Galactic Connection, April 2, 2013

Steven's Facebook Page:
Please go to to conduct a search for Steven's first edition of LASERS, CAVERS & MAGIC. There is a possible second edition coming soon so keep checking in with Steven at his Facebook Page here: . Feel free to friend him on Facebook and don't hesitate to e-mail him if you would like to talk to him or ask him a question.
Galactic Connection

Galactic Connection... connecting minds and hearts everywhere to step out of the 3D matrix unilaterally. Even those of us who have done an immense amount of work are still learning how much the 3D set of rules and limitations has pervaded our recent outcomes.
What you will learn as you listen is news, education, research, healing information, and out-of-this-world perspectives in regards to people, government, country, world, planet, aliens, UFO’s, Galactic Brotherhood, Ascended Masters, solar systems, ancient civilizations and beyond.
This show is designed to get you to start seeing yourself and the planet you live on, in a more expansive view, recognizing that becoming spiritual is synonymous with becoming galactic. Higher dimensional beings will be visiting us, sharing knowledge, wisdom, and vibration that will trigger us beyond our comprehension.