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JD Rucker Show, December 22, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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A Dive into Political Realities and Preparedness Insights

Title: A Dive into Political Realities and Preparedness Insights


The JD Rucker Show, hosted by JD Rucker, offers a dynamic blend of political analysis and preparedness insights, tailored for those eager to delve deeper into current events and future scenarios. The show stands out for its versatile approach to discussing a range of topics, from the intricacies of border policies to the evolving landscape of modern politics. Rucker, known for his work with The Liberty Daily, brings a distinct voice to the table, challenging listeners to consider various perspectives and encouraging them to be informed and proactive citizens.

Each episode weaves through different subjects, ensuring listeners are engaged and informed on multiple fronts. Whether it's analyzing Biden's border policies, discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on news reporting, or exploring the intricacies of societal trends and prepping culture, the show maintains a balance between deep political discourse and practical lifestyle advice. This approach resonates with those who seek not just to understand the world but also to prepare for its uncertainties.

Rucker's unique style of integrating listener feedback into the program's format demonstrates his commitment to creating a show that resonates with his audience's interests and concerns. This interactive element adds a personal touch, making "The JD Rucker Show" more than just a source of information—it's a community for thought-provoking discussion and practical insights into navigating today's complex world. Whether you're a political enthusiast, a prepping novice, or simply someone looking for a fresh take on current affairs, this show offers something valuable for everyone.

Recorded: December 19, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

you're listening to the j.d. Rucker show let's begin
will be doing something slightly different today and we're testing it out seeing if this is the right way to do it so yesterday I had some comments some positive but some semi I wouldn't say negative suggestions the primary topic of yesterday's show was his real moss and I had four stories about that particular topic all for the stories I and the talking about in the second out well before noting that hey you know I had to sit through the first hour listen to you talk about this out of the other we never even got to what you said you were going to talk about until till the end until the second have now when I love the fact that you made me wait to get to the most top it which I was really interested in but then I was listening to the stories in the first hour and say hey these are interesting too so we can go both ways we're going to try to do more of a spread okay to they were talking about Biden's border betrayal and it's an important topic for obvious reasons but I'm not going to
front-loaded I've done that in the past from low the it with all stories about the the Border crisis not going to save it to the am not going to put the middle we're going to sprinkle it okay we're going to we're going to do a little bit take the salt and drop it on my elbow and it goes on the steak and I forgot the chef that does that we're going to do a little bit of sprinkling of this particular topic on Today Show and see if that makes more sense so I think I've got like three or four maybe even five stories regarding the border so instead of getting it all at once you're going to get it in bits and pieces as I cover multiple multiple times because let's face it there's so much happening in the world today who can who can handle just 11 top again a a given to our show
this first one is this is the one that did really got my I got my juices flowing down check my khakis so to speak sent to me by my good buddy Matthew broke over at the Liberty daily start it off with just a news report from Fox News and then I started digging deeper and deeper and deeper and got angrier and angrier and angrier Suite by Charlie Kirk Bill Melody by the way one of the greatest current modern-day Journal South as far as just a true report this guy goes rings to go probably eighty ninety percent of his reporting is about the border and he puts his himself at risk to get the news the mail again one of the few good guys over Fox News today anyway I digress will get away from my Fox News hatred authorities are suspending Railway operations of the Southern border the free of agents to help with the flood of illegal immigration quote from
during the international Commerce in order to help speed up processing of these migrants they are they are illegal aliens most senior military aged men that are illegal aliens let's go ahead and take a wife and get it set to play
take a live look at our Fox News drone over in Eagle Pass that had another massive legal Crossing out there you can see hundreds upon hundreds of illegal immigrants waiting for processing there you might be able to see a bridge off in the background that is where the trains come in will c v p is announced they are suspending Railway operations to move CBP officers down into the field to help border patrol with processing and other words are there shutting down International Commerce in order to help speed up processing of these migrants many of them again will be released in back out here life December is traditionally one of the slowest month at our Southern border but the border patrol Union tells us right now their number show they are on track to potentially have the highest single month of arrest they have ever had in our Southern border
so that's that's the report in yes obviously I don't know about you but I am infuriated about it and I don't think I'm alone
a representative Mark Marjorie Taylor Greene MTG she also had some thoughts on the issue of the invasion at our Southern border is beyond impeachment it should be considered treason and she's talking my language Joe Biden me orcas and the rest of his administration need to be held accountable now I say stuff like that all the time and it's okay if I say when a member of Congress says it most of the time I say okay will do something where's the thing Marjorie Taylor Greene has been trying to do something she's been trying to impeach Alejandro mayorkas for a long time and her colleagues just don't seem to agree with her they're still looking for some some Smoking Gun some are trying to find that where you live this that or the other folks here's the reality will take the Biden fighting impeachment a waiver for second will talk about that some of the time but specifically about Alejandro mayorkas he's the he's the
Homeland Security which means that his job is primary role is to keep us safe and to keep our borders safe
by the sheer fact that he has done the exact opposite of that that alone is impeachable. Can you don't need to find where where he embezzled money you know that's not any big deal DC anymore you got to find where he he lied under oath or anything like that you can look at his job performance your job is to secure the border and you didn't so you're getting impeached impeached because of some crime you committed your getting a piece because you're awful at your job you're getting a piece because you're you're incapable of doing your job that's enough to impeach a Cabinet member. So do it mean if you don't and you're Republican and you you don't agree with impeaching and that means that you are saying he is doing the best job that he can I'm not saying that it you just impeach anybody that doesn't doesn't do well enough but we're not talking about just just do a little bit subpar work here we're talkin about doing the exact opposite and
he actually takes as a detrimental effect on our border security key is intentionally opening the door he's doing the exact opposite of what the American people are paying him to do he's not doing the exact opposite of what the binary mean when a gene or his their their handlers nor the people that are controlling their handlers in the global suleika ball exactly Marcus is doing exactly what he's been tasked to do that does matter to the American people vast majority even Democrats want the border is secure he's not doing it impeach him now
I often rail against the younger generation is the Millennials gen Z whatever is going to follow I always save like a grumpy old man all these kids nowadays they don't know what they're talking about I do appreciate things got no work out there it's true though unfortunately you know I used to make fun of my parents and my grandparents were saying some more things about my generation maybe they were correct as well maybe maybe we're all just it's all just degrading well there is some good news at least for Boise men young men young men boys whatever they seem to understand what to look for in a woman unfortunately the same can be true for for girls young women they don't seem to know what to look for in a man. This is a big problem I like there's I think I just read a statistic the other day that we have our highest percentage of people aged 40 that have never been married could it be that we are just splitting
the sex line that the sex line men and women just think differently and they're being raised to think different differently and maybe that is part of the plan of the ball to divide us to make it to where we we just we just can't can't repopulate United States of America with actual American article over at the post-millennial by Sarah Higdon over there says that the good news 64% off I don't care how you spend that's good news that you might say well it's not good news is only 64% going to be like 98% or 99% hundred percent of that yeah I would have guessed this I would have thought they'd be 50/50 maybe 40 60 and favor of the most most boys are looking for that communist communist girl to date
unfortunately like I said it's it's not not necessarily all good news when we look at the other side of the fence I change research survey from September revealed that 64% of gen Z and Millennials identifying a red flag and dating while 76% of women from the same demographic think the same of men who identifies Maga Republican so the mega Republicans where the bad guys to two over over three-fourths of young women between the ages of of what is it 18 to 34 sound like that yeah the question 1033 registered voters aged 18-34 about the red and green flags while dating women in the age range 10 Celine brother left
show me up brother less than men with 41% identifying is Progressive while just 24% of men do the same 53% of women said it was a red flag of their partner refuse to see the Barbie movie I'm so glad that I'm happily happily married because I would not survive in this day and age I assure you there is nothing that could possibly can call me to see the Barbie movie I know that my sons are the same way that's for sure right now my daughter wants to see it I got no problem with that at least one of them. Anyway while 55% said it was a red flag if they listen to Joe Rogan
doesn't listen to Joe Rogan and I don't listen to Joe Rogan but but I have I listen to clips from Joe Rogan
Backyardigans 60% of women said it was a red flag if their partner says that all lives matter you know because we have to discriminate you know women don't want a man that doesn't discriminate about who matters Skyview this understanding that that's only black lives matter and all the other lives are secondary if they're lucky I said it was the same if their partner has no Hobbies so they want they want a middle-of-the-road girl who collects stamps
got it getting worse and worse recently Fox News asked Americans on the streets of New York City what their major red flags were when dating someone new Cassie from Arizona said I think just being friendly and touchy with other girls is a red flag
okay I mean I guess I guess when she's getting a little too comfortable and kind of breaching the Privacy Zone one man responded and you know the individual barrier Zone
I knew there was a time when at least when I was growing up where boys did not get offended when girls got too close to them as matter fact is considered a 8 oz of things for women they say they don't like it's a red flag when when the man smells bad now I have no objection to that K personal hygiene is extremely important regardless of your man or woman and taking it seriously is a very poor thing my wife is she is a clean freak they start talking about their acts are mentioned another girl's name or other partners names that would definitely be a red flag agree there are they still got like other people on social media and they're still not really like those loyal to you as you want them to be
true good point good point good point I have never contacted an ex-girlfriend on social media I can show you that Joanne Joan I don't have enough that told the outlet that political stance is important him he said I'm from Israel in our country is in a big turning point for the future and some people don't really want us to exist for me the minimum is two at least understand the poll showed that 50% of women polled song man who doesn't care about politics as a red flag while only 29% of them felt the same way that's great I did in high school I did a 22 as matter fact two to progressives back at least call them liver also they were their leftist which was funny because I was in young conservatives and officer for young conservatives in one of the girls I dated was he the president of the end of Democrats Club at the the school and we went on one date
1 date
didn't work out so so what do you guys think I want to know you know is that are we in trouble I mean is this is this clear political divide between young men and young women where young men think that they don't want to date a communist and young women said they don't want to date a Maga Republican and does that mean that we're all in trouble or is it just that everybody's kind of getting pushed in towards the music middle and we said that the where the real passion in his heart split akkolai the ologies always on the far left of the far right now I'm not saying doesn't as pejoratives by the way I don't know what do you clear a special meaning of far-right of far-right looks alright to me just make this is that your logical and and honest and you make sense and yes scared of of pissing people off cuz really in my humble opinion if you fall into the category of here you're a moderator whatever you want to call yourself you you lean right or maybe you lean left or you're a Centrist or whatever look I understand
how that can be appealing maybe in the past but today we do need any kind of got excited they're they're being picked either way so if you're if you lean right I assure you that we are also to her when you ask that that's Democrat that leftists who you are they're going to call you for a ride anyway so you might as well just fit the bill in my humble opinion not just because it's the passionate way to address the issues of our nation depressed because it's crazy you know so far to the right of it that you don't even sit on a scale I'm just saying mean we the far right perspective of of America First of making America great again of limiting government limiting factors limiting intrusion increasing privacy increasing Freedom increasing Liberty there was a time when those concerts when we consider quote-unquote far-right today they are
if you believe those things don't don't go around calling yourself a modder don't go go around saying I do you know Mitch McConnell's not so bad okay he is bad and not just because he's he's a modern but mostly because he's arguably the most corrupt politician in Washington d.c. next to Joe Biden who's got them beat my by Miles. Everybody be by my other than the Mitch McConnell I was saying it's probably up there and you know top three or four maybe number to maybe number to point being is that
we're talking about dating a guy I had to get in the Mitch McConnell how does a conversation go from dating to Mitch McConnell that only happens on the J D wrecker show point being is that is divided is it manufactured is this something where we shouldn't really be concerned considering that that are birth rates are already far below the replacement levels where they need to be just make it less likely that we're going to to have American Born Children Here illegal immigrants people that come across and become become Americans the the legal way is that just are we doomed or none of this to happen I think so but sound off in the comments
1 things to never do on a show is to carbonated water, sparkling ice zero calorie zero sugar drink and you should probably not do it in the middle of a podcast now I got to wait all the way until till the the Brick to relieve myself of gas and not important
as everybody should know by now I am a prepper I'm considered a late prepper I didn't really start prepping till right around the time I guess about January 2021 when Joe Biden became I guess you could say I had a couple bug out bags couple of buckets for the food but not all the way back down the Obamacare days but the most part I did not consider the necessity of getting fully prepared for the apocalypse for whatever we have coming at us from any direction and seems like we have it coming at us from multiple directions at this point in American history but it is what it is and has always been considered right wing and Deborah saying that that's only those those crazy right-wingers are doing but now it seems as if that is Shifting them or more leftists are getting involved
in that I'm participating in the Lee preparedness movement and they awesome you no more the better the way that I always look at it is this and then for those who have never heard me talking about prepping this may be an eye-opener because it goes against standard preparedness protocols I guess you could say they always say never tell anybody about your preps never tell your friends or relatives don't tell anybody you're prepping the concedera said if and when the crap does hit the fan everybody's going to be coming come running to you to to take care of them that's the idea or Worse he's going to be coming to somebody's going to come with you armed and trying to take what you have have secured for yourself in your family so they always say keep it secret I on the other hand do believe in alerting friends and family maybe don't broadcast it to the neighbors are the world but but telling your friends and family number one that you're prepping number to explain to them why they need to be prepping
give them on board because of the way that I look at it we're going to need people who are not beholden to government in order to be able to to fight back against whatever tyranny awaits us and if we are unsuccessful we can't fight back then we're still going to need many people as possible. We're now able to help us to rebuild From the Ashes so I I say the more more more the merrier and more people that are prepared for what's to come the fewer people there will be who are beholding the government and that's why I always say I don't care how patriotic somebody is they can have they can they can have a picture of Ronald Reagan over there bed and sing the national anthem as they brush their teeth but if they have to decide between being patriotic and fighting the good fight or doing the government's bidding following their their diktat so that they are allowed to feed their family and feed themselves even the most patriotic American is going to
get jab hop in the breadline and I need their Cricket Burgers so I am a big fan of making sure that everybody we can find everybody is is ready to go ready for whatever there is coming that does include the ideological left an article over at over at the end of the American dream, one of Michael Snyder's many sites I have it over at the CERN. TV I'm also going to be putting it on my sub stack for preparedness late prepper. Sucks that got, you checked it out and you'll likely catch this was very nice very commentary on it become so popular with the left and it really is good question. I didn't hear the damn thing and he does talk about it in this article himself so I'll just wait I'll tell that store here in a second with those on the right of the political Spectrum
a are actually on the left these left his preference have become entirely convinced that we are headed for a catastrophic societal meltdown and they are determined to try to survive whatever happens and we are starting to see left the sphere about the future being reflected in movies and television shows or example in the apocalyptic disaster movie entitled Leave the World Behind is getting Millions upon millions of views on Netflix and if you guys didn't I did a mine Alice is my review of it and explain why you're there they're talking about the race aspect of it that's part of it but I think that's more of a smokescreen the real mess should I drive with the three messages in a previous shown you can always check that I just searched my site discern to search for Leave the World Behind and you should see that's that video analysis
I'm not going to get her bottom line is that is it does seem to be at least lean towards prepared to the idea that there is nothing that you can really do you know means sure if you got the money and you can build yourself a luxury bunker somewhere then then hey you know go do it the movie in and then she knows this is a movie by with executive directors Barack and Michelle Obama there's an even though the actor the director everybody involved with it is on the left and yet here they are doing a movie about the end of an attack on America the end of times for this nation at the very least maybe for the world and about getting ready and being able to survive that particular fictional apocalypse nothing conservative about this movie is notes it was made by leftist and it is meant to be watch I left a mess in Porton even though I would argue that because the whole reason they put in the the racist elements was to try to rage and get people in the right to watch it and
a lot of us did a lot of us didn't want to make something like this that is a good question hopefully somebody will ask them about the 2024 election is motivating many left is to become Preppers themselves and this is going to New York Post doomsday prepping is a seeping into the mainstream As Americans of all ages and political Persuasions are becoming increasingly worried about the 2024 presidential election about the prospect of a civil war weapons is once associated with libertarian extremist but as a rematch between President Biden and his predecessor former President Donald Trump seems all but inevitable in 2020 for prepping has become a bipartisan activity according to a Monday USA Today report on the left you have people afraid that I was going to declare some dictators United States and people on the left are going to end up as Targets in some sort of authoritarian system that are there gold Brad Garrett
there really are lots of people out there that are convinced her convinced himself that if Donald Trump wins the election he will make himself a dictator and establish a fascist regime in the United States and so I actually passed on the story for today I was going to be doing a story for the show about him Paisley debunking the notion that this guy who was president for 4 years and didn't declare myself dictator then has no desire nor they're claiming that he's going to do they're saying it's a certainty I'm saying is impossible and I'm right because it is I don't want to make this a little segments but just to be clear Donald Trump's driving force what what makes him want to be present what makes him get up and out of bed every day is is ego people say all this negative it's not a very strong ego
the fact that the somebody would think that they were qualified to run to become the leader of the Free World that already demonstrates an ego Donald Trump wants to build a legacy he wants he wants to extend well beyond him well beyond his kids well beyond he wants to be remembered for all the time he wants to be the 21st century George Washington OK that's so his intention is it was actually probably best for the country this is why I trust him do I like all of his policies do I like the way that he acts know but I do know because he is driving force in his Ambitions get around being awesome as president he's going to do what is best he's not going to declare myself a dictator and he's not power hungry he's not he has plenty of power is he he takes it A Century of power down grade when he becomes president because his organization's he already it is essentially the equivalent of a tire that's what is CEO is date they have essentially unilateral control not the present and he learned that during his first term
there were things that he could do a CEO that you cannot do as president so don't tell me he's going to have to become a tire that's ludicrous but anyway in lower only a sedins iety this is according to Fox News 1/3 only one-third of Americans gay President Biden a thumbs-up on the job he's doing at the White House according to new public opinion survey you get the idea. Such horrible circumstances that you're willing to try to stop and plus he's he's from 84 different directions
he's not the only one that's not just these random people such as the movies there are actually high-profile left us who are becoming Preppers Mark Zuckerberg appears to be one of them wanting his money played a major role in what we witnessed in the swing States but this time around Mark Zuckerberg appear to be preparing for doomsday it's going to the register. Cam on a remote part of a cow is the largest island in the Hawaiian archipelago expensive construction project it's a very hush-hush project 100-acre site a six-foot wall blocks locals from peeking and vetted workers are subject to strict nda's preventing discussion of the work however was in the A's don't appear to have function as intended to report on claims the tragic Patron is none other than met a big cheese Mark Zuckerberg it has been reported that Zuckerberg survivalist compound and they fight
thousand square foot underground bunker and will be completely self-sufficient will have at least 30 bedroom 30 bedrooms and bathrooms and a network of tree houses that connects
a network of tree houses that connect some of the rooms that's weird
I don't even know what to say about that
is that is that a typo what could it possibly is it literally a network of tree houses connecting some of the rooms that's never down for prepping with treehouses preparedness in the third grade at the main residence will be joined by a 5000 Square ft underground shelter that includes Living Spaces and an escape hatch the compound will be self-sufficient with an 18 ft tall water tank and a pump and pump system and food production system how much water you can actually put an 18 ft tall water tank of course obviously depends on how wide it is it worth with the actual volume is but I figured you know you can I seen those ones we don't have one yet we will but I seen the ones that are about about seven or eight feet tall and they only do you need just as a quick pepper notes you need approximately a gallon of a day per person you'll save I don't drink again
show me Waterford and the Very bare minimum 1 gallon per person per day I've seen some say that in a pension go down to a l per day but still it's not a whole lemon you need a whole lot of water we don't realize how much water we use in a given day in the vast majority of us is like and then we're going to run out of food of everything really go south it's at the water stops coming out of top most most Americans are items to use the phrase but Dad in the water you will have to become beholden to government in and hoping that they'll be able to pass out their water bottles and they won't be taken by Hamas or whoever is is invading that point is that really bad stuff is on the horizon and so he is taking action meanwhile ordinary Americans from Costco or hundred million dollars is a hundred million dollars worth of gold in 1/4
I got nothing
so why are so many people who is completely out of control when we are all on the verge of a full-blown economic collapse out of problems are only a small part of the larger picture a perfect storm is upon us and it is going to get a lot more intense during the months ahead there is one more thing I wanted to mention and it is a sure sign that we really do live in the apocalyptic times see which forgot
I'm going to skip that part he's talking about that I'm not even going to you can read it over at to discern. TV if you want or at late prepper. he went there and I'm not going there look I will say this number one just to give you guys a quick because this is for late Preppers if you are late pepperview just getting out there I'm going to give you a word of advice number one the most important thing you can do is to make a plan make a plan tracks the plan to stick to the plan and otherwise be ready it's not just about hoarding stuff and then it when the crap hits the fan you don't know what to do with okay. He's been making a plan figure out what you need to do that plan is not so in case of tornado do this and Kate NoDa this part of the whole thing the plant starts immediately okay the plan includes hey learn how to how to fix you know whatever learn how to fix things if you don't if you're not mechanically inclined learn how to use certain tools learn how to build a
fire from a stick you know in the end of rocks or whatever I'm picking up a skill that you need to be able to survive if you just can't call the the repairman or a plumber or whatever learn how to grow food or how to cook food a lot of people don't know how to cook food and if you using for example a solar oven or not but if you have a solar oven learn cuz there was a time when sewing was a crucial skill in every single household that time may come again nobody in your household knows how to sew properly you can have some pretty in effect of clothing known the months in decades to come if you can't run down to the mall or go on Amazon and have have more clothes delivered to you
number to get out of the city if you can this is a road trip advice this is a warning there are many many dozens of possible scenarios likely possible scenario I just talkin about what about an asteroid I'm talking about like like sneakers that are Brewing around us that we should take him to strong consideration whether it's Invasion nuclear war has food prices grid goes down
riding on the Street Marshall Law or martial law and the people running the streets killing each other and and taking and taking stuff from people being able to defend yourself in the best way to do that by the way it's to not be in the city in the world has a set of possible problems for one my family we have a say medical scenario where we have to be close to a hospital at all times we can't not be close to the hospital that's the only reason why we're still here in commiefornia I would have left and gone to a home state of Montana or Idaho or someplace by now if it wasn't for the fact that I can't I have to be it's not to be close to a hospital I have to be close to specific hospital I would have you would have left left left California and gone to a nicer area that has hospitals and maybe have more more red state but I have and I can I'm stuck here and I know a lot of you are but if
do not do what you can to not want to get out of cities will also get out of the suburbs and know that
it is more of a buying time it's not necessarily making you much much much safer I think that the initial term all depending on the scenario the initial term all is going to happen the major cities in the room that's going to spread out as far as I can't run you can't hide from it forever so if you can like you might be in the situation you're survivalist you're single you can live in the in the mountains for four Decades of necessary without contact with anybody awesome most people can't most people need help most people eat family most people needs any food or water most people don't have the skills necessary to be able to survive indefinitely outside of away from civilization but that might be one of the skills that you pick up
animals without least stock up on water before you need a lot what are you going to do in Apocalypse maybe it's not the end of America what if it's just you know the grid goes down if the power goes out the water goes out eventually I'm talking about a widespread power outage because you still need to let the water now your bosses don't work how will you survive do you have enough bottled water if you have containers of water store water that's number one of two food daddy got a food most Americans have an average of two weeks worth of food for they will start starving to death survive without food and if you can if you are already out of the city and you are already set up if you can and yes chickens chickens are chickens turn dirt
turn turn the ground into protein a daily supply of protein if you got got enough chickens okay so and don't eat the chickens eat the eggs remind people that play wow I get like eight chickens that's only going to feed my family for like 2 weeks actually it's somebody anyway so so do whatever you can if you can't say you you can't whatever reason maybe you're not in an area where you can grow big garden and and have a homestead and have chickens or whatever you know suck at whatever you can't these are priced by the way just said I wasn't going to bring this up for those were watching before Christmas 2023 and a lot of people watch these in the in the replay later but if you're watching before Christmas 2023 we are having a once-in-a-lifetime sale over at off with promo code one-time 25 by 1 Word one-time wondertime
the numbers 25 0 1 Word 25% off we usually do 10 or 15% off sometimes even 5% for running low on stock but 25% off because we're making room in the warehouse for bison bison coming next year January probably Subway but we are going to start selling bison meat very very soon which is I in my humble opinion the ultimate rap for me but we need to clear up space so take advantage of the cell goes on until Christmas day only five percent off and if you're a big spender and you spend over $1,000 using promo code one time 30 get 30% off we are trying to clear space my loss your game oke so you got your water you got your food make sure that you got enough meds this can be challenging sometimes I know because you're the strong medication that you just can't store long-term everybody has their own meet Seth s yours make a plan and try to get as much as you can talk to your doctor if you trust your doctor talk to them about this
can I see trust your doctor you know you don't want it depending on what medicines are going to ask them for if you can trust them and tell them hey you know I want to get some some extra for storage and I don't I just don't trust that things are going to be safe and sound pharmacies are going to be open here soon eventually so I want to stay ahead of it so can I get like a third of my normal monthly Supply can I get a six-month Supply and then to start building for maybe maybe they maybe they'll say no maybe I'll say you can't because it's got a shelf life of such-and-such or maybe they'll get your prescription and then if you can't research find some alternative is an alternative to almost every medicine. All the minutes almost every medicine has like a natural or at least in 10 easily acquirable alternative to to the going through your doctor and Pharmacy Services check out those options for summer for is Firearms ammunition look at you could be a nice expert great day I'll take I'll take a Glock
especially from a distance in if you're if you're not skilled at if you're if you don't own a firearm or not practicing with a firearm practice and if you can't you don't have enough ammunition get more and people ask you how much is enough ammunition my answer is more whatever you can get whatever you can store it as much as you can cuz there's going to come a time when we will not that's how they will buy the way to gauge and gun control so they're not going to go round, skinny guns they're going to come skating or not, so they're going to do to stop the production and sale of ammunition or taxable way that makes it cost prohibitive so that's my prediction be ready for that make sure you got your Bibles for sure I say plural because you always want to have at least one or two or three backups if you can so they are extremely important at least as much as I'd imagined physical precious metals always a good good bad and you can go check them out go check out Genesis Gold group a Christian Gold company at JDR
don't be scared
I know that many of the laughter coming on maybe you're listening to this reading this whatever and you're on the left great welcome we can we can discuss our ideological Divide from a political or cultural perspective it some of the time right now when we're in this together you're only in this together if you wanted to study friends to get in one of the rooms that are connected by a tree house. Don't get don't sweat it too much obsessed with preparedness in survival that you missed the things are happening in life today enjoy life or no life enjoy am I saying I'll go go live your best life now and go have fun I'm saying enjoy life is in for me my greatest enjoyment is is spending time with my wife reading your Bible talking about we have just the most immense incredible discussion to she does have time she's able to to go through and read things in the Bible we get to talk about it whenever I have enough time to be able to talk to her about and I wish I had more
so many ways I look at the apocalypse is a time if I have to go to apocalypse mode and all we have to do is read the Bible and talk about it's like yes
love it but I should be whatever it is that it suits your fancy upholstered boat be ready for it in and enjoy don't don't get scared don't get scared be prepared so we can turn this into the pepper song no we won't do that
whatever I think of how effective is the GOP is especially at the state level I have to look at texts now I know a lot of people of texting I think the Texas is still this this great Beacon of of conservatism but it really isn't at least not at the of the government level both the state legislature as well as the governor's office have demonstrated that they are at best they're slow on issues sometimes they don't address them at all cuz we know how corrupt the the Republican party in Texas is as far as the former legislator perspective we saw that during the whole Ken Paxton Fiasco but Governor Greg Abbott has always been on my my crap list because he is just slow okay slow to enact legislation and policies that are beneficial to the people of Texas into the nation in general
they could do something and often times it's a big deal except it's a big deal that should have been done three years ago and this latest example is there addressing the Border crisis is it's one of those glaring because it's something that you know the news comes across this happens and all of a sudden you're like why is this happening before why isn't it's already happening course yesterday we also had the and I cover the on the on the show earlier today for those who are catching late but they did shut down the trains trains coming across those have been shut down because I think everybody seen the videos of illegal aliens on top of the trains tucked in the crevices just just come across taking a ride over the border and then going into the interior of the United States of America history has been shut down of course he cannot make a turmoil caused by that is is going to be huge and we're going to start feeling it more and more
address is the border into some extent it's like I said it's late but in many ways it's also a week we'll see I want I'll give him the benefit of the doubt we'll see how this plays out this article comes from send over at the Daily Caller news Foundation you can find by the cross poster with permission over at the CERN. TV tell Greg Abbott signs Bill allowing Texas cops to arrest illegal aliens like I said you like what why is this coming now just before 20/24 doesn't even go into effect until March of 2024 what what took so long if you're asking that question you're on the right track why did it take so long today we got it not trying to be Debbie Downer let's let's just move forward on Monday allowing Law Enforcement Officers to arrest illegal aliens have a signature on the legislation known as this before means it will enter into law on March and March 2020 for the legislation makes it illegal entry into Texas a statement to me
and those convicted under the law face a fine of $2,000 up to $2,000 or up to 180 days in jail repeat offenders could face a felony charge in up to 20 years in jail. Let's be clear that's right there that is the that's the key to all of this K this is the part where I get at least a little bit excited as long as it's enforced and as long as they really just just throw the books at okay we have a problem with illegal aliens obviously in this nation for the ones we have to be most concerned about the ones keep coming back keep coming back how many stories we have to face every single day about a legal alien to us persons been deported three times as persons been deported seven times okay well why why do they keep getting deported
because I keep coming back why they keep coming back because there are no repercussions we are going to have to address this at a national level or else you're going to have to address this at a local level it's good that we're addressing it at state level and I think that at some point our future may hold the necessity and when I say may hold our current day holds the necessity I just don't think we've had been able to mobilize properly that but we going to have to engage in this this war this Invasion we're going to have to try to stop it at a on a personal level and other words it needs to be there needs to be some private access to be able to stop this that's going to be the legislation I think allows the the most movement if we can get citizens to engage if we can allow citizens to engage that repercussions from government try to the Hall of the Border Invasion that's where things can finally hopefully Lord willing be brought back to a level of sanity we need to close the borders. But that's a
it's a simple solution that has a very complex moving parts to actually make it happen but I was helped to the build the wall very least anyway according to Albert he said the goal of Senate Bill Force to stop the tidal wave of illegal entry into Texas a promise of the measure claiming is unconstitutional and I have criticised by the ministration for not opposing Texas has averaged more strongly the border patrol shut down to Bridges as we noted earlier with the trains over 188,000 illegal immigrants have entered our have been encountered sorry at the US Mexico border during fiscal year 2024 and to be clear for those that just started 188,000 is a huge have you might be like out but there's like 30 million yes there are but that's it's looking like it's going to be getting worse 2223 was actually not as bad as 2022
was a mad rush in 2020 to 2023 was slightly lower bills still higher than 2021 or just still higher than all the times before point being is that is that we are as we go to 2024 the numbers are going to go up up up if we don't stop it now in this this effort by Greg Abbott by the Texas legislature by Texas in general is good it's a start that's it unfortunately it's a start that's that's not getting an accident ill 2020 for this should have been the case as soon as they realize there was a problem and then one was at well as soon as they was installed into office that's when it's like okay guys this is going to get bad let's do it so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say they wanted to to see it before they believed it now they finally believe it and now they're they're finally taking action on the question is is it too late we'll see
I think I made it very clear over the last couple years that I am a big huge fan of physical precious metals I've worked with multiple companies during the time and I have finally found one that I can wholeheartedly endorse not just because they do good business they do it the right way they don't try to rip people off but more importantly because they are a Christian company they check off to Major boxes at least as far as I'm concerned Genesis Gold group does does fantastic work helping people transfer their their Ira as their 401K as their government retirement plans whatever you've got your money being probably invest into woke ESG funds without your knowledge or maybe you were with your knowledge risky whisky Endeavors hate Now's the Time when you look around you see inflation you see the banks doing their thing all the time is closing or even just saying open closing your account when you see what's happening with recession stagflation bricks d dollarization
it's B concern but you don't have me concerned at least not with your life saving so you can go to JDR sjdr contact Genesis gold ribbon see what they can do to help you it's where I mean it's worth a try right about knowledge and free silver if you just you know transferring don't worry we're only making a $299 fee off of it they won't try to do anything like that it's going to deal with you honestly and that and help you to secure your life savings go to JDR for Genesis Gold group
I have an announcement to make I just bought an electric vehicle it was a it was for my son it was a little little battery-powered car and he's got a remote control and can take him and go around the world within this probably the last electric vehicle that I buy for a long time probably probably ever I'm not a fan of Eevee's not because I don't like Elon Musk or not because I don't like like the technology potential we're not there yet obviously we're not there yet very clearly on Ambiguously in indisputable e we are not there ready for electric cars not as a nation that has world and yet there's this incessant Push by the bynars regime by the the Gavin Newsom regime bye-bye every leftist regime as well as the world economic Forum the council for inclusive capitalism the World Health Organization the United Nation everybody seems to be pushing for this everybody of course except for people who are saying like you and me
look if you bought an electric vehicle I've I've considered it myself but like I said the Technologies out there I'm not I'm not ripping on people who buy electric vehicles do you might grow to regret it sooner rather than later there is however a another group that's another entity will say that is very interesting electric vehicles but for a very different reason that group of course is China China wants to go to the market on electric vehicles and then not alone they have buddies who are also pushing pushing in that regard as well and of course they are there they're co-equal evildoers over black rock turn to an article by over at independent Sentinel I don't want to say the name m Dowling is the name of the the author did the site owner and I am not going to say it first thing she doesn't use the first maybe she's just a private person and I totally respect that but she puts on her articles they are tight
are there by wine is M Dowling so we're going to stick with that the article titled Black Rock in China will own the US Electric market that was a it's a very bold declarative statement let's see if she is accurate according to new reports three major Chinese TV companies are planning to build new factories in Mexico sparking concern Among Us officials reported by Business Insider this comes after Joe Biden's EPA mandated that 50% of all new vehicles sales must be electric by 2030 there's that the year again we talked about it often what is it about 20-30 that's got them all all spooked maybe we'll get to that later IMDb yd and Cherry are all looking at sites to build new factories in the country according to an unnamed Source cited by the financial times in this investment is causing angst in Washington as it seeks to keep China out of the US electric car market
now why is that by the way why is it so it's one of those things where I get it there's there's trade deficits there's a reason that we want things to be built here in the United States and abroad but is there something deeper is there a deeper reason why our own government and not a United America first government by any means why even the biden-harris machine is concerned that they're with their masters over at in Beijing might be pushing into this Market
where to ask a question why are they trying to not let Caesars answers you are specials are very concerned according to Business Insider China's electric vehicle Market is booming and it also dominates the global electric vehicle battery supply chain because of Olivia for those who don't know this will kill the US car business and it calls into question by his loyalties they sure aren't with America Black Rock invest in China and Evie's not just Ukraine and who runs us China policy it's BlackRock tide at Tom donilon who is also tied to Barack Obama who is really running the country that entire statement right there is is so accurate it's scary
yes Barack Obama is currently running the country the only question we really have is is he doing it on his own or is he a minion of the globalist elite cabal or is he a card-carrying active member of the global suleika ball leadership that's question I asked your often and I think that it seems at least that he's no longer mini maybe he was from the beginning but that he is he has gotten a promotion now I think that he's one of the one of the underlings directly answering two to possibly even Satan himself that's just my opinion. I'm just one of those crazy guys right now in June the biting State Department announced that Obama's former National Security adviser and current chairman of BlackRock investment Institute will lead advising Biden China policy is this temperature for the big guy or China are our boss now
that shouldn't be in that I should have said or those are two separate questions and they're not mutually exclusive is this 10% for the big guy I don't think so and I'll explain why is China our boss and yes and I probably won't explain why what's the temperature for the big people keep talking about the Joe Biden getting bribed getting pushed to do this as his family getting didn't bribe do this every other and this is going to sound like I do you know you must be against impeachment which I'm not gone far beyond Joe Biden getting 10% as the big guy Joe Biden doesn't care about 10% coming to him anymore he's already got plenty but more importantly they don't need to bribe him anymore they have enough dirt on him he is corrupt he is he is compromised that's the part that should scare you the most some worrying about whether or not he's getting getting extra money through through his presidency he's
is that they already gave him all the extra money they needed through his vice-president see it through as a senator and then after his vice presidency during the four years where he was technically not involved in politics at all that's where temperature for the big guy came into play and a 10% was not just translated into more money in the bottom crime families bank accounts at multiple dozens hundreds probably have bank accounts more importantly for as far as we're concerned it translated into he is compromised they have dirt on it you might say who's they well they is they is China they is Ukraine a is the world economic Forum day is Blackrock they all have dirt on him
and that's not even including the people domestically in the organization's domestically that have Joe Biden completely owned okay the hardest part for Joe Biden is not trying to to take orders he's very good at taking orders from whoever was giving you those orders his hardest dilemma right now and is entire family's hardest 11th is which country or company or individual or organization which one does he have to listen to it any given moment because sometimes there's going to be contradiction and he's going to have to go hey don't expose me for that these guys have want me to do this and they have the same dirt on me or maybe worst dirt on me so I'm going to do that but you're still my you're still my buddy I mean conversations must be hard when he has conflicting leverage being used against them people pushing for a for opposing views out thankfully for him for him
Louis Leakey ball which controls most of the the dirt that they have on Joe Biden that that Global Sleek ball generally speaking are usually in lockstep with what they want the United States to do and what they want done to the United States which is makes it Joe Biden's job in his life a little bit easier when you talk about Jill doctor Taco Jill Biden and her role in all this she is when you have said that she was running the country I was just said that she is just running by then he's running country most people say that she's just the one that the his handlers go to to try to to get him to do or say whatever they wanted to say and she's just the middleman The Interpreter so to speak she's the only one that can that can talk Joe to Joe so who knows who cares I don't care who's who's involved something who that matters to me is the what what are they doing to this nation that's the question we need to answer Above All Else
we see what they're doing on the public level what what's happening behind the scenes that's where it gets really scary where we talked about the Border all day we're going to talk about the Border in the second hour we're going to talk about other things but but it all ties back to what do they have on show
and what direction are they having him take this nation
that I hate it say The Thing should keep you up at night but that's one of those things that should keep you up at night knowing that the most compromised man in politics most compromised man probably ever in the history of US politics is currently sitting in the Oval Office or a variation of the Oval Office
that is terrifying stuff and when we get back we'll catch up on the other stuff this is for station identification so stay tuned
welcome back welcome back to the very last please an honor to be with you today I'm going to do a little bit of a brief Donuts before we eat we move on to the next the next topic which has to do with the Border since that is the theme of they show we have obviously we have a rumble Channel and I we've been using that Rumble channel for many many years I have created a new Rumble channel on am asking everybody to to subscribe to it not for any other reason is I don't want to double up or make it to where all you know you're you're you're blowing things and then we don't like change it's not fair for that is because with this new Channel Disney Channel is going to be on TV that is is quickly becoming my primary focus and I want this channel be built up separate from everything else I'm doing with reinforced networking no not leaving for a network so if you're watching them Freedom person at work don't don't unsubscribe there it's just that we are going to be putting up different content we're going to be
to where both are unique over. Of time right now I might show plays on those channels but eventually there's going to be different shows on the two different channel so I strongly recommend please go to J D Rumble 2
you going to rumble Rumble Rumble one of the number one and you're probably already subscribe there but I didn't want you to subscribe to the new channel as well if you don't mind than in the you will you be pleased that you did especially in the long-term right now we're duplicating but that's not going to be the case from very much longer we're also very pleased to announce that my 11 p.m. 11 a.m. show sorry 11 a.m. show is now being broadcast over at spreely. TV and it's 11 a.m. Pacific Time spreely. TV spreely. TV Terry over there gave me a good slot he said hey you know shows going out of that's great that's awesome we are very excited about that if you live in the North LA County area of Los Angeles
you will be able to hear SunTrust Real Radio as well coming very soon that begins in the middle of January I don't have the exact dates and I'm embarrassed to say I don't have the number one but it's a good Channel great champ and we're very excited to be getting back on to trust your radio in Los Angeles those who do want to hear the show on your local radio you should probably contact them and say hey contact JD Rock and anybody can contact me by going to JD talk that's J D wrecker, 2/3 / talk of there we go that that's going to get him excited about having me on the are being able to not even say my own URL anyway yes I reach out to me let me know whether you want to talk and we'll talk I try to talk to as many people as I can I try to respond to as many emails as I get that I can we do get a lot of course
veggetti talk is a direct line to me it's the easiest direct line to me so I don't care you have questions if you have comments you want to call me an idiot great sin if you want to do you want to tell me good things I'll take those as well will always accept positive affirmation on top of all the the negativity that we get the I did get hit really really hard for my show regarding Hamas I got hit from from every side okay and that's that's great I mean awesome that means that people are paying attention and I want you to be passionate one way or the other even if you disagree with me if you're passionate about it if you have good arguments make those arguments I have an open mind I'll I'll let some people want to, then particular that that really was the the notion that I was talking about my belief that Israel that the the Jews in Israel that they based upon my understanding of
ethio 36 that they are there eyes will be opened their hearts will be open by God at some point I don't interpret that as being a did he they will come to understand is this not the only book in the Bible by the other chapter the Bible discusses this but this is one that they really caught my attention because it does seem to be playing out right before our eyes as we speak and the the notion that my belief that the Jewish people will open their eyes to the reality of Jesus Christ being their Messiah I think that's crystal clear in the Bible and let's but I did get a comment from somebody that I liked him and respected a viewer listener on the show who said that I should have done it that it was it was maybe I don't remember the exact words out of character or maybe a little offensive look here's the thing and I can't be more crystal clear about this
as a believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior
I don't look at this as I don't want to the Bible or the teachings of Christ as a as a pathway that it's a betterment you know it's not like I do you know if we just listen to Jesus and and do the things that he said we can also let listen to the Gandhi or whoever you know all these other people and they they were good people that had had good ideas and they just wanted peace and love and all the stuff that's left a message in the Bible as a bible-believing Christian if I were to not say that I hope and pray that everybody
everybody will open their eyes to the truth of the Bible and will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior that I'm not being a good Christian if I don't if I don't believe that and if I don't say that then that's not that's not the I'm not delivering the message I'm not doing my job I don't get on the show in proselytized the other try to tell me what I mean I don't I don't read a whole bunch of Bible verses I don't try to try to get people to convert you know I'm not I do offer my belief system I do offer why I believe in the Bible and I often refer to two biblical prophecy especially in these times but I don't think I take it overboard with my with my belief at all maybe I do but I'm not going to stop because again it would be very cruel with me if I do believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I do believe that he is the pathway through which people can live eternity in in Paris
it's rather than living in eternity in hell that would be very very bad of me to not hope and pray that everybody including the Jewish people do have their eyes and hearts opened up so I can and I appreciate that not everybody is there are agnostics or atheists are Jews there Muslims are a whole lot of viewers out their listeners out there who would disagree with me that's fine I don't you know I'm not looking for consensus here but as somebody who believes in that who believes in Salvation through Jesus Christ Alone
I would be not doing my job if I didn't at least tell people in my my very strongly felt perspective that is the truth cuz if I were to believe that and not say it that's like saying hey I got my salvation you idiots don't get yours haha that's not that's not how I roll I don't I don't want a little people I don't want anybody to go to hell
that's that's just me
this act storage Seguin going back to the whole whole concept of our border invasion is is destroying us let's turn to my lease paper I would say this she's literally my least favorite Governor it's a toss-up there is obviously Gretchen Whitmer as we like to call her there is of course Gavin Newsom there are some really really bad Governor's out they're not just Democrats most of them not just Democrats but I would say arguably my least favorite the one that I despise the most is is Katie Hopson mostly because I don't think that she's legitimate I think that she stole the election you know Bambi on Apple if you want band me where ever cuz I keep getting banned for saying these things but yeah I do believe that the 2022 Arizona elections all of them were stolen by the way I should say that makes it sound like I'm crazy and I'm not saying that the Democrats didn't win any elections at all I'm saying that they were certain elections especially Statewide elections that were clearly rigged
Maricopa County alone the debacle on Election Day should demonstrate Beyond a reasonable doubt that that there was at the very least acknowledge that there was Shenanigans and if you were to look at the evidence that fair they really weren't allowed to present properly in courts the 18th if you look at the evidence it seems crystal clear that the yes it was stolen that's why I just like a tea house but she did do something positive sort of very recently this article I got this off of this is over at the Liberty from just the news John Solomon wonderful sight been waiting over there the author and the title is before Arizona governor Hobbs deploys National Guard she neutered border security measures is big news do you know even Katie Hobbs is going against the the Biden Harris regime in there they're calling for 500 million dollars in Aid and reparations for for the border and there's
join the National Guard yeah she's waking up and maybe she is but let's look at her not just her history but even our current policies and understand that this may be just for show and perhaps it's it's just so you know what it's for maybe she's woken up maybe the cartels said hey it's okay if you push push against us a little bit just to save yourself politically but know who owns you and yes I do believe the cartels to own her but it seems to go against that Notions will see from the article Arizona Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs on Friday deploy the National Guard the southern border of the unprecedented surge in the legal immigration arrivals immigrant arrivals out of the by the ministration she further pleaded with Washington to send further Aid admonishing the B Administration for not responding to her request for 500 12 million dollars to reimburse the state for Border Security expenses it had already incurred in the supposed she said she said yet again the federal government is refusing to do its job secure our border and keep our communities safe
what does executive order I am taking action with the federal government won't despite continued to request for assistance the b in the ministration has refused to deliver desperately needed resources to Arizona's border wow she's a Democrat she's a crazy leftist Democrat she's a crazy left is Democrat the song by the cartel and even she is saying wow this is bad and maybe if I just her maybe maybe she's just responding I think this will be the case she's just responding to her constituents to the people of Arizona saying that it's they can't do it anymore I don't know what her play is maybe she did wake up hey I'll be awesome Lord willing that is the case maybe she's finally starting to realize the error of her ways near for parties ways but let's look at her history and see if that is the case back to the article despite the hawkish rhetoric however has his own immigration record and pass name is on the matter of like they more permissive attitude that aligns somewhat with the administration
so let's go down the hit list some of the things that she's done is called a temporary border wall a political stunt and sold off the shipping containers this is one of the very few things that that Doug Ducey a republican governor of Arizona he's started to do right around the end of his term as I guess you could say sort of semi positive more symbolic than anything else but he started using shipping container and putting those building a semi border wall at least a an obstruction will cause a a border speed bumps easily easily overcome but still it's enough to make people say I'm maybe I don't want to cross right here I don't know maybe direct them funnel them in a in a different direction to or at least make it a little bit harder for them to cross the border so hopefully Lord willing they would be captured by border patrol or somebody else
she said it's a political stunt referring to what Doug Ducey was was saying in this was I believe during during her campaign it's a political stunt it's a visual barrier that is not actually providing effective barrier to entry and I think it's a waste of taxpayer dollars is moving and stacking okay they're playing Legos here that's what she was doing you saying this is the cheapest way to at least put an obstruction between Mexico and the United States at the Arizona the Southern Arizona border it was mine or I didn't even that the time I don't think I did any stories on it cuz it's not a huge of a deal but she made a campaign ever knew she was against it all of a sudden she's she's Miss Boardwalk but back then she was not next one she praised by his immigration policy earlier this year she praised by the border policy now she's like all of you guys has five hundred billion dollars and we're we're sending National Guard and all this other stuff with some sort of convenient in January upon taking office
braided the by the ministrations approach to border security saying I am encouraged by the White House's recent actions to finally visit the border and start posing real steps to begin addressing the problems of the current system and while optimistic I will also continue to push Congress to do its job and press conference with immigration reform
Her speech given bed President Biden's visit to the southern border trip that conservatives criticize as a public relations stunt I made reports that border officials had Swept Away migrant camps near El Paso Texas de Brazil a more organized backdrop to his official visit there three the governor vetoed the measure to ban providing Aid to human smuggling efforts wow that sure doesn't seem very beneficial
but hey she did it we got her in June to beat up legislation brought by Tucson's UOP state senator Justine watt sack that would have made it a Class 2 felony to use an electronic device to conceal an individual from a peace officer or 8 in their flight
and Hobbes is Katie how she said this bill is yet another attempt by the majority to criminalize organizations and individuals who went to support immigrants and refugees let's be clear
these are not immigrants that immigrated these are not refugees they're not escaping War
these are illegal aliens for stealing our sovereignty every single day
don't use the less language don't allow them to use that language correct them when they do
this is the end of the quote from Hobbs I am for the majority party to work with stakeholders cash I hate that word solutions to our border communities Solutions are
obviously and call me biased but build the wall make it tall
put more border security on the border
reenact stay in Mexico so hey look if somebody really needs Asylum I've got no problem with the true asylum-seekers they need to sound great come come over here right when you write as soon as you get to the Border you apply for Asylum and you stay there and wait for your ear hearing and then when you're hearing comes will will come get you okay you can you can declare and explain why you make the case why you need Asylum and then if you are granted Asylum great now you are legally here in the United States of America until then stay in Mexico
you don't get released into the into the the nation you don't you're not giving a car the same thing when you were supposed to appear before your court date you say on the other side of the board you can answer once you're allowed to enter.
If you do those things and you start supporting those who have crossed over illegally who are here as illegal aliens you do those things and all of a sudden we're not going to have this mad rush for the Border
I like I said earlier the problem is a big one the solution is simple it's not easy
but it's simple doesn't take a whole lot to realize what it's going to take to fix our border crisis
that's why I think it's number for shoot a proposed $49 for a scholarship to benefit DACA recipients oz of January and veiled her executive budget with it which included 40 million dollars to create a tuition scholarship program for deferred action for childhood arrivals eligible students the proposed earned pray at the proposal Our Praise from pro-immigrant organizations including from the doctor advocacy group alien tow this is a a quote from CEO Raina Montoya this is a great first step for governor have support for all students including our dreams were cited for how this could impact the 2,000 dreamers who graduate from high school every every year this could potentially Montoya again and put Arizona on the right track to make education more accessible and Equitable we will continue to work for those students and look forward to Hobbs following through with this proposal
Megan, it's the last one I could go off on DACA and giving them scholarships for a long time we don't have enough time to show for everything that I have to say on that topic let's move on to the next one is the final one Hobbs defunded a state border enforcement team again as I said in the story earlier about Greg Abbott we just need better and more cops at the border that will help out I shouldn't say Chesney that's just a step one of the steps we do need people that are protecting the Border because there is a mad rush of humanity crossing over this is an invasion vast majority of them are military age men as I said before you if you are a military age man you're in you have a family okay you don't you take them with you if you're trying to escape War
trying to escape strife
when you go alone you're not going to try to escape or you're going to war
Kashi everybody has to realize this I don't care left right doesn't matter
this is an invasion
they're burying themselves in the United States of America when their numbers reach reach a certain level we don't know when that'll be it could be now could be all ready to be next week next month next year but it's not going to be much longer than that
when it's time the invasion of the invasion that the they are already invading the the action starts and that's where you'll get really really ugly folks I don't know if we can overcome it so we just have to stop it before it happens
taxi are in March of this year has announced plans to defund a border security organization run by the state designed to combat international criminal activity the boarder was a supplementary law enforcement group that mostly focused on drug cartels by the cartels the Border Strike Force is an initiative that does not appear to have accomplished its intended purpose and eliminated and ongoing special line item associated with the agency amounting to 17.1 17.1 million dollars the budget further reallocated a second line item of 12.2 million that had been assigned to the Border strike task force local support and send it to a new local border support line item to provide grants to law enforcement in Border communities to conduct border related activities you know it's so funny they they they use such ambiguous language whenever they're talking about pretty much
Republicans to the good old days you probably don't remember because it's been too long but there was a time when government was relatively simple when they said what they wanted to say they declared what they wanted to do Clan they made it very clear Second Amendment people say oh it's so obscure it's not yes it is written language from the 18th century but it's still easy to interpret and the tenants they the ideas presented in that sentence are very crystal clear and they still do apply today
inset today we have such a cutie and everything the government says everything the government does this for a reason there's a reason why why they always named bills weather at the state or national level they always named bills after the exact opposite of what they intend
I mean it's it's it's funny listening to let me see if I can find this there's a video video of of Alex Newman confronting confronting politicians and ask them why the why the was in the reduce inflation actor lower or for what is called disinflation Adam battle inflation something like that why it had nothing to do with inflation yeah they said they sold as inflation was really about spending more on the green New Deal
how's that fit how does Uber work at These Guys these guys ready I'll see if I can find that the key or back to the board backpack to Katie Hast they they always say the opposite of what they really mean and they always use ambiguous language so that they have an out they want out of everything they want to be able to back out of anything they put forward
at some point we're going to realize especially as it pertains to the border that we need to be clear and concise we need to fit a vaction to penda towards the definitive measures we need that soon we need it now we needed that 2 years ago
it looks as if some movement is happening some things are happening at the state level we need a heck of a lot more than that because folks if we don't if we don't stop this Invasion we will not have a country
be sure to catch me on all of my various channels and get / show's over at JD Rucker. Cam shows that's jadi shows
three on story my desk yesterday I meant to report on it but I had to had to skip it we're going to report on its Dave still valid comes from a sleigh Frank Bergman over there another drill sergeant found dead at Fort Jackson army base second in a days for the article another drill sergeant was has been found dead at the Fort Jackson US Army base in South Carolina US Army revealed the death in the statement Monday tragedy is the second such death in just over a week
30 year old staff sergeant Zachary L Mountain was found unresponsive on Saturday the US Army Garrison Fort Jackson said in the news release that Milton was found inside his vehicle on the base was a drill sergeant with the 1st Battalion 34th Infantry Regiment his body was found by Yuna personality was located after he failed to report for work and statement for Jackson Commander Brigadier Jason Brigadier General Jason Kelly said we are extremely saddened by the loss of Staff Sergeant Melton I thoughts are with his family and the soldiers of the always forward Battalion during his is very emotional and I don't want to say they haven't declared the cause of death nor do they declared cause of death for the previous 10-week little over a week earlier I don't want to sound the alarm Bells just yet and we can as those of us who are we're watching for conspiracies to is suspicious two deaths in 8 days that's definitely suspicious will keep your eye on it I don't want to
Santa o something something crazy so the crazies happening this could just be a coincidence but then again we we know very clearly parent Lee there are no coincidences
Little Rock story hit my desk yesterday was actually last week I was meaning to report on a lot of times. Just a quick note I do sometimes take these stories and set in like you I will have anywhere from 10 to 20 story so much more than that way to be discussed and I'll go through it on stack ranking based on whether or not I want to talk about him that day and I get through as much of the list as I can sometimes stories like these get pushed off but they are still important this one came from n x headlines titled fear grips doctors around the world as New China virus stops responding to all antibiotics
as many of you know I've been keeping my eye out for whatever the next variation whatever pain that mechanic theater 2.0 is going to to be however it's going to manifest and stories like these I keep an eye on him I don't want to Ring the Alarm Bells too loud just in case there's nothing there but it's always important to to note them at the very least so that we can keep our our eyes on them for the article doctors worldwide are in meltdown after China confirm that the mysterious pneumonia taking over the country has stopped responding to all antibiotics The Daily Star has been reporting how the strange unidentified virus has been causing chaos in China for weeks with the world it on high alert over fears a new pandemic could be on the way and no official confirmation as to what it is although it is so far only seems to impact mainly children only a quick note if and when pandemic
Peter strikes and I believe it will strike obviously before the 2024 election as the most likely timing of their next unleashing when it hits it chances are it is going to affect children I hate to say that I don't want to get into any whatever jinx's I don't want that to be the case but I believe that is what's going to end up happening they they already gone through one round of pandemic Panic theater we're ready for the next round or at least a lot of us think we are but if they really want to to stoke fear they got to the parents and the parents you think that people were mad because you were trying to kill Grandma for not wearing a mask just imagine how mad are going to be if you're trying to kill their children they will be irate to say the least in the backyard of the panic so officials in neighbouring countries such as India who are weary of another virus spreading through their population through the crowd following the coronavirus outbreak in 2019 readying themselves for action
it had already reached Europe with Denmark and Holland confirming an influx of cases with the with the World Health Organization on high alert and monitoring situation but now and then my mother from China asking for that antibiotics given to her one and a half year old daughter for the buyers have not worked Rachel cow I spoke to Bloomberg confirming that doctors warned her that some youngsters weren't responding to the treatment and her daughter was hasn't that her and her daughter is now developed a lesion in her lungs and continues to deteriorate even after she was switched to an intravenous dosage given a stronger antibiotic and treated with other drugs to Target the inflammation that developed around her heart I melted down she said I I was constantly stupefied by how much worse things could get
although no deaths have been reported yet the fact that drugs appear not to work on it is bad news jumping Jang share of the epidemiology of epidemiology at the Fielding School of Public Health at the University of California Los Angeles said if the antibiotics no longer work the illness will stretch out longer that increases the risk of spread in the outsized outbreaks that are occurring
I don't want to be a fear monger
I feel as if I may have been a bit premature and being concerned about the the mysterious Chinese virus that was spreading around late 2019 I was one of the early ones on that that's a subject and I was very concerned I was concerned about the numbers they were coming out of China now in retrospect why would I be concerned about any numbers coming out of China because they're always going to be lies lies in One Direction or the other they want they want you to think that it's bad and they'll they'll tell you it's worse than it is if they want you to think that it's not so bad but now they won't tell you it's that bad this is we saw that throughout the pandemic that's what they were doing and how they initially the initial reports were horrible oh my gosh being infected so quickly and then over time we saw that all know we got this under control there's only like 5000 people in China have covid lies in both directions so so learn lesson learned in late 2019 when I was talking about this mysterious
how coronavirus that was ready now I do want to make the same mistake twice so should we keep an eye on this you betcha worried about whether or not as far as going to be a true killer and start taking out children I would say that are bigger worry at this stage is what the implications are if this is pandemic Panic theater 2.0 we need to be ready to fight back against the medical tyranny that is on our doorstep
you can mark this next Story down as I believe it when I see it it's it could be potentially good news then again it could just be another smoke screen the other attempt to to keep us in the dark and I would say if I had to bet horse to bet on one of the other I would say is the Ladder story comes from just the news Madeline Hubbard over there says that over 175 of Jeffrey Epstein's Associates to be revealed in court documents in 2024 it's it's happening it's happening folks will see like I said I'll believe it when I see it or the article
a federal judge ordered the names of 177 Associates of the lake convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to be made public in 2024 with the unsealing of court documents Epstein didn't kill himself the judge on Monday ordered the names to be unsealed in connection to a defamation case brought by Prince Edward Prince Edward prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts you know I need to figure out how to pronounce this this lady's name she's in the news from time to time because she is he the accuser of prince Andrew
gifer Kifer giuffre I'm embarrassed to admit I have no idea how to pronounce that will just call her Virginia Roberts for now against Gillian Maxwell I have since former girlfriend who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex crimes didn't kill himself hundreds of files related to the associates are set to be released on January 1st but will likely be made public the following day as January 1st is a holiday the 51 page court order first published by The Daily Mail list 187 Epstein Associates and whether their information would be unsealed and why
let's watch out that there's a the PDF it's not showing up on here and I I don't like opening PDF so you'll just have to go to Justin at then find the story to to see this okay fine I'll go ahead and open it let's see what that says hear how great see I opened it and then I should have should have noted that its fifty-one Pages see if there's anything interesting on here I don't know too much too many words of my guests on in the in the original Beauty and the Beast and no I didn't see the remake or whatever it was that he said it's get back the article the names of identifying information of 10 jado's listed will remain sealed because they are alleged minor sex abuse victims of not publicly spoken about their experience in other cases quote the public interest does not outweigh the private interest of the alleged minor victim
Robert gifer Roberts Virginia and Maxwell Maxwell 2015 Ford F motion and while the case has since been settled medialis filed to have documents published in the again that will never be to get how is it possible that we can find out pretty much anything that we want okay we we really can't we can find out there are ways to through Freedom of Information Act or waste through just searching searching the internet searching the darknet or whatever it's called what people can find information why is this so heavily I'll be in the territorial question the answer is obvious the people that are going to be implicated at some point Lord willing implicated in with their due to their connections to Jeffrey Epstein and the certainty of Horrid crimes to be committed with him against against children this this is Rock the world we're talkin about leaders in
and government leaders and business probably leaders in in clergy who knows I've heard some rumors about that as well but obviously this would have major implications and so they tell the law enforcement to tell the judges they tell these people hate you know Grand that we probably should release these names but we can't because it'll do this it'll do that it'll do whatever or the say hey if you release these names then we'll kill your family or they say hey if you don't release these names will give you 10 million dollars okay I mean they they either blackmail bully drive whatever whatever they can do to prevent information like this from coming out we need somebody with with balls to to just do it there are people that have access to this information
somebody amongst you has the courage hopefully somebody amongst you has has the the spirit of righteousness know it's a release the names I don't care who gets hurt I seriously don't know I don't know I don't think I'm sorry but I don't care what politician gets hurt I don't care what business leader gets hurt looking if Donald Trump is on the list I want to know that I don't think yes we do people always Overlook here's a picture of Donald Trump's some random party taking picture with Jeffrey Epstein so you know clearly he was involved look okay you got Bill Gates who was on and on the plane like like 400 times you have you have Bill Clinton Bill Clinton who is basically a second home okay I'm not concerned about whether or not any of Buddy in our tribe anybody on our side was involved Alan dershowitz his name has been thrown out there and I know he's a Democrat but he's been basically a freedom-loving Democrat for her for a while being is that we need
you know who is who did what I'm not just saying release the names I'm saying release the evidence release the crimes I imagine and it's I don't think it's a stretch to say that somebody has the tapes Epstein for whatever reason whether he was working for the CIA working for Mossad was just working for himself all those rumors are out there he has evidence against these people he was utilizing his Island to get dirt on people and he would assure people hate don't worry I'll Never released this but I got to just keep that in mind that's why he was murdered Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself
will do my best to not let this be the last story the day it's very easy that it could be because it's talked about topics that are near and dear to my heart topics that I like to talk about not because I enjoy them because people need to know I was talking about the Rockefellers already got my attention talking about global governance definitely got my attention and using climate change to achieve yeah that's it only because they have a pay wall behind they put their stories to get a certain amount free so I used to run out of room for I can get them but this time I was able to get this one and I kept it stuck on my browser so that I would not have to to pay for it later this is over we go it's like 10 days old but obviously talking about global governance the Rockefellers and climate change it is certainly still relevant today article by
Apple skates over at the American spectator Global governance through the institutions David Rockefeller played the long game and I've said this before I say it again Republicans generally speaking we work with what we we have now conservative we work Rihanna listen trust the issues of today Democrats in general and left us in particular special the globalist leftists they they work in terms of months years decades someone say centuries if you take it all the way back to the Garden of Eden and what you could but
at the very least we know that they they work in a long-term and the Rockefeller Rockefeller a conglomerate along with all of their various Saiyans in the proxies and everybody else they they have been engaged in This Global steering a campaign for for a very long time head of the Chase Manhattan Bank must be laughing his head off right now for his Global government dream might come into existence through one of the most ridiculous and unbelievable scams in history called climate change rock the Rockefeller created fundador joined various secret societies that spawn Global conspiracy theories such as the Council on Foreign Relations the Bilderberg Group and the trilateral Commission in Rockefeller often spoke those theories with provocative statements is there a couple of a couple of quotes from from David Rockefeller some even believe that we the rock and roll Feller family are are conspiring with others around the world
to build a more integrated Global political and economic structure one word if you will one world if you will
if that's the charge I stand guilty and I am proud of it
that was from his Memoirs during a speech at the Bilderberg meeting in Berlin in 1991 he said but today the world is more sophisticated than prepared to March towards a world government
now one does not have to be a bible-believing Christian or a scholar of Prophecy to realize that the push towards a one world government does have have the biblical implications it does have its disgust as being such in the Book of Revelation so when you have people willfully coming out people like Rockefeller powerful people coming out and saying that is their goal they're not ignorant to the implication as it pertains to the Bible they know what it means they know they're saying and they're probably saying it and this is not just something new a lot of these organizations lot of these individuals have only come out in recent years Out of the Shadows Rockefellers have been working out of Shadows for a long time they also work in the shadows Stu don't get me wrong but they definitely have been more vocal than most as it pertains to their their their goals and desires they feel like they are Untouchable they are you don't you don't have the opportunity that we have with with other you say
National organizations are government we can go protest in Washington DC when go to a city Hall's and go to stay like slaves that we can protest we can do all sorts of what do you do what do you do Bill Gates what do you do against people and organizations that have enough money and power and influence to be able to keep them outside of Harm's Way as far from us
it's not much you can do but it doesn't mean we stop fighting. By not by a long shot another Rockefeller funded group is the club of Rome co-founded by Italian industrialists are yellow arelio sorry Percy and Scotsman Alexander King in 1968 who stated goal was to reduce the world's population to a sustainable level of between 500 million and 1 billion people their 1972 book the limits to growth explains the malthusian vision too many people on earth using too much of the planet's resources would result in a catastrophic worldwide societal collapse within 100 years if something wasn't done immediately how how many times we've heard that all these various classes that will happen in X. Of time don't even get me started on Al Gore or Greta thunberg or Alexandria ocasio-cortez
or anybody else that's been crying about climate change since since before Alexandria ocasio-cortez was even born but hey it's enough useful it is to just keep believing it keep going down to the altars of climate change in the climate change cultist they'll Bill always believed it because they want to believe it because they want to believe that we're doomed
I'll get them another time that's a big topic they believe that the world the only that only world government could Implement that something something that needed to be done immediately something that that it gives them basically unlimited power
for whatever reasons that they actually want to say it's definitely not so they can stop climate change or anything else
that's the article fast forward to the day when we were scolded by climate zealots that we only have 12 years left to save the planet from the effects of global warming so it seemed scaremongering just stay a shorter time frame in both cases the dire warnings or just as as useful lies as the club of Rome openly admitted in 1991 in a book title the first Global Revolution co-authored by co-founder Alexander King in the intro to Parts who he quoted French futurist Gaston Berger we must no longer wait for tomorrow it has to be invented so invent they did he noted that the end of the Cold War resulted in the sudden absence of traditional enemies against which support for Global government could be justified he wrote and search for a new enemies who unites us we came up with
what's let me repeat that in case you didn't hear we came up with the idea that that the threat of global warming would fit that bill
come on
this is why I don't understand people on the right who still believe in global warming there are many of them Nikki Haley or example is she she's as far to the left as possible to still retain the Republican of the little are next to her name she's as far to the left as possible when it comes to climate change she does believe in it she's openly agreed with it and perhaps that's why people people like Jamie dimon JPMorgan Chase and and Larry Fink over BlackRock maybe that's why they like her so much because they know that the issue were to somehow miraculously demonically become president then they would have a friend a friend in indeed but we'll see yet developed this is for those who are familiar with the club of Rome they do the the common room to stay in the shadows for the most part the day you seen their offspring you seen their their wood would they help to create
way back in the early 70s when when a class Schwab is a student started talking to his his mentor Henry Kissinger they worked with the club of Rome to developing World economic Forum the world economic forum is essentially the recruiting on the ideological think-tank arm of the club of Rome and if you want to know who the tip of the spear is that would be the count sprinklers of capitalism also funded by the Rockefeller Foundation that is led by a rough child that is embraced by the Vatican yes this is a a group that does definitely needs more attention than what it is given because if like I said if you look at the world economic Forum as the recruitment arm for the bloodless as the think-tank the aspect of a worldwide globalism
I guess but the council would be the tip of the spear the action arm of the globalist so that's why we talked about him a few times sounds like I need to talk about them even more go back to the article so global warming was invented a new Frankenstein's monster against which the gullible world would zealously you tonight but just like micchelli's frightful creature global warming later climate change is an imaginary monster the real threat to human societies are the solutions proposed and back by Avid globalists I thought that the club of Rome was just a group of bored elitist who to quickly move onto the SD Scientology etcetera but I was wrong in 2017 interview co-author of the limits to growth and Welding on a four-member Dennis Meadows said that quote 86% of the world's population needs to be eliminated but I've been there
could have slept peacefully like I said they're out of Shadows folks they don't care because they know that nobody's going to talk about it they can say whatever they want the days in there there were days in past not too long ago you were talking about. If maybe a couple decades ago where you could expect at least somebody in journalism to latch all the stuff like this to to report on it this was done in 2017 and by that time it was over take news media taken over completely
there's no true journalist not within the corporate media sphere the only true journalism that you can ever find today is through independent journalism many in conservative journalism are are seeking the truth but even oftentimes they are are tight too heavily to the ER and see your to the Republican party in general or just think are Canada's they focus so much on the political side of things they actually they don't want to get involved with the more conspiratorial globalist side of things and they're not interested cuz they are interested but they also know that if they do go down that road then then the sugar daddies at Google and Facebook will will will disavow them and they can't get those fat checks from Google or from YouTube it can get the massive traffic from Facebook that's how they control look I get it it's a business people do what they have to do to survive as families involved I don't want to say
do you know if you see Google AdWords on the sort of like that but I decided against that number one because that would mean that that 80 90 per-cent of the visit anymore but your quote or do anything with the number to look if unless I'm willing to pay their the the salaries of those people who will be harmed if I were to force them out of of using Google or force them from getting trapped from Facebook then maybe I can say something but I'm not willing to do that I'm not capable of doing that I don't have that kind of money that works. I'm still having a difficult time finding fighting writers for my stuff so even though we didn't hire one that was nice it's nice to have have that that guy available Cactus William back on back on track so good to have him back anyway
point being is that you if you want the truth you have to look The Independent Media Fringe media is what what a lot of times we're being called I like to look at it as alternative media but but I'm not just being a self-serving shill when I say you know watch my show watch watch this guy to show that guy show but independent meetings where it's at that's where you going to get the truth the only place you can get and you only get it completely from those who are completely not beholden unbeholden I guess it's the word
two government two political parties including the Republican party to Google to Facebook
only those who are speaking the truth because that's what they're they're able to do because they have no ties her or attachments to anybody who would sensor them those are the only people that you can truly trust to deliver the truth and I'm not saying that you won't get any truth at all anywhere else that's not that's not the case I mean case in point this is a great article from spectator they're diving in the pretty crazy things here right so that means hundreds of other stuff is is is great now but a lot of it is point being is that don't get into the whole censorship ship-trap don't start don't only get your news from those places that are beholden to the RNC that are beholden to Google or Facebook or anybody else
today's episode brought you by Genesis Gold group is there an America first company it's not just because you can help yourself with physical precious metals to back your retirement by going to JDR I love them because they don't say crap about my contacts I mean nothing really want to know half the time they just they just say hey okay so so go out there and say what you need to say and then we won't listen to it and if people complain to them they'll come to me and say somebody complained and I'll say do you want me to change it that's a no
we don't want you to change anything keep doing you keep doing you so that's why I like genesis Gold group at jtr but let's let's get back into this article
I see where was I so global warming was invented by men who are still committed to eliminating over seven billion humans from the earth men who recognized that only a global government can accomplish that task another David Rockefeller Protege was Canadian millionaire Maurice printouts Morris spell Maurice but it's Morris Morris strong a high school dropout who took strong under his wing is reducing him to the Canadian Rockefellers the the desmarais family strong went to work for them in the Alberta oil field and by age 28 wasn't at which time Rockefeller got him his first job at the United Nations course he did and 72 strong was selected to head the un's new environment program where he convened the first International expert group on climate issues and created the UN framework convention on climate change unfccc he formed the intergovernmental panel on climate change.
the provides the climate assessment reports that have been termed the environmentalists Bible that the computer models have been repeatedly in the wrong hasn't returned deterred Simon zelotes from renewed hysteria at every ipcc report release became awkward to to declining global temperatures starting around the year 2000 is most important Legacy though is the UN Agenda 21 sustainable development program unveiled in 1972 and then rebranded in 2015 as a genda 20-30 there is that in here again what's going to happen in 2030 will see Agenda 21 / 2030 is the blueprint of the global governance using climate change as it's alluring mask in the endzone words that will quote it will require a profound reorientation of all humans unlike anything the world has ever experienced
such as the massive redistribution of wealth from Western democracies to the developing developing world
the questionnaire from the plan between 3.3 to 4.5 trillion dollars for your trillion billion trillion dollars per year to achieve the agenda for sustainable development that's a major barrier to Global government to help me go a lovely climate change ruse agenda 21/30 chapter four calls for drastically reducing consumption and production of everything which comports nicely with the club of Rome's 2018 climate emergency plan which cost for having consumption having his in cutting and a half consumption production and holding all fossil fuel Investments now the document interesting millions of jobs they would destroy or the poverty and vulnerability of the populace that would ensue but hey you know those are just details right poverty death destruction details
chapter 5 almost lets the cat out of the bag lady in the growth of world population for placing increasingly severe stress on our planets chapter 7 call Sharon into private property claiming that quote social justice can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole is it sound like socialism marks ISM communism and he isn't to you course it does because it is why I don't like I've noted earlier I don't like the term stakeholder stakeholder capitalism capitalism and you really can't even call them stakeholders this is just communism under a new form new name
they're doing everything they can to disguise our true intentions while actively no police stating their true intentions
it sounds like a contradiction but it's not they they hide it out in plain sight they have to recruit people that have to get people excited to have to indoctrinate us there to normalize such terms as social justice where are you seeing that as a term that was normal eyes as a result of the actions of This Global suleika ball there's no other way rounded you cannot you cannot convince me otherwise
they're doing whatever you can touch control language but and then to control us but also the control the destiny of the world
and the question is are we going to allow them
the answer to that of course is no but then the question becomes how do we stop them
my show is dedicated to find Solutions whenever possible I don't know the solution to this I talk about these stories every day I talk about the threats from the globalist Lee Kebab I don't have a solution people say it's a cop-out when I said we got to pray that's not a cop out that the truth we do have to pray and then then there are those who say we need to do more and I agree I just don't know what the next step is and how do you stop a Rockefeller how do you stop the world economic forum
I do protest them hell where where we go we got to fly to Rome
what do we do I'm not trying to get to get you down or say say it's hopeless by any means I do believe that as long as we keep getting the truth out there and making people aware somebody's going to come up with a solution for dwelling somebody will or perhaps more likely God will provide us with a solution if that's the intent I've also very I'm a very actively in the NFL Polly aware that is possible that there is no quota Court solution but this is just the path that we're on this is the path that we were told about in the beginning
do you know long before any of us were born The Book of Revelation another prophetic books of the Bible talk about what we're seeing manifesting today
unless I'm not going to say definitively but this is we are definitely in the end times I mean I'm not I'm not talking about how the concept of the end times began basically is soon upon the death of Jesus Christ I'm not saying that I'm saying you from that perspective I sure will definitely be in touch I'm saying the actual end in x as in like like trials tribulations that and then massive amounts of death talking about. The big changes that are coming
I do believe if I were forced to put a percentage I do believe that I would put us in about 70/30 70% chance that we are definitely in the end times and if that's the case then yes climate change in organizations like the club of Rome and people like like David Rockefeller the other ones that are going to be driving this and are they the actual driving force know I think they are all working on behalf of Satan himself
people are sometimes shocking to hear that you know what you're saying that there are satanists and yes I am taking orders tippity top of the the from The Human Side they are working the powers and principalities and they are getting orders from Satan
I'll leave a link to the story since much longer in this been said I wasn't going to do this entire thing for the rest of show but apparently I did so I'll even linked to it is a great read over at by buy pork steaks read it to be aware and once look for solutions that you got some solutions leave them in the comments please Lord willing I will be back very soon with another episode of the meantime just stay strong stay safe and God bless