora but I won't ask again Auto Center Trauma Center skip Pamela Harris is in Lavista president of inviting if you've been elected vice president you wouldn't she would resign her senate seat
Suavemente quando quando I see the election. Como Es El Presidente de rusia 02 Puesto and Elsa
but she hasn't she still kept her senate seat I don't know why it should be attending supuesto in Ensenada once she resigns her senate seat then she would be eligible for two or three million dollars as the new vice president so it tells me that she knows she's not going to be the vice president next month so you can you can you know I mean she can bacon Biden can talk all about becoming the next president next month but not even
vice president Kamala Harris has taken the steps to to assume the position of Vice President Biden receive Visa president Iran in Seattle supposed to stay with the with the balloting here in the US President Trump sobre Este ano
and so what I've been told is that President Trump had the real ballots printed up with a special watermark
Interlochen Mandy Choice Calle Presidente eat real estate real estate
so you can tell the difference he could tell the difference between the real balance and the fake ballots were actually printed in China Mandy chokoloskee boletos S5 so sweet and so it's very easy for the military or anyone else looking at these balance detergent chart to determine which ones were fake which ones were in orbit El gobierno de terminar cuales son los pasos
sorry say that again oh my gosh you know what's wrong with me right now so he gave me the water I'm drinking her water right now yes I'm so everything is very it's very interesting right now it's all right yeah well. I had to run my Miami show a couple of weeks ago and she was so good she's a certified how do instructor and also has a very specialized how to machine and she program water for you well that's great for Olivia Rutledge gets to work on uncircumcised penis is Stevia is the Montana
Ramona what they got that one right right so that's wonderful dr. Emoto found that everything was Jato or vibration I don't see that as an option or vibration you can help many people with any physical or spiritual condition I think a cuanto esta la vie Brazilian or hot and you're probably your body is adjusting to it now it is
okay if I apologize okay but thank you you were talking about something else is that okay though
I want you to look for I see that I think you would sell from the 5th of April
and what I'm doing is trying to heal and healing the Mother Earth with this but how do machine is called vibrational machine
okay when did you start doing that sorry started on the 5th of April we should go and posole El Quinto debris and Cynthia Salas de maquinas para limpiar Las relaciones because the Mother Earth has its own life it's a living entity living entity has life Eddie has Consciousness also he's a mechanic conciencia
and he has the surface of the Earth is 70% water instead and is sitting tacos in 2 hours so what I'm doing is I am putting the the picture of the Earth on the map on the machine and sunset stone color candle candle planeta en la makina and spending we have had to close the 5 digit codes the numbers I I caught a ghost say Cinco numeros standing because everything is vibration ethology Brazilian everything has the codes on vibration on example my emotions like anger has anger vibration
clothes and things for the hemp law in Illinois for Aida Rodriguez pacificamente para Ella
or we can say happiness also has cooked code or what is Felicity that Alyssa. San Diego or has the mood for this Cup O tambien tenemos un codigo para solicitar and organs also we have there are more than 100,000 codes I must see in milk only goes so what I do is I put the codes for whole button Pono we did I'm sorry please forgive me I love you and I thank you gracias Mi Amor te amo gracias
can I put the codes for immunity boost up the community of the earth Italian Pongo Los codigos de inmunidad kit para elevar is the lost my money. Also I put them to codes for covid-19 and also 5G if I'm going to call you about a single hair to neutralize all these negative vibration to the to neutralize everything but apology note release are Tauruses and if he escaped
so I sent that energy to the Mother Earth as he can be heroes and if he has not only Mother Earth but all living beings also get the recipe and it will collectively change the vibration of the earth Eva esol Christian Dela Cara so I'm I do that everyday for the 5th of April SE que estas haciendo El Sol in today will be 250 350 third day and don'ts as always by said the other ciento cincuenta tres
thank you for a hydration is because we have
are organ or everything is made up with that atoms look at the name was knossos Orlando's The Alchemist around around one atom there's some like electron-electron s e s s Electronics in Logan Paul Campbell when they are moving their making sound also equal Electronics in Wellington Brian Arsenault client we do we cannot hear it I don't know what has no problem whatsoever this is on you know by Iration makes sound and vibration there's everything is vibration be Bastion Bebe recien creosote Nito Nito Los Bebes recien porque todos in women
that's why we can tell that we are vibration also are vibrating every single moment or even in a shorter times he will how we feel are really creepy changing ourselves and our surroundings Spencer Mosley location Team Jose armenta esta cambiando nostro ambiente new Santos restaurant or no
so if we are feeling happy or if we are spilling confident or something positive were making that world I suggest you know when those Infamous esta bien Nosotros estamos Grand OS El Mundo fuera de Nosotros everything is Mother Earth has Consciousness also communicating with the worst is fear and yellow because we were raised
based on fear by SIA on a Kenmore that's why we feel scared about many things but insulting memos muchas cosas sin Seno's me about the news about covid-19 school Channel sobre La noticias de covid-19 audience in we feel kind of refill worried about the numbers we we we feel scared about being in the people with a virus know something must be cool follow that has no Meadows Italian restaurant on Beatles
Not Me Maybe not you but many people many people are he says you're no king size futon Poco pero mucha Gente SE so you know Institute we took the water crystal picture of covid-19 as you can also Trust on u.s. 22 tomamos una foto de El Cristal they're covered is Norman it's not really broken he's not ugly. You know Sofia water is saying that covid-19 is not that bad recently
Anton says location of moisture is the essence of it no es tan Malo original Mente when everything is born or created or born naturally born nothing is good or bad everything is neutral NADA is window on my locked photos not in neutral when they're born they are born here to be on the NASA logo NASA solamente para Ser good or bad or something in their own way its environment they don't look at La Cumbia algo Bueno o Malo es el ambiente with the covid-19
simple us too if we were if I was raised with love a lot of love I become to be the person who can give her and be happy and Buster's Concord Regional Airport employees, you'll see you're not see that but if I if I were raised without being scolded or or being said ugly things mean things are awesome where are the other the Colossus malus porque SE me lastima remediate then I will be to be such a person also and Princess voice actress l e said una Persona SE
I meant entonces Todo depende Del ambiente to give much love to babies when they're born but it's just an important a condom baby nursery rhyme without covid-19 or recently it was like this but when we add it covid-19 with fear it goes really agree like this is Al, just know what negative energy that gave to this covid-19 entonces among the motorcycle and the more I see is take over the Hudson River is located your super Dash
senso the governments around the world by emphasizing the fear all the time and process, and the mass media especially here in the United States about this virus I'll continue Star Elementary in Siberia Russian electric Quincy when I translate I catch myself
transmitting list fear they make it much worse and thought they would they would send send positive thoughts and positive messages rather than fear to everyone in One do a seminarian mensajes positivos cosas Buenas para la Gente make this planet a better place
is 2 to send what did you say to you and that is an SMS a hippo sativa Mexico por que Manda un mensaje positivo okay and I would like to show it just a little bit is this after after this some fear covid-19 and fear we took fear out of this and then replaced with covid-19 and love and gratitude and see how beautiful brilliant water made this poison que esta no sin for commotion and cover this American 10 more info camos
can I walk on a stick over this is a 4-month to San Mateo if we are in the state of love and gratitude highest vibration and sunset Lopez and
then our immune system is high and wrong sistema inmune or so it doesn't matter whether we have the virus around us or not and busted my importa SI tenemos and beetles are also know but what happens if a lot of times we don't have the symptoms and how much as this is so so which is just about the choice that we make which one would you like love and gratitude or fear and don'ts SS on the pendant that they let us and get us. Con Amore gratitude open tomorrow
every second is the choice we make the CDs
because we're thinking all the time feeling something all the time or let me creating my reality estamos constantemente random no start
let's choose a positive decision positive thinking positive emotion and the more we think positive the more we feel positive then that energy expands i c k a p p y menta para Traer algo positivo para que es Jose music around the world by putting up love and gratitude stickers that would raise vibration in lower case o significado para los centros De Salud instead iPhone Airport have blown a command economy
let me tell you a little story in Nevada Nevada to a doctor there it was fitting Rose
and I rent I met a doctor there who was using rose oil to treat skin cancer and I asked him how does this work
and he said that cancer cells vibrate at 2 Hertz very low vibration are those are so scarce won't even move out during High vibration idle Santos eres dios que es La Cita Rosa is the Olympian it was really able to help people and see how you go with Lisa Sasso in the MercyMe album Manchester Grande on Pastor Maldonado
the vibration of Love is it 528 Hertz Newport e quando with Alyssa's essay
is instrumento what what do you call it if I saw no harm how many hertz is it it's how many hertz on 28th in electing and Toes monkey Ocho s you hit the two together this is a Marine Crystal from Mount Shasta full of love
Los cuantos es en cuatro Vientos
so that in theory this should also help people as well very much help he told me many times love is the most powerful force in the universe is possible they do say that the universal
I talked about I talked about here's the book here I talked about how he wrote a letter to his daughter in 1955 as we saw and illenium you know the ciento cincuenta 55 or 52 I forgot his daughter listeral to hold the letter for 30 years and release it in 1985 of nuclear arms negotiation between the US and the USSR
cuando salio La Carta this was a 1995 you sent a cuanto esta hablando sobre el profesor 30 years into the future Einstein saying that I can use as your photo releasing this letter at just the right time in human history of money that would help both the Americans and the Russians but I do that but a poder tener in Paris
yeah and that's what yeah he's telling me that he's here now that's what he said that's why he asked to his daughter to release 30 years later in 1985 BC and Natalie. Ellis Oso para que Esta Esta instead of trading a bomb of Destruction destruction do you say k w I really appreciate it I couldn't do it
so and I can't speak Japanese future there's not going to be languages so I'm looking forward to that let's put it that way probably in about three to four years will just be communicating telepathically and we'll just sit here until just sent.
can actually a message I want to give to all my beautiful Hispanic blisters and Central Mexico and Central and South America I mean scientists instead Latino Latino Latinos instead of Mexico centroamerica soon America I think I think people in the in Hispanic in the Hispanic World in Central and South America and Mexico Mexico Central America is America than we do in North America and in order to ascend to the higher dimensions
is Mas importante revered as El Corazon Canada to Metallica
there are places in North America sending now and next year's Sedona Willis and then this time Michigan but I think as a whole Mexico Central America and South America America America would likely a send first before North America in General Santos and North America just because so many people live closer to their heart or gay
Saint Pius X Jonas but that's why I started the show because I think there's a lot very large me to spiritual communities in Mexico Central and South America embassy's the program en espanol Gratis and Mexico Central America sued America Albert Einstein he said even though he had his theory of relativity horse dijo que area es Tiempo de mucho Mas poderoso powerful force more powerful force was love my split also is a most
so he said that if we are if we are going to survive we are going to find meaning in life and contrast sentido a la Vida love is the one and only answer and I'm not a word you said everyone carries within them a small a purple generator of love we can all generate live in Canada or more people than mascara demo
so I'm all of us should spread as much love around the world as possible during these difficult times and ECC because no matter what political party or with or where you live in the world. Dentro de Nosotros and once you realize that
Econo desk on Teresa and Professor Einstein and if you attack someone else he seems like you're really just attacking yourself and any of that
this reinstein also told me he'd been a scientist in Atlantis and Professor dies in Pico and Atlanta in Atlanta. 12500 years ago and they'll send me 12,500 years ago
and The Disciples of come around again and now and we we Face the same choices again Stamos in the present a local Las mismas ganas espiritual innocent passes of mimosa Lost in Emotion. S. One student he said for all of us working together now world a better place
purple zebra Spirit one more than 50 years care for a student at 20th and Madison Quinta anos antes de cuenta de porque esta en Este momento Ami EK Erica Leslie she commented what's the purpose of life because earning money is not enough for many people anymore
Alina baraz importante of course but people also wants to know what's the meaning of life and why they're here she told them I want to tell everyone we have a beautiful and happy future ahead of us if you please can I see Sarah in order for us to spiritually evolved you but I can also do we all have to work together to create that beautiful future, Les de Chantal is the total total CC Muslim extremist Anasazi Pasion acid
unfortunately we failed back then in a sentence as close Atlanta. With what type of weapon and Crystal weapons
so now we're back on the same stage but I could do tomorrow what is a Ser para Tomar decisiones en Tu Corazon elementality Corazon note to Mentor La quica when you trust your heart mind or intuition intuition you will almost always make the right choice prices templates on Moross La decision correcta if you however if you follow your logical mind
pedal ccs to Metallica is part of Third Dimension chorus on elenco De Elementary El Corazon es parte De La Quinta Dimension live on the North Sea El planeta will become even more important than it is today by Smashing post on t-shirt and people will know how to act with one another and treat each other with love and respect
Illinois lotto people will not need to rely upon government so much to to ask them for politte for police powers or the control people haven't been out all day all know how to act a 07, they don't need an officer to tell them that their speeding too fast on the highway or you know or give them a ticket for over parking
Arizona City turn on police vehicle has a gun in the movie ticket to Vegas know how how to act so I think people in the future we'll just know each other with love and respect simplemente Vanessa Bell, Port como comportarse como tratar a Los Demas be taught how children how to act as liberals maravillosas para ninos para poder Como cortarse oh yeah that's why these little books are so important important as
and if you teach your children good values of love and gratitude with lots of love and want to have a party or where you live can all agree we want to make this world a better place on Assassin El Mundo purpose
yeah and we all enter receipts of two of course
and we all want to make this world a better place and fighting we're having now but I said cuando cuando cambia Missouri version of my vibrations go very high on the way I feel it today but I'm I'm my vibrations are high from from being there recently thank you I always feel like I just floating around
and I'm always in a good mood when I'm there Easthampton Mass anthem when you see the light on my face and I just smiling I feel great news on Ami que esta haciendo bien Washington movie has been at the service until I say so we will all have ever there will never never be such a thing as a bad day in the future
some people may call me idealistic that it is coming arovista futuro avocado Del Tiempo esta Casa de Fruta that's why everyone to think positively for the future but I saw that so he wrote those cup of flour piense En Mi Mente De Soto ignore the ignore the fear in the mass media around the world
because if you buy into the fear you're just creating a of a bad teacher for yourselves and the world there are many spirits who wanted to be here at this moment in history the Astoria and so that they could not reincarnate now they don't know Quality Inn instead of this Saturday but we're all here we all chose to be here and we all hold the keys within ourselves to a better future months ago and President Kennedy medical acid of senescence
to leave no neighbor behind us I thought I sent a pasilla posible estar cancion
La Casita play 1800
didn't know that number again please OK 25025 mil ochocientos anos otravez
es el tiempo Que representa
to go one revolution around the central Sun of this universe is this muchisima Campo that's their choice so that's what President Kennedy has asked me to do so I'm doing it it's not a good idea to ignore presidential orders in The 5th Dimension we will all be of of one universal mind as well
universal mind I think it has an amusement park and I meant it when I said always based upon love and respect
emission mashiko a Teresita Mendoza Los Angeles to listen to songs
yeah thank you I see the bright future to you and Bri onte actually I think it's our responsibility everybody has the choice so if I choose to live in a positive World any more more people so he is Italo's estamos viviendo de xalapa CTV. The more and more people decide to live in the appositive world and then Matthew must enter to see David and Mundo positivo
then the world will be the positive and beautiful world in Francis and Mundo Sarah Mundo positivo hermoso
and I'm I'm so happy to see that more and more people have been Awakening and then and then contact them and they have they have been they have been changing to live in the higher vibration also the undercity David and whenever the best so that beautiful energy is so I'm going all around affecting others but I guess I initiate positive a little by little the world is changing it's not all of a sudden but little by little changing poker Pokemon do so I can be on the Voice instant animated better if I come down now it's like from from night time to the morning gradually is changing as for him. Kamal de la noche La Manana El amanecer
estas simplemente died while Manta cambiando
so it's all up to us you know what kind of world do we want to live as they get older and get glasses and Mundo Kalamazoo
no that's not how I see in and I would like everyone to try to live in the positive State posted positive emotions i c k s k o ciento Eamon country love yourself deeply I'm at the Epiphone mm30 mismo when there's something then what I do is I just hold myself like this or no siento algo simplemente Maria Celeste NYC and I tell myself he's so I love you so much you maybe want me to miss my musical de Amo tanto
and I do that several times then I feel so good yes or no I go by Diaz versus Yunis plasma center muy bien maybe that's something that everybody we want to do and then you learn to love yourself and you learn to love other people to do marketing is Mar-A-Lago Tammy enamorados a mass
ever since I had dr. Emoto on my radio show years ago and 2014 I love the work I love doctor Moto love Michie for her beautiful work and I'm so glad you could you could you know you could come on today I'm going to keep talking are some things I want to cover about the Ascension but you know me I can talk for a while so I don't want to keep Michie on forever in case she's got to attend to other things so you know I am just saying you know if you have to go that's fine I can talk about the Ascension let me translate Singapore CK Supply Center dr. Emoto and me program Adele radio estimate and when was Fantasia released
thank you
how long does it is last I mean program as long as we want
receita cuanto Tiempo have maybe 10 more minutes you know I'm we're all human beings
todos somos seres humanos so we have a good time and bad time I see keto Cinemas moment was when OC momentos malos and it's natural and that's fine yesterday in the only important thing is to know that we should not stay in the that time all the time and then I think that's the choice that we're making so when we see what I see myself being in the negative emotion
Cintas SSR a decision cannot get them are as you can, do you know what I mean is Nystatin an emotional that even go out from that negative emotion and fastest route to know that I am here in the small small being a cuanta Hora Para recordar
and that the Creator I look at the sun index I just think that it's a Creator Ibrahim plus Avail CBR 300 pienso que es El Cazador the Creator is giving everyone every being equal love through Sunray entonces CL solo selfie adore adore list a landowner in Ms Mall in la misma cantidad de amor at Rio Salado
so I feel grateful and don't listen to August Alsina and then my negative emotions will go away and I feel everything is fine entonces in siento que Mis emociones negativas when something happens out from that then observe i c k
then the world is always bright and downstairs and Mundo Siempre Es brillante as you lived in that state higher vibration everything around you will be changing and all that because we're magnet and thoughts and famous device and it says that open elevado a positive money because I am magnet and everything that resonate with my vibration will come around me if you're so unimin locator suena conmigo I saw you last year by Jeremy Soule my world become really really beautiful as I want a second me Mundo mpsi Mazda
yes I look at all those for the massage in the world the more and more people are living like that then the world will be a beautiful place yesterday and then she must have baby brothers on my Nana said mucho mucho Mas video we're all working together to create the same beautiful world and I want to thank you for all your beautiful work have a moto project is ww.w. Emoto Emoto peace project. Net and Teresita you're so sweet to do the Translating for me today I really appreciate you welcome such a pleasure I love being here in just the Sistine you know it's just great for your being here at weenie make grease a beautiful energy to this program I'm so happy to hear that makes you go thank you so much
angel will be coming on my on the show here a week from today yay how exciting p.m. Pacific time it'll be in German and English and I hope you can listen to that for Brock Hampton information please go to my website it out of this world radio. Net it will be on radio Seoul International out of Vienna Austria so handsome okay I love you to check please okay Judy Vaso con Nosotros do realize he can guess the walkie and several of an approximate program Adele radio in Vienna at Lunas right now and I will have a special surprise guests for that show as well
out of this world radio is a listener-supported nonprofits program and feed like to donate just please go to my website in Wilson Appleyard knows about visiting me fascina webcast out of this world radio internet are standard shot profit listener-supported program show our organization with the Moto message from water books and if you'd like to visit donate to them please visit their website to eat Motel peace project. Net estate Immortal peace project esta tambien es un programa para el publico
Feliz Navidad a merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone around the world and thank you again so much for listening today EST Gratis para escuchar Beyonce thank you love you bye I love you too scared by Everyone by Christmas everyone by
Feliz Navidad