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As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

Current events with Skywatch footage and guest perspective interviews

Our co-host, Maria Sanchez, has been gone due to her Father's death. But, she's back with us today to cover current and national events going on in the world! She will also honor her Father - reflecting on her loss and letting us know who her Father was and how he influenced her life. We'll also be talking to Kriston Capps, a staff writer for CityLab, covering housing, architecture and politics, who wrote an article about 'Why Puerto Rico Needs Statehood' in the wake of hurricane Maria. Join us! 

On The Level with JLouis Mills

This week I want to hear from YOU! I'll be talking about current events in the news, but I'd REALLY like to hear from all of you out there. Every week I see my number of listeners, and this week I want to hear from you!! Call me, call in . . . let's get acquainted ! I have a genuine interest in hearing from my listeners. So, come on in, pull up a seat and join me in conversation!!

Join in the conversation this Sunday as we discuss this past week's events. From the firing of White House strategist Steve Bannon by President Trump, the terror attacks in Barcelona Spain and the lingering effects of Charlottesville - so much going on in the world. We invite you to call in and share your voice at (888) 627-6008 (toll free) or  Skype your comments to BBSRadio1.

This Sunday Maria and I will be reviewing what's been going on around the world such as Trump's meeting with Vladimir Putin; the G-20 Summit meeting in Hamburg, Germany; US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement; tensions with North Korea; current Healthcare Plan concerns and the on-going 'Tweets' that are rocking the nation! Join us for these and other current events!

The Military Exchange Talk Show with Corporal Timothy Thornton

The Military Exchange Talk Show with Corporal Timothy Thornton

John Barbour's World with John Barbour

John Barbour's World with John Barbour

1st Part interview with Judy Wood

2nd Part interview with JP Sottile

The Military Exchange Talk Show with Corporal Timothy Thornton

The Military Exchange Talk Show with Corporal Timothy Thornton and Guests Mike and Bob