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LetterZ From the Pen, March 5, 2021

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LetterZ From the Pen
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Guest, Brian Anthony Wilson

LetterZ From the Pen with Brian Anthony Wilson

Hosts Nikia & Dee interviews actor Brian Anthony Wilson on Letterz From the pen and talks about his career and new films for 2021

Guest, Brian Anthony Wilson

Guest Name
Brian Anthony Wilson
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Actor Film Producer
Guest Biography

Brian Anthony Wilson is an American film and television actor. He first appeared in the 1997 film The Postman as Woody. Wilson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has been married to Greer M. Richardson since 2005. He stands over six feet tall.

LetterZ From the Pen

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee
RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

Letterz from the pen is a variety show touching base on new up and coming arts, entertainment, music, fashion, give relationship advice and analyze your letterz from the pen.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello and welcome to letters for the pain I am your host Arby's going to Kia

Omnia co-hosted

so we have a very very very good show for you guys tonight we have a claimed actor Brian Anthony Wilson he's going to talk to his little bit about his career career what it takes to be an actor or an actress and you know we're going to talk about the project and what he has going on and some things that that's some projects that he has worked on in this but before we do that we're going to start our sponsors and then we are going to get into our letter

you got to let already do

where to get off until 8 and then we will of course talk to are very special guest so sponsors that make letters from the LHS home care for all of your home care needs and the New York and tri-state area or more of you are designed for all of your pressing each they pass closed traffic like that

yard clean-up no job is too big or too small for tography got next

for all of your Affairs hog Rafi

Kryptonite ishin which is 420 clothing so you like 4:20 and you left for 20 clothing you can hit them up for that and you can go to our website ww.w. Let us in the pen. Calm and you can find all the links there

all of your needs to service you and of course you can catch letters from the pain every Sunday night now on humax TV and I think TV

oh yeah

let's get into this letter

are letters from the pain I am a 43 year old male who just got out of jail doing 18 years for robbery I met my wife 15 years ago my wife is 56 years old who is fully established I've been chilling out applications everywhere so I can help with bills around the house

Now remind you I only been home for six months

and I haven't felt it's been really hard trying to get a job but my wife doesn't make it better when she gets stressed or mad she tells me I'm worthless I don't amount to nothing maybe I belong in jail

and maybe I should go I'm trying but I feel like maybe I should do something to go back to make her happy

okay you want to drop this oh you want you want me to addresses first

Okay so

alright so there's this there's there's a few issues in this letter but I'm going to dissect one well I'm wondering did she say how long they were married

in the letter it does not State how long they're married he says I just got out of jail doing 18 years of robbery I met my wife years ago

10 years ago 15 if you met her 15 years ago and he just said he did a teen that means that they met while he was in jail and 15 years ago on pen pal okay

so first of all

they are so many things wrong with this

they're going to have to learn each other cuz first of all it's different being in her in a relationship

incarcerated someone who is over there and you're over here like you're writing letters you're okay having phone sex or whatever it is you're doing and I'll hey baby I love you and all this Mission app however

it's something

it's something

it's something different

when you're living together and

you just made us don't know each other and I think that also she knew what she was getting herself into first of all very hard out here for someone that's just not even locked up to get a job so obviously if he's been locked up for 18 years number one he said he just came home he has to get acclimated

and she should really be if they're together whether she's his wife or whatever you want to call it whatever whatever is going on but you should really be trying to help him get acclimated back into society and it is really is not going to laugh and it's not going to work if you can't help him with that and I know it sounds weird and some people might say all she shouldn't have to help him with that

because he's a grown man yeah he is but an Ascend he does not have the tools that he needs to come back and Senses Into society and be productive right away I mean it takes time so if you're not willing to go through that and go through that fight which I don't see why you wouldn't be I mean you stayed down with them for years but if you're not willing to to go through that fight and know that if there's going to be some challenges then you probably shouldn't be with someone who just came up with it sounds like they're not compatible I mean I don't know the whole story but it sounds like they're not compatible and if you want some may been that's the type of man that that you need to go find

or even maybe work on yourself because regardless of if he came home from jail or people that wasn't in jail for being in a relationship with someone and

talking to certain way or putting them down that's not conducive to a relationship or to anything I mean it how long do you think that this man is going to allow you to speak to him that we can treat him that way you may think you have the upper hand cuz I don't know if he's on parole or not and you might change your mind like okay he has nothing he just came home he's on parole he can't do certain things but trust and believe is acclimated he's going to run so I would advise you sir to get yourself together as fast as you can there are resources out there for people who just came home from jail there are jobs that will hire ex felons I mean I mean because you are temp agency there's temp agencies out there that actually take those that just right

go go drop us a line ww.w. Let us in the PennDOT, we'll get some information out to you and it does not say exactly where he from so

no but he's out here in my door is reforms as program they might not be as healthy or as thorough as you'd like them to me for someone coming home you know to get re-acclimated

but there are programs out there if you are on parole if your parole officer about it I'm sure that you know they're willing to help you I mean shame on her though I mean honestly because this is this is how the recidivism rate continues to go up because you know someone comes home from jail and they want to go back to doing what they know best because they have that pressure on them or someone telling them that their nobody or their crapper whatever I mean when somebody pays their do I mean this is my opinion if you disagree you can call and we can debate about it at 867-6008 but in my opinion

when someone comes home that the justice system that does not prepare someone when they come home and if someone has paid their due and and they did their time no matter what it may be that a judge sentence them to

vape they pay their dues and they did their time so let them come out and be productive members of society let's not bring them with a Scarlet Letter so where they go back to doing what they were doing before

I shame on you home girl because you already knew she was getting herself into stay down with this man for 15 years so I'm sure you were doing business and buying packages and sending money and doing go doing the whole nine yards I'm sure you were so you going to be when he came home that he wasn't going to be ready to be a family man and jump in and start paying bills and all these things so you need to evaluate yourself and get you get your brain together so if he's 43 and he did

25 something like that you got with him when he was 28 and you are 56 now so that means you are 13 years old

she probably a cougar. She called her a young one and if you can just one

she probably does I mean I mean she wants him to

make money and give it all to her as if she likes older something yeah but he can't he would if he just came home what money is he making she's got to give him a minute to get his self together and find a job in the point is this is this is the responsibility and the position she put herself in so

you can't put yourself in a position and then get mad about it and strike out at the other person you put yourself in that position if you don't want to be in that position relinquish yourself of that position it's that simple right

makes no sense to me doesn't make sense to you

you know

I understand you went in at a very young age

and you know doing that much time you were you became a

you shouldn't make somebody's word drive you to where you want to go back and do something wrong to end up back in the situation you wanted to get out of

so I can suggest you reach out you know if your on parole ask for you no classes that are given to Parolees take steps to better yourself and if that relationship doesn't work out so you don't know no one until you live with them then you know either you guys split ways and move on or are you guys work it out

time for everybody and I know but she's an RN so I'm pretty sure she wasn't delusional want to be honest and I'm just speaking candidly like lady you're delusional because but that's not even just women just people in general

stop looking at things through

a fairytale scope and what I mean when I say that is you have to accept someone for who they are and what they bring to the table not for what you think it could be because they're going to set yourself up to lose every time right not saying that any person is better than the next person but guess what there's levels to this shit okay so you can't be working on Wall Street making six figures and then you want to go down to the gutter and I'm pick up a prostitute and say okay this is going to be my new house wife does not know where y'all not on the same level

so if you choose to do that that's fine however you have to be mentally prepared and know that there are going to be certain that come with what it what a person is and if you can't expect someone for exactly who they are then what are you doing right like we all have choices in this in this life in this world

it's not one thing and one way only it's not it's not a tunnel so we all have choices and we have the right to make our choices that we want to make

so get yourself

what was that why keep freezing on your end

I know you don't

I know you're trying to figure out like what are you doing but I'm going to get off into actually going to happen to my new single and then we come back

hopefully our guests will be here and we will talk to him about his acting and a bunch of other things a Love Song by Nikia featuring Johnny will right here on letters independent

even though

okay welcome back to letters to the pin on your hoes are missing the Kia

that was my new single Love Song streaming everywhere but enough about me anyway so we have our host in the building Brian Anthony Wilson and we are going to bring him in and are you passing out like what are you doing over there

Lord Jesus Holy Moly Moly last week while I look all my gosh

don't go no no that's not working

not working how are you Brian I didn't know that was just song that was great thank you it's on all streaming platforms what it was an apple music on Spotify what's the name of it again it's called love song love song so busy with all the stuff you have going on and believe me either everything's going on and nothing's going on so yeah today was I mean this week was crazy I'll tell you about some stuff but yeah it was crazy

show ever

the wire Law & Order

oh wow you know what I had it took me until January of last year to finally watch all 5 Seasons so I'm finally caught up I know people have seen it three or four times the light wow but I finally saw everything so it is a grateful

I probably don't have an answer but go ahead

bsti up like that in the interrogation room you know what I did cuz mr. Charlie told me to the man was trying to text a beat that

slave up I see your smile

Hey listen I didn't want to everybody knows me a few people know that mean I'm a big teddy bear

right right listen I don't I don't want to be bubbles up but that's what the scripture said so

how you got it how you got started in acting

sure I will. As you are a singer I am I still say I was a cold lead singer of a R&B band back in the 80s called Perfect Blend so I started a freedom theater trying to improve my vocal range with you no voice lessons so as part of their curriculum The Voice Majors have to take a movement and an acting class which I did and then the next semester I came back as an acting major and fell in love with acting got thrown into a play after two weeks of classes not because I was grateful because I require two people and I needed the body so I was there with the Johnny Hodges Jr my mentor and the late great Johnny Allen Junior was the director and

that was my first bite overacting and I was hooked that's how I started laying back and I think I was 23 24

fly down the stairs like a whole staircase by the stairs and just get to the bottom

why do you say that if you ever seen the piano lesson which I did a Bushfire theater back and not the 90s vs. We're more Willy's fight in the ghost by fight the ghost of this white man at 8 falls down these stairs which I had to do every night which I'm probably paying for it now but it had the stairs what kind of padded but there ain't no joke no no

know what were you doing a play you know this is there's no time to discuss about a stunt double this that was that was a play that was a theatrical but I know it when I did my first film The Postman with Kevin Costner I had an actual I had a stunt double it was a guy

he's actually like part Hawaiian so we kind of look the guy should have sent you that picture but I have to dig that one up but yeah I mean look like a younger version of me but yeah I just have a backpack when I did the postman they were trying to get Sinbad stunt double but they said he was kind of like not that brave and he wouldn't do cuz my stuff do we have to swim in in my class 4 Rapids and also jump off this pension Bridge so where he looks tall

do sheep wear you five feet

wow she just carries herself tall

Hollister yep you look like you go 5:10

little bitty big hop out this big old truck again right why are you

unless I see these your people with these big trucks that's what I should have I got a little Nissan

you're right out of a Mini Cooper

oh that's cold affected like you doing any movies or doing projects that is so you down at all dude but things started picking up I mean this week yeah I just shot well I shot yesterday but I had to drive up to the north Jersey Monday Tuesday and Wednesday to get Kobe tested twice and get it at the costume fitting for Wu-Tang an American Saga I have a small recurring co-star role on there so I end up shooting something else you're next week couple of independent movie called one gun playing a teacher in that and it went on Monday or TV thing that I can't talk about yet and

yeah that's out a few things. Mostly like a couple short films in New York and

and one in Jersey so yes it's a guy I work with before he hadn't he had another movie and told me about when I got involved with that so so yeah means the beginning of everything got stuff cuz I was supposed to do after school production of The Bodyguard the musical and dumb and that was like a four-month gate that got cancelled so that really knocked me for a loop and and then things are pretty quiet you know but then we started picking up theater started happening virtually and I did a couple pieces online and like I said shooting shooting some stuff with things are really starting to come back to some semblance of normal now

what's the coldest thing is real I mean just one project and I'm supposed to do in a couple of weeks I have to be quarantined for like 6 days before I shoot so they're not playing around let me they put you up I hope that I got it I got it last week so I get my second so I got the Moderne and just so you know just so yeah my arm was sore but not no other side effects I got the second one on March 25th

so have you gotten it yet I didn't get it but I got high blood pressure and diabetes so I'm in that high-risk group so I figured why not I've never had a reaction to the flu shot every year so I never used to get it but then I was going to children's play around children a lot so they were like yeah you should get it I'm like you're right it was Little Jim Carrey two different types of shots now a third because they approved the Johnson & Johnson shot and

everyone's having different reactions I guess depending on what shop they take so I know a couple people have passed from taking the shot so it's ya underlying health conditions

I mean I don't know that far into it if they did or they didn't but it still is kind of scary and then I know a couple of people took the shot and they still cut coke with

so that's the thing with yeah you can still get Cove in the even having the vaccine but it's supposed to lessen the severity of it so you won't be hospitalized. Hopefully so so I don't know about the people who have passed and I'm certainly sorry about that and then gotten sick but yeah unfortunately out of milk is there's going to be some people have reactions but you know that have you ever had a reaction to like a a flu shot before

I took it once upon a go one time a long time ago and I got really sick my body is this is this is this real but you got to you got to do what's what's best for you and just will try to be safe and cuz even with the vaccine still got to wear masks and do all that stuff so I don't know that there's two states that decided to lift all the restrictions and not make anyone where Matt still undecided whether they're going to or not

I mean I think it's crazy to lift those restrictions but that's that's me I'm going to keep wearing a mask cuz there's some nasty folks out here before you know he's sneezing and not covering their mouth and coughing and not doing his stuff so you know what I mean I wash my like 10 times a day maybe 20

even like driving from like New York to California when I go into those bathrooms and I see how many people use the bathroom just walk straight out of my life

and I see them online ordering food digging in the front

sds100 at least now you got an excuse not to see you today as it was couple hand shakers that I guess I was like right after I put my sanitizing on I'm being safe so no offense

how do you say early I like you hope that they don't see you call me all right all right I just

you know what I'm going to use it tonight cuz I I got a I did this other saying I got like a $25 doordash thing for so I got to use it up so use it tonight and I got to watch I got to finish watching Coming to America and crying at the same time I'm like this movie so heartbreaking turn 18 but she was very like Disobedience to her father got her pregnant and in the basement downstairs and a padded little secret door he kept her in there for 19 years

my sister was looking for her and it was a boy she was deeply in love with he was looking for her as well and then what happened was the the daughter to the grandfather's last day and she was like please take me to the hospital take her to the hospital if I come on hurry up

the girls to the hospital then she went to the to ran to the nurses that I need help and then that's when they saw a documentary or just a little

that's on Netflix on VUDU and it was based on a true story is based on a true story I am not watching that

that is crazy I don't want to see the world

I don't want to see

what do you want to know what I was watching what I was watching cuz that movie sounds like I don't know why she's either I was watching Gotham last night

I saw your role that you was playing in there

yes that was fun I got that from a self tape audition which is rare

but it's funny because the clip that you sent us with we're going to play the young lady with blonde hair that was playing who is she playing but if it's it look like you guys doing that scene that like she would wanted to laugh

oh oh really I thought myself

well if you know where to play the clip so we're going to play the clip of Gotham right now

somebody said she was a blonde girl yeah yeah yeah

torture is fun however what is coming into Dark Knight now tell me something I haven't heard

you don't know what they're capable of never asked questions about running for baby is coming in

wow that was intense

messing around your neck hurt I said I like this and they will like you freaky I was like yeah I am

you know what though it is I couldn't read one time when she was pulling the thing too hard I was like yo

I know if I'm an apple that's always asleep so how do you actually decide what role you're going to take versus what you're not going to take

well I mean this is twofold thing that mean I have a manager freelance with an agent in Philly so they submit you know they might see something and says you know of blackmail 50s and 60s you know large frame and they submit and then they submit to a project they see the breakdown you know what breakdown breakdown filming TV puts out and says you know what characters they need the agency that they see something right for a submit to the casting director stuff and then they choose to bring you in or not with other stuff like on Actors Access or backstage I'll see something that I but I think I'm right for it and submit for it sometimes I'll hear back most of the times I don't so you know sorry to hear about a bunch of different things now I mean

I mostly take whatever job is offered to me but I have a conflict with something for next week so I'm trying to work that out now to see if it can happen but you know most of the things that I submit for my only things that interest me the other self is I don't I don't know what it is but it's usually I mean I've been very lucky the stuff that that I booked the stuff that I really enjoyed so nothing not a role that I wouldn't want to do I mean so I've been lucky that well yeah but

yeah it's it is so you know the percentages are are kind of low sometimes out of 10 auditions I make it

I might book one of them if that you know lately I may be a bit of a little bit better percentage but I booked maybe three out of ten so ready when you get a roll and you going to go in and you're going to film do you have like a ritual to get ready before you get into character like how do you get into character

usually you get a chance to do like a little rehearsal like when I was shooting yesterday we had a couple of rehearsals you note 4 camera so camera can see what you're doing and that kind of helps me in just the writing you know if it's good writing is kind of easier to get into character but just kind of knowing the circumstances you know who you are what you want in the scene you know why you want it just you know doing all that kind of back backstory stuff before you get on set you know so you can just concentrate on the scene when you get there trying to be you know free in the sing this case something else comes up and you can you know

you know work around that but yeah just just knowing exactly you know what you're going in there to do really just go on your pre-work I guess it's the best thing because once you get in the cameras rolling you don't have time to figure all that stuff out that's playing in a movie with you from a celebrity I'm not a celebrity but workers in twice David Morse I didn't think of diary of the city priest and I was so in all of of him and what he was doing I was I was like this instead of acting and being in the same as I was like old man I got to snap out of this and just you know do the scene

so I mean I work with effect 5 Academy Award winners and you know it's just what we got to come in to do your job this is so you know I work with some bigger names and most of them have been very nice very humble some are but yes just you still got a job to do so I kind of got over that early on so I've been doing it for a while now I mean still I was Little Star Struck when I did the oceans 8 and I was in the makeup trailer with with Sandra Bullock you know and yeah but yeah but I've definitely been a few times

the try to get past it now it looks like I got a job to do you know before I started acting full-time when I was working for Procter & Gamble I was a merchandise accountant

but numbers are not really my thing so

super question I wanted to be a doctor years ago so that didn't happen my my my grades in math we're not good enough

man I probably would be like a

sanitation worker or something like that

I mean I don't have a whole lot I don't have a whole great skills for customer service representative

glad you didn't say sounds like you got their Boys 2

is the flight tonight on midnight love call in the love doctor

yes I can see it it's funny I just played a radio host in this young brother he wrote this piece he asked she was nominated for an Academy Award for a short film a couple years ago but I'm waiting for that to come out online script

young Brothers Road I think he has like two daughters really nice kid

but yeah so

actors or actresses to be late at night because you have that like serenading voice for late-night you know like lay in the bed and listen to midnight love stop playing with me all right give me hook me up

all right and what else are you getting ready to ask me something rolls work with oh my god of course Denzel I mean after the second of preview of offenses up in New York cuz you have Denzel came out he jumps in his Mercedes but Leila came out and was talking to people so I just said that you know I just told her I was blown away by that and that where we're at we're on the same movie Law Abiding Citizen and I was telling her that I audition for the mayor of the role that she got and I was like well obviously they made the best choice with you and she laughed so she was very nice

but I'm I would love to work with her and Jeffrey Wright Jeffrey Wright I miss him would have said of a and Night movie one time he was real cool but I would love to work with him and Denzel of course

and Sir Anthony Hopkins that would be so cool yes so how was it when you played in Creed

oh my God that was such an amazing experience cuz Ryan coogler I mean at the time he was probably late twenties he's the best film director I've ever worked with and and Michael Michael B I knew from The Wire but we never had scenes together cuz I play the homicide detective but the relationship between Michael and Ryan was this beautiful was like

you know like De Niro and Scorsese just that that the Quan if they have between them and there was one time when we were filming that Ryan clear the room not even the first aid you just wanted Michael and myself in there and he was talking about the scene you know where he's coming in to give his resignation resignation letter and we must have did it like five or six different ways scuse me five or six different ways and then it one time he whispered in my ear is to do something without Michael knowing what it was so he would get that reaction on camera so yeah he he was just such a UCC street smart as well as you know book smart too cuz you know he has he came from Richmond you know that area in Cali so he has like a little bit of an edge to I mean not a little bit he has an edge to him but he's as smart as a whip do you know so

the brothers the total total package I was just reading something that he was just praising his wife for you know helping him get through all of this this craziness coming cuz he went from Fruitvale Station which was I mean a big still a big budget for me $900,000 to two brought you to this 40 million dollar film so that's pretty and expanded on it you know and it made the ZTE revive the series again so I mean to the franchise again storyline so yeah I mean it was just amazing just working with those two and I can say Ryan is the best film director of it will work with my brother's only early thirties now but the sky's the limit I can't wait to see what he does with you know Panther 2

yeah that's going to be amazing

Mason we have that clip of cream that you did with him so we're going to play that right now

about that

Hey Jake

The Joker ride

good for motion and you're quitting

the Creator sing for me

what you going to do

and thanks for everything wow yeah we are we actually shot two scenes there's a scene before that why I'm kind of driving with with Michael cuz you know he's one of the only Brothers in The Firm

just like a real positive black man moment and I think you know I don't know I think they cut it out this because you know Rocky got to be the white savior so I mean this but maybe it was something else I don't know but it's like do why do you cut out that positive thing about two black men you know a man trying to take I'm trying to take him under my wing and also it makes I think the makes my mean I'm glad they tell the other people that got totally cut out but I'm glad they kept my second scene but it like it doesn't make sense because you don't see me it doesn't make as much sense because you don't see me taking him under my wing and then being crushed by him leaving so it is like about that reference it doesn't make a whole lot of sense so I don't know why they cut it out. Think would have been I mean it was only like and I'm like a minute scene but it would have made more sense in and I think the tributed more to the story line he also wanted to do is we we ran out of time

where is later on and then I see him fighting and it's like that's why you left cuz I didn't get any answer as to why so but that was on so you never know

if somebody wanted to reach out to you for you to be in like a film or a play or something how do they do that

well what's up with the with the with the glasses I'm digging the school

audition for I'm checking it out I mean that they can hit me up on Instagram or Facebook you know

I'm very accessible that I forgot in the future people reached out

how much you charging my rate is like five Stacks a day 5 Jesus day yeah baby yeah it depends on how it spends on the production I work with younger filmmakers who don't have that big of a budget you know I have a minimum that I work for but I love working with young folks young people I could brakes when brakes are necessary

depends on a budget is because so we have a lot of yours and I know a lot of people were looking forward to the interview and oh look at after you a question if I wanted to be in a movie in a video how much do they charge I don't know I'm not there so I'm asking so that way y'all heard it first straight out of the horse's mouth that he works with your budget so don't be afraid not on Revolt reproachable very approachable I mean there are concerns with coveta course in the Screen Actors Guild in the Actors Equity but they had they all have low budget

contracts this is you know there's some paperwork but it's doable

yeah but I'm very approachable and I love working with young filmmakers so

hit me up


we are out of time here so thank you so much for joining us we super enjoyed I know I did I enjoyed our conversation your interview she still acting in the corner like what do you want roller you I'm auditioning for because

auditioning for the Missy Elliott me I'm Super Fly

I figured I think you're too tall for this is yet to do the Missy Elliott thing at like 5:10 so

oh my gosh

so guys can reach out to mr. Brian Anthony Wilson on Instagram your Instagram is just Brian Wilson or is it Brian Anthony Wilson Brian. A. Wilson. 1217 I have I mean that's what I know that's what they gave me I don't even know what 12:17 is


oh wow, I'm February my birthday was last week

yep I see no don't do that

got to hydrate got to stay hydrated

oh my goodness well thank you everyone you are delightful thank you for having me on the program y'all y'all y'all have great chemistry so I really appreciate you having me you think of joining us and of course when you drop your next project let us know so we can get first dibs on that you can come back and I will I have an announcement to make about something but I can't I have to wait till the publicity people do it it's at the theater piece so pretty big deal from they so it's it's a live theater piece so we'll still be happening it depends on what the covid-19 to doing it in May and May and June so

Girl by Jesus seems to be going down right now so you know hopefully like you said will get back to some type of normalcy the way it is the player in New York or is it somewhere else out of town now I'm back here with us in a couple of weeks I should be able to announce oh wow okay what's going to be in a nice area you probably want to oh it's not a lie

hahaha well I'd like to say with that tsunami warning I ain't flying to Hawaii no but wherever wherever you going to be at will, because I need my autograph okay

every time

am I boring you you're falling asleep long week

oh my God he's like a chameleon and it's Monday night you will have Phantom on the beach at 8 p.m. yes you did that song Magic Stick by 50 Cent. Com formation if you have any questions if you have any questions about mr. Wilson if you can't find him on Instagram you can do something before the message to him and I'm on FaceTime on Facebook to Facebook

that we will see you guys right back here Monday night at 8 p.m.

thanks for joining me like you say happy women's month yes

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