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Voices of Courage, September 2, 2018

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Exploring the Courageous Mindsets of Successful Wealth Builders
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with Chris Jaeb and Ann Landstrom

Today we discuss the principles of creating success, wealth, and the best version of ourselves.


It seems like we’re always chasing after something in our lives, whether it’s money, fame, success, or happiness. But, what’s the essence behind that and what is this search really all about? What’s actually going on inside of us? We’re going 90 miles per hour when what we really need to do is slow down and tune into a deeper part of ourselves so that we can understand who we truly are at our core.

My first guest, Chris Jaeb, co-founded AudioNet, an internet-based aggregator of digital media, and sold this company to Yahoo just four years later for $5.4 billion. Throughout his time spent as an entrepreneur, he has learned the spirit of competition, how to lose gracefully, and most importantly, how to learn from his mistakes. Chris shares the greatest influences of his high-level success, from getting comfortable with rejection to shifting his mindset.

My second guest, Ann Landstrom, is a professional photographer with over 20 years of experience and countless award-winning images that she’s captured through her lens. Through her company, Ann Photography, she helps empower both men and women to change the way they look at themselves by spotlighting their natural radiance. Ann shares how pictures can help increase our self-esteem and even take our businesses to new heights.


We Discuss:

  • Success and freedom – how these things can evolve when properly defined
  • What’s really going on inside of us when we’re chasing after money, fame, or happiness
  • Looking beyond materialistic success and tuning into who we are at our core
  • Why so many of us choose to give up instead of following through with our goals
  • What it takes to create a strong foundation to build success upon
  • The character traits that all wealthy and successful entrepreneurs possess
  • How to lose gracefully while also learning and growing from our mistakes
  • Shifting into an abundance mindset and learning how to effectively deal with rejection
  • Game-changing advice for both novice and high-level entrepreneurs
  • Why our online presence as business owners today is more important than ever before
  • How pictures can help boost confidence in ourselves and in our business
  • Creating a good representation of our brand, business, and individual self

Learn More About Ken D Foster


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Voices of Courage

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster
Show Host
Ken D Foster

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