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The Getting Real With Hilary Show, September 3, 2024

Appreciating and Valuing the Differences Between Men and Women with Bonita Banducci
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The Getting Real With Hilary Show
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Appreciating and Valuing the Differences Between Men and Women with Bonita Banducci

The Getting Real With Hilary Show with Hilary Arnow Burns

Title: S2 EP46 | Appreciating and Valuing the Differences Between Men and Women with Bonita Banducci

Imagine if you were understood and valued by the opposite sex.  And, that your competencies, gifts and talents were known, appreciated and used to their highest value.

That is the work that Bonita Banducci has been doing for many years.  She has researched how women contribute to businesses and how different it is from what men contribute.  Both are valuable, but not necessarily understood.  By shedding a light on the different competencies, businesses can thrive at an exponential level and have breakthrough results.

Ever heard of Angel's Advocate?  Well, imagine bringing the opposite of Devil's
Advocate to business.  Find out about the unbelievable results that Bonita has helped her clients achieve.

Thank you, Bonita for your incredible work!!!  We appreciate you!!

Bonita Banducci’s original research for the VP of Sun Microsystems who wanted to know “What is the Contribution Women Make that could be the Strategic Advantage in the Global Marketplace,” developed her work in Unmasking the Gender Effect and Gender Competence.  She has worked with companies across the country and with women and men leaders from around the world through the Global Women’s Leadership Network. She teaches Gender and Engineering at Santa Clara University’s Graduate Engineering Program with graduate students from around the world.


The Getting Real With Hilary Show

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns
Show Host
Hilary Burns

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The Getting Real with Hilary Show is a weekly show where ordinary heroes tell their extraordinary stories of how they have triumphed over unexpected challenges. The show is fun, entertaining, and inspires audiences to get real, get connected, and create a life they love.

Our mission is to inspire greatness in our audience, so they can free themselves from the mundane and live the life they are meant to live.

How We Do This:

We bring together powerful guests who have overcome unexpected challenges and triumphed over them. Guests share their powerful stories of transformation and empower our audience to do the same.

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Weekly Show
12:00 pm CT
12:55 pm CT
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