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JD Rucker Show, November 29, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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The Real State of the Nation Must Be Addressed Immediately

Title: The Real State of the Nation Must Be Addressed Immediately


Joe Biden delivered a horrible State of the Union speech on Tuesday night that left a bad taste in the mouths of anyone who watched it, other than Democrat partisans and idiots, of course. It was supposed to be about unity but instead it was a continuation of the dishonest, divisive rhetoric we've grown accustomed to from his regime. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I'll be breaking down the most infuriating aspects of his speech. I'll also be going over some of the realities we're facing as a nation that must be addressed immediately. The real state of our nation is dire. We can't sit around and wait for another president to come save us. Protect your life savings with physical precious metals:

Recording: February 09, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

well the shows about to start and I wanted to do I nobody has their little countdown with a play music and have cool flash me images of my countdown I just wanted to say hi to you and thank you for for being here I want you to if you will subscribe to the channel always important to get subscribers that way of the notifications when we can live and all that good stuff I also wanted to tell you that you can track a lot of stories that I'm going to be talking about the day over at discern December 4th, if you want to find me where I am on social media other channels outside the right now you can always find me at JD Rucker. Calm find and that that's got a list of well everywhere that I am so check that out we should have a fantastic show for you is always so so stay tuned it starting any second literally right now<br>hello my friends and welcome to another episode of the J D wrecker show I'm your host J D wrecker and we are coming off a night of allies a night of idiots that's ask my wife I thought of the State of the Union Address we are watching separately in the end she likes to watch on the big screen I liked watching from a computer or whatever when is that is that I asked her what her Pennywise and she's like yeah that was that was worse than I thought she was right it was worse than I think a lot of people were expecting and it's not like we had high expectations for Joe Biden to somehow come out there and Inspire us right no he was awful it was the lies the the boring this morning there was a lack of of any desire to to represent or lead this nation K it was almost as if he's<br> I got the feeling that he's kind of given up on himself let alone his role as president let alone his nation that was the General sent them then I got no thankfully there was a real quote about State of the Union that was given by Donald Trump prior to that Joe Biden speech Let's go ahead and play that because I think I need a better job.<br> Here's the real State of the Union over the past two years under by minions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our Southern border drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children Savage Killers rapist and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave and then dividing the murder rate has reached the highest in the history of our country biting in the regions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century real wages are down 21 months in a row gas prices have soared and a now going up much higher than even before and the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year Joe Biden's weaponize just disappear<br> and I'm a victim of it is persecuting his political opponents his administration is Waging War on Free Speech they're trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children he's leading us to the brink of World War 3 and on top of all of that he's the most corrupt president in American history and it's not even close but the good news is we are going to reverse every single crisis Calamity and disaster that Joe Biden has created I am running for president to end the destruction of our country and to complete the unfinished business of making America great again we will make our country better than ever before and we will always put America first thank you<br>no I so much better so so much better you know<br> I will admit as much as I have been a Critic of President Trump's in recent weeks with his certain certain things you've been saying doing things that he's he's been been going after you have to admit even if you even if you aren't a big fan of Donald Trump compared to Joe Biden's not just policies but just even just listen to Joe Biden 4X. Of time nothing compares to listen to Donald Trump the guy you guys just much better listen to there was one thing over at her during the during the State of the Union speech that really stuck out to me<br> it interests is Donald Trump started off his state-of-the-union by talking about the Border Invasion so too should Joe Biden I probably avoided talking about is not something that's that in any way you could possibly defend okay his his border policy that the biden-harris regimes border is open. I post an article over at the CERN detailing that's just what I thought but what other people thought about this one particular part where he says what he says is pretty idiotic i title of the most infuriating part of Benedict Biden's so to speech relies on Americans being stupid and that's really what it comes down to it okay if you<br> hear Joe Biden say anything about the Border anything other than hate we failed miserably we're continuing to fail miserably we've got to do something about it and we're going to have to ask Republicans to help is because Democrats have no idea what to do with the Border other than to open it up and let the air Nation be destroyed by their sovereignty be stolen it has anything other than that then he would be an idiot or press 1 for more accurately he would think that we are idiots that you and I are absolute moron because we have to be stupid to think otherwise the think that this in any way has anything to do with Trump or Republicans or anything conservative at all their anti-American border policies are destroying this nation as I posted in my article The Border crisis is 100% is 100 Joe Biden's fault you can argue that Congressional Democrats and have a hand in it you can point to feckless policies by governments in Border States but at the end of the day the reason that we are experiencing the worst invasion of illegal aliens that are country<br> ever seen is because they biting her fur Jean has opened the Border. They they can they can claim they have it they would be lying if they did<br> every aspect of their border policy encourages illegal aliens to cross everything they've done to remove border security is worse than the flow of drugs and other illegal merchandise they have harmed this nation in measurably all the while putting innocent children in danger as their raped and trafficked through their dangerous Journey to the border border situation during his Tuesday night speech listen to Joe<br>Duggar with you fentanyl is killing more than 70,000 Americans a year<br> you got it<br> so let's launch a major surgery stop fentanyl production in the sale and trap<br> I'm on I'm glad I'm glad that they the defect was GOP at least have the the gonads to to speak out the back to my article Republicans were right to object to his feckless statements they needed those who were watching the show too which was far fewer than one might expect to hear their objections to his gaslighting attempt for Biden or anyone in his administration to even mention the Border without begging for forgiveness is beyond disingenuous it's a statement of contempt towards Americans or anyone to share anything about the Border whether it's about the massive influx of illegal aliens or the child killing fentanyl flooding across into not blame the binary fission completely is to declare their stupidity only the indoctrinated partisans or legitimately unintelligent people could see what's happening and not come to the Google the undeniable conclusion that this is Biden's fault and then I linked to and I talked about and are not talk about like I went to this article over at sat<br> titlefact check by the top success at Southern border during State of the Union speech Let's just reported that you can again find this over at the CERN Joe Biden's how to his policies at the southern border Tuesday night during his second State of the Union Address is a quote he said we now have a record number of personnel working to score the bird is secure the Border arresting 8000 human Smugglers and season over twenty-three thousand pounds of fentanyl in just the last several months US Customs and Border Protection reports that it's seized just over fourteen thousand pounds of fentanyl in fiscal year 2022 which ended September 30th and more than 7,000 lb between October in the end of December and February c p c b p reported a large drug seizure in the San Diego sector including blue pills that contain fentanyl the total weight of 250 lb with an estimated street value of 3.4 million sounds great right except under President Donald Trump in fiscal year 2018 Customs and Border Protection is 2100<br> 5 lb of Fentanyl and 2028 season five thousand pounds of the lethal drug most illicit fentanyl today's manufacturing Mexico and brought across our Southern border yachty I want to get to the you can read the rest of the story if you'd like I'd like to get to this discussion by Ron video yellow is a former acting ice director let's see what he has to say what is morale like among ice agents and among border patrol there often a little bit hesitant to speak out on their active and currently in their positions but have you kept in touch with any of the folks that are are currently working in those fields and how are they doing is we seen his record numbers of illegal aliens crossing the border and your job is to take care of a thousand people they all want your attention in some way what we call booking and what would work for calls processing that's your mission for the day so you start the day off with a thousand people waiting for your attention you work all day you work a 10-hour day<br> and you get through as many as you can you come back the next day and there's two thousand people waiting so that is a very frustrating condition and and people are higher than the board show because I have a bias for Action they want to patrol the Border they want to find bad guys they want to make drug seizures they want to save people for being trafficked but now they're stuck having to care for a large numbers of people that are coming every 24 hours and some real slow you don't take my word for we have more retirements last year and more resigned from the board show last year than any time in history the organization so it is very frustrating and that there's also an acute Mental Health crisis going on within that work for suicides are way off the charts that is a direct result of the stresses that they faced the job is difficult and risky and dangerous all the time when you add this frustration on top of that were they know that this is a self-inflicted crisis that we could get ourselves out of and they know the ones trying to help them<br> yes yes yes this is definitely a a self-inflicted crisis<br> you know it's easy for me to sit here and tell you guys that all the borders bad and we should focus on that we should I don't want to pretend like it's not important<br> but here's the thing and we can we cannot forget this<br> the border is not just about her safety is not just about you keeping keeping Jaws talks about the economy so I just about the other risks of using fentanyl or anything like that the Border represents our sovereignty is a nation and we abandon that as the vine Harris regime has when we say hey we're not really going to prevent anybody from coming into our nation and if I can get here one way or the other than the probably going to get to stay keep that message up then we are announcing the wind no longer a Sovereign Nation you might say how could that possibly be this is the push it what is it what is the push here from from a global of silly cabal perspective they'd want open borders across-the-board iced tea in the United States and if we leave the way this isn't just about the United States of America losing its sovereignty this is about the nation I'm sorry the world falling into the grips of this club list Lee Kebab the one world order<br> New World Order the live award order whatever you want to call it they need the United States to have open borders in order for them to be able to achieve their nefarious goals without let's keep that in mind over at I was just a news article that really caught my attention and I I'm a little bit I'll admit I'm a little little disappointed in myself for not noticing this very interesting discard not discussions very interesting point they're trying to make a long story short we're coming close to break but its title buying State of the Union message gets counter programmed by his own Administration and policies and I'll read parts of it but the the takeaway here is not all is well and White House land all is well in the biting hair Sheen there are apparently forces<br> start trying to countermand in the car trying to I would say it seems based on this they're trying to push him out in the heart of America were conservatives in the back of movement Stands Strong there's a copy this is bold as your convictions introducing Freedom First coffee the coffee that tastes like freedom and no it's not just because we said so our coffee is fire roasted to Perfection right on Main Street USA where the aroma Liberty fills the air with every sip you'll feel like Lady Liberty herself the saying that's the good stuff Taste of freedom in every cup are organic gourmet coffee is your daily dose of patriotism probably roasted for those who believe in small government and big flavor join the movement of coffee lovers who know that a great cup of coffee is almost as essential as preserving our constitution Brewing Liberty one cup at a time to get your fruit a coffee today and taste the revolution go to feed a copy, and use discount code freedom for 15% off Freedom First coffee because great coffee should always tastes like Freedom get yours now and Let Freedom percolate<br> and I'm all smiling I shouldn't smile because that would be in the Kamala Harris's president God forbid that but yeah I mean what you hear about the stuff I can I'm just weighed myself for not catching this myself so well myself to introduce myself by John Solomon himself it's a time-honored tradition in Washington for president to deliver State of the Union Address and frame his successes in policy Vision before allowing the opposition party to offers for Bubble Butt Joe Biden up end of the tradition somehow delivering the counter-programming to his own message Tuesday with a series of negative headlines generated by his own Administration in the hours before Joe Biden spoke from the US Capitol is Administration announced the nation that suffered its worst trade deficit in history last year and they only one trillion dollars shortly thereafter his fed chairman toward inflation was not a bathing as expected and will be sticking around longer because of a tight labor market that produced and unexpected 500000 plus jobs<br> in January any information is likely to get to take quite a bit of time caution Jerome Powell it's not going to be we don't think smooth it's going to it's probably going to be bumpy not to be outdone labor secretary Marty Walsh somehow managed to pick the morning of B & S rest who announced he was bolting the cabinet for the greener pastures it's National Hockey League and the that's funny in the South and the top border patrol Chiefs delayed four weeks from testifying to Congress by their boss Homeland Security Alejandro mayorkas managed to finally raised their hands on Tuesday morning and deliver a devastating portrait of the insecure border leaving no doubt the finest policies have empowered drug cartels the family poison thousands of Americans with fentanyl Tucson sector border patrol Chief John modlin said the Bible border was so Lawless defied description quote we went from what I would describe as unprecedented to a point where I don't have the correct adjectives to describe what's going on<br> acknowledge the cartels were fueling the fennel prices yachty yachty. OK Google is a border complaining and negative headlines undercuts Gotti Gotti so there's a lot and I mean a lot and like I said I'm going to I'll hit this is an interesting one only 37% of Democrats in the poll last week said they wanted by Hunter run for a second term a dark Omen for Democrats thinking about running for re-election and 4 in 10 Americans the highest number ever recorded in the Washington post-abc poll so they're worse off since by and took office much larger numbers think the country is heading in the wrong direction here in the New York Times Rent-A-Car on Tuesday to clean by should not run again wow and all this happened yes or no I'm going to like I said I'm disappointed for not taking that as a possible know but the reason being my justification of that is that my assumption was that they were trying to do front load all sorts of bad news any of the news that they would have to win<br> that was bad they tried to get it in before the State of the Union knowing that people like me do you like the other organizations like the Gateway pundit or Infowars or anybody like that that they we would be focused on the state of the union and we would not be attacking the vine Harris receives other things I think I'm probably right but like I said it's John Solomon is trying to point out here maybe they're just try to push him out maybe they they weren't trying to to bury the stories behind the State of the Union maybe they were trying to deflate the the efficacy of there though whatever you want to call it the the enemy bump that he might get from the state of the union they were trying to to cut that off I don't know my theory is that they just wanted to bury it so that people like me wouldn't talk about it we be talking about Joe Biden in the State of the Union<br> Solomon thinks otherwise who knows maybe we're both right after the break we will continue talking about the State of the Union Address by Joe Biden so stay tuned<br> Housing Authority of our Pharmaceuticals the ingredients in them come from China they are controlled by the Chinese Communist party where are you sing supply chain issues pharmacies are running low on a lot of things in the if the crap hits the fan as a lot of us think it may in the very near future you will want antibiotics and the best way to get that is to go to JD mad you'll be able to get a teleconference with an actual doctor and then they'll send you meds they'll seem to like five different versions or types of antibiotics burbs a different ailments that could they can hit us these are great for long-term storage you will you will want them and it's one of those things where if you if you need them then you'll want them if you don't need them then least she'll have them so and here's the thing if you don't have him you're almost really going to need them at least sometime in the near future so JD rocker<br> calm meds<br> who's been I been making some changes as many of you know here at the PD records showing one of the big things were going to be making starting Monday is that we are going to go to an official singular lifetime I know I've been kind of all over the board sometimes in the morning sometimes in the evening I basically just do my show when I want to do my show but we are going into a time slot over at Red voice median that time slot is at 11 a.m. Pacific 2 p.m. eastern Time Monday through Friday to our show live every day we're going to have a call in number will be interacting with people and chat a reason for those who've been paying attention or watching the show last month you'll know they'll have been in the process of hiring working with producers now we've had to make a lot of changes to the studio and made that had to order some stuff and getting some better equipment so it's taken quite a bit longer than expected I really thought we were going to start last month of January 16th I think was the official launch date we push it to where we're finally looking like it is going<br> next Monday so keep that in mind 11 a.m. Pacific 2 p.m. Eastern DJ d-wrek her show live for 2 hours every day Monday through Friday and then I'll take the weekends off but not really has to be working the weekends over the Liberty daily so that's that's that with that said it's exciting because we're going to be able to do a lot more with the show I'm so blessed to to be able to do this to support my family in this regard and those who want to help please feel free to go to go to Gibson JD Rucker there you can help us launch discern. TV which is my new project I've been working on since October of last year it's like we're getting closer should be launching this month and I want to make any promises because we don't have time time can can change but it's looking good so back to the hate of the Union speech by Joe Biden on<br> Tuesday night this is awful awful just abomination of a speech that could go down in history as one of the worst speeches ever delivered by a president of the United States in history not granted you know some don't claim him to be the president of the United States I know it's just the Oval Office but<br> now I'm not not going there today we're trying to see you too friendly for the show by the way so that's one of the reasons why I'm not mentioning any possible way I don't know no fraudulent activities that might have done something then maybe I don't know. It's something that might have put you know Joanne and by the way for those who are curious the reason that we are still on YouTube or back on YouTube is because it like I said before this is about the starch that's it I'm not trying to make money off YouTube when I try and eat to gain popularity we want our as many viewers readers listeners are possibly going to to discern the Liberty need a rumble read voice media first Network all of these places Apple podcast even they've been haven't caught me yet Spotify did so you can't find me on Spotify but the brighty on bitchute gab TV we want to want to spread out there<br> but with that said because the search engines were so many people do the search engines none of them not just Google none of them give any love at all to any of the aforementioned places or are we not even even America wow she's Radio K you can hear my show Monday through Friday at 8 p.m. Eastern at America out loud and even they ain't aren't able to do very well in search spite it being a very respected respect a news Outlet not sure why I just don't get it I don't get it everybody all the search engines even even Brave search even DuckDuckGo they all love YouTube for some stupid reason so to be able to be found in Stars that's why we have a YouTube channel so back to the topic yes the Border crisis is horrible and that was one of the give me the biggest the biggest lie that was told her that I don't even know about call Ally he didn't he did lie he told a few lies about the Border but friends even bring<br> topless was a joke and it does come to the come down to him thinking that were stupid but is actually one that's maybe a bigger threat a bigger threat that's that he brought up in his gaslighting speech last night that in the long-term and really even not too terribly long when I like talking about decades away even in the in the in the next few months or years we might have to deal with well I'll just come out and say it when I have to deal with modern monetary Theory<br> which will be the destruction of the United States of America I'm not being being a hyperbolic by saying that it really truly might be and the way that they plan on getting there they being the Democrats and Joe Biden and all his cronies they want to get there through Medicare and Social Security so I have an article over at the Livery to turn America First Report, the very place where I published titled teeth of the Union wide Biden and Democrats continue Gaslight about Medicare and Social Security or the art of the vast majority of Republicans on Capitol Hill either post cuts to Medicare and Social Security or they have with you should like a plague it should be an issue that the conservative party talks about more but Democrats have made it such a topic topic<br> the President Trump speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell are all in agreement that the GOP will not touch it Kevin McCarthy and came out recently and said that Medicare and Medicaid and Medicare in social security cuts were off the table in his negotiations with the vine Harris regime regarding raising the debt ceiling Maxi article why do Democrats continue to claim Republicans are going after the 2 mass of entitlement expenditures at Tuesday night's State of the Union speech Joe Biden continued the gas light on the issue thankfully some Republicans pushed back congresswoman the Marjorie Taylor Greene went so far as to scream outlier when biting brought it up let's go ahead and play the I'm thinking about too many video woman and a half of sun playlist<br> instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share some Republicans some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security Sunset I'm not saying it's in the dryer<br> let me give you anybody who doubts it contact my office I'll give you a copy I'll give you a copy of The Proposal<br> find me Starbucks.<br> I'm glad to see you're enjoying conversion<br> you know if Congress doesn't keep the programs where they are that go with other Republicans say I'm not saying<br> but it's paid for by individual<br> I'm not in flaming not naming them but it's being proposed by some of you<br> thanks<br> the idea is that we're not going to be where we're not going to be moved into being threatened to default on the debt if we don't respond<br> that looks likely there at the end that was that was great I read it since I was like what the hell so bad by biting him back the article by the at least acknowledge that it's not most Republicans he said that he said he had the receipts in the form of a proposal that was sent home likely by a handful of Republican lawmakers who rightly pointed out the Medicare and Social Security are unsustainable different forms are not made immediately but it's toxic and that's the point<br> what even looser than otherwise fiscally responsible Republicans shy away from the airport this important issue is because Democrats desperately desperately need them to fail they need the burden of entitlements to Cripple American taxpayers that lead this nation toward the inevitable forced forced adoption of modern monetary Theory there are only two possible ways to continue Medicare and Social Security either we make massive cuts across the board or we print money to cover the expenses that's it in the heart of America were conservatives in the Magnum movement Stands Strong there's a copy that's as bold as your convictions introducing Freedom First coffee the coffee that tastes like freedom and no it's not just because we said so our coffee is fire roasted to Perfection right on Main Street USA with your Roma Liberty fills the air with every sip you'll feel like Lady Liberty herself the saying that's a good stuff Taste of freedom and every cup are organic gourmet coffee is your daily dose of patriotism probably roasted for those who believe in<br> government and big flavor join the movement of coffee lovers who know that a great cup of coffee is almost as essential as preserving our constitution Brewing Liberty one cup at a time to get your fruit a coffee today and taste the revolution go to feed a coffee. Calm and use discount code freedom for 15% off Freedom First coffee because great coffee should always tastes like Freedom get yours now and Let Freedom percolate<br> hey guys this episode is brought to you by Z stacking what's so important that you're taking care of your health in you're not relying on big Pharma telling if we try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend everybody is go over to Freedom go over their stock up on Z stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by Golden self to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 and make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to get to Detroit covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his minimal downtime as is as possible to make sure you guys are going over to freedom of a bottle or more did they sign up for auto ship that's<br> better use promo code freedom freedom use promo code freedom and you guys will get a discount when you order to make sure you guys are going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your freedom person at work but you were taking care of your Healthy You Take Control and take a nap hour away from Big Pharma so again that's East act like cam Freedom use promo code for you but check out you guys will get a 5% discount<br> the former will be unpopular among lawmakers who know the cuts are the easiest wait for them to lose elections the latter would be pure Devastation the prompts a complete economic collapse as more Nations abandon the US dollar as the world's Reserve currency let's be clear we do go to Modern monetary Theory we start printing money to pay the bills you no more so than you and I would not disagree with them will argue that were technically already there or are you in the process of the modern monetary theory is money keeps getting printed just to pay off bills and not just from covid-19 and doing it for a long long time it's just gotten exponentially worse over the last three or four years right<br> but this is for those who are unfamiliar modern monetary Theory the concept of a basically you use you spend basically you don't spend based on what you have you make peaceful what you want to spend in other words you became light bills and then you just printed on money to pay them obviously for anybody with a with a single brain so that's all it takes is a single brain cell you know that's obviously not sustainable over time you you create with called high Brew place in because you're bringing so much money that it's essentially loses its value all together now then other nations that's devastating for the United States of America would be nauseous devastating should be like the worst possible thing because of the petrodollar because we are the world Reserve currency the only reason we can have any Lee 32 trillion-dollar trillion dollar debt national debt right now the only reason that doesn't actually just crush us<br> okay it's because we are the other nations so many other nations the vast majority of the nation's are somehow tied to the dollar<br> we set up this. It's a long story but because of the dollar status as the world's Reserve currency, like we can't feel my fingers are too big to fail because if we do other nations will fail along with us the vast majority of them will they will be crippled this is why so many of its seeing what we're doing see you sing the money that were printing willy-nilly that's why so many of them are already turning towards other alternatives to look into two bricks K Brazil Russia China India south of South Africa and then I'm more brics nations are or joining<br> this is why they are they are pulling away from us because we made a promise when we became the world's Reserve currency when they begin the world Reserve currency we made a promise that we are not going to to inflate our dollar too much and not inflated we're not going to to inflate the month supply but that's exactly what Democrats and Global in particular I think that for whatever reason most Democrats even on Capitol Hill seem to be oblivious to it unless it was just really are just pure evil because if you know anything about it and you'd be like what will we can't really do this this is going to destroy the I'm not talking about the Socialists to want to do open they want to like Alexandria ocasio-cortez or or the Bernie Sanders or anybody like that they have to be either ignorant or willfully ignorant the word just stupid in general<br> because these policies of the pushing for will destroy us and this it's not hear people say that the reason that there that the Democrats keep gaslighting about Medicare and Social Security is because they they hoped to scare the elderly voters into voting for them instead of Republicans elderly voters I trust their judgment better than I trust anybody else's okay they will they know what they're voting for generally speaking and they're not going to be kind when they've got can of soda saying no when you got coming practicing no we're not going to cut Medicare Social Security when you got Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump saying no we're not going to cut Medicare Social Security when you got the vast majority of Republicans out there say no when I got to touch Medicare Social Security<br> these voters aren't stupid they're not going to be like oh well you Joe Biden said that they're going to cut it so I guess they are and that's how it works but it's over that's on it was how big were maybe younger voters are like that but but older voters generally speaking will know that they'll be able to sneak out that lie so it's not about that this is about gas like nuts to us this is about gas lighting and intimidating and somehow getting Republicans Casino know that means it's working for them to be able to get Republic install Universal you know with with a handful of exceptions say we're not going to touch Medicare or Social Security Democrats alike okay you better not do because where I keep telling people that you're going to unless you don't you know you better not because then we'll be proven right and whatever they need Medicare and Social Security to fail<br> this is the pathway the the easiest not the only but it's the easiest pathway through which the globalist we could borrow the liberal World Order will be able to achieve their one of their biggest goals which is to create or cause the downfall of the economy of the United States<br> that's what they want and the way that they can do that the way that they can get to their their multipolar society they're they're 10 Regional governments that that they planted to rule over in this biblical end time scenario the way that they get there is by making the United States Crush itself economically and modern monetary theory is the way to do that the one we're sitting here in 235 10-15 years however long it takes before it's like oh my gosh we can't we don't have the money to pay for Medicare Social Security and all of our other expenses the only thing we could possibly do is print her way out of it then all the sudden you got Republicans who would have obviously not only been against that they're like well I guess that's the only thing we can do at this point<br> because we waited too long you've heard of the term for years kicking the can down the road at some point the road ends and if you can it's going to going to bounce back and hit you in the nose and that's what's going to happen to United States of America very soon if we do not address modern monetary Theory but again that's it's still gaslighting it's still a lie for biting come out and say that he's not saying it for the boaters though he's saying it and they will continue to say it over and over again even after its debunk even after washing to post back to your cousin come out so well technically speaking Joe Biden was wrong or whatever you know what even though they'll keep doing it for similar to what you know when when I left us they they say all your Republican you're a bigot and the public until like no luck I'm not a big you know look I've got I've got black friends and support my local lgbtqia plus chapter of whatever and then hey you know I even whatever you get the idea<br> type of bullying but in this case in this case it's theirs is an actual - 2 it okay that actual negatives that if we do nothing about Medicare and Social Security is both Democrats and Republican leadership both of them have said that that's the case<br> and we're in trouble then we're done<br> this is not sustainable there's too much money going out not enough money coming in and you might say that well Democrats going to fix that through taxes do you run the numbers it's not like okay so we can fix this by by raising taxes 2% know we're talking about doubling tripling and quadrupling taxes we're not just talking about the the ultra-rich you know that's what they always say no more talking about the middle class can't pay for everything they really just can't see if you again if you run the map is always always<br> always the middle class that gets hit the hardest with the<br> irresponsible expenditures coming out of DC as well as some state governments like here in California but mostly coming out of DC<br> they're coming after us to come in after a money they're trying to force the United States economy to collapse under the weight of modern monetary Theory that's why they want Medicare and Social Security to remain untouched that's why they wanted to remain Tremaine untenable that's why they wanted to eventually Force our demise as a nation<br> at the break room gets some good news you will actually play Sarah Huckabee Sanders her response to the State of the Union Address or stay tuned<br> so let's be honest the vast majority of long-term storage in survival food prepping food it's just off I mean it just taste taste really really bad and that's why they expect us to to eat during the the apocalypse well if the crap hits the fan I'm going to actually eating good food I go to Lake Preparatory, but said that I built based on two Partnerships the two companies that produce sing really good food no need to set up a book discount this matter with you by 1 or 10 there's no no hidden fees here as a matter of fact we charge the same price of these The Source companies charge the difference is we actually have exclusive discounts use promo code rap 2023 for 10% off or for The Big Spenders use code prep 2034 15% off on orders of<br> dogs and more heat well for the Apocalypse<br> Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the Republican response to the State of the Union Address on Tuesday night and I was going to say something unpopular I wasn't as impressed as the vast majority of people with her response but he was the reason cuz I expected from her because after seeing how she was able to handle herself as White House Press Secretary how she was able to handle an extraordinarily adversarial group of reporters and commentators really that she had to deal with on a basic a daily basis that was this was piece of cake she had to read from the teleprompter for 15 minutes to Natalie all my gosh A Star is Born I think it was okay I guess you didn't she do what you supposed to do she didn't she didn't very well she did exactly what I would have expected her to do so<br> I wasn't super impressed I just thought hey this is Sarah Huckabee Sanders being Sarah Huckabee Sanders she is an extraordinary woman as she notes in her in her or she noted in her address you said that the and I was being 40 she's the youngest governor in the nation and of course Biden is literally twice her age and is the oldest president of all time I'm not sure if that was the right approach you know I guess they were trying to lead into the concept of of me a meeting new leadership but that strikes in both directions I personally would have struck on that from the the speech all together you know focus on New Direction policy not New Direction based on age we all get it okay he's old and in a way a little bit is this point because that was what do you recognize it or not that was a that was a an attack against Donald Trump as well that's the there's no other way to put it they threw that in there as just a<br> minor little jab at Trump was the 78 79 78 I think they were David threw that in pushing for new leadership it wasn't just against Biden tells the the minor little attack against Trump and I don't claim Sarah Huckabee Sanders even though a conspicuously she she was asked if she would endorse Trump and she is she did not she she sidestepped the question. Who knows maybe she has shifted her position as well let's go to play her speech and then we get back I got to take some of the break and then when we get back I'll be talkin about zinncredible article that I read by JB shirt that's I think really gives us a path forward as a nation so so here's Sarah Huckabee Sanders<br> good evening I'm Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a mom to three young children taught me not to believe every story I hear so forgive me for not believing much of anything I heard tonight from president died from out of control inflation and violent crime to the dangerous border crisis and threat from China Biden and the Democrats have failed you they know it and you know it and it's time for a change tonight let us reaffirm our commitment to a Timeless American idea that government exists not to rule the people but to Serve the People<br> Democrats want to rule us with more government control but that's not who we are America is the greatest country in the world has ever known because where the freest country in the world has ever known with the people who are strong and resilient<br> 5 months ago I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer it was a hard time for our family particularly our kids Scarlett Huck and George but we kept our faith and persevered thanks to exceptional doctor's here in Arkansas a successful surgery and the grace of God I am cancer-free<br> through it all couldn't help but think about my mom she was 20 years old and in her first year of marriage when she was diagnosed with spinal cancer<br> the doctors told her she might not live and if she did live they said she never walk again and if she did walk she definitely never have children<br> the daughter she was told she never have was just sworn in as the new governor of Arkansas and is speaking to you tonight<br> adversity and fear of the unknown can paralyze us but Faith Propel us to charge boldly ahead we can't stand still in the face of great challenges you and I were put on this Earth for such a time as this to charge boldly ahead<br> I'll be the first to admit President Biden and I don't have a lot in common I'm For Freedom he's for government control at 40 and the youngest governor in the country and it 80 oldest president in American history I'm the first woman to lead my state and he's the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can't even tell you what a woman is<br> in the radical less America Washington taxes you and likes your hard-earned money on fire but you get crushed with high gas prices empty grocery shelves in our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race but not to love one another or our great country whether Joe Biden believe this madness or is simply too weak to resist it his administration has been completely hijacked by the radical left the dividing line in America is no longer between bright or left<br> the choice is between normal or crazy it's time for a new generation of Republican leadership upon taking office just a few weeks ago I signed executive orders to ban CRT racism and indoctrination in our schools eliminate the use of derogatory term Latin X in our government repealed covid orders and said never again to authoritarian mandates and shutdowns Americans want common-sense from their leaders but in Washington the Biden Administration is doubling down on crazy<br> President Biden inherited the fastest economic recovery on record the most secure Border in history cheap abundant homegrown energy Rising wages a rebuilt military in the world that was stable and at peace but over the last two years Democrats destroyed it despite Democrats trillions and Reckless spending and mountains of death we now have the worst border crisis in American history<br> as a mom my heart breaks for every parent who has lost a son or daughter to addiction 100,000 Americans a year are now killed from drug overdoses largely from fentanyl pouring across our Southern border<br> get the B Administration refuses to secure the border and save American lives<br> and after years of democrat attacks on law enforcement and calls to defund the police violent criminals roam free why Lila biting families live in fear<br> beyond our border from Afghanistan to Ukraine from North Korea to Iran President Biden's weakness puts our nation and the world at risk in the president's refusal to stand up to China our most formidable adversary is dangerous and unacceptable<br> President Biden is unwilling to defend our border defend our skies and defend our people he is simply unfit to serve as commander-in-chief and while you read the consequences of their failures divided ministration seems more interested in what fantasies than the hard reality Americans face everyday<br> most Americans simply want to live their lives in Freedom and peace but we are under attack in a left-wing culture War we didn't start and never wanted to fight every day we are told we must partake in their rituals salute their flags and worship their false Idols all while big government to strip away the most American thing there is your freedom of speech that's not normal it's crazy and it's wrong<br> make no mistake Republicans will not surrender this fight we will leave with courage and do what's right that was politically correct or convenient Republicans believe in an America where strong families Thrive and safe communities where jobs are abundant and paychecks are rising for the freedom of our veterans shed their blood to defend is the birthright of every man woman and child these are the principles Republican Governors are fighting for and in Washington under the leadership of Senate Republicans and speaker Kevin McCarthy we will hold by the administration accountable<br> down the street from where I said is my alma mater Little Rock Central High<br> as a student there I will never forget watching my dad Governor Mike Huckabee and President Bill Clinton hold the doors open to the Little Rock Nine<br> doors that forty years earlier had been close to them because they were black today those children once barred from the schoolhouse are now heroes memorialized in bronze at our state house I'm proud of the progress our country has made and I believe giving every child access to a quality education regardless of their race or income is the Civil Rights issue of our day tomorrow I will unveil an education package that will be the most far-reaching bold conservative education reform in the country<br> I plan empowers parents was real choices improve literacy and career Readiness and helps put a good teacher in every classroom by increasing their starting salary from one of the lowest point of the highest in the nation here in Arkansas and across America Republicans are working to end the policy trapping kids in failing schools and sentencing them to a lifetime of poverty we will educate our kids<br> students on a path to success<br> it's time for a new generation to lead This is Our Moment this is our opportunity a new generation born in the waning Decades of the last century shaped by economic booms and stock-market bus of the Cold War and the tragedy of 9-11 a generation brimming with passion and new ideas to solve age-old problems<br> generation board to our deepest values and oldest Traditions unafraid to challenge the present order and find A Better Way Forward<br> if we seize this moment together America can once again be the land of the free and the home of the brave<br> during my two and a half years at the White House<br> I traveled on every foreign trip with the president<br> a trip I will never forget then December 25th 2018<br> my husband Brian and I had just cleaned up wrapping paper that was shoved into every corner of our house thanks to her three kids<br> what am I to walk out on my own family's Christmas<br> unable to tell them where I was going at 9 because the place I'd be traveling with so dangerous anybody to know<br> that the president was going to be on the ground even for a few hours<br> we boarded Air Force One in complete and total darkness<br> there were no lights on the plane the lights on the runway<br> are phones and computers shut down and turned in<br> we're going completely off the grid<br> nearly 12 hours later in the pitch black of night we landed in the war-torn part of western Iraq<br> it was again a similar see the lights on the plane the lights on the runway<br> the only thing you could see was coming from about a mile away in the dining hall were hundreds of troops who were in the fight against Isis had gathered expecting to celebrate Christmas with senior military leadership from around the region<br> they had absolutely no idea that the president and first lady were about to walk into that room<br> and when they did it was a site in the scene and a sound I hope I never forget<br> the room erupted men and women from every race religion and region every political party every demographic you can imagine<br> start chanting in perfect Unison over and over and over again USA USA USA<br> was an absolutely perfect picture of what makes our country great<br> one of the young soldiers yelled from the back mr. president I re-enlisted in the military because of you<br> presidents dad and son I'm here because of you<br> shortly after that young Soldier came up to me he said Sarah you have a tough job I told him what I do is nothing you take bombs and bullets that's a tough job<br> and in a moment that I know I'll cherish for the rest of my life<br> Soldier reached up and pulled the brave rifles patch he wore on his shoulder<br> he placed it into my hand<br> sign of ultimate respect and he said Sarah we are in this together<br> overwhelmed with emotion and speechless I just hugged him with tears in my eyes and a grateful heart for Our Heroes who keep us free<br> that young man and everyone who has served before him all of those who serve alongside him and the thousands we know who will be called upon to serve after him<br> deserve to know they have a country in a community back home doing our part in the fight for freedom<br> America is great because we are free but today our freedom is under attack in the America we love is in danger President Biden the Democrats have failed you and it's time for a change a new generation of Republican leaders are stepping up not to be caretakers of the status quo but to be changemakers for the American people<br> we know not what the future holds but we know who holds the future in his hands<br> do it God is our witness we will show the world that America is still the place for Freedom Reigns and Liberty will never die thank you God bless you and God bless America<br> hey folks I am super super excited to announce my pillow 2.0 brand new brand new technology Panda technology by Mike lindell's on his my pillow cronies they are bringing it out there the filming of the commercial behind the scenes spell me I'm about to play that for you but just this is amazing I'm super excited I already ordered two because of course I use promo code noq that's November Oscar Quebec I use promo code noq to get it and I got buy-one-get-one free and go to my and get yours now brand new temperature-regulating technology to keep you comfortable throughout the nights all sorts of stuff and of course it's made in the USA so let's turn it over to Mike Lindell, code noq don't forget that guy just want take a quick break<br> come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting up your buddy extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in and she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it in any form again this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs I will just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you get to go to Freedom First purebody order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First a body if you go to that link specifically<br> you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you guys do that go to Freedom First a body in order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy medicine and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body<br> in the digital age where freedom of speech is at stake a new dawn is rising introducing pickaxe the social media platform that stands for constitutional free speech in 2024 pickaxe will be your platform to voice your thoughts opinions and beliefs without fear of censorship unlike big Tech pickaxe empowers you with algorithms that work for you ensure that your content reaches those who value your perspectives and for the content creators Android conversations pickaxe offers monetization opportunities that support your passion will you speak your truth Jordan community that opposes big Tech censorship cherishes the values of America and celebrate the freedom to express ideas regardless of their popularity navigate with these connect with like-minded individuals in a brace of social media platform that says unapologetically American as you are Unleash Your Voice on pickaxe for free speech Reigns join is 12:45 at 1:24 and be a part of the movement reshaping social media sign up today a pickaxe., claim your space on the platform where your voice truly matters again going to pick and sign up today<br> welcome to the my pillow 2.0 commercial<br> Smith's pickup<br> welcome to the set of the my pillow 2.0 the most amazing fellow and his freak out back when I have been to my bill that's going to help you sleep it's absolutely amazing and you're the first one that can check it out go to my do the promo code on your screen and we brought back the buy one get one free<br>look I get it okay if she did a very good job but again I want to be clear I have very high expectations and we comes to the Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her ability to speak she's a very good a good warrior okay she's going to tell me she's emotional she gets she gets people heading in the right direction she sounds extraordinary sincere so I'm used to it I was I used to watch all sorts of the White House White House Press press events so I'm I know what she can do and she did exactly what she normally does so that's great good for her good for America now get her endorsements ready or unless she is planning her name has been tossed out there is a possible vice presidential candidate who knows I take her over Nikki Haley any day that's for sure anyway so what do we do from here I mean we've had the state of the union and it's been that you was awful and things in America season<br> waffles well right so why we going to lay down and then accept it now are we going to go to rise up in arms and fight back. Literally not yet I don't think we're at the stage where we have to have to form a militia groups and take on the government directly that they may come I hope not fighting against it but you do what you got to do and right now I don't think of that is completely out of the question but as of right this very moment it is so we do have two still fight we got to fight this oppression we have to fight tyranny before rise up even further than it already has and the way that we do that I believe in holding to author JB shirt whether we do that is to alarm alert people and it's like I started sale or maybe that's a better word we need to alarm people we need to make people aware not only of what's bad is happening in the world that I do on a daily basis we also have to make it aware that we have stuff<br> power the fight this you don't have to explain just how incredibly powerful the globalist elite cabal is<br> but we also know two things number one the power of the people if we can wake them up and get them to unite against the powers that b that's that will go a long way towards us achieving our goals of of expanding freedom and the expanding equality not Equity but equality among man and and and you know all the good stuff that we really want to push right yellow thing we know for sure is that God is in control as Sarah Huckabee Sanders mansion on a couple occasions just now God is in control so that best weapon is prayer our best bet is to that on God with everything now we don't know his plan we know how the story ends if you read your Bible we don't know exactly what things are going we know that there's a good chance it seems that we may or may not be in the end times in which case you know a path forward is one where we continue to fight the good fight we continue to spread the truth<br> what's a we're not in the end times let's say that there is recourse for us to be able to correct what's happening whether we can do that the only way that we can do that as a people is to unite as a people is to make as many of our fellow Americans and even people in the end of the nation's make them aware that together if we end this is going to sound cheesy platitude kind of stuff but it really isn't we do need to make them aware that if we can come together and act I'm not talking about collectivism to come together with unified goals of fighting the rising tyranny the rising oppression here in the United States and across the globe will become together we have more power than our elected officials the only thing that the only reason they have power at all is power that is bestowed By Us by we the people we can take that power away but it will require a lot of us to become aware this is one reason why do the show this is one reason why I went expanding the show to be 4 hours a day<br> one person tried to talk me into doing another two are showing the morning no not yet only so many hours in the day so we'll do what we can but I do try to fight the good fight everyday and alarm people who are people make them aware of the challenges but also the solutions I want to turn this article by JB shirt who I consider to be the most talented writer that nobody's ever heard he posted stuff on my sights America First knock cam he writes profusely over at American Thinker case gets put someone or two columns a week over there and and they're usually fantastic this latest one fits the bill that be fantastic I'm going to be reading I'm going to say I'm going to be part of it but I'll probably going to bring the whole thing because it is that good America's animal farm and I went to pay close attention because because he's right.<br> ordinary people have extraordinary power don't believe me what what happened to tens of millions ever decide to close their bank accounts all at once or critical sectors of the workforce decided to stay home for weeks or a sizable percentage of the population refuses to obey arbitrary and capricious government orders when citizens become fed up and take fed up enough to take action into their own hands those with government bestow titles were quickly how little power those vaunted titles actually have<br> if you were to ask a collection of random people what governments do you were here a multitude of answers they might they make and enforce laws collect taxes regulate industry police citizens and mobilize militaries and governments to do first and foremost is prevent citizens from ever understanding the above paragraph their first order of business is to convince the vast majority of people not in positions of authority to obey the cumulative will of a small minority in charge of the government for most of human history this magic tact and with so few control so many has been accomplished through intimidation violence and other forms of coercion nothing is so certain as death and taxes the old proverb proverb goes but it might just as accurately be said of almost all governments throughout history with those in charge will extract from those under their thumb either decks death or taxes and often both<br> force is the only language most governments know although that force is often disguises being performed for the people's own good as it turns out horse is generally sufficient for Corral in humans into their government-controlled pens especially if there are carrots or other treats inside to keep them content if not particularly happy when those Pens have become have nothing attractive to offer and become overrun with Philip however then those going doing the Crowley must resort to more and more force in order to make their captives obey the rejection of this coercion Paradigm form of intellectual backbone of American independence aside from some notable Greek city-states and a few mostly forgotten tribes America's Enlightenment experiment in that self-determination set itself apart from all other pass forms of governance precisely because it's guiding principle sought to level the playing field between the government are between the governing and governed your place the confines of the government<br> a pen with a shared freedom to roam We the People Constitution Begins for articulating, and ideals uniting all Americans including a determination to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity the people as The Architects of the American system of government alone control the limits of their Liberty and perpetually hold the keys to an artificial pin construction constructing their free will now depending on your level of Citizen this revolutionary articulation of human self-governing government either never truly succeeded or has achieved periods of relative success while I'm during its share of failures as all human institutions invariably do putting America's scorecard to the side however by far is most powerful contribution to human Liberty has been the passing down from one generation to the next with a shared understanding of what Freedom means and they shared commitment to pursuing American<br> doggedly however incomplete<br> American Civic bonds ever Vale through challenging Times by sustaining a common determination to preserve individual rights in to protect those from the treacherous dilutions of government decree enviable sanctity of the individual the acknowledgement that each human has special worth that cannot be indiscriminate Lee raced for some utopian and misguided greater good provides the foundation of American equality in America no person's life liberty or property can be said to be more important than any others this is been the share truth even when Americans have failed to live up to the standard keeping the people in charge of their own pain and government forcing forcing check if not at Bay all the President Truman will always be remembered for embracing the notion that the buck stops here ultimately the buck stops at all times with the American people<br> there are as William Ernest Henley with a test alone the masters of their Fates and the captains of their souls that's the American way it is not the American way however for citizens to live higgledy-piggledy under the big chew its reign of one government dictate to the next I got to look that up higgledy-piggledy that's must be a reference to the Animal Farm who knows sounds like it is I'll check it out but not now thank the article it is not American for an unelected bureaucrat to create rules out of thin air in and force them upon the people through agency prerogative and regulation is not American for presidents to legislate through executive order it is not American for Congress is to conduct show trials against American citizens were to demand that tech companies sensor points of you<br> is not American for courts to scribble over the Constitution whenever expedient is not American for the Department of Injustice to persecute citizens for their political beliefs or for the FBI to act as a lethal enforcer Against The Machine's political enemies is not American for there to be so many criminal statutes the new American could possibly know them all let alone confidently Act without fear sanction it is not American for there to be so many government agencies and divisions that no American could capably draw diagram listen to their roles and functions<br> it is not American for the government to Champion its secular religion over the moral tenets of America's spiritual face is not America for the government to ignore the will of its citizens and subvert immigration laws by leaving its borders unprotected and wide open it is not American for an amorphous amorphous I love that work for an amorphous intelligence Community to spy on American citizens with neither wants nor probable cause is not American for the news media to be so co-opted by the state they almost universally support the government's talking points no matter how ludicrous and unsupported while taking aim at dissenting citizens debate<br> is not normal for a government of the people to regularly denigrated citizens as racist extremist deplorables terrorist misogynist bigots Andrew is not normal for any government claiming to be for the people to declare half of the nation and a means of the state<br> these are the acts of a government committed to using intimidation violence and other forms of coercion in order to get its way in short their everything the American system revolted against one American independence rejected top down Force for equality individual liberty unassailable rights and freedom of thought beyond the reach of the government's say<br> so many Americans still fail to see how distorted their acting government has become from our from what their constitution of Fords is proved those who Corral humans into pens for living the other jobs excellent exceptionally well<br> in World War self-reliance and the safety of your family matter more than ever there's one solution that aligns with your values freeze dried beef introducing a source of sustenance you can trust where every bite is a step towards securing your food supply just like you they believe in preparation the freeze dried beef ensure that your family has access to nutrient-rich high quality protein whenever you need it with every meal you're sending a message that you won't compromise on quality and you're taking control of your family's well-being read a beef stew freeze dried beef offers a convenient way to protect against food shortages and the whims of globalist deletes their beef is sourced from trusted American ranches guaranteeing that your food supply remains free from hidden agendas and rest assured their products are free from any unwanted additives ensuring that you're in control of what goes into your body and they've committed to never allow mRNA vaccines into any of their beef secure your food sovereignty today is it Freedom First beef, stock up on freeze dried beef that alliance with your principles use promo code stock up to say 15% that's promo code stock up<br> stock you pee to say 15% today Freedom First beef where preparation meets patriotism choose Freedom choose quality and choose the peace of mind you deserve<br> in the heart of America were conservatives in the back of movement Stands Strong there's a copy that's as bold as your convictions introducing free the first coffee the coffee that tastes like freedom and no it's not just because we said so our coffee is fire roasted to Perfection right on Main Street USA where the aroma Liberty fills the air with every sip you'll feel like Lady Liberty herself the saying that's a good stuff Taste of freedom in every cup are organic gourmet coffee is your daily dose of patriotism probably roasted for those who believe in small government and big flavor join the movement of coffee lovers who know that a great cup of coffee is almost as essential as preserving our constitution Brewing Liberty one cup at a time to get your freedom first coffee today and taste the revolution go to Freedom First and use discount code freedom for 15% off Freedom First coffee because great coffee should always tastes like Freedom get your house now and Let Freedom percolate<br> I too many generations before them Americans have allowed themselves to be rounded up with a little prodding some tasty carrots and reassuring words along the way too many look at the barbed wire surrounding them and assume that life must always be in the door behind the government's enclosure<br> obedience in exchange for the government's Promises of safety welfare and happiness has created a narcotic Bliss what happens though if enough Americans decide they are not safe comfortable or happy what happens when the American government runs out of carrots in those in cages realize they are surrounded by nothing but filth and Decay then ordinary people will realize what extraordinary power they actually possess perhaps then slipping Americans will reawaken press the descendants of those who once turned the world upside down will remember how to reject the government tyranny and demand a return to the American way like I said Jamie Shirkey sure has a way with words I'm I'm jealous sometimes he's he's an extremely good writer and his ideas resonate on the takeaway here<br> is that we need more Americans to become a we're not just of the bad place of the potential for good this is where your I've been looking for and maybe you guys can help me out maybe you guys can reach out to me at J D wrecker, talk JD Rucker, talk and let me know of organization because I've been looking for it for 125 I don't care however many I haven't found them and what I'm referring to our organization where common people can come together and plan and coordinate<br> our actions against government tyranny that is so I'm not looking for Anarchy groups okay this isn't attacks against government is attacks against tyranny that we want to engagement we seen there are many good groups out there but usually they're not really for the common people looking like for example Judicial Watch or project Veritas they do fantastic work okay done Owners of America fantastic work they don't need the masses to help them<br> for us to be able to really truly win in the end if we still have an opportunity to win is going to require yes definitely the efforts of those such as such as Judicial Watch and they are the various lawsuits their Freedom of Information Act request everything they do which is phenomenal yes it's going to require people like James O'Keefe from Project Veritas to expose the truth do to stick there's no other people's next out on the line so that they can they can bring make people more aware of reality these are all having impact gun gun owners of America they do a fantastic job with their lawsuits they try very hard even though they have a Judiciary that seems to be very much aligned with trying to disarm every law-abiding American that they can<br> Ludacris of course but paint that's what this Judiciary does and Gun Owners of America fights back what about us what can we do it I have not found them yet and I'm looking for something anything out there that would be similar to call a a better organized and lest Coop de Ville is probably the right word to use a Lesco Optical version of the Tea Party in the Tea Party have power unfortunately because they rightly so they they started off completely decentralized localized I was great except the damn you had too many outside Roost outside individuals opportunist the co-op in the Tea Party Movement and turned it into something that can benefit them and became a disaster at the buckle<br> so what's the next one I need something we all need something we need something to wear the people we the people can come together in mass and fight the various points of corruption tyranny and oppression that we're facing is an issue because the rising getting worse since I just Democrats or Republicans as well we cannot look for a political solution there is none<br> they proven that<br> so you have to have eight people solution we are the solution<br> God is real solution but also working overnight Jenny talk<br> there's a reason Klaus Schwab Joe Biden and the global Elites want your life savings locked in IRAs and other portfolio management schemes that they control they can keep your money tied up in woke ESG funds even if doing so will lose you money Patriots are quickly moving their Investments to self-directed IRA has backed by physical precious metals unfortunately most companies that work in this field are beholding to Democrats the Chinese Communist Party the wef and others for pushing us toward a digital dollar identify three precious metals companies that believe in America First these companies make it easy for you to move your retirement investment to a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metals go to J D Wrecker<br> dot-com gold that's jadi gold<br> you want to come to the economy numbers are everything right and unfortunately those numbers can be manipulated they can be tortured inside the numbers themselves as being Alice's of the numbers if the presentation of the numbers it's how they torture the numbers to make them say whatever they want in the who who is doing this is usually going to be whoever is in the White House at that particular moment or the governor's office has or whatever even even in the retail world now there are repercussions and I always think this is funny when you have a publicly traded company there repercussions when people are caught screwing with the numbers right be if you screw with the numbers and you're dealing with people's investors money I owe you can get in big trouble but that's not so Impala ticks and politics if you screw with the numbers there's no recourse there's no repercussions it's just all we know that's just a misunderstanding there's no law that says all of politician says that that these numbers are good but they're not then that politician should be arrested<br> grab your a crack or whatever now you can say well but you know we always go to map of hey how often do we get a chance to do that and how how realistic is it that the elections are going to be free and Fair anyway going that's a discussion for another day but we've been seeing the enduring Joe Biden's State of the Union Address on Tuesday night we got to hear a whole bunch of ugly optimistic talk and he's all alone there's a lot of people especially in corporate media that are also talking optimistically is if we have great times ahead things are looking good folks going to those who wanted to look good my sentiments everything when it comes to the economy so to some extent I understand why why those who want to want to help the regime or or maybe even just tell me, why they would go out there and say things that are more positive than what reality is as I said before and I'll say it again many times the sentiment of the people in many ways to terminus the reality of the year<br> if the people are are expected to be thinking of you know what things are going to be a good money is going to come in and the economy's going to turn around you know they might think now's a good time to buy they start to buy more companies on the other hand they think that you know what sales are going to go up because the economy is looking better so we need to get ready we need to manufacture more we need to buy more from the manufacturers we need to import more we need to do do things that when people think that things are going to get better economically then they are more willing to turn it into a century of self-fulfilling prophecy and it goes in the other direction as well the people are pessimistic about the economy of their pessimistic about their own finances of the fortunes of their own business they might start to tighten up<br> and as a result so does the economy so I'm not trying to justify the manipulation of numbers but there's a reason why every as I don't care how bad the economy is every politician's going to try to make it sound as if the economy as good as not just for the sake of trying to trying to convince the people for the sake of boats they're trying to again create these self-fulfilling prophecies get the people excited about the economy and maybe the economy will get better that's the notion that article of rats the eagle on the collapse blog by Michael Snyder and I caught my attention title 16 size of the US economy is going to be just fine. Obviously the reason that it caught my attention is because Michael Snyder is not generally prone to saying things are going to be just fine I mean that his blood is literally titled economically apps blog and he's had it for a long time but then I noticed that he has just fine in scare quotes and then I realized this is he was being so terrible at this headline and once we read<br> article realize why were the Articles of the US economy is in great shape and much better times are just around the corner in fact CNN is actually scolding those of us that are warning that he, conditions are rapidly deteriorating a CNN article title it's time to chill with all the recession talk is bull declaring that the economic Optimus were correct and that what our leaders are doing is working or that is music Joe Biden's ears because he is trying very hard to convince all of us that the policies of his administration have the US economy moving in the right direction course you will never hear Biden share any of the numbers that I am about to share with you the following are 16 size of the US economy is going to be quote just fine fine by whose measure<br> all the sarcasm it's the number one 74% of Americans believe the interest that interest rates will go even higher in the next 6 months and that's only 4% by the way that should be much higher and everybody should realize he has interest rates are going to go up in the next six months that's almost forgot conclusion number to sixty-seven percent of Americans believe that inflation will go even higher in the next 6 months now that might that's not actually as certain that let me get to the next explain why number three only 36% of Americans expect you to economy will grow in the next 6 months so let's talk about that inflation and economic growth those are extraordinary really determine Again by sitting there are other factors and I want to make it seem like if we could just convince the people that things are going to be fine. Everything's going to be fine obviously there's external factors that are beyond the control of the knowledge of the people would have said it is pause wine other than many of the economic fear-mongers out there might say that it's not possible that that for inflation to go<br> whether we're going to avoid a recession or or anything like that or that the economy won't grow will grow it's not possible that the economy will grow right yeah I'm not I don't think that they will I don't mean I don't think he's going to grow I think that inflation is still going to be very high and perhaps increasing I do think we are going to go into a recession with that said that's not a certain as for example Rising interest rates it is possible we won't we won't pick up a few factors a few things to happen for the economy to kind of turned around and I'm not stalking turn around like like it great and be entering to the same levels that it was in during the Trump years but things are just so bad with the economy for the last year-and-a-half two years<br> but even a little bit of an improvement it's actually a pretty big Improvement I know that sounds weird but that's the truth so the point is is that is that you know anybody who says oh you know it's definitely this Daphne that they can't be they might be cracked but they can't be certain that they're going to be correct until it actually happens now I know it sounds weird but I just the economy is a very queer thing and I'm not an economist but I have been studying more more more more and more and more as I have finally become very concerned about my own finances for good reason back to Michael's article number for only 31% of Americans expect that the stock market will go up in the next six months that's fair I would say that's probably true that the stock market will not go up in the next 6 months. I've only 29% of Americans expect that unemployment will go down in the next 6 months and that really depends on the wall how we Define unemployment are we doing Barack Obama style unemployment descriptions are we doing<br> Donald Trump style unemployment descriptions keep in mind that whatever reason the bureaucracy always tends to lean like they only use an analogy real quick and movie and I don't think I've used one of those today so there's a scene in the movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe I think it's 1999 or 2000 release Scott movie where where he's fighting this scrape Warriors come out of retirement and he's already beaten everybody pretty much and so he's fine this one guy and they they threw in that I recall this going to beat the Tigers K tigers are are going to come out of the the ground and they're going to be held back by these guys with with chains okay the Tigers are in Chains they can be but the there's men holding the chain so they can only go so far right and depend upon it that it was the whole system is rigged so that if if Maximus Lee the Russell Crowe character he was close to the to the Tigers the guys would let the tiger go and let them get on whereas if the other guy that has a pun<br> what's close to tigers that would pull the Tigers back that's the best analogy I can come up with as far as trying to explain how the bureaucrats<br> in World War self-reliance and the safety of your family matter more than ever there's one solution that aligns with your values Freedom First Beast freeze dried beef introducing a source of sustenance you can trust where every bite is a step towards securing your food supply just like you they believe in preparation the free-trade beef ensures that your family has access to nutrient-rich high quality protein whenever you need it with every meal you're sending a message that you won't compromise on quality and you're taking control of your family's well-being read a beef stew freeze dried beef offers a convenient way to protect against food shortages and the whims of globalist Elites there be two stores from trusted American Ranch is guaranteeing that your food supply remains free from hidden agendas and rest assured their products are free from any unwanted additives ensuring that you're in control of what goes into your body and they've committed to never allow mRNA vaccines into any of their beef secure your food sovereignty today was it freedom for is stock up on freeze dried beef that alliance with your principles use promo code stock up to say 15% that's promo code stock up<br> stock you pee just a 15% today Freedom First beef where preparation meets patriotism choose freedom to Quality and choose the peace of mind you deserve<br> in uncertain times with a value of your hard-earned money is at stake there's a name you can trust our gold guy with concerns about inflation On The Rise due to government policies it's crucial to safeguard your wealth that's where our gold guy comes in introducing our gold guy your Ally and his economic uncertainty gold and stood the test of time as a store of value just as conservatives chairs the principles that builds our nation you can protect your financial future with the tangible asset that holds it's worth our gold guy offers a range of gold options from coins the bars ensuring that you have a secure Avenue to preserve your wealth with every gold purchase you're making a statement that you value sound money and independence from government-driven economic fluctuations join the community of conservatives you trust our goal guy to navigate these challenging times with confidence secure your financial future today visit our goal and take a stand against the risk of inflation and economic instability our goal guy were conservative values meet Financial Security go to our bow guide<br> come fill out the form and make gold part of your strategy to protect what matters most<br> I'm coming they can manipulate the numbers when it comes to unemployment and during it was really a phenomenon for a long time but it mostly it became most glaring during the Obama years and then again in the trumpeters nails in Reverse it was like a switch right there in the Obama years they did everything they could to make the unemployment rate semen lower than they actually were whereas during the Trump years they did everything they could to make the unemployment rates seem higher than they actually were reality is is that unemployment was great under Trump not very good under under bind and horrible under under I'm sorry I never get under Obama a horrible and to buy it right I mean they're actually abysmal but unemployment levels of all time and everybody's work and everybody's got I got five jobs you know because there's just so much employment available for them and everybody's willing to work and nobody's sitting at home collecting welfare checks and it's all great it's all amazing<br> anyway so that's my little little rant about unemployment so when they say it was it 29% of Americans expect that unemployment will go down the next six months again that all depends on who's number's you used and how they're being Jimmy number 6 it will be giving the actions 2,000 workers this year is an article by the way that came out just a little while ago is from Fox Business we see this article was wrong for 6 o d a couple days ago 2,000 jobs to simplify corporate structure are they always there was talk about streamlining simplifying becoming more efficient that's just code word for hey we got it we got to get rid of some some workers and that that article over at Fox Business according to his plan to slash around 2,000 jobs this year primarily in finance and human resources to simplify its corporate structure the US planemaker confirm to Fox Business digital<br> Monday to the job Cuts will come or combination of attrition and layoffs or seven more more awful news Del just announced that it will be laying off more than 6,500 workers that's this is going to CNN Dell plans to lay off roughly 5% of its Workforce to company said in a regulatory filing Monday and the latest latest example of tech companies cutting cost in an uncertain economic climate Dell has about a hundred thirty-three thousand employees the company told CNN that that level the 5% cut would represent more than 6,500 employees and the list this is not this is not new there's been a special in the tech sector with a bit left and since last year and we're talk to amass wealth Amazon now until we got Boeing of automakers that are your plans<br> this is not good for the economy is not signs of a healthy economy<br> and yet again you got Joe Biden lying during the State of the Union Address saying the economy is doing great the jobs are being created he was telling her about the exact number but he was just telling him how the I think you were saying that they set a record for the most jobs created really is that really what you can say people are asked me how the world could even say that in reality is so we're talkin technically speaking because a lot of jobs were quote-unquote eliminated during the lockdown for 2020 if you were to take those into account and say that when people go back to work that you're creating a job then yeah you can get some some some pretty decent numbers but the reality is no joke why does not creating jobs we are not losing jobs every single month<br> even the amazing 514000 or whatever it was jobs that were created or that you know that were added sorry not created with the jobs were added in January that's the reality is that we actually lost do you want 2.5 million jobs but because of seasonality because of of adjustments they were able to put out what they thought was a good a good at least good numbers for a good job support it really wasn't that good goodbye to your Zoom just announced that it is reducing the size of its Workforce by 15% about 1,300 employees number 9 the CEOs who says that he is going to cut his own salary but 98% be coming because the economy economic Outlook is so grim and this is not a problem Daily Mail says the CEO of zoom and said he was slashed his own 1.1 million-dollar salary by 98% after laying off. 1,300 employees 15% of the company's work which I hate good on him<br> good on him at listen if you have the money then then I would I've I've been there done that not it's in the tune of 1.1 million-dollar salary I've never had one of those but I have taken pay cut for the sake of making sure that you know I'm not saying they're getting a lot of money when we have to cut people in this is are going back to the 2008/2009 downturn where we had just literally you know my company that coming I was working at I wasn't the owner but I wasn't as an executive at the company and we had just done a lot of hiring because business was great and early 2008 we didn't see the the economic downturn coming and we end up in 2009 having to cut a bunch of people and as a result you know we all sides cut some salaries and there's a lot of people a lot of Executives that we're really hurt by that but it was the right thing to do because you can't just you know, so just go out there and get rid of the the regular average employees and then they're still making tons of money that's not right it's all right so so bad news is 1300<br> he's out good news and not for the ham but it but it's good as far as from a sentiment perspectives did the CEOs do the right thing by cutting his own salary by 90% probability the money but it again it's a good Josh Moore attend as a result of failing sales impossible Foods is being forced to lay off approximately 20% of their workers in that article comes from Zero Hedge cells have collapsed however which according to a recent Bloomberg report has resulted in impossible Foods plans to lay off around 20% of its workers I have I will never never ever cheer or or some happy about anybody losing their job okay I just won't<br> with that said I will admit that this whole fake meat industry it does make me sick and so while I feel badly for the people that are losing their job and I'm not going to celebrate that I am pleased that the American people are kind of waking up to the con hopefully that's the reason we came to the con of this lab grown meat or vegetable base to meet or bug based meet or whatever we're going to need more and more people to wake up because they're going to be pushing that stuff on his hardcore number 11 Bed Bath & Beyond just announced that it would be closing 150 more stores<br> I should have kept my pillow be sure to use promo code jtrh it gets your my pillow 2.0 a new my pillow out there a Bed Bath & Beyond that I remind me in the future so I got to tell you a joke about that. Today they were serious number 12 the US housing market continues to crash existing home sales in the United States have now fallen for 11 months in a row and 13 and it comes to predict the housing crash of 2008 so that it is likely that you was housing prices will soon followed by another 15% 14 this point 37% of Americans cannot even afford to pay in an unexpected $1,000 emergency response and I'm going to stop right there and no one got three more to go right you know what I'm not I'm going to go get back to let me finish those three off and then and then we'll we'll take it from there or 15 while Joe Biden has been in the White House the average American family has seen real<br> orange fall below off all about $6,000 and then number 16th one recent survey discovered that only 60% of Americans say their finances are better off since Joe Biden enter the White House and I'll go through a little bit more of this and I hate rushing it at the end right for a break but but I want to talk a little bit more about that but we also have to talk about the underlying cause her what it what is really happening in America what is causing this is the case I just the economy it goes deeper than that so we'll talk about that after the break with that said I do want to make one point when we get backs up so let me do that first and then we'll talk about the underlying cause save it<br>anyone who's familiar with my show or Alyssa Michelle before knows that I am a a very huge proponent of preparedness I've always been I didn't become a prepper until really 2021 but since then I've been working diligently to find companies that offer the things that we need and if the crap hits the fan I want to be ready for it and I will you to be ready for it to I picked up some sponsors for Walter store food for precious metals for for solar power I got a candle sponsor we got antibiotics for storage just in case the pharmaceutical supply chain goes down got medkits nutraceuticals natural survival got guns and ammo you can buy them by by going to JD prepare JD Rucker, prepare bug out bags the were so-so stock up now why you<br> you can<br> for the brake in a scrumptious crumbs and scrambling to get all the information about the economy but I really don't want to spend an entire another segment or even part of the segment on the economy not because the economy is not important but because it's obvious look if you're you're living here in the United States of America you have a very clear understanding of the economy is bad for a living outside of the United States of America probably have a very clear understanding of the economy is bad I don't need to reiterate that so what was Joe Biden trying to do with his his State of the Union Address<br> it really wasn't a State of the Union Address I think in many ways of the state of the Democrat Party address it was an attempt to kind of Gaslight people into thinking that the party's not doing as badly as they think it is but it's hard to do especially when you have things happening such as this article from Moss Lane news where mayor and in fire city council reach limit with Democrats switch to GOP from the article the mayor in the entire city council of a New Jersey township have have reached their limits with the Democrat Party in a switching to the GOP East Hanover mayor Joseph kanulu kanulu and all four members of the township Council will switch parties in the town of 11105 people in New Jersey Club is reporting joining Canelo and bolting from the Dems for the GOP our council president Frank DeMeo Junior High councilwoman Carolina Council<br> ottoman Brian broke how broke off senior and Brian Morelli panullo has been mayor for 16 years the township administrator Joseph contesta is the Republican mayor of West Caldwell Court in the New Jersey Global nulo de mayo and modarelli are up for re-election this year so they must be thinking maybe they'll do better off you wouldn't think that basically read tsunami that didn't happen when I got to talk about why dad didn't happen in 2022 and it wasn't because of abortion we'll talk about that some other day and try to keep Today Show YouTube friendly okay we don't want to talk about possible fraudulent activity that might have at some point happened<br> recently cording to Wikipedia East Hanover Township Township in Morris County New Jersey as of the 2020 United States census the township population yada yada yada is I mean it's not that it's not a big deal but it lives we're talking about again the state of state of the Democrat Party that being why Joe Biden was saying all the various lies that he was saying during the State of the Union Address on Tuesday night at you know I mean you can't blame him I mean you can blame for a lot I guess is the probably the better way to put it you can't blame him for just about everything which is why why it's important for him at least from his perspective in from the White House's perspective to try that too<br> I don't try to salvage their fortunes really they're doing what they're doing is pretty America so badly that I can't see how they can do that without cheating without doing something to do to change their fate Because unless they have reversed course on their policies nothing's going to change nothing is going to change for the better probably cuz unfortunate do not have enough of the majority they only have 11 chamber of Congress that's the House of Representatives and they have a razor-thin margin there there's really nothing they can do except for maybe slow the bleeding hell yeah it was all they can hold hold a subpoena power they can hold hearings great let's meet at work most last time you saw a congressional hearing the results in the anything of importance K it doesn't whenever<br> but at the end the day again so I just kind of massage the Democrats we are as a nation facing many many many challenges there's a little talk about the story then I want to talk about number one because it's important to talk about it because it involves a friend of mine comes from and<br> in uncertain times with a value of your hard-earned money is at stake there's a name you can trust our gold guy with concerns about inflation On The Rise due to government policies it's crucial to safeguard your wealth that's where our gold guy comes in introducing our gold guy your ally against economic uncertainty golden stood the test of time as a store of value just as conservative chairs the principles that built our nation you can protect your financial future with a tangible asset that holds it's worth our gold guy offers a range of gold options from coins to bars ensuring that you have a secure Avenue to preserve your wealth with every gold purchase you're making a statement that you value sound money and independence from government-driven economic fluctuations join the community of conservatives who trust our goal guy to navigate these challenging times with confidence secure your financial future today visit Alco and take a stand against the risk of inflation and economic instability our goal guy were conservative values meet Financial Security go to our goal<br> fill out the form and make gold part of your strategy to protect what matters most<br> in the heart of America were conservatives in the Magnum movement Stands Strong there's a copy that's as bold as your convictions introducing free the first coffee the coffee that tastes like freedom and no it's not just because we said so our copy of fire roasted to Perfection right on Main Street USA with your Roma Liberty fills the air with every sip you'll feel like Lady Liberty herself a saying that's the good stuff Taste of freedom and every cup are organic gourmet coffee is your daily dose of patriotism probably roasted for those who believe in small government and big flavor join the movement of coffee lovers who know that a great cup of coffee is almost as essential as preserving our constitution Brewing Liberty one cup at a time on your freedom first coffee today and taste the revolution go to Freedom First and use discount code freedom for 15% off Freedom First coffee because great coffee should always tastes like Freedom get your house now and Let Freedom percolate<br> find it and the title is pro-life church group ordered to pay $960,000 for holding worship Services outside Planned Parenthood clinic will talk about the State of the Union this is the state of the union<br> that a pro-choice or pro-life group outside of a Planned Parenthood Clinic it's all they went in and they were they were outside of a of a Planned Parenthood Clinic a stupid million bucks like I said this does affect a friend I'm going to be from the article Christian pro-life organization has agreed to pay $960,000 in legal fees and damages for posting worship Services outside of Spokane Washington Planned Parenthood Clinic what are the Christian Post of the church at Planned Parenthood tcapp a group organized by Covenant Church agreed to pay 850,000 legal fees and 110000 in Damages for holding worship Services outside of Spokane Planned Parenthood Health Center in 2020<br> is a quote from my very good friend Ken Peters Pastor Ken Peters who I need to call cuz it's unfortunate that I've learned about this from the news and not from him directly. Find out why that is maybe you can get them on the show for a queen to a Planned Parenthood for peaceful assembly and cost Christians $850,000 for mostly Crump lawyers fees going to post on Facebook the only difference we have to do 7 p.m. instead of 6 p.m. and groped go across the street 850,000 dollars over 1 hour and across the street one hour and across the street wow that's a lot of money they stole from the kingdom over 1 hour we are reinstated restarting again March 14th at 7 p.m. see you there Pacific Northwest it ain't over and God bless him for that they do fight the good fight and this is what I'm talking about moving I'm going to continue a bit with the article cuz I want to talk about it further but this is what I was talking about you want to listen<br> earlier your phone segment 3 I believe may be 7 before I explained that we need to be able to organize. Just not organized into to stop tyranny in the form of Taxation I just organizing so that we can we can protests against lockdown as a protest against against sending too much Aid to Ukraine or protest about this there is a culture war is still going on I did a lot of times and fortunately the bad part about a Roe v Wade being overturned is that I think I made a lot of of Life Warriors complacent the pro-life movement while still very strong and I wanted to say that we buy any meat so thankfully I most I was in the vast majority of those especially active in the pro-life movement have switched their gears after 50 years and finally getting the big victory now it's time to get that a bunch of little victories and talking about at the city and state level I'm talking about. Trying to to block the the gold binded mentioned during his state<br> Union that he wants to codify Roe v Wade not sure how he can do that with republicans in Congress but hey you know they want it we know that at the state level what it can and is going to happen so we need to still continue to fight but usually take when trying to make is that is that you we don't have we need to be able to mobilize just like Ken Peters has done they can Peters in his talk about the the church at Planned Parenthood for long time and it's they're doing they're focused on a single issue that is an issue that a lot of people just aren't focused on and they're paying the price for it then learning lessons but they're not stopping by any means they're doubling down that's the type of that sort of attitude that's the type of of<br> organization and strength that we need when fighting every aspect of tyranny here in the United States of America God bless Ken Peters and the Church of Planned Parenthood for what they do God bless them for the fighting that good fight we need that to extend beyond just fighting the war against abortion it's I mean we have so many threats were faced with here in the United States of America and yes a lot of them are cultural and a lot of them are political and a lot of them are faith-based in a lot of them<br> or actually beyond our our our combination combination of culture Faith & politics that's where our focus is the CERN at anytime I'm running the Liberty I do try to put a focus on fighting on those three friends because we need it we needed as a nation we needed as a planet we needed as a people we need to organize we need to again I are coming for you to listen to the previous segment if you did not already went to read the article was posted over at that the starter titled I believe America's America's Animal Farm<br> just look for picture of pig snout she'll be able to find find that story by Jamie sure can read it<br> we have to have to listen to that State of the Union Address last night we need to take heed that no matter how bad things might be a nation that the Democrat Party The Radical leftist in general the global silly Cobalt they're never going to just say oh we're we're we're exposed we're embarrassed were failing let's just give up they're never going to give you up<br> they want they're just going to keep going<br> we have to keep going more lives do not only never stopped and we need to double-down triple down like I said a look at that means he gets hit with a million-dollar fine okay a million-dollar judgment and what's he going to do he says we're going to be back we're just going to come back an hour later<br> you've got to admire that we need that to be duplicated not just against abortion but against every aspect of tyranny every aspect of evil it's facing us as a nation<br>bhakti article in press release in a press release last week the seattle-based law firm legal voice representing Planned Parenthood a plot of the ruling calling it a win for abortion providers in this is there quote this puts an anti-choice extremists on notice<br> Grandpa's right there real quick<br> anti-choice extremists you know there might have been a time when I would have been like how do you know what no we're just Pro-Lite we're not by choice will not extremists<br> you know what I'm not going to say that anymore I'm not going to have to fight that they want to call me an anti-choice extremists<br> great<br> cuz it's not your choice<br> it's not in my body my choice the baby<br> it's not you know if if that is what constitutes making me an extremist I'll accept that label cuz I believe that<br> that a baby in the womb should be born should be allowed to live<br> if that's what it takes to be called an extremist I'm not going to fight that<br> I don't think I'm an extremist I think it's pretty logical as matter fact I think you don't even need the Bible to determine that that makes sense that an innocent baby should not be punished with death for the crimes or sins of others logic<br> Common Sense science<br> morality<br> so yeah call me a pro pro or an anti-choice extremist I'll accept a label that's really what you want to call me all right back to the other voice in our allies will hold them accountable we will vigorously pursue every dollar owe to our clients forced to go cuz their attorneys everydollar Ode to our clients to ensure anti-choice harassers actually pay for their illegal actions we will make sure their actions are seen what they are crimes crimes<br> none of that story will end the show today with this but cuz it's a horrible way to end but I didn't mention I barely mentioned it on the last show and I probably should have mentioned it more so I'm going to go ahead and do that now and this thanks to another article by Michael Snyder is a second article on everything today he posted a couple days ago on February 6th shortly after the the satanic display at the big was the Grammys I don't even know the title of this is America's culture now the State of the Union this is it this is the problem right here on your screen looks really nice words this is what is really playing at we can talk about the economy all day we can talk about politics we can talk about whatever but is the big relation of our moral values our judeo-christian values are faith-based values that is with killing United States of America that is what rappers<br> the state of the actual Union in that state is a sari-sari state when you look at all the evil is rampant and not only grandpa but accepted not only accepted but in many ways encouraged<br> Coney article by Michael Snyder over at end of the American dream., his other website as to if people that live fifty or sixty years ago could see us today what would they think of our culture I believe the performance of put on holy that's the name of the song I guess have the Grammy Awards on Sunday night will go down in history as a pivotal cultural moment yes the horror movie inspired performance that's Sam Smith and Kim Petras came up with was designed to get as much attention as possible they wanted people like me to write about it and that is exactly what I'm doing but just because they were seeking attention does not change the fact that their performance was under was unspeakably evil and I've also it also does not change the fact that millions of their fans absolutely adored it we've got to the point where our culture openly celebrates wickedness and that is a very very dangerous place to be<br> Sam Smith and Kim Petras knew exactly what they were doing in the mainstream media has alert was alerted in advance that there will be calls to CVS from outrace Christian they literally got we're told that there will be calls to CBS from outrage Christians<br> it's funny how our group how did the people who are professing Christians especially people more active Christians we are the ones that they're going to come after that is the state of the union today<br> that's the article the understand very well the People Like Us would be deeply offended by their performance but they went ahead and did it anyway of course there are many other groups that can never be offended on National Television under any circumstances but if any Christians is probably okay in this day and age and CBS knew precisely what was coming in his tweet that was now apparent apparently has now probably been deleted the official CBS Twitter account fully declare that we are ready to worship wow<br> she's how sick is that quite appropriately Madonna was picked introduced this performance and she made it abundantly clear that she also knew exactly what was about to happen or state I mean Skies there's there's there's rehearsals okay they didn't know he gets surprised by any of this<br> following a McDonald's dr. Sam Smith and Kim Petras Unleashed what was perhaps the most demonic performance that we've ever seen on National Television following is how the official website of the Grammy Awards describe their performance quotes around a long haired acolytes and I and identically identical red sheets Smith kicked off their performance in an outfit of latex and devil horn top hat for pictures made her grand entrance in a giant cage guarded by a trio of she-devils mummy don't know Daddy's getting hot at The Body Shop doing something Unholy the duo belted in hellish Harmony as a wall of fire erupted on stage behind Petras as personal prison<br>they're no longer hiding it the Satanism to the Demonic nature<br> the anti-biblical Antichrist nature of our society today<br> that is what we must fight that is the state of the union if it's allowed to continue our judgment<br> will be feeling really bad going to talk more about this next episode or willing I will be back very soon with another episode of the meantime you'll stay strong stay safe and God bless<br>

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