Lets Find Out, August 21, 2016
Lets Find Out with don interviewing Chiron

Chiron (the wounded healer) practices under the nom du plume of Chiron, a name inherited from the Greek man/centaur God of healing, wisdom and education whose name was applied to the mysterious minor planet/comet discovered in 1977 by Charles T. Kowal, and orbiting the Sun between Saturn and Uranus.
Chiron’s unusual technique in reading an individual incorporates casting a natal chart, analyzing natal patterns, observing the current outer planet transits as they impact the natal chart and then utilizing the Morgan Greer Tarot in tandem with the chart; all to discern events happening, and about to happen, to the querent in the immediate future. An excellent clairsentient, he is able to gain some insight during this process to determine the opportunities and challenges for those he reads.
Lets Find Out

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Let’s Find Out brings to its listeners illuminating and enthralling exploration of the connection between our minds and our bodies. This show brings a series of fascinating interviews with experts in the field of metaphysics. Some shows will address your personal concerns, with some of the best intuitive advisors, energy healers, higher vibration music, experts on angels, dreams, and the out-of-body experience. The listener can call in to ask a question on the air. We move into the moment — bring in kindness, acceptance, and love. Let’s Find Out always finds out! Each show ends with a guided meditation.
Let's Find Out - CHIRON Aug.21st, 2016
This will be an ask questions and call-in show. Chiron needs your birth information: Date, hour of birth, location of birth (city and state) Then a focused, not general, question.