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A Night At The Roundtable, July 8, 2021

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A Night At The Roundtable
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Guest, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD

A Night At The Roundtable with Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Dr Vinayak, Penny Christoffersen, Tara & Rama with guest Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD

Guest, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD

Guest Name
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD
Guest Occupation
Exoconscious Futurist, Coach
Guest Biography

2021 Radio: Introduction and Interview Questions

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD

My newest book is up on Amazon
I want to share the details with you. Below is a description. A Press Release is attached. 
If you purchase the book, I would love a review and a post on social media. Also, please share it with your friends, community, and book club. Thank you!  

An online course is planned with in-person interaction to study the issues highlighted by the book. It will be an exciting Exoconscious community of learning. 

Please let me know if you would like to register. 

 Thank you for all of your support for my work and I-EXO, the Institute for Exoconsciousness.


Author, Futurist, Founder of Institute for Exoconsciousness




Instagram: Exoconsciousness


Exoconsciousness Books

Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World?

Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind

How Exoconscious Humans Guide our Space-Faring Future

A Fronteira Final, Portuguese

Contributed to: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non Human Intelligence


Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Ph.D., is a leading expert in Exoconsciousness and the extraterrestrial presence. She is committed to building an Exoconscious Civilization co-created by humans, ETs, and multidimensional beings.

Rebecca founded I-EXO, the Institute for Exoconsciousness, in 2016 to shift Experiencers into Exoconscious Entrepreneurs. I-EXOs mission is to advance Exoconscious Entrepreneurs as a new generation of leaders by mainstreaming their inventions and innovations. I-EXO is the first organization of its kind to provide support for human innovation and creativity by working with natural human and off-world intelligence.

Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World?, her latest book, emphasizes the significance of Exoconscious Humans’ survival and advancement in a dominant culture of transhumanism and artificial intelligence. Video Book Trailer

A life-long contactee, Rebecca's online Exoconscious Coaching™ provides contact integration and career coaching for Experiencers and those interested in exploring their psychic abilities.

In Washington, DC, Rebecca was a member of Apollo 14 Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell's Quantrek international science team, researching zero-point energy, consciousness, and the ET Presence. Her book, How Exoconscious Humans Guide our Space-Faring Future details how experiencers influence space science and technology. It is available in Portuguese as Fronteira Final.

After coining the word Exoconsciousness in 2008, Rebecca published Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind. Rebecca also authored an Exoconscious analysis of the FREE experiencer survey data in Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence, Vol 1. She also contributed to the collaborative non-fiction books We are the Disclosure: 700 years of Research on ETHuman Interaction, Part II, and Walk-ins and the Cosmology of the Soul, and Existenz, An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics and the Arts.

Also, Rebecca contributed articles to New Observations, an arts and culture magazine, the Journal of Abduction Encounter Research, and the Exopolitics Journal.

Films featuring Rebecca include The Phoenix Lights and ET Contact: They are Here. Rebecca is a frequent guest on radio/podcast and television/video interviews. She has presented at international and national UFO, ET, spirituality, science, and culture conferences. In 2005, Rebecca taught one of the first Ufology courses in the nation at Scottsdale Community College.

Rebecca has over 30 years of experience as a Mind Body Therapist, Hypnotherapist, and Coach. Currently, she practices at Mind Body Medicine in Scottsdale, AZ, where she specializes in healing trauma, the often-unconscious root of disease, to generate health and longevity.

Her graduate degrees include an MDiv in Philosophical Theology from Boston University School of Theology and a Ph.D. in Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology. Her undergraduate degree is from Otterbein University. She studied Continental Philosophy in Basel, Switzerland. She received certification as a hypnotherapist and coach from Southwest Institute for Healing Arts. Rebecca was ordained in the United Methodist Church. She was an inter-faith chaplain at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, and a career coach in Phoenix, AZ.

Websites: Exoconsciousness

Institute for Exoconsciousness

Newsletter and Blog

Social Media:

A Night At The Roundtable

A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Tara Green & Rama Arjuna, and Micah Green
A Night At The Roundtable

A Night at the Roundtable - Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern on Station 2, with co-hosts Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna & Tara Green, and Micah Green

Welcome to A Night at the Roundtable, where we explore ways to expand into fifth dimensional life, finding new pathways to healing and ascending for ourselves and our planet.

In this open forum for creative, Light-filled ideas, our guests offer a broad range of breakthrough discoveries and insights, to support our living as free and sovereign beings who take responsibility for our lives, our health, and our spirituality. 

After a brief opening meditation, we offer energy updates from our co-hosts: psychic medium Omena McGee, energy healer Randy Miller, channeler/intuitive and author Caroline Oceana Ryan, and Micah Green the Green Alchemist.

We then move on to the latest “Galactic Good News” report from our Faction Three White Knights, Rama Arjuna and his beloved Tara Green, followed by a one-hour interview with our guest for the week, or a co-host discussion on current topics.

Our guests are healers, writers, ET experiencers, scientists, inventors, energy workers, Akashic records readers, and other amazing New Earth builders. 

Call in to Station 2 with questions for our guests or co-hosts. 

Join us as we explore new realms!

DISCLAIMER: The information, discussion, and commentary offered on A Night at the Roundtable is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional legal advice or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We are not, nor do we claim to be, medical professionals. All of our interviews and commentary regarding health and medical issues are intended purely to be a springboard from which our listeners will be encouraged to do their own research. We encourage our listeners to speak with qualified health practitioners, particularly holistic ones, who are fully qualified in areas of medicine. No one speaking on A Night at the Roundtable shows offers or recommends professional medical advice, diagnosis, or prescriptive remedies or antidotes, and our comments and discussion should not be construed as such.

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