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A Night At The Roundtable, January 26, 2023

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A Night At The Roundtable
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Guest, Jadeon Rathgeber (Medicine Bear)


A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna, Tara & Micah Green, Penny Christoffersen, and Vinayak

with Guest, Jadeon Rathgeber (Medicine Bear)

Greetings everyone!

This is my friend Jadeon Rathgeber (Medicine Bear). He is of indigenous heritage and lives out here in the Kootenays in British Columbia. He is an incredibly talented artist, carver, and the Founder of the Kikiwak First Peoples Society Project. Working to share knowledge of traditional indigenous culture wisdom and to develop blueprints and build sustainable development communities with air-crete, hemp-crete, cob structures, rammed earth etc. Jadeons mother (Half Moon Woman), is one of the last remaining women who create an ancient art form called birch bark biting. She literally creates the most astoundingly beautiful art pieces by biting into birch bark with her teeth!! I still to this day cannot get my head around how she does it!

Anyhow I will leave you with jadeons auto biography as well as the kikiwak website and his mother's website to get a more in depth understanding of these beautiful people.

On another interesting note, one of Jadeons uncles "Splitting The Sky", (who is known for his attempted citizen's arrest of George W. Bush Jr. in Canada), was in New York the day before 9/11, and knew something was going to happen. He got out of there before the towers were hit the next day. RT interviewed him about it. His uncle was an indigenous elder whistleblower and part of the American Indian Movement. 

Namaste & Satnam


 Jadeon Rathgeber is Asiniskawiyiniwak (Rocky Cree) a band member of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation in Saskatchewan and has linage from Pukatawagan, Manitoba. Jadeon is of European descent from Germany and Switzerland. He was born and raised in a First Nations community in Northern Manitoba, Canada.

 Jadeon comes from a long linage of artists, traditional language and knowledge keepers. One of them being his mother, Half Moon Woman. She is the caretaker of an ancient traditional First Nations art form called Birch Bark Biting.

 Jadeon’s family is very blessed to have the historical documentation of their history on Turtle Island. Jadeon comes from a large family, Bighetty, Dumas, Linklator, Cook and others. Prior to last names he can trace his lineage directly to Wapuskogimaw which translates to the White Bear Chief.

 His Turtle Island name is Muskegee Muskwa which translates to Medicine Bear.

A Night At The Roundtable

A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Tara Green & Rama Arjuna, and Micah Green
A Night At The Roundtable

A Night at the Roundtable - Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern on Station 2, with co-hosts Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna & Tara Green, and Micah Green

Welcome to A Night at the Roundtable, where we explore ways to expand into fifth dimensional life, finding new pathways to healing and ascending for ourselves and our planet.

In this open forum for creative, Light-filled ideas, our guests offer a broad range of breakthrough discoveries and insights, to support our living as free and sovereign beings who take responsibility for our lives, our health, and our spirituality. 

After a brief opening meditation, we offer energy updates from our co-hosts: psychic medium Omena McGee, energy healer Randy Miller, channeler/intuitive and author Caroline Oceana Ryan, and Micah Green the Green Alchemist.

We then move on to the latest “Galactic Good News” report from our Faction Three White Knights, Rama Arjuna and his beloved Tara Green, followed by a one-hour interview with our guest for the week, or a co-host discussion on current topics.

Our guests are healers, writers, ET experiencers, scientists, inventors, energy workers, Akashic records readers, and other amazing New Earth builders. 

Call in to Station 2 with questions for our guests or co-hosts. 

Join us as we explore new realms!

DISCLAIMER: The information, discussion, and commentary offered on A Night at the Roundtable is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional legal advice or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We are not, nor do we claim to be, medical professionals. All of our interviews and commentary regarding health and medical issues are intended purely to be a springboard from which our listeners will be encouraged to do their own research. We encourage our listeners to speak with qualified health practitioners, particularly holistic ones, who are fully qualified in areas of medicine. No one speaking on A Night at the Roundtable shows offers or recommends professional medical advice, diagnosis, or prescriptive remedies or antidotes, and our comments and discussion should not be construed as such.

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