JD Rucker Show, October 19, 2023
JD Rucker Show with JD Rucker
A Reason for Hope in the Era of Hamas
JD Rucker Show

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.
We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”
We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.
hello my friends and welcome to another episode of the J D wrecker show I'm your host Janie Rucker and then today we are just full of hope we are loaded with hope we're looking around we're seeing all the craziness out there and at least some of us are thinking<br> this could be very advantageous this could be actually very positive and there's there's one way where it's definitely positive okay let's just be clear right off the bat straightforward<br> if what we're seeing is the the opening volley the beginning of the end times then Rejoice we're going home folks we're going home very soon that alone okay I can I can in the show right there that's enough hope and here's the thing though let's say that this is an echo or a type you know I am the beginning of of something that's going to be long in the future you know like let's say this is just really just the globals delete cabal or the rise of Islam or just the strange things happening with the new world order the multipolar world order then at the very least we have a true fight on our hands and even in that we should Rejoice I know that there's times when I do remind people and sometimes I can get a little bit to Doom and Gloom when I tell people hate you know who these guys are super powerful they got all the money they got all the power they got everything<br> we can't we can barely fight them I do this knowing that technically speaking we can and we and we should and we will we fight the good fight no matter what our path forward or whether we're a million times whether we're not a fast forward is to fight the good fight to spread the gospel to spread the truth to try to wake people up about not just this world but about the next World and these are opportunities for us to<br> I guess you could say do good works so from that perspective in that perspective alone I could say there's there's enough of a reason to be very hopeful about what's happening in the world today not just here in the United States but obviously also across the globe but there are actually more reasons we're going to be talking about those reasons today I didn't want to address a couple of issues real quick the number one yeah I had this I have got a kind of shocking email yesterday we're after the show you somebody said you know what you really should do is show live like I do and then I started thinking there might be times because in the past I have not done the show live and there might be a lot of you out there whether you watching on the rumble listening on wwcr listening on on Alexa or apple podcast or Amazon or watching on brighty on or B shooter even you two would it were trying to see if we can survive without get<br> our our fourth YouTube channel damn I don't think it'll last a day you know there's there's no audience there too so wherever you're watching that Vince is if you're watching at 5 a.m. Pacific Monday through Friday then this is me and you okay we're talkin this is live you can go into the chat on Rumble I keep that monitors on one screen you can give me a call the studio the the the wonderful producers the folks over it at VBS radio they will answer your call and put you on the air with me right now and you can call us at 888-627-6008 we decided to make this a live show because of short life because short waved it doesn't work as well if it's a pre-recorded show I've learned that very quickly because we actually lost a show on wwcr the first several shows weren't live and as a turn<br> now the audience wasn't they don't like it they didn't didn't appreciate it nearly as much as I would hope it would and the other was always intended to go live to be clear but I didn't want to go live until I had a producer or a strong producer we went through and we interviewed several okay we went through and we put out a feeler as with some of the people that I know in radios you know the saying hey what about your guy we actually we did an interview with a with a I won't say who but with a very famous and he was the producer for for well to prevent very famous people one very famous conservative host we had super super super high hopes they will really did and and there was just an Ever So slight disconnect in show directions it was enough of a ever so slight disconnect for us to say and we better not that's why<br> again I'm very blessed to be with BBs radio having having Don and his team coming on taking your calls The Guiding me through it telling me all these crazy things that I've no idea about you know it's funny because getting into rumble or YouTube that's easy okay you hop on Zoom you have to restrain your recording you done getting into radio There's an actual challenge there thankfully BTS Radio has been able to to stream like that I would strongly recommend if you are if you have a show of you plan on never doing a show in the future audio video contact PBS radio TV today again you can call us at 888-627-6008 and if you do want to listen on shortwave I would recommend taking these numbers down what do you want to or not because here's the thing if and when let's say things do go crazy let's say this hope that I'm going to be talking about today it dies happen all of a sudden nukes are flying and Society<br> going crazy and there's martial law and and whatever the apocalypse you probably going to want to be able to hear what I have to say and be a short way when you can find us at 7490 khz or 13845 Killers again Monday through Friday two hours a day 5 a.m. Pacific that's 8 a.m. eastern time and for everybody in the middle you know what your time zone is so you can you can extrapolate from that even such a good mood because again I've had some some great conversations with people in the last 24 hours that have pulled me out of that I was getting a little blue t.i. live in two shows ago I was starting to get a little bit gloomy cuz I started thinking wow you know this isn't going to end well there's no way this is going to this is definitely going to be a World War 3 and it was not World War 3 then it's going to be something possibly even worse than World War 3 maybe we're going to bypass World War 3<br> but over the last couple days I have been talking to some people who have reminded me not just of the biblical truth of the end times and whether we are in it or not you know that's that's always important to know but also the idea that there are opportunities that are rising opportunities that were presented to us before I must give me by no means that they do not take that the wrong way and he's happy that Hamas went in there and and kidnapped and raped and murdered people and beheaded children and all this other stuff now that I'm not saying that at all it happened it was tragic it's still tragic is I shouldn't say it in the past it's still going on my wife has this app on her phone that goes off every time a rocket is launched it is real and we continuously hear that sound every day so and they're still there still Hamas members of Hamas hidden sneaking around doing things in Israel right now and of course then you can say on the other side there's also<br> many Palestinians many many gods and citizens who are being killed every day not just by his real but also by Hamas itself so there's no nothing positive about what's happening<br> with that said there are opportunities for us as a nation and as a world to be able to take what's happening and grow from it to lessons and through adversity so certain things are happening that we needed to happen just as an example out I'll get more into this later but just as an example so you know that I'm not just blowing smoke and trying to pretend you're selling what they call hopie Mo you know I'm helping him and then you'll be okay just as an example over the last 12 days since the The Invasion the terrorist Invasion by Hamas into Israel we've been able to those of us who are in media and those of you who are watching consume<br> K I've always thought it was weird<br> that<br> when it comes to the Jews when it comes to to Israel you can have somebody that you are perfectly aligned with I mean everything is as lined up here against both against open borders you're both you know against expanding government you want limited government you both want taxes reduced you both once in all these various conservative a populist ideas but then all of a sudden when you get to the topic of Israel that's where all of a sudden hey you know maybe Hitler was right it's like what about you know maybe maybe yeah oh yeah I know Islam should not attack America 9/11 was terrible and it shouldn't be a radical Islamic terrorists or are bad but maybe there right when it comes to killing the Jews and you're like what what are you talkin about you know it strikes me as odd and I've never been able to figure this one out holy I can't I can't associate with it because I don't feel this way but you can have somebody who is who is perfectly you know<br> America First conservative line and everything but all of a sudden when it comes to that one topic they side with the Nazis they side with radical Islam they side with a majority of the radical left and we'll just call them the left since the radical part of it doesn't really even apply very much anymore they align with much if not most of the Democrat Party okay so I could take him he can feel you on that one topic<br> they differ I want to be clear about something I can understand to some extent I'm not understand as in like oh I didn't make sense it's not like that I can appreciate it to some extent when people do Express views that are anti-zionist for example or straight up anti-semitic I don't approve unless I understand I'm not I'm not giving them license to do so but I can I know that no love Breeze love hate breeds hate you seen that and there has been a spirit of hatred towards the Jews throughout all of all of human history as it was since the very first Jews were Jews they were were persecuted they were the enemies of other people<br> they've always had enemies very much the same way that America has always had enemies are not trying to equate them okay we're talkin about 250 years of History versus 4,000 for the I will call just to be safe will call its 3400 years of History which geological timeline is approximately 34 years of History they've always been persecuted they've always faced those who wants and not just not like them but who hate them enough to kill them and that has over the years of the Decades over the centuries over the Millennia it has created this the spirit of hatred towards them as a people so when I say that I can understand it's not that I agree with it by any means it's not that I I approve the by any means but it's kind of like okay so when I come across someone especially their friend when I come across a friend who has any other of their ID watch live if I come across the field<br> it's true they are you know wipe the dust off your feet and move on right but when I come across I've had long conversations with him I tried to make your your perspective is illogical your perspective doesn't make sense to me at all and it's<br> I don't think I've ever been able to convince somebody out of feeling that way okay I'm pretty sure I mean maybe maybe I did and I didn't know it maybe it happened later maybe I planted the seed I don't know but once you go down that road it seems to be a hard one to pull back from<br> and again like I said I can understand it not based upon experience my based upon appreciation or or acceptance I can understand that just because if it exists I know it exists because I've seen it and so okay well that that that aligns that person in that particular camp and I've come across to this is the years that the moment of hope we have been able to find people that perhaps you had no idea they felt that way pressure no idea that this was in their heart and now we have people in media people outside of media different organizations different groups I don't think it's funny I have to I'll bet you if you would have asked let's say six months ago our mobile say six weeks ago if you would have asked your average doesn't matter whether they're on the left of the right do you think that does black lives matter are they an anti-semitic group of protecting protecting<br> black people they're not they have nothing has nothing to do with Israel now we know it does very much very much as a group I think I remember it is a group they are very very much aligned with the the pro hummus Camp if you will<br> they've been they've they've been unabashed about this plane that for those who don't remember I think it was last week shortly after the attack where is BLM Chicago that posted a meme not a very funny meme I guess it's probably funny to them but it showed it was a meme of of parachutes K and the implication was obviously there because that's the way these parachutes with the with those whatever the gliders glider parachutes for used to to go after the people at the Rave to wear 300 people were murdered hundreds doesn't the least bit not hundreds of people were kidnapped many of them are are dead now or or being raped probably as we speak<br> they they celebrated as they put the Palestinian flag on a on a on a paraglider image and they were happy to post that on social media was wonderful to them<br> it shouldn't surprise us though because we've seen BLM a line from the very beginning before anybody had ever really even heard of them before George put them on the bigger map they were already talking about being anti-nuclear family they're already talking about being very much in favor of lgbtqia plus Supremacy we should have known that I didn't I knew it because I was paying attention at the time but everybody should have known that based upon the founders being being a radically in favor of lgbtqia plus supremacy of transgender supremacy of being anti-family<br> what is that much to do with black lives matter in nothing but even from the beginning they were already just plain that they aren't really about black lives matter and they're really about promoting an extraordinary radical and extremist left view born from the likes of George Soros born from the likes of your people people say that Michael Bloomberg do you know he was a republican he was never a republican was in New York which is basically a Democrat but even then he was quickly quickly<br> evolve does they like to say I would like to say devolve but whatever he quickly evolve from a republican to an independent to Democrat to a radical we're talking about in the matter of like 7 years okay it went from OU no tough on crime and he actually was pretty darn tough on crime and now all of a sudden you know he's got the BLM flag run and he's he's pushing for let's make sure that the everybody's electric vehicles except for him of course because he needs there's no electric Lear jets for him to be able to fly around and he wouldn't anyway even if there were you know if people like that this hypocrisy is rampid we're getting to see this that we're getting to see the exposure many of these people<br> many of these people that we thought were were completely aligned with us and those people as it turns out or not this is been that's that's just one of the but hopefully we get to see who sue I want to be clear about something somebody can be great awesome very conservative very patriotic very America First very everything very Christian even<br> and just because we differ about Hamas or warm or I should say different. It must be there about a month that's that's that's a red line for me so happy about her mama let her know I'm not I don't have that person as a friend and Ally by any means gay Hamas is evil now there are those who are very much in favor of the Palestinians the so-called Palestinians are very much in favor of a two-state solution of complete full-blown I don't have a home and if they exist or they don't exist they don't care that's a whole different series of our types of people I guess you could say<br> but just because somebody is saying they are that type of person if you know what is real nieces to back down they've they've got their Revenge thing to get to the negotiating table and you know we need to stop them and they need to stop and think we need to get to a two-state solution get the hostages released were against them if they have that I guess you could say that non-supportive view of Israel I don't consider them an enemy okay I disagree with them but I don't consider them an enemy<br> so Sabbath 1974 come up on on your 50th year there buddy Savage 1974 in the rumble chat says Isaiah 17 destruction and desolation of Damascus Syria Over Knives the oldest continuously inhabited city on earth that's never been utterly wiped out leaving it uninhabitable yet and then you going to Psalm 83 War Israel defeat the Borg attacked by enemies Jacob expands temp eggs and lives in lands of on walled Villages set up for Ezekiel 38-39 gogmagog Russia Islamic Invasion then I would argue there in all of this is very very much aligned with what we are seeing having to Emma saying again I want to be clear I'm not saying this is Gog and Magog Ezekiel 38-39 it's going to happen any time now<br> but it could definitely could the destruction of Damascus this is been talked about by Israel in recent days about Dave talk about leveling Damascus<br> so yeah I mean a lot of these things are pointing to these prophecies now I will disagree everybody says Russia from the North End of the real kicker that they're the reason a lot of people are saying that is because according to Ezekiel maygog will align with the Persians as the in their attack on Israeli we all know now that hasn't wasn't the case before but as of today not just through the brics nations in the lavender on into bricks but also through their supply of weapons back and forth It's Not Just One Direction either you'll make sense to assume that if the if if we can assume that the Iranians are the Persians in biblical prophecy then may God which all we really I mean there are there's a lot of a lot of theories and laws<br> the evidence that it would be Russia but I would argue that it could also be the Ottoman Empire turkey there's there's a chance that I know that you know when once we start to get into she vs Sunni what you started but at the end of the day I don't care what what's the bickering between the various sects of Islam at the end of the day they all hate Israel in the America different degrees I'm not suggesting that that's recep tayyip erdogan is going to align with with 12 hours all of a sudden and then then join them in the day but again I'm just saying it doesn't necessarily have to be Russia I would watch Russia for sure<br> but don't be so folks on Russia that you're ignoring anybody else that also seems to be making making friendly with Iran people just say oh you knows what about Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia they they are when they're not to north of Arabia you know you've got them okay they were in that they were trying to set up a peace treaty but all the sudden they're not they're no longer trying to to that they put it on hold they say but we know how hold can go there on hold with his real today could they and they are very much enemies of Iran but could they potentially unite Jordan has been very much neutral very much the you know the calm I guess you could say King Abdullah has been the most calm of the of the leaders in the emanations surrounding is real but that doesn't necessarily mean that that'll stay the same the planet<br> there are a lot of possible scenarios so when if we could do five shows in a row without a break as long as I've got a diaper on but I could do 10 hours just talking about the stuff okay so thank you Sabbath 1974 for chiming in and we'll be talking more about that later I think I don't know what stories I have them I'm going to be there going to be just as precious to me as they are to you and by the way if you want to call them sometimes I lay out 12 to 15 stories and I looked down and it's been I'm done with the first hour and I got the one story so we'll see what happens but I try to make sure I have at least enough of them you can go to this report. Cam was just go to the store near ford.com and click on the show notes tab the surf report.com click on the show notes Tab and I will take you to to the store<br> I plan on talking about when I get to the mall probably not a two other quick things before we get into the store and then again you call call an 888-627-6008 I've been told that I need to repeat that because apparently people don't even realize that I'm alive how are they going to know to call am so so yeah please call him at 888-627-6008 so too quick to work with notes before we get into the the meet today number one the<br> the word came out yesterday and I won't I won't say it was an overwhelming response but there were a couple of dozen people the chimed in about and I'll ask the question of the end of yesterday show do you guys like it when I could because I can sit here and talk about a single topic for literally hours it's it's very annoying trust me my wife tells me how annoying it is all the time but I know that the vast majority of shows they like to take tidbits yeah it's like let's talk about this for 2 minutes this for 3 minutes 45 minutes I have a hard time with that but listen this isn't just my show this is your show as well<br> so I asked people to try men would you rather have that and even though there's only a couple of dozen responses I don't think is about 30 responses are people going to J D wrecker. Calm talk to get directly to me of those responses almost all of them said he has to order you know. Don't don't dwell on one topic for 2 hours talked about multiple topics so we're going to start trying to do that it's hard for me to talk about important topics because I think I don't want to talk about something that's not important but then again you know if it's important I have a hard time squeezing that into two or three or five minutes but hey we're going to try we're going to try one more quick from Sabbath's 1974 coming in on Rumble chats and red green axis is the Marxist Islamic trailers within and without so so very true you know what the weather saying is red green and I'm not going to I'm going to pull Joe Biden skip it because you you're taking me down<br> holes and I'm trying to make things shorter okay and it is on both sides before man and domestic Marxist cloward-piven strategy overthrown through overwhelming Islamic hedra which is immigration Jihad open borders this is one I'm going to ask you because because you're breathing of topics 1974 that any one of these could be shows of their own I actually had promised yesterday at the end I said I'm going to do a show about 911 and it's funny because I do I am going to do it I'm not going to do it today but I am going to do it because the parallels are they said from the very beginning and Israel that this is their 911 and I would argue that the parallels make that far more far more telling than just oh you know terrorist attack a lot of people died it goes well beyond that and one can vary<br> easily argue that in both cases we're not being told anywhere even close to the whole truth we don't know who's involved and I don't think in either case it was just the terrorists the known terrorists who were involved in every aspect of it was there an inside job that that part that was part of 911 K believe there was<br> was there an inside job that that was part of the the October 7th attacks I think that's nothing possible as well I'm not accusing Benjamin then letting you know who did all this so that he would get it and get out of trouble with his with with the other the Revolt that was happening over his his judicial reform I'm not buying that at all okay because here's the thing you know they might be United relatively strong United and there might not be protest right now because this is how you know when it's it's one of those situations where they might fight amongst each other once they're under attack they come together that's what's happening in Israel today right you got a unified know that wartime government that was formed almost instantaneously you have the protest that we're reaching into the tens even hundreds of thousands of people and a very tiny<br> country by million those those are stopped but here's the thing this overall when the dust settles I don't think this is going to be good for Benjamin Netanyahu I think this is his last last hoorah but he is going to be essentially removed from office and put out to pasture pasture for as soon as it makes logistical sense for Israel as soon as the threats are over the wartime aspect is over I would see that so no I don't think that Bibi Netanyahu was directly necessarily involved because he was trying to stop right there nothing you wasn't at fault I'm just saying that theory that he was trying to distract from Ryan so he had he had a thousand killed them I'm not buying that I will buy the the Deep State being very very much involved I think a lot of people most people say all that the United States every Western Nation every developed nation has a deep state<br> Nations that were the states and North Korea are on they don't have deep States they don't need them and I'm not saying that we need them but but there's no room for them I should say you couldn't form a deep state of North Korea because if you even contemplated it or tried you would be found out and executed because people are loyal to the the not leave State the surface State same thing with trying the same thing with a Ron same thing with a few other nations but as far as Great Britain Australia Israel the United States Canada has Western Nations develop Nations they have a deep State and yes I do believe there is a good chance defensively but there's a good chance that he is really deep say perhaps in conjunction with the American deep state<br> Were Somehow involved in making sure that the back door was open or in this case 29 back doors were left open at the most heavily guarded and heavily surveilled border on the planet for 7 hours conspiracy theories later it's already coming up to a break so I need to give a shot to the sponsor before we do that because cuz I'll be awful. They actually not mention the sponsor before we even get to the break about the sponsor Today Show as the are all of my shows<br> is sponsored by Genesis Gold group that people who use you hear all these other show host you got all these conservative websites it seems like nowadays everybody's got a a gold company in Precious Metals company and almost all of them are selling self-directed IRAs and it would make people think I do they're all the same but they are so far from being the same they are not even close means fainting from somebody who actually better out 31 different companies take care of somebody who is dissension against buying gold and silver until 2021 okay till 2021 until everything was installed I was off for hate guys stock market just ride all the way through let's do this you know will defeat woke ESG funds will we'll just we'll just power away through and everybody's retirement will be fine though I'm not like that anymore. Different<br> today I do whole-heartedly endorsed Genesis go group for one very good reason a 12 45 very good reasons but for one important reason because they don't try to con you if you ever see those ads if you ever hear your favorite show Hussein you know contact these guys don't give you five thousand who are they peeling time tomorrow are they playing tomorrow at the middle fence by the way if you fell for one of those tricks but I mean the the fees on on these things are usually like two hundred bucks okay so you're saying I owe me if you if you are in US $200 then we're going to give you $15,000 you know it's like hey sign me up for 15 accounts and send me my $75,000 right now that's not that's that's not how it works.<br> all that free silver is actually just worked into the cost of this the gold and silver that you purchased put into your your retirement account Genesis cold brew as a Christian precious metals company refuses to go down the river fuses to use that deceptive marketing I'm not going to call a scam because technically speaking it's not but there they couldn't do it if they wanted to<br> they couldn't because you have to charge these companies have to charge exuberant margins in order to afford the $15,000 in free silver use your headphones does anybody really going to try to make their $200 fee by giving away $15,000 in and still stay in business no I didn't think so so contact them 800 200 gold 800-200-4653 or go to my personal page jtr gold.com JDR gold.com promote the show I want to be clear about one thing or another show and they sponsor the show I do not unlike literally I would say pretty much everybody else out there I don't make commission if you buy from them<br> okay let that blows people away when they hear that they sponsor the show okay if if if 50 of you go out and buy gold and silver then that just means they're going to sponsor me even more but they're not going to pay me any extra to keep doing it so I'm not saying that I don't get a commission when you go to jail do your gold.com and purchase from them I will get to it it'll probably be next hour but I've got to get I got to move forward with the show again we're already a fourth of the way done and I haven't even technically started me to check my notes real quick and see what I am missing that's an important one ya better better bring that up yesterday show and this one in this was the second. But I mentioned earlier I said there's two notes<br> yesterday show I talked about about a dozen various new sources that I like you know and manage the Liberty daily as I managed to turn report both of them are news aggregators they do have some unique content but for the most part we put content from other sources and are very similar to the old Drudge Report right well<br> everybody was at most I hadn't heard of this when I heard of that one and we have a lot of emails about it there was one complaint and that one complaint came from a few different people and that was happen to be the last one on my list which is natural reason why yes I do and I like I said with all the stuff you have to be discerning<br> no Source not even me is going to you're not going to agree with us 100 of the time but if you agree with them a little bit that should be enough let's go to go to break and then when I return I'll explain I'll read you a text that I got from Mike Adams last night so that should be interesting<br> chances are you seen ads or heard show host talking about the idea of getting free silver you'll get 5000-10000 $15,000 in free silver if you'll only do business with this cold company of that gold company folks it's not real I want to see if you will number one go check out the truth about the quote on quote free silver by going to discern. TV / silver discern. TV / silver but if you want to be treated honestly if you wanted to be able to set yourself up with a self-directed IRA back my physical precious metals with a Christian company then go to JDR gold.com JDR gold.com Genesis Gold group will take care of you they will treat you honestly they will help you to secure your retirement in these tumultuous time so check them out go to JDR gold.com today<br>show guide said that she was like a lot of people stay home with you too Mike Mike Adams is this Mike Adams that look Mike Adams is a patriot Mike Adams is wicked smart Okay the dude has has like 75 PCS or something like that I mean I was like a lab he actually Wears Like a lab coat this guy knows his stuff special when it comes to to Natural Health specially when it comes to to geopolitics guys a polymath as well you know he understands he understands the economy he understands world of ferrets use the health Ranger so yes he does understand medicine especially what we consume I consider him to be the expert on a lot of these things<br> I disagree with him about the bombing this was the point of contention this is seems to have been a point of contention with a lot of people gave us the attack the bombing the explosion the something I don't know what you want to call it but the the event that happened at the Baptist Hospital in Gaza City that's supposedly killed five hundred people<br> they've been conflicting reports there have been a people thing going in One Direction people going in another Direction corporate media started off saying that it was definitely defensively Ashley possibly Israel cuz that's what they like to do because they know he knows that whatever they say the first thing they say is the one that sticks and they can always retracted later<br> and nope but you know if they say it's a they reach 100,000 people with the initial message when they retracted or correct it you know a day or two or five or ten days later of those hundred thousand people that's got the the wrong information it would only be ten to twenty thousand people if that that got the right information or the correct or the updated information whatever you want to call it so they'll always jump on you know they'll always jump on that first story is the one that this going to stick his them you seen this by the way you've all seen especially if you're here in the United States you've all seen the discrepancy between different narratives and how they're reported by the media okay if<br> a what's a a bike run a major crime happened to the shooting happened okay if the mass shooting is is is if the shooter is a person of color or Muslim or both then that information will it will take a day or two or more for that information come out feels a white male I mean that information is released within seconds I mean they look they they try to find anything there, too many videos are there they're checking police reports once I see white male but if the clearance this is it yes a white Christian right-winger might find out a couple days later that I owe you's a Bernie Sanders support he was a right winger he's actually Bernie Sanders support<br> Easter Easter White<br> that's that's how they handle the news that's how they that's how they manipulate people in this is why this is why I'm so so patient with a lot of the the lot of the left okay I'm patient with them press more so than other other animated show host such as me I'm more patient than because I know they've been indoctrinated I don't know if they got in Doc's me this children which seems to be more more prevalent today or they got a doctorate in school but they got indoctrinated by a documentary or maybe they were just born. I don't know but I know that that all that information is reinforced all those those perspectives are reinforced you know how we know we're right those of us on the right now we know we're right because despite the propaganda despite the gas lighting despite the lies<br> they're still I'm firmly believe more than half of America is legitimately conservative us not say the Republican<br> but I would say that if you were to sit them down in a room and just go through you know do you believe in this do you believe this you believe is to believe this you know they might even think their leftist say hell no I don't even be a lamb OK Google do you believe that that the board should be open know how do you believe that you believe that that you should be taxed more you know how are you hanging up taxes like well no but I do believe the rich should be taxed more then if you show them what did you know did you know stay with me on this one did you know that that the taxes for and I don't know the exact number to whatever the exact numbers are the top 2% pay like 43% of the taxes in America did you know that no I thought they all got tax breaks I thought they all I thought he alone must speak nothing in taxes last year that's what that's what that's what Elizabeth Warren said<br> I mean the point being is that you know that Brandon straka walkaway movement was effective isn't because they had to try to convince people all they have to do is show them the truth just like Brandon strzok himself was shown the truth that I should be guest here I think next week pretty soon we'll have him on as a guess he's been my guess before and he is he is he is a handful guy knows what he's talking about and he's definitely paid for you and he was definitely radical left us for a long time<br> but he served his time for January 6th even there that alone you know you see all my gosh you know what happens when you compare the Justice clinical Justice against people the right was just seeing what I saw this terrible twos is very annoying it actually infuriates me when I saw it on Twitter you know showing this this headline about this guy that had raped prepubescent children and he got six months in jail for raping prepubescent children<br> then you've got Mackay I've got this was all handled was but the the guy that posted the meanest today you know you can vote for Hillary Clinton by texting such-and-such he got seven months in jail he posted a meme and he's concerned he got 7 months in jail the other guy who's robbing see the leftist rapes children and got six months in jail you know post a meme rape children parently in our current Injustice system as I like to call it<br> conservative is more of a crime that actually being a criminal<br> and that's just should be the case<br> call give me a call tell me I'm wrong tell me I'm right tell me you don't care give me a call 888-627-6008 so my perspective and I have seen and then you can find the semi going to play the video but you can find it if you go to discern report.com and click on the show Notes app and you'll find a video there Hamas admits Islamic Jihad bombed a hospital for the world siblings Israel that's the name of it and that is a Eric Eric I always forget his name. What is your name Eric Eric Eric something or another his last name it since I was going to say Hasselbeck that was a quarterback I think it's that go beg somebody to put in the chat or call me or something tell me what it is anyway he had posted a video and unfortunately<br> because because then it's like I will what if this is just misinformation yeah but for the video it was a allegedly apparently was an intercepted phone call between two Hamas members in Gaza<br> and one of them is telling the other one yeah it was that Brockett was that came from a Palestinian Islamic Jihad which is basically did the junior varsity terrorist organization in Gaza Affiliated are friendly but not affiliated with Hamas point being is that is that they they intercepted this call and which we do know that there was that we're Rockets fired from the cemetery that's right behind the hospital that got hit was like yeah you know it's shrapnel this is a very specific phone call messed up that's why I do believe that it was correct and accurate because because it was very specific okay if it was staged let's say this is Israeli this information which is very possible again if it is<br> job because it sounds like a straight-up legitimate phone call between two terrorists trying to figure out what happened and who bombed the house when I type of shrapnel not not the type of shrapnel it that you find when you go when we get bombed by the Israelis and yada yada yada in cycle where is United you know there's a cemetery the banter back and forth and got me again that's the part where where it it's like okay so<br> you know again if they if this is fake then it's really good faith is like they were there bantering sekou yeah I didn't even know there's a hospital or there was a cemetery there and giving directions you know okay there was that and there's video evidence that's been put out by Israel videos pictures showing this and then there was a post Yesterday by Laura Loomer a few other people she was the only one that hers was very very telling you know that showed number one of the parking lot that was hit did 500 people really died how they get rid of all the body so fast you know why was there I mean there were trees from the epicenter of the the explosion where the rocket hit<br> from that epicenter like literally 20 feet away was a tree with perfectly green leaves you know that does not seem like the type of thing that I'm a Israeli air raid on a hospital that you just did it just didn't fit okay now here's the thing I want to be clear about this<br> the reason I can never ever say a hundred percent certainty is because I wasn't there<br> maybe an in even then I would have to have been in multiple places I would for me to be able to say with 100% certainty that this rocket went up I would have had to been there where they're firing the Rock and seen them farther rock with my own eyes and see it go up and then come back down and hit the parking lot at the hospital then I could be a hundred percent certain that it was Islamic Jihad or at least the guys that I was with that moment who claimed they were as long as you don't have to go to the hospital real quick and see you so<br> how many people died 12 15 20 I don't know<br> baby Stark County that would be the scenario where I would be able to tell you with a hundred percent certainty that that's what happened otherwise we're in an age of Technology will you just can't believe your own eyes if your own eyes are looking at the computer or looking at the television are looking anywhere else with things could be faked do I think that this recording is legit and there really are two guys to Hamas guys talking about how Palestinian Islamic Jihad was the one that the fired off the missile yes I do think it's probably legitimate the videos showing that it was fired there in the cemetery and then and the landing basically right where they were very close to where they were in that parking lot yes I think that's I think those are probably legit but I can't tell you a hundred percent<br> is any of that can be faked<br> oh that's it that's why it's important Mike Adams takes the exact opposite approach Mike Adams over natural news takes the opposite approach the opposite sense he seem compelling circumstantial evidence and he shares it and you can find this article over natural news compelling circumstantial evidence that it was an error bomber air burst Weapon by the Israelis and he has videos that showcase so you'll notice how I like the car you know if it were a Tesla make rockets hit their then the cars would have gone that way away from the rocket instead it looks like they were crushed down the ceilings were of the cars were were pushed down so it's pretty it's pretty odd and you can see how the fires were inside not on this really nice on the outside<br> two windows going out that part though there's actually some compelling evidence want to reach you a part of the text that you sent me last night because because I want you to understand that my perspective I'm at about ninety eight ninety-nine percent sure it was you it was one of the terrorist groups probably Palestinian Islamic Jihad that misfired I think that's that's probably almost certainly the case based on the evidence I've seen<br> but you have to understand the people who look at the other side's evidence can be 99 or a hundred percent sure in their own minds that they're correct that it was Israel<br> we have to understand that folks if we are going to be able to to overcome this we have to understand that our perspectives are our perspectives and it's something is polarizing is what's happening in Gaza what's happening what happened in Israel and Israel and all those things we don't have to hate each other because we have different do I hate my cat has I love my cat and I think he's awesome do I think is wrong on this one yeah I do but I'm not a hundred percent sure he could and it's enough to the point that I'm going to be okay so I went into the hospital bombings in more detail in the parking lot was hit yes but hundreds of refugees were sleeping in the open courtyard right next to the parking lot<br> okay well now<br> especially if you believe the the Palace of the pro Palestinian narrative mouth like okay so when we think of 100 500 people dying in the hospital from a bombing I first thought is that the hospital must be gone you know or it must look like the Murrah building from from Oklahoma City in 1995 right we start thinking I'm the most of the mass destruction that was the part that I think I missed a lot of people there's more to the story that maybe the story that we're getting old is wrong and maybe there really weren't 500 people that were killed maybe that was just just the Hamas probably to try to get sympathy to try to get get the embassies to be to be riots to happen and embassies to get attacked across the globe which is exactly what happened okay but then you got Mike he's he says that there were refugees people sleeping out just in the in the streets or in the parking lot itself<br> okay so that might that that means there's a possibility in the other direction with keep going that way put a story about that let's see<br> civilians were killed as they slept<br> pretty damning analysis showing it was an Israeli air bursted missile that's what it is that's what he called it an Israeli Air Force missile that is now a tattoo hospitals in 2 days that's why there's no crater in the parking lot these are airburst thermobaric missiles highly sophisticated Mazdas not have them that I did look at my can I can confirm that you can find the stuff I didn't I don't I didn't look to it in my my show notes she can find out where naturalnews.com summary from the article Kyros ations Palestinian civilians were sleeping the courtyard number to Israel today bomb a s Hospital number three of the Jets launching these missiles produced a clear launch signature on both videos and it was an airburst missile now I will I'm going to stop right there on that one so the evidence<br> of it being an airburst missile<br> it's one of those things where you know<br> you could look at this for example the evidence from 911 and people trying to prove that 9/11 was an inside job some of the evidence is obviously very compelling but a lot of times you watch those videos or maybe from the past will see those videos and they're like that's not very compelling you know like I think there was this one it's like look as soon as it hits the as soon as that the plane touches the glass there's a spark and that indicates that a missile was fired I'm like no you probably I can definitely see in low-quality videos from from 22 years ago that there could actually just literally BF a brief flash of light right at the point of contact when I when I planes hitting a building but I've seen people use that as the definitive answer don't get at is Longview evidence that was in the video that I watched that was over the information Liberation then repost over natural news a lot of it seemed mildly compelling but it's not like oh yeah<br> Ashley possibly airburst missile okay<br> for those who believe that it was such evidence will tell them all day that that the vet that will make him certain of it<br> and then they can look at it and think they can listen to the video that I the conversation that I was referring to earlier the conversation about you know hey ya Wheels is a Palestinian Islamic Jihad hear that conversation between to Hamas people to me as somebody who believe that's the the scenario that that took place that's like oh my gosh there's a Smoking Gun that's perfect evidence to somebody who believed that it was Israel who engage in the bombing that you guys talking okay it's probably Bob and Harry you know from Tel Aviv to Kpop you know Arabic could get hairy you guys here read this script and will release this and will blame it on I mean when I'm trying to make it<br> Penny Pawn your own bias we all have them my bias is towards the the idea that this was a misfire by a terrorist group that had their own people<br> you're biased might be dead and Mike Mike Adams vice might be that this is real engaging in no further trying to excuse themselves from from committing a very serious act and killing a whole bunch of people<br> depending on what your bias is evidence will either confirm your bias or go against your bison guess which evidence you and me and Mike Adams and Bob and Harry and everybody else they're always going to see the evidence that confirms their bias and the evidence that goes against their bias they're going to ignore this is the case and pretty much all things but in this particular scenario and what's happening in Israel and Gaza is going to be tenfold tenfold at the very least<br> maybe more<br> and that's not necessarily A Bad Thing<br> is it tells us that if and when we are able to get through this if this is not lead to World War 3 then the potential for Unity after this is resolved one way or the other does get high after the break I'll be talking more about that I see that CC 23 said I saw Dan bongino talking about this I think he said it was from Al Jazeera Al Jazeera by the way so so it's that's a great one to talk because I was just curious if you had Al Jazeera saying it was definitively Israel and then you had our people on the ground from Al Jazeera Islamic Jihad so what's identification<br>the funny part is for those who didn't watch the show miss them with the opening I said you know what I need to know you guys said that you want me to do not focus on one story and you know for 2 hours and try to break it down we just made it to the first hour and technically speaking I didn't get to the first story so I got to practice this I really do have practiced you make it easier if you guys would just call you keep me under on points focused enough help help me help you call 888-627-6008 talk to my wonderful producers at BBS radio<br> and I love to come here and you can again tell me that I'm smart tell me I'm dumb tell me I am I'm handsome but I am married so even if you tell me I'm handsome I can't really talk too much about it<br> tell me I'm ugly and I know I'll be able to take it I was told that by the young lady named Jackie Learner in 7th grade and it's stuck with me my whole life but but I'm over it I'm almost over it I'm getting over it as soon as possible Dave Dave thank you for the compliment Dave in the rumble chat said that that I'm handsome as I'm handsome so we made sure that these stories were not stories from about Israel and Hamas in Gaza cuz I don't want to get over to work and talk about some other things cuz there is actually other news believe it or not out there and you can finally stories at the CERN report.com put on the shut up button you'll see what we're talking about you can watch in real time of reparations you know I like<br> Robert Kennedy Junior's perspective on about three or four topics on everything else he's wrong okay you can claim to be not a Democrat anymore because he doesn't want it cuz they didn't give him a fair shake and that's that's a shame that's that's awful but you know it is what it is so you can say okay so I agree with him about vaccines I agree with him about Ukraine I agree with him about the old various other things the way that he handles cancel culture on the way that he is against certain aspects of of climate change dominance the climate change tell me he doesn't consider climate change itself to be a host but he doesn't agree with certain aspects of the way that climate change is being handled by democrats okay great with all those things the Democrat the reason is important because just as I said from the very beginning when he first announced he's going to be running as an independent you got a whole bunch of Republicans out there saying oh yeah this is great this is awesome<br> he's going to steal from Joe Biden I'm like are you guys kidding me<br> I've said this a million times I'll say it a million times more Democrats stick together okay Democrats stick together you and you're literally probably maybe 0.01% of the people who adored Bernie Sanders who who were desperate to get Bernie Sanders in there you had about 0.01% of those people that vote for either Hillary Clinton and or Joe Biden okay they wanted they hated Joe Biden they wrote they did songs okay there was some weirdos out there doing songs Don't Make Me vote for Joe Biden they were they were Fanatics K they were obsessed with Bernie Sanders and they all voted for Joe Biden and back in 2016 they all voted for Hillary Clinton<br> the RFK Democrats are going to vote for Joe Biden or whoever Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom or whoever the Democrats actually run in 2024 they're not going to follow him that the Democrats but on the other hand<br> the the conservatives Republicans who are like you know what my number one issue is is the vaccines and I don't you know I don't like the Trump did Operation warp speed and I don't like that the Sanders or whoever did their you know as they they've been lukewarm about it so I'm I'm going to vote for RFK Jr you're going to get more individualists which generally speaking individualists are going to be on the right Collective is on the left individuals on the right you're going to get more of those people were going to say you know what I'm with RFK Jr play out of the polls is it now our kids Union running as an independent is not going to Usher Donald Trump into the the White House it's not<br> it's going to hurt him he has to overcome this<br> that's why it's so very important I like RFK Jr okay if I have to pick who I like not as a candidate not as a politician but who I would want to go have a beer with more than anybody else number one would be Trump trump doesn't drink so having a beer with him that would make me the coolest guy ever I got Trump drink a beer but Trump if it would be arcade you know I would rather have a beer with RK Junior than Vivek ramaswamy Nikki Haley Mike Pence Ron DeSantis Tim Scott or any of the others<br> and I definitely would never I will I would never in a million years ingest anything or want to be in the same restaurant or bar as Chris Christie just to be clear and it's not just because I don't like his politics<br> I'll leave it at that point is that a junior no longer Democrat running as an independent arcade Junior<br> will can Andrew and very possibly might hurt Donald Trump not Joe Biden which is why I want to make sure that I highlight everytime Robert Robert F Kennedy Junior comes out in favor of reparations if your Republican and you don't like you don't like you obviously you don't like them but you you don't like what you're going to vote for our kitchen where you going to go for reparations is that really what you want to do it yourself that by Paul boys over there now and I wouldn't Dave asked him how about an ice cream cone with Uncle Joe now now I wouldn't want to I don't want to be around him you know there's this episode where of SpongeBob where they think that SpongeBob spreads the rumor that Sandeep is dumb Sandy the squirrel which obviously she's like going as far as I think she is the smartest one their butt butt SpongeBob<br> give us our liking because he says that she's dumb and this is coming routine about being dumb as a squirrel Sandy walking around in the grocery store and this is like to get away from her you don't want to catch her stupid that's kind of how I feel about being around you or not and Escondido Bandidos says it's because he knows me knows that Christy will eat all the food and yes yes he will so cording to Paul over at Breitbart Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr departure from his usual Mater posturing by coming out in favor of reparations positions but on those things where he's not moderate when it comes to the economy the dude is is to the left of Joe Biden okay we're talking about straight a full-blown modern monetary Theory I had to have it kind of a wake-up call for a concerned friend of mine<br> RFK Jr talking about you know basically making it possible for literally everybody to be able to go to home Mike dude it's the Marxism no Marxism you don't own any I said right cuz if the government helps you know the home and the government of the home that's how it's going to end up working so the only way they can ever, so this is through Modern monetary Theory do the X's printing of an additional additional on top of a 33 true you already they would have to make them essentially own everything<br> yeah that's considered a friend had to wake him up to anyway point B is that yes now he's coming out for reparations White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre somewhere that she told reporters we understand there's a legislation on the hill currently on this on the study of reparation that we think Congress is the appropriate venue for consideration on such actions so we're going to leave it there for hours to the side and let them go through their process that they're taking at this moment in other words that stop it that's going to make people not want to vote for us so we're going to we're going to pass off the Capitol Hill for now they're not going to do anything about it and then we'll bring it up full force if we win the election 2024<br> that's what she say Okay so let's be clear I would have a beer with RFK Jr is a question from Dave by the way in the chat I would definitely have a beer with RFK Jr I would not vote for arcade jr. Okay. I would consider if he was going up against the fence<br> just because I really really don't like Mike Pence<br> I mean I would but I've never in my life vote for Democrat and he might not be running as a Democrat that arcade Juniors a Democrat as we're learning here so now I have never and would never give up any dark a junior do I want to see him take on the CIA maybe maybe Trump wins and points him as CIA director CIA director Robert of Kennedy Junior dismantling his own agency<br> revealing everything will find out not only who who who shot his dad and shot all the candies will find out everything he has released all the Epic so I am I'm going to go ahead and start the start the the Trump<br> let's get Trump elected and let's let's get him to a point RFK Jr as CIA director<br> if that happens I will shave my head<br> twice so he said that he supports using federal tax dollars to rebuild black infrastructure like Banks and businesses he also supports the rectory dress payment or tax credits as opposed to blanket cash giveaway<br> good reparations is what they're trying to paint That's not reparations reparations okay I am not a slave owner you are not a slave or I know that none of you watching this show our slave and I know that nobody watching the show or not watching this show or slaves or even were slaves okay<br> that's the dumb argument against reparations but I'm I'm kind of down today so so we'll go with that<br> skip another story out there<br> RFK Jr for CIA director, for those who don't know issues in insights.com is<br> I'll go in today there's history here in the future it's a good site it's got really really really smart people behind it they are a little bit establishment I'll admit so use your discernment as I always say use your discernment when you're reading this stuff don't just fall in line with everything they say but when they're right there very right in the very smart about this Nobel Foundation has Paul Krugman for its award back this is from the editorial board over at at insights issues insights.com is there their website the war on inflation is over wrote Paul Paul Krugman said the war on inflation is over and we won we won<br> can't you just say we won at very little cost oh my gosh you guys are so so prosperous you don't know it you don't feel it you can't tell by your bank accounts are by your your empty cupboards or by your late car payments or by your your your your repossessed anyting but you're doing great mission accomplished mission accomplished have a like the unfinished rock war that George W bush bragged about from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln the inflation battle is far from over Coogan's reputation as an economist on the other hand should be put in a body bag and shipped to Sweden along with his Nobel prize money crewman was mocked for his Claim about inflation a good reason to show how we allegedly want to show how we'd had allegedly won that war had to strip out food energy shelter and used cars in other words most of the stuff that people actually spend their money on on<br> on a regular basis or in many cases on a day-to-day basis we beat inflation except for you know what you eat and keeping the lights on in your house in your car okay everything else we beat so so when you go out and you go buy that that's 64 inch television it's going to not be much more expensive than it was this time last year that's Paul krugman's<br> argument so yes I would say it is a fair assessment a fair punishment to to take away his Nobel Prize<br> I'll see if did I not put it in here I didn't put it in there how crazy is that right now I got to go back and find it talk about a ton of professional you know who does the suit even who even goes into a show this unprepared so they don't even have the story pulled up that they're looking for and so as a result they have to stop by talking more slowly so<br> that's why I don't have a pull up cuz I didn't save it what an idiot all right it's okay well we'll just go there was one of the story that I haven't wanted to talk about Ye Ye felt okay this is for national news so those of you say all natural news Mike Adams this has nothing to do with his real don't worry South African calls 7.5 million chickens to contain bird flu outbreaks triggering shortages of poultry and eggs and I'm not going to read the article to you I'm going to use this as example number 437 if you were call prior to 2021<br> I think it's actually 2020 but was a prior to 2021 when there was a bird flu outbreak and usually happened at 1 Farm somewhere in Iowa and it was relegated to that one form in the cage Ali does a major outbreak it would happen if that one farm and it would have spread to two or three other farms in the local area all within the 5 10 mile radius right that's how the birth of operates you have to I've said before I say it again you got you got to Pigeon you know you got the bird flu in in some whatever and some chicken coop somebody catch the bird flu they start spreading it around and you got two pigeons pigeons you know I'm going to go talk to the chickens and say it is it a duck farm I don't know if a fly off to add to a turkey farm Turkey ranch and turkey something and I got<br> and you're going to literally decades when it would occasionally pop up<br> every 35 years that's how it would spread blame the talkative pigeon<br> well since 2021 how has it been spreading not like that since 2021 so I got bird flu outbreak in Texas three days later break in Minnesota long distance pigeon I guess right bird flu outbreak in Italy<br> 4 days later<br> we've had constant bird flu outbreaks that have been allegedly forcing farmers<br> to call their their flocks not talking about five thousand chickens here in this case in South Africa I haven't heard of one in South Africa before by the way<br> but Nick is in South Africa 7.5 million chickens called over the Moon by the way that they were 7.5 million chickens that caught the bird flu that means there might have been one or two or five or 10 or 15 out of the 7.5 million but since they were proximity they're all allegedly tainted they're all bad there are there you can't there's no other way to do it you just going to have to take out the guy that that the peanut the big Reservoir and they had to drain the entire thing you have tens of millions of gallons of water in the middle of a drought and because he was caught on camera peeing into into tens of billions of gallons they had to drain the entire thing and start over<br> I'm not suggesting that's not the wrong approach I don't think it is and I think it is the wrong approach but hey you know<br> I can understand it the fact they're doing this to the chickens are across the globe especially United States and especially not just to the chickens by the way it's the turkeys here and you don't even care about it and they always much as I do because I have to go to Alternative sources to find information about cowherd's that are that are getting slaughtered them at catching anything they're just getting killed K randomly talking about 55 cattle were talking about five thousand at a time just randomly dying found in the field dead no not no idea why or Battlefield Dead all with their throats cut or found in the field or are not found in the field must have been abducted by aliens<br> the packing our food supply is real it is happening<br> and I'm going to always bring up the stories not because I think they're very interesting I think they're very boring okay but you have to hear it and other people have to hear you have to share this is people need to know that our food supplies under attack it was Henry Kissinger said who controls the food supply controls the people they're trying to control the food supply to control you and me this isn't about climate change and then I was concerned about cow farts their concern about control<br> we don't want you to eat bugs by the way they want you to eat bugs they want you to know they want to use the bugs to normalize the idea of lab-grown meat<br> they come to you and they say hey you know what we're going to start selling lab-grown meat and that's all you can get you know you don't have to pay premium for the regular meat<br> feel like a man most people I would say maybe not in the last maybe they can't wait to get their hands on on 3D printed meet but I was here most of us will be like that way I don't know. My roommate is an Abomination fly burrow meat is made from cancer cells is terrible it's not the same thing we don't want my roommate but then and they knew this Yuval Noah Harari in Clash of Clans are like and Bill Gates it's going to be hard to just willingly shift over the labrum me what if we moved over to Linda what if we say hey you guys are going to be eating crickets and mealworms can't wait for that can you know I don't want you guys are crazy I want a beef burger I want this you know<br> okay okay okay okay do you guys want you in this weather say you guys went no Cricket Burgers we got it we got something better with Willits meet it halfway let's meet in the middle instead of the the environment killing cows what if you try this juicy wonderful semi okay looking lab-grown meat and they want and call the call cultivated me or the call it the call it whatever you know what environmentally friendly beef<br> try it and you'll be like<br> I guess it's better than crickets it's not as good as Bob's it's about as good as McDonald's<br> but at least it's better than crickets that's how they're going to normalize it folks so they're in the process of normalizing point being is that yes I'm going to talk all these boring stories about 7.5 million chickens being called in South Africa because of Birdland house triggering poultry and egg shortages cuz it's going to be having it is happening here in the United States if you're watching NBC news or Fox News whatever you probably have no idea if you're actually paying attention to the food in the street is I am forced to do and yes I see this happening every single day at least every week okay I'm good week I might only see one or two stories some weeks I'll see five to ten stories<br> when is the reason Segway perfectly into the sponsor this is why this is why we launched a whole cow's this is why we launched Freedom First beef.com<br> because we're never going to as a company my company is never going to sell lab-grown beef my company is never going to sell beef that has been injected by mRNA vaccines the way the pigs are we can't sell pork in America<br> we can't<br> because I'm pretty much the entire supply has been tainted by mRNA vaccines since 2018 but she didn't know about that allowed you to know about that cuz that was then make the news until like last year<br> 2018 is when it started nobody talked about it till 2022 and of those now how many people in America actually even know that probably very few maybe some of you didn't know that I don't eat pig anymore and I ain't Muslim<br> I just won't touch don't touch bacon it's all painted we are never going to allow RVs to get tainted Freedom First beef.com use promo code JDR it is freeze-dried long-term storage sous-vide beef for beef or those who don't know it takes 30 hours to freeze right to put into mylar bags with oxygen absorbers and give it a 25-year shelf stable status where you can eat it and it's good and very nutritious 25 years from now so he's going to open the back once you open the bag then you got the time goes down but until you open the bag it's the safe again at least 25 years<br> the stuff for me is is will be like gold in the near future I promise you that<br> ZombiU is what if we get to a barter system if Society divorce that point then having bags of freeze-dried ribeye freeze-dried New York strip freeze-dried tenderloin or sirloin or whatever we don't sell beef crumbles to check it out for the first beef.com promo code jtr say 15% with promo code Jay are all right we are cooking we are moving right along cooking no pun intended it says b Bill Gates physique must be part of that brown meat that produces high estrogen effects in males anybody you've never seen Bill Gates wearing one of his golf polos you can tell he doesn't play golf mk7 doesn't play polo and yeah but he doesn't care he's got he's got a trillions of dollars but he also has the keys to depopulation of the globe ball<br> they're never going to get rid of him unless I find somebody meteor Dave says I was in Philadelphia getting Cheesesteak at Pat's and Chris Christie was there he got to cheesesteaks and Fries he doubted all I kid you not I don't doubt and I actually did I did the challenge one time I have tax and Gino's on the same trip it almost killed me but I did it I did it seems rather than have any fries or anyting wit I had them with<br> all right. So many stories would I promise that we are going to try to do the short story stories hopefully that's what you guys want if not you can always contact me to tell me how to run my show at j.d. Rucker, talk or you can call me tell me to my face or lease my ear +888-627-600-8204 going to try it anyway because I said this was about hope<br> we have a show is about hope we have a lot of reasons to be hopeful I said earlier obviously we have the biblical reason to be hopeful you're about bible-believing Christian then you know that one or two things are currently happening either this is a shadow of the entines echo the end times you know why I pre emption a B I guess you could say a preface to the end times and it could be days weeks months years decades centuries before the end times actually starts in which case we have a very good feeling that we should be able to win real to overcome the gold Sleek bother will be able to overcome the Bill Gates is Barack Obama's class Schwab's George Soros is in the world that will be able to survive the bite will see brighter days in the future that's if it's not the end times<br> it's a lot to help their fight the good fight right well let's say that this is the end times okay we Joy is hallelujah we're going home folks I think the tremendous and very rare privilege of being alive to see the end of days at least with the current at Park of this this planet of this world that means that we're going to be going home soon and will you deliver eternity I don't see how that could be unhelpful to anybody I know people said oh yeah I know I can't wait to go to heaven B but you know I got other things I want to do your I get it I get I'm I'm almost the opposite you know I'm not I'm not suicidal or anything but it's like man if if this could all just end in tomorrow next week next month or next year that be kind of cool okay you know I'm happy I'm happy<br> but I would definitely be a whole lot happier in heaven with my Creator so the last Reason for Hope there then I jumped ahead I said there's also a reason Pro because we're getting to see the difference between people working to see people especially popular people in media' they're getting exposed as you know whether they're Adam Ali Pro pro-israel or Adam Lee proe Hamas or there somewhere between this is important information because like I said you can find people that you can agree with 100% or at least 99% I'm on everything or even 90% who grew the most things right but then this issue is one where it's like okay so there is some<br> there's some educational needs to happen one way or the other or maybe there's not maybe you just agree to disagree either way that's information is good for it for us to have my so how does that bring us hope<br> we are going to this is not an issue that's going to go away even if let's say let's say they get in there and they Israel's able to get get some ice out right and they were able to get rid of her monster Rings all hunky-dory and things go back to quote unquote normal it will never go back to normal<br> so we will get into this next Story the first we're going to take a quick break so stay tuned<br> whether it's bugs or lab grown meat or whatever they're pushing for the sake of climate change to replace good old-fashioned pasture-raised beef they're pushing it they're pushing too hard and it's time for us to wake up it's time for us to realize that that we need to start stocking up on long-term storage beef you can do that by going to Freedom First beef.com it's free to First beef.com and using promo code JDR you'll get freeze-dried ribeye freeze-dried New York strip Tender Loin and of course their original steak product and with 15% off its time is there is a sous vide so it's already cooked it's freeze-dried it's got 10 the 25-year shelf life without Refrigeration course so go check it out Freedom First beef.com and start stocking up on long-term storage beef today promo code<br>let's face this is pretty expensive stuff it is expensive and I want to be clear it's expensive it's not like oh my gosh they're making like like $80 per bag we're not we when is cheapest we could we have a choice we could have gone with a cheat me if you look at you could find freeze dried meat like sixty seventy bucks someone that is going to be beef crumbles okay or it's going to be beef chunks or something like that you want beef crumbles or freeze dried beef crumbles it's it's going to be made from the lowest all parts of it and then put into bags or number 10 cans or whatever and then during Transit it shakes because it's freeze-dried it becomes it becomes very powdery that's why they called beef crumbles some still call Grumpy's but it all comes up as I like to call it meat flavored porridge cuz once you rehydrated that's when it is our stuff is literally it's it's a rib-eye steak that's been<br> and 1 inch cubes okay sous vide and then freeze dry don't you know what happens when you rehydrated<br> little rib eye steak or like 15 of them or 30 of them are how many I don't know how many is in a bag but you got a bunch of these little ribeye steaks that you can throw in the stew or chillier or whatever it's good it's good I need it anyway I'm just I'm proud of my company alright I really am I really in process return report.com this is by dr. Joseph Mercola is a new world war about to begin and he might be thinking what in the world does this have to do with with the hope and I will explain the video the video of stuff I will admit I have to put the video in there because I liked content Integrity okay when somebody post something if I'm going to to post her article if I can't contact him and say hey I'd like to change this that's all you do not post it or I won't change it in this case you know this this Secret Wars uncovered the Gaza offensive I have not<br> the whole thing's I cannot vouch for it but there is important stuff in there so we're going to Joseph Mercola and these are the bullet point number one the boat was cabal behind the great reset plan desperately by the group behind the plan that's really wants War the bigger the better as this will facilitate the transition into the new world order was I like to call and they're starting to call the multipolar world order something new about it's been around for 4 as long as there's been an Israel really so you know we're going 70 years 80th and probably older than that even the world economic forum is 50 years old and come on is this isn't new the globalized start number to war destroys supply chain the energy sector food supply and the workforce which creates dependency on government which in turn will take over what will be taken over by private interest and central banks through the class of the global<br> and there and let me just stop right there because that's the important part there's a lot of takeaways in all this<br> lots of takeaways<br> that's the part where it's like okay maybe this is it<br> maybe this is the one that will finally finally Lord willing this will wake up the masses the Patriots the people like you the people like me<br> into understanding and appreciating that we need to localize<br> if things go down the way that a lot of people are predicting you're going to have to localize anyway<br> and localization focusing on God first followed by yourself and your family Fall by your community and you jump down City County State and and federal the very bottom that's my hierarchy of government in my humble opinion<br> I think that you should make your decisions and when I think I'd rather not talk about it that's why all the laws I'm talking about how you govern your life take into consideration your faith whatever faith it is actually the top and then your family and yourself take care of yourself become self-sufficient and easiest way to do that. I shouldn't say easier just the best way to do that is to try to localize as much as possible so when I say there's hope it's because I'm seeing more and more and more and more people trying to take care of themselves trifle of lies are there going to be are the matches going to be reliant on government beholden to government in the lines to get their lab grown meat or they're crickets if I have me wrong about that one yes yes they will and they'll have to show their their digital ID the visual ID will have their vaccine record and it'll it'll show their social credit score and let me sit there say<br> you know I shouldn't have posted that that to to Facebook or Tik-Tok or whatever now I regret it because now I'm only going to get get one Cricket Burger today darn it you know I mean it's<br> that's how it's going to be<br> but hopefully not for you<br> open up for us hopefully Lord willing we will be able to finally do what we should have been doing for the last 30 years for the last 50 years and it's building economies building infrastructure at the local level<br> that means getting getting away from having everything shipped to you<br> and getting is getting your life situated in a way that is as localized as possible buying your food from local farmers buying your your chairs your furniture your whatever from local people working with your your local mechanic not necessarily the big corporate mechanic and I hope this is not an attack on capitalism capitalism as a part of globalism has been a natural transition okay there are those out there still on the very conservative side who believe that the free trade is the way to go we need to be a global economy in a way that a Navy to let let let capitalism determine everything I get in life I'm not disagreeing with that in an ideal world because<br> the last was a four years we've not been in that in an ideal world since really the rise of pandemic Panic theater we have not been in an ideal world since what was March 16th of 2020 when we were supposed to be going to have two weeks to slow the spread we have not had an Ideal World and this will hopefully wake people up even though the thing that kills the thing that kills an Empire the thing that can kill any society it's not Strife at least the first it's not necessarily Invasion it's not necessarily any of the bad things we usually associate with the downfall of an Empire what really drives and then prior to his downfall is luxury is complacency it's being too successful Bane in The Dark Knight Rises you know<br> does a result he became basic crippled right he want he won through because of a being able to put away the mob stopping my put away the Joker you know get gets Jim Gordon to work with the ghost of you had Batman beat base to become a that's what's happening to America We are Becoming crippled and hopefully this will be a wake-up call. Hopefully the last four years will be the wake-up call that was necessary to make a start focusing locally focusing on family focusing on making sure that I'm not saying oh you know don't even vote in the presidential election not saying that I seem to ignore the government cuz you can ignore government all you want they're not going to ignore you or you can do the best thing you can do is to become as self-sufficient unbeholden as possible<br> if you do that then I think that you have you'll be able to last longer than than your your buddies that are again going to be standing in line with their apps ready to go waiting to get there quicker burgers or or fake meat Burgers their ration of bread for the day<br> waiting to be allowed to to get their vaccine which is going to be what will allow them to go to work you know they'll be like oh you know you don't you're not making any of those Central Bank digital currencies like I am then you're like wow it's okay I got my tomato garden I got my chickens I'm good I'm good don't tell Kevin where I am<br> about owl says wrath did we talk about 9/11 we started to and as I said said<br> the looks I started his round midnight start doing my chauffeur was looking at 9:11 doing the comparison between 11:00 and and what's happening in Israel Israeli attacks look in the conspiracies looking at the the trajectory you know is when they say that that Israel at 9 and October 7th at 9:11 are similar that seems to be a lot closer than that so I have deferred on that show until I do more research because it really is a deep dive okay it really is a deep dive in the symbolism the biblical symbolism you know if you look at just as an example if you look at the Genesis 6:6 11611 talks about him actually pulled up so I can<br>I don't have it memorized I should I will actually today Genesis 6 11 the Earth was corrupt before God and room for those who don't recall are you don't know Genesis 6 is the beginning base we would know a story talkin about how Wicked the world was right so then 6:11 the Earth was was also was corrupt before God and the Earth was filled with violence of the word in Hebrew<br> it's used here in the in the original that the Hebrew Bible the word for violence is Thomas<br> and that's okay so that's interesting you find out that that the word Hamas in Hebrew is used multiple times and it seems very coincidental that many times when it's used it's used in a way that is like that's that's pretty crazy you know your reaction is 19526 that would get you going but then I started thinking you know this would be a good time to note to people because I think a lot of people out here a lot of these biblical commentators talking about especially Matthew 2430 7th 2:39 and went in reference to Genesis Genesis 6 and I've heard that you know that the claim that what we just read Matthew 2430 7 but as the days of Noah so shall also the coming of the son of man be another words in the time of Jesus's return things will be like they were in Genesis 6 and I heard, Tater so you know what that means that that we can already see it happening all this is fornication<br> he knows is partying the things they were even sent them in Genesis Sixers Nephilim on the earth in those days and also after work on the setting in yada yada yada. They say all that must be there today right and they make all these chumps I keep thinking myself my gosh that's not what Matthew 24 37 through 39 minutes and the key there is that you got to read Matthew 37 not just Matthew 37 which most of them do you remember you 37 38 and 39 swim read those real quick but as the days of Noah so shall also the coming of the son of man be glad we got that 38 for as in the days that were before the flood the day before but Noah the day is so so as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day<br> that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so she'll also be the the coming of the son of man be eating and drinking your partying and they were up there with her marriage and and end up giving a that means they were having sex about<br> what is the saying is they were going about their day-to-day lives they were eating they were drinking they were marrying their giving in marriage another was marrying and giving in marriage means they were thinking about building family start going into the future they're not sitting there where is where the saying it's dead as those days we're not sitting here thinking oh my gosh you know the world's about to end any second now what I'm thinking oh my gosh Christ will appear like right now it ain't right in that<br> but we're going to eat what do we need for breakfast where we going for lunch today<br> you know paint your shoes is getting married that's great now that they make a great couple thinking about today on a day-to-day basis thinking about the future that's what it's going to be like<br> when the coming of the son of man is<br> and just like<br> the people know his day<br> they were totally shocked with the floods came so to the vast majority of us be totally shocked when Jesus returns what did you say to me about we talk about 911 and I decided I need to get I need to get much many more ducks in a row not because I didn't have my ducks in a row because I found there's a lot more Ducks so I got to get ahold of dogs okay it's a two-hour show I need to get every deck that I possibly can how much time do they have I do this too much, WoW<br> next show I promise I'm going to going to try to he draws advice and keep it to to to 35 minutes segments and just change topics very often it's hard for me I get it says they had to do damage the backbone of our economy with the small businesses to further their agenda solutely I said this before and I'll say it again I do have the most intelligent are you in the world Mr module recalls I just from your comment from the emails that I get it's like wow I feel kind of dumb compared to to these people that are into could go a long way toward supporting the plan the plan being if you don't recall of of using using basically dependents<br> Bible persecuting people and bring forth A New World War for the sake of the New World Order<br> putting into the Ukraine that's a good step right I am American leaders are adding fuel to yet another war with the Otherworld will we know what that other War that's Brewing is October 7th 2023 launched a surprise attack on Israeli civilians American War Hawks are calling for retaliatory strikes and I'd only against Palestine a Palestinian civilians and Gaza but also a Ron suspected of funny how much horses as well as obviously has ballet in Lebanon k<br> we know this happening and when he says warlocks when you got people at Lindsey Graham I saw Babylon bee headline Lindsey Graham declares that he wants to bomb every nation in the world that's not far from the truth K this guy you talked about being owned by the military-industrial complex and not being shy about it Lindsey Graham is the most owned singular ownership they don't share him with big Pharma they don't share him with with China they don't share with anybody else the military-industrial complex has full and complete ownership over Lindsey Graham<br> whatever they have on him and I know it's not just money whatever they have on them it's got to be really bad because he only Echoes them only does not go anybody else<br> it's sad because he's actually pretty smart dude sad that he's so corrupt October 8th official Hashem saffiedine warned that Lebanon will join the Palestinian resistance unless the US and Israel ceased to violate Muslim holy sites evidence suggests Hezbollah has been using Mexican cartels to smuggle terrorists into us for well over a decade raising the possibility of terrorist attacks on us soil should we enter the war in the Middle East as I said before complacency is what kills Empires okay being 2-2 state to secure too rich to prosperous this is what what can take down Empires we have to be<br> Frosty we have to be concerned I'm not saying we have to be stressed okay there's a difference<br> I live in there you know what I should say I live in the area something area I get my gas at a very well lit and heavily trafficked gas station I don't let my wife get gas the reason is because I've seen enough videos out there of people getting car-jacked at gas stations people getting pummeled people getting lit on fire at gas stations this is a relatively new phenomenon okay and you know do I think that the gas station where I go which again is there's lots of people there at all hours of the day I usually go during the day<br> and it's in a relatively nice area I drive out of my way to get to this gas station okay<br> I want to make my wife do it even then even given that situation where the chances of me being assaulted are very slim I still keep my head on a swivel okay<br> and that's the type of mentality I'm not telling you to be paranoid but tell him to be scared going to be smart be smart about everything that you do try to be smart about everything that you do try to eliminate vulnerable when I say that I have hope my hope is stems from stuff like this knowing that<br> that finally people are starting to wake up and then most of us on the right have been awake for awhile but especially on the left they have not been<br> maybe now they will be hoping that we have a terrorist attack but we do need to catch more terrorists and they are here and then out of there making threats<br> so keep that in mind<br> did the did the day but will says who does Nationals not in line with the globalism so was Trump got to get rid of nationalism so they're going to try to get rid of trump I'm sorry I would I would agree mostly the ideal scenario Putin doesn't who didn't want to or desire to go into Ukraine he wishes that Ukraine would have just handed itself over I know it sounds it sounds like it's not the same but it really it is I mean it sounds like the same thing but it's not<br> Putin wants the status quo and in the eyes of many of the most within the Russian government status quo is the Soviet Union the Sasquatch has been has been harmed over the last three decades they want to return to the status quo which means a Soviet Union which means they have they have power and then they have the buffer zone the first if they can keep their enemies away from Moscow the better the easiest way to do that is not their treaties saw through agreements is through taking back what they feel is is rightfully theirs which is at least part of Ukraine<br> I'm not defending it I'm not condemning I'm just saying that you let that Balboa's is right now that's why that's why he doesn't fit into the globalist agenda<br> like I said it's not that he's a national season isolationist I'll go ahead and disagree with myself and say you're right he is a nationalist it's slightly different from what I would consider to be a naturalist or anybody else but his brand of nationalism does make him a threat to Global is it was on that part we wholeheartedly agree this is a very long article and you guys can read the whole thing watch the the 45-minute video attached to it some very important stuff talked about the rise of a moth talks about all the stuff but I'm not going to get to it today so I will just leave that for y'all to get to go back to my show notes real quick I think I can squeeze in at least one more. Two more stories about global sphere Spartacus that's a good one that's what I was looking for before and I didn't find it but that that's one that can wait it's about the crypto it was about Bitcoin and in fact and how Bitcoin is being used 22 for posterity to<br> the Wikileaks leaks alive it's a it's a great story by my good friend Jamie shirt but we will save that one for tomorrow why is a legend running operative now we're going to skip that one cuz it's not really that interesting but the question is the others on the run an operative in the Pentagon wire it why is that person still there and it's because they're probably promoted probably been given top secret clearance cuz that's the backwards world we live in road ahead more often as a good good a source I'm a good contact he is he is he is very smart very very smart but personal support and he's honest and sometimes I do believe it a lot of journals I mentioned earlier how the edges are a journalist handful of more like hate the story about the the bombing of the of the<br> Gaza that was false but I was your report a false Lee journalist that knew that and said nothing<br> it is hard to find that I was journalist and Jordan schachtel is so you can find him at dossier. Today that's it no., nothing like that. See a dots day it's a sub s awesome on the road ahead for Israel American everyone else victory for Israel May insure than necessary demoralisation of the next Generations as long as fundamentalist to mouthful but you get the idea unless Israel Wednesday after publicly instructing Jerusalem to show restraint in their expected ground invasion of Gaza while privately reportedly reportedly given the Israelis more wiggle room to get the job done now even meaningless moral virtue signalling is pretty much coming from the guy whose administration is responsible for the horrendous we botched withdrawal from Afghanistan spite of being a necessary the sabotage of the Nord stream Pipeline and other incidents that helped to spark a variety of global crises<br> nonetheless it appears pretty clear that despite the binding bearhug smothering routine is real intent on following through with its mission to severely limit the operation cave built the operational capability of the terrorist group responsible for the October 7th Massacre of over 1,300 Israelis attack seems to have ignited the possibility of a new era of Lowell jihadism following several years of relative a global calm silly put the continuing ramifications of the October 7th attack cannot be understated and it's parked over the Mets have a Global spillover Effect<br> I'm Lisa's may I would say it is it's definitely going to we're seeing here in the United States<br> you know how would we we're seeing more pro-islam and pro Hamas and pro-palestine with all three are different by weather-related the different you can be pro-islam but not pro how much you can be pro-palestine but not pro-islam you can be Pro whatever okay but all three of those we are seeing a sharp rise during United States and across the globe it's already happening I mean when you're talking about a billion people who are going to apparently be supported by a billion other people were sympathetic<br> you have the recipe for a global takeover<br> you might want to say I'll let you know now he's getting it just kidding of the crazy talk conspiracy theory yeah it is it is a theory<br> it's a theory is back by certain interpretations of certain prophecies it's a theory that's backed by what events<br> it's also happens to be a theory that's backed by the Quran<br> so you were to go to the base ideology of fundamental Islam<br> world domination is the goal<br> just like new people for whatever reason you stopped people in the media echo in the idea that Hamas is a governmental agency or governmental entity to political ideology that it has its only purpose to free Palestine<br> folks you probably wear but maybe your friends aren't aware how much does not have at all none of their ideology none of their goals none of their leanings have anything to do with ring Palestine that would be a side effect of very able to accomplish their goal but their actual stated goal just as the word, Us in in Hebrew means violence<br> the Hamas in Gaza their stated goal is to destroy Israel<br> their stated goal so you are they helping Palestinians yes by getting rid of Israel will they be helping Palestine become a nation yes by killing all Jews<br> their goal<br> don't tell me it's geopolitical<br> I will put this story in the show notes as well<br> I don't know they're already there I would recommend reading it's a long story but it is it is important because I think that we need to know what is ahead and we why we can't know what the hell we can get perspectives and Jordan schachtel was Jewish for the way happens to be one of those people he has pretty telling perspective of what's ahead<br> special thanks to genoscoper go check them out now if you have a retirement if you have welder you have a life savings to protect and you can do so at Genesis go through go to Jay Dr gold.com is jtr go.com<br> or in your contacts in there or just call him at 800-200-1212. I will be back very soon with another episode with in the meantime you'll stay strong<br> Stacy<br>