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Transition Radio Show, February 26, 2018

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The Naked Truth About Self-Love
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with Caley Versfelt and Joie Cheng

Today we discuss moving past our negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and conditioning to living a life full of acceptance, fulfillment, and self-love.


Our first guest, Caley Versfelt, along with her mother, Shail Versfelt, shares her mission to spread acceptance and inclusion for all people, as well as her powerful message that “kindness is contagious.”

Our second guest, Joie Cheng, shares the naked truth behind her journey from depression to self-love and her passion for helping people to love themselves so that they can have the best life ever.


We Discuss:

  • Why kindness is contagious and how it impacts individuals, families, and communities
  • The importance of a positive attitude and perspective in life
  • Why we should love ourselves and why that’s so hard for some people to do
  • Shifting false and negative beliefs into a more empowering place
  • The (often) critical voice that lives inside your head
  • The biggest secret surrounding self-love
  • A journey from suicidal thoughts and depression to self-acceptance and happiness
  • Why we tolerate and hold onto certain things in our lives that make us unhappy
  • The “comfort” that can be found in pain and why so many people cling to it
  • Reaching a breaking point and deciding enough is enough
  • Gaining the courage to see what’s possible and learning to truly love yourself
  • Exploring and accepting the “darker” sides of ourselves
  • Why we need to stop blaming or shaming other people for how we feel
  • How loving yourself will attract more good into your life
  • Different processes and challenges for creating self-love in your life

Learn More About Hosts Paula Shaw and Ken D. Foster

Thanks For Listening!

Transition Radio Show

Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw
Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Transition Radio...because everyone is either moving away from something or going toward something. Life is full of changes and with every change comes loss, even if it is a positive change like moving to a better home or getting married. Whenever change comes something must be upheaved or left behind and that creates loss and the normal, natural response to loss and grief.

Our show seeks to give you the information and the tools to make the changes you're going through smoother, easier and more life-enhancing. We look forward to you joining us on Transition Tuesday each week where we promise hot topics, engaging guests and always laughter and fun.

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