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JD Rucker Show

Title: The Real State of the Nation Must Be Addressed Immediately

America was built by hard working men and women and each of them had a dream. A dream of a better life, a dream of freedom and a better future for their children. It is the dreams of the millions who came that built America and made it great. Join us as we discuss DACA with our guest Adrian Escarate! Adrian was born in Santiago, Chile and moved to the United States when he was three years old. Thankfully, when Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was passed in the summer of 2012, Adrian was able to acquire a work permit, social security number and a Florida Driver’s License.

Today we welcome my co-host, Maria Sanchez, back to the show and we'll be inviting Kathleen Gomez on for another round of talking about political affairs, the presidential race, immigration, guns, and the State of the Union speech. Never a dull moment with Kathleen!

It was only the other day when President Obama gave a speech on the current state of the union, so I thought I’d make a comment or two on the current state of democracy and as it turned out, it ended up becoming a whole entire show!  How ‘bout that?