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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, March 15, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Jacob Teitelbaum, and the Power of Resilience with Tiffanie Tate Moore

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Jacob Teitelbaum, and the Power of Resilience with Tiffanie Tate Moore

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., author of From Fatigued to Fantastic, discusses the long-haul impact of Covid-19 on your health. And Tiffanie Tate Moore, M.D., discusses harnessing the power of God during tough trials and tribulations.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

positive prayer from Silent Unity the newest in voice-activated technology available on any Alexa enabled device like the Amazon Echo each prayer and meditation on positive prayer will help strengthen guide and comfort you just say Alexa open positive prayer you can ask for specific prayer on topics like healing prosperity and comfort give it a try today<br> awaken to the divine within you're listening to Unity online radio. Org<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> welcome to Everyday peace and Dr.Dre Bond James and I am super excited to have you here with us today as we explore the concept of living a life of peace<br> everyday peace defined as wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality on this program we talked about the philosophy of everyday peace as a system for us to achieve our next level of greatness we also bring you the guest in the topics that highlight opportunities for us to learn and grow and yes to laugh and be entertained because that's all part of the life Journey right so if you were here with us last week and I hope that you were we had two amazing guess we talked to Julie Fitzgerald and she opened up her eyes to the benefits of journaling you'd be amazed at what it can do<br> to relieve stress and to increase creativity and depit create deeper relationships we also talked to dr. David Wilcox who talked to us about how to avoid being a victim of the American health-care system he gave us wonderful everyday practical tips to be an advocate for ourselves or for our loved ones and if you missed either one of those guests or any show that has been on you can go back and listen to her shows I strongly recommend that you do visit our entire Library there is something in one of those shows that speaks to a situation that either you or friends or colleagues have it right now I promise you you can access our entire library of shows by subscribing to the doctor dravon James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google play in Stitcher where you can listen to them on the unity online radio. Org website<br> also Avail yourself to The Marvelous marvelous website dr. Dre Bond I see marvelous because if you visited before it was good it was great I liked it but we revamped this website and looked at so many wonderful things on there for you you got amazing gifts things like how to improve your self-esteem in your self-confidence who couldn't use that we all could write like you're is a leaking and we keep on tickin but sometimes you need to brush up on that self-esteem in that self-confidence so I encourage you go on to the website go frequently dig around Avail yourself to some of that Feast up there thank you and always thank you for those who have who have us sent me email questions and connect it with me through our website and if you haven't done that you have questions or you have show ideas I love getting that stuff I absolutely love it so continue to do that love that and I'll try to answer as many things online I mean on the ear<br> of course I do you know I do respond via email as well but I like the answer things from the air because if you've got that question perhaps somebody else does too so I thank you to all our listeners who are doing that as you know our theme in 2022 is it's time to improve my life I just smile every time I say that because who couldn't do with some life Improvement whether it's in your health your wealth of your relationships we all want me as we continue to move forward on this journey called life we want to improve it so it is time right now in joining with us partner with us on this everyday peace journey is one great way to do that to take accountability for improving our life so that leaves us to our everyday peace moment for those of you and I know there are number of you who do who follow me on my Facebook group leaders in high heels you know we've been taught<br> think about how to reinvent ourselves you lie you that you are could be reinvented and back we have to make the same decisions every day I don't know why you continue to be the same person we were yesterday so just by making one tiny new decision today you can start to develop yourself into the person you've always wanted to be you I we are just one decision away from being our next the next version of herself right at the next person that I called up new version 2.0 or 2.2 whatever version you happen to be on but we'll just one decision away and so I'm grateful that you make the decision to join us on the everything piece show hopefully you'll hear something here today that will inspire you on your next part of your journey<br> that leaves me to our first guests to be an amazing line-up to a guy's amazing yesterday our first guess is dr. Jacob Teitelbaum and dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted integrative pain and fibromyalgia medical authorities in the world right here for you and the doctor Trevon James everyday piece show imagine that he is the author of the best-selling book fatigue from 42 fantastic from fatigue to Fantastic pain free 123 the complete guide to be eating sugar addiction real cars real cure the fatigue and fibromyalgia solution diabetes is optional and the popular free smart phone app cures a through z he is the lead author of 7 studies on effective treatment for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and a study of effective treatment<br> autism using naet dr. Teitelbaum appears often as guest on many shows we're excited to have him here today as we discussed is your chronic fatigue syndrome linked to covid welcome to the show. Just had a bomb everybody else Blanco with persistent covid symptoms of the fees are all very treatable I've been there done that I have done on my age. He's actually you can get better<br> what if that's such a great way to start off as to know that there is hope and you can get better so for those individuals who have chronic fatigue syndrome I know you don't need an explanation that but for those people who may not let start up for just a brief introduction to what that is what's life look like for person who suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome nothing able to sleep if I think exhausted all your waking up multiple times and I take forever to fall asleep and even when you do get home still dressed up you have brain fog just called to the corresponding worshipped you may even have widespread pain are you go to the doctor the doctor says the tests were all normal and Pfizer's nothing wrong with sleep. You can't find anything wrong with you so you're abusive Pkwy you start to wonder if you're crazy and sometimes you can work for some people<br> that's funny cuz I have myself in the medical school I got the call to drop that flew it actually knock me out of medical school and left me homeless I was sleeping in Parks it's as if the universe put a holistic homeless medical schools out on my park bench what I needed to recover it taught me that there's a blessing and everything it turned out to be an amazing gift cuz I spent the last 45 years making effective treatment available for everybody with these conditions<br> you know and I know your story I read it every time I come across that part which says that you were a medical student and because of the chronic fatigue syndrome you went from being a medical student to being homeless it just stops me right there for two reasons how serious is this and the second reason is but by the grace of God I mean because perhaps you wouldn't be so passionate<br> it and Relentless in your study of this Hatton you experience that and you've done tremendous work and you've had tremendous results right because you are connected to this so intimately so Mom said no because you had to go through that but I'm grateful to the rest of us who are benefited from the fact that you persevered and those Earth Angels as I call those naturopathic and holistic and homeopathic gurus came by and shared all this information with you and here you are being able to fuse all this together into an amazing practice and providing getting people back their life's really giving them back their life and is as I hear you talk about fatigue and I hope I have some listeners who I talk to you over the weekend about this who will join the show because I want to get one question from the very beginning that someone asked me if you have that I'm quite a fatigue syndrome and you're not sleeping well<br> but you are a you know you got you you're losing your words sometimes you're feeling a little foggy but you're still functioning you're still going to work you're still you know how do you know it's chronic fatigue syndrome there are people there than there are degrees of this right or public can you get a good night sleep distinguishes normal or severe fatigue from where you've tripped the circuit breaker and the Brain called The Hippopotamus Wicked, fatigue syndrome. Insomnia the brain fog the coach with the tells you this is not just regular fatigued this is very treatable 91% of people improve with an average 90% increase quality Life by optimizing energy production would love to call the showing for a call after my some sleep hormones even with the blood pressure normal the dressing infections nutritional support<br> just enough exercise to keep conditioning about to push my exercise which will leave you but enough that you don't think you'll find that there are literally dozens of things that can be really helpful. I can get to feeling better in the next couple weeks that is tremendously good news and we know that of course with the covid-19 you know real like to see we're on the we're getting better but we're still dealing with it especially in my area here I work in the hospital cases are or low or low or I won't say we have no cases but they're Lord now but there are numerous people reporting persistent fatigue lasting months after their covid infection and this has been called The Long haulers syndrome<br> let's talk to us a little bit about that<br> exactly anything that triggered an energy crisis and up includes over a dozen infection I can taste you tripped the circuit breaker so the symptoms we mentioned but you can also see the lung symptoms with cough or shortness of breath if you see heart involvement you can see gup involvement and wouldn't have time to go through each of these today but everyone else is treatable<br> why is amazing to me and I know it'll ever listens to that this covid has had such far-reaching implications for for a society and in health implications beyond what was in the popular news stories right there's so much more up in this right covid near so much more in there that people are dealing with the after-effects of covid and as you mentioned there are a lots of something so how would a person even begin to say oh this is something that I need to go get checked out and how would a position be cute into the fact that all this is long long long haul syndrome Hopper system shortness of breath South Dakota that these are the signs to tell you unfortunately most positions are to be gracious about it<br> Electric Fetus position about the good news is that you can do on your own with three studies that we've done in the last two years let me put Fargo, could I have people start with vitamin powder called the energy revitalization something called the Smart Energy System and them and herbal called hrg a T-Rex in the city so we did the ladder to increase energy and average were about 70% so these are quick things you can do on their own all the book will talk about how we kept sleeping I don't smell of town then you can start her some Benadryl while they're simple things you can do to start a sleep and adrenal and especially important s people can email me first come home test they can do for it's called orthostatic intolerance which isn't very common part for your blood pressure<br> repulsive shoots up as called p o t s by email addresses. You just have to for the free home test but if you're lying down and you check your pulse after 10 minutes and then you stand up and check your pulse 30 minutes or 10 minutes if it goes up more than 20 beats a minute you have orthostatic intolerance of all the information she says the list of what to do that trouble with blood count your likes and staying don't understand pup is a classic symptom of post covid long haulers that drum by most doctors easy to diagnose at home I'm very very treatable<br> I love the idea of you giving these tips that people can't ride home again we're talkin to dr. Teitelbaum he is the author of the book from the t2 fantastic where is the book available dr. I highly recommend it because the fatigue that were talking about today associated with long haulers do the covid infection covid but these symptoms that you're talkin about could be used for people who are who have petite chronic fatigue syndrome that where they had cold or not previously that correct today for two things before the show today I took one of the hrg80 Gretchen S tablet<br> oh I Love It I Love It List to talk a little bit about that because I love the fact that you brought up that we're talkin about day-to-day fatigue and I want him to say that I work in healthcare for 32 years and I looked at fatigue is that something we talked about as often as we should but I know I see a number of my colleagues who are I would say to use the term loosely chronically fatigued you know they may not they're they're still functioning but they're definitely functioning on less than five hours sleep on a regular basis and we know that sleep is so very important and without it you know our creativity goes down our problem solving goes down our healing and ability to self-heal herself for a body to repair goes down and I love the fact that this book here from Petit to pintastic can be used by that particular always so people know where it wherever you're working at work there's no such thing helping Kenny law<br> work-life balance I think most people would say you know an average work week is 5055 hours per week and then they got kids I got their caring for aging parents they're tired and to know would we talk to you mentioned the HRT red ginseng and why is that I live at her for years about ginseng and why is that so impactful and improving energy levels used to be most popular what it was until I got over Farm cuz you meet the wild ginseng to have the effect of cat is that at the reproduces the old wild ginseng hydroponically but it has been rather dramatic most every system of the body is helped by it<br> single system<br> is there any such thing as becoming dependent now I hear this a lot when I enter I'm a pharmacist at One hospital pharmacies but you know there's in our medical system gives all this concern it is it should be know what we don't know something we want to research it and find out more about it but is there any concern about people becoming dependent upon things like ginseng it's not that kind of thing without medications to it's something that can be used every day or just ask me. We just don't see a problem is with us it's the same as vitamins and minerals it's augments our systems are metacarpals balances system The herbal nutrients and support systems were medication since work by poisoning systems are very different<br> oh I like the way you said that you know our our medicine we should think we we shut down systems right that's what we did we are that's how we that's how we he always had certain things down and I love the way you said that that's that is very accurate and very easy to understand how about we tell we treat things here instead of getting there and augmenting system so that's that's a great thing to do I understand that you have also completed three studies in the last two years on effective treatment of for post viral chronic fatigue syndrome do you how do you conduct these studies shed some light on this you know what you found when you got these subjects from to I think it's always interesting to me is the subjects that were studying<br> if it's not because the my studies focused on what you can do to get better and I have very large newsletter readership with people with chronic fatigue syndrome so we can be put out that those who want to be in the study or so for the last person to 13380 Adam do we divide it went ahead and gave them different kinds of the red ginseng be looked at several overall well-being energy pain sleep cognitive functions and bampa and that's were found or 60% of people felt<br> I don't know a lot of people feel good even though the first truck, but they taking two or more effective than the capsules this is quite traumatic for the chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia another study we looked at a product is not available in the United States in Europe beautiful smart Energy System began recruiting letters letter for people of GFS fibromyalgia<br> Cassandra Green Tea Extract and Licorice and we saw some movement is augmented by this combination for most people will see about 66% of people roughly will improve and by combining the Smart Energy System as a SRT8 erection thing and the energy revitalization. Very large percent of people will double wear a tree. Oh my goodness and I can just see the list that they have the energy right into double here energy there to see in an increase of that magnitude in your energy is phenomenal and something just popped in my head so I'm going to ask it for the listener who I have to I'm hearing in my head right now is this the ginseng it will help you have more<br> energy during the day and how of course you want to make sure I guess that you're taking it during the day so you're not taking it too close to bedtime but we will just have any negative impact if you're already having that fatigue and having a difficult time sleeping at night of course you're taking the ginseng you're you're you're able to function better during the day but is there any negative impact on the already gone by sleeping at night we associate with sleep and stimulants woodblock you sleep but the reason for the insomnia is because we don't have enough energy for the sweeps number to work it's a funny thing unless white in all four of the most recent studies because we looked at sleep and then I'll come back here could have helped orcas eat and sleep actually improved so you want to take these things in the morning or early afternoon especially this<br> because of the licorice licorice adrenal function improved markedly with these treatments so because he give your body the energy to sleep so I can work out of low-energy four causes of poor sleeping fibromyalgia so it helps both<br> oh I love this and we had just about 2 minutes left I just want to repeat that for our listeners so that you know that we're talkin to dr. Teitelbaum at today and he is talking to us about chronic fatigue his book is from fatigue to Fantastic if you're feeling low energy I'd highly recommend that you visit amazonico anywhere books are sold and pick up this book from 50 to fantastic but you just shed light on something that I think maybe the first time I've heard of that said that way is that we need a lot of times insomnia occurs because we don't have the energy to ignite the system that supposed to help us to sleep so taking you know these supplements and when it where can we get these supplements by the way and and like Nancy d i t u e. Calm and you can find all of these are but I'd like to finish up with one more thing if you take everything you need for sickly to get to feeling better so you can go back to what made you sick in the first<br> I'm like you hate you will have done nothing for yourself so we talked about the biochemistry of healing for these conditions as you kept out of her and if you get better use your energy for things let's feed your soul and if she supposed to feel good not the things you think you should do don't go around sitting on their self I see what makes your soul things he feels great to use your energy for that have your body will trust you to release more energy and facilitate the healing oh I love it it's a good place to end after Teitelbaum thank you so much for being our guest remember do not use your energy to should on yourself find things that make your soul sing again were talking to dr. Teitelbaum the name of the book is from fatigued to Fantastic pick it up today feel better tomorrow and dr. Dre pain James you've been a fabulous guess we're going to head into a commercial break and come right back with our next amazing guest<br> all are welcome here<br> you're listening to Unity online radio. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back I'm Dr.Dre Bond James and this is everyday piece well I got to tell you I got to ask you have you ever felt like enough is enough I can't take another thing I quit<br> I never had that feeling have you ever just wanted to lie down in the middle floor and throw a temper tantrum and say I won't do another thing I can't I know I've been there in my life so if you have and if you may be in that place right now and you're like you're going to really want to get close to your device whatever you listen to us all right now and listen to our next guest dr. Tiffany Tatum or is she talks to us about the power of resilience dr. Tiffany Tate Moore<br> is a first-time author from Compton California she is a graduate of UC Santa Barbara where she earned her Bachelor's of Science degree in cellular and developmental biology with a black studies minor after earning her medical doctor degree from Meharry Medical College and completing her OB-GYN internship at Naval Medical Center in San Diego she went on to serve as a general medical officer for the CDs she served during operation enduring freedom and the global war on terrorism. The more completed her Obstetrics & Gynecology residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville Tennessee and practice for twenty years before sustaining a hand injury that led to her medical retirement her life experiences including those she shared with her friends have overflowed in<br> a brand new must read book that book is called Floetry welcome to the show dr. Tiffany Moore James is it my pleasure to be here to talk to you and your listener I think you I got to tell you I know your story because I've read your story but I really want to start we have 18 minutes I told you before we came on not nearly enough to unpack everything I want to get to the book floor tree and the importance of resilience in at what I heard we'll talk about what I heard but what I know about your story is that there was something in you that is extraordinary but it exists in each and every one of us in your work your book helps to help us to ignite and Unite<br> to show that we too can find the strength to be resilient and overcome so let's start at the very beginning and I've already told the world the whole world knows you and is credible doctor you had a hand injury and you couldn't practice medicine anymore as challenging as that may sound the start of your journey to get in that medical degree was quite challenging as well tell us a little bit about that yeah you know I wasn't raised by my parents both of my parents had issues with the drugs and so my aunt my mother's sister raised me my father was homeless I never met him and my mother struggle with drug addiction and so she never raised me I was taken from her at the age of 2 and my aunt raised me and<br> basically as a single parent it was very difficult for her cuz she had two children of her own and so she worked really really hard so it's actually I was raised by the community do they all kind of Blended like the hand and helped a lot so there's a lot of poems about community Assistance in and helping out and that's why I talked a lot about that in those in the poetry book also do you know when I met God I met God by playing in the playground at a park and my family didn't really go to church because the game biotic was essentially a workaholic and so when I was growing up I actually was shot in drive-by shooting while at Bible study<br> so it wasn't like I was doing anything bad I got hit by a bullet in a Bible study how many people would say I'm at bible study I got shot in the back and I take that as a sign to keep going to Bible study and most it was there that's it for me that's it for me right but there is something in you that and my register is that stuck out to me that you know you come from a church background and you you feel compelled to develop this relationship with the Lord you're you're there you doing Bible study you could have been out doing a number of things and got shot but here you are at Bible study and you can shot and from there how do you what happens if your life next decision that you make will will be being a shot with a miracle because I should have been paralyzed or killed because the bullet came through the house through the wall hit me in the back on the ambulance showed up they were amazed that I was up and walk<br> they they they actually said that you are a miracle they say you should not be able to do what you were doing and so the ambulance responders the first responder the Medics they couldn't believe<br> that I was doing what I was doing and that God has protected me in the midst of being shot the way I was shot because they couldn't believe that they looked at where the bullet hit me and they looked at the fact that I was up that I was walking around I didn't think they saw the blood pouring out my back and they just say they just could not fathom the miracle of what had happened to me and the extent of how miraculously I was okay so the fact that I was as okay as I was a tribute that to me being at Bible study and me being protected and covered by the blood of Jesus because I was at Bible study<br> I wasn't because I was at Bible study cuz I really should have been paralyzed yes I think sometimes we missed that in the pain of life right we talked about being resilient today but he hears you know as soon as almost like Jonah in the belly of the whale right I'll just a horrible thing well this is also a protective place for you for little while right and I was hurt and I was bleeding but it really should have been so much worse so you know yeah I heard for a while but compared to how it could have and should have been I was very blessed in the situation<br> yeah absolutely and I love the fact that it's about perspective you chose to see that you're in pain physical pain right now that you know the physical pain one of the one of the hardest things to deal with you know and and still remain faithful and say okay I'm committed to this walk with the Lord all this happens you're not even in medical school yet this is on your way to making the decision to to go to medical school and do all the soap you stay the course you decided to give your life to the Lord and you fix a number of other things there was there was physical abuse sexual abuses of all sorts of things happening to you doing this childhood but you stay the course yeah I had boyfriends who did not like the fact that I was there and I wasn't her child so they took that out on me<br> when she wasn't around and so and I never disclose that to her until I was an adult and so that you know there was all these different issues and that you do I just turned to my education you know as opposed to you no alcohol or drugs because my mother said the example of what not to do until I knew that alcohol and drugs was not the answer and you know they had all these commercials that education was the key to my future so I was like well I want a future other than the future that she has so I better focus on my education<br> yes and I love that to talking about you you made this choice and what do you think was the difference I mean you could have easily decided hey you know I'm not being cared for it and there's no oversight your your aunt is a workaholic she's trying to do the best she can to provide for you and her two children and their their different various men in the house you're being raised by the community we all know how that goes right you could be up here for as long as you want right to the street lights come on and maybe a little later sometimes right and but you made this decision so you had some examples around you that we're kind of going in the wrong direction<br> how did you what made you cleave to your decision that education was the way out<br> you know honestly I really believe it was the grace of God you know what I heard my son who's violently, you know my brother he started dating a woman who was going to God and I started going to church with them and that's why I didn't know she was going to have to make the calls and so we would volunteer with the church mission and we would drive around the streets of l.a. and feed the Homeless and that was when I decided that I wanted to become a physician you know of serving the homeless you know bowl of beans and I was he the sickly people when I wanted to help them and so that was kind of when I decided I wanted to help people and I wanted to dedicate my life to serving people and I figured that might be a way to serve and to help and I just knew that<br> I wanted to do more and I just felt that God really moved within me and put something in me too<br> Disturbed<br> just a heart of service<br> so your resilience to right now you've read before Medical School you you bounce back and I think there was a book years ago the art of the bounce back right so you've bounced back you've held steady to your conviction about education and being drug-free and not living that life and what I'm hearing is that it's connected to your heart to serve to give back<br> yes and I think because I was getting so much you know my my mother was one of 12 kids and they grew up poor until you know you know she worked at the supermarket the local supermarket she was a cashier and she worked her way up to become a manager until she always came home with food and so while we were you know really poor they were kids who didn't have as much as we had that we always have food and we always have bread and so you know I was always like a little hostess so when the kids would be hungry and we would go out and play tag and they will be hungry I'll make sandwiches for everybody now they will be sugar sandwiches and syrup sandwiches. I know the whole sandwiches so you know I would go out and I was there so just everybody and I'm so you know it's something that I would do if you always come home and I was just<br> smile cuz I was going to tell her I gave it all to all the kids in the neighborhood because you have to come home with bread almost everyday or every other day and so it was just something that I knew needed to be done so I would do it and so I always I've always wanted to help people always wanted to help out I've always wanted to serve because people have always done that for my family you know when people donated to the fire department or to the police department they were donating to my my aunts and my uncles because you're my grandparents were poor and so you know that they were donating to it's always believed in I guess paying it forward and to wherever I'm going I've always wanted to make that place a better place or to help out and so I've always tried to be an inclusive person and make people feel welcome and wanted and maybe that stems from my sense of Abandonment from my parents because<br> they were never there for me you know there's a whole different psychological issues if you want to break it down but I think that I've always focused on trying to help out and two to support people and include people and I think that when I look at being resilient and when people fall down and when people are down on their luck I think about how can I help people how can I encourage people how can I lift them up how can I support people and I think that that has always rode forward when I was in undergraduate school you know I was in multiple organizations to help uplift and and and encourage people when I was in medical school I did the same thing I do kind of organized was called the angel tree which is a community outreach program lifting as we climb another community outreach program as always focus on<br> the outlet even when I was in the military I was a physician representative on the child family advocacy group to support and child abuse cases in 02 to help provide guidance for those families and so I've always focused on supporting and helping those who need help the most<br> oh I love it interesting take us right up to you mentioned your medical career you had a great career as a medical physician OBGYN and then all of a sudden there's an accident<br> and now you lose your livelihood<br> talk to us a little bit about that accident how it left you and let you know we got to go through it quickly and realize we don't have this story is so wonderful in the fact that you as a resilient beings a person who make the choice to be resilient have so much to teach us but we got to go through that kind of quickly because I want to get to the part where you even doing xiety and depression make a decision to bring it up-to-date from the accident to that decision I was leaving a trailer and you know my ankle road and it slipped through some holes in the stairs and I kind of did a Swan Dive onto the concrete and when you fight with a concrete unfortunately the concrete when and so I you know messed up my both wrists both knees and my ankles so I one point I was in bilateral bilateral which means both<br> I had wrist braces by a bilateral knee braces and bilateral ankle braces. Is getting steroid shot and both of my wrists both of my knees and both of my ankles and I did that for about two years before I decided to have surgery because the pain got so bad and then I underwent six surgeries over two years in an effort to try to make it back to work so I had surgery on both my left and right wrist two surgeries on my left wrist surgeries on both of my right and left knee and surgery on my left ankle and one of the surgeries left my right wrist with a permanent immobility which means I don't have good good motion and as a right-handed sturgeon that meant that I could not be a certain anymore<br> and for me you know that was devastating I just become a partner position I was in my Prime I was like okay God I had overcome all these things I had just made it is not what we agreed upon I was like no we needed to come to Jesus moment I'm like we view this is not what your words said this is not what we had agreed upon I had work dog on hard to get to this point so there was a lot of stress that was a lot of anxiety there was a lot of depression you know I ate my feelings I put on about 50 lb I was ready to get up give up I was in Despair and so I I was just terrible I didn't want to talk to anybody I didn't want to do anything and I kind of withdrew from everything and so it took me awhile to really come to myself<br> and you know that God's really spoke to me was like Hey you have you forgotten everything I've done for you before you really need to come out of this and a friend talk to me and was like Hey to you really do need to come out of this until I begin to start writing and ID I wrote myself out of this and when I started writing until it was interesting when you talked about Journal is essentially my porch was kind of back and took that form when I started writing my poetry I didn't write it with the intent to publish it and I wrote it like I in the memo section I started writing it in the memo section of my iPhone I would write it when I couldn't sleep and different things like that and I would write it for me and I will write about how good God was and I will reflect on different things God has done for me and I would just start praising God and so and then you know the black lives matter movement different things I would just write about different things I was emotional about and so<br> it made me feel better to get my emotions out there kind of like verbal vomit and I love the fact that you wrote even even in that what I hear is that I hope that the and you'll tell me if I'm hearing the wrong thing but I what I'm hearing is that the way to this resilience that you have demonstrated through your lifetime has been a folk by focusing on service you know you hear you are you lost your livelihood this is how you make your living with doing surgeries you can no longer perform surgery because of the injury to your right hand and you and I talked before we came on there that the anxiety the depression the weight gain all of that that's your human you are human and you had that experience but you able to pull yourself through that becomes amazing author because you're writing out your feeling<br> very argument with putting it out in the universe so that someone else eventually can read this and connect say oh my gosh<br> you do this I feel this and there's another person on the planet who felt this too and if she's okay<br> God if you pulled her through it<br> what would you do for me right after<br> I love it I love it anyway. And talking a lot about service because when I listened to your what I read your work and I listen to you to your to you talk and you tell your story<br> it's always punctuated with and I wanted to give back in some way I wanted to help<br> and one of the things that I've always heard and maybe you have to is that one of the ways to pour self out of depression that and I'm not and I'm not discounting it had to press in Surrey that age but one way to help whatever course of therapy you're using is to also get involved with something that puts you in connection with giving serving other people because it takes our attention off of ourself right I absolutely believe that it helped get me I know I got involved more with my sorority I got more involved with my church and so you know I've always been involved with my children but I got more involved with more of their activities until it really does help to lift Focus take off of your problems and<br> you start realizing that you are more and it took a lot for me to realize that I'm more than my profession<br> my profession is not my identity<br> yeah yeah I love that you are more than your profession your profession your title weather but I don't care what it is but other than child of God it's temporary absolutely it is temporary right I love that that you're more than your profession because so often we do get really connected to that because we spend so much time I know at the top of the show I was talking about you know gone are the days where we working 40 hours mostly but working 50 hours at the standard weekend and then more than that and you become so connected to that and when we lose that and have to face who am I<br> you found your way back to ever give up just just don't give up<br> keep trying<br> wow never give up it's always too soon to give up and it's never too late to start I tell my kids that are all of the time never give up never give up another breath is another opportunity and you don't have to do it whatever the it is for you you know you don't have to do it the way other people do it you're unique you have your own Journey it on the everyday piece show at our show here we have a theme this year which is it's time to improve my life and I love the idea of resilience because resilience will be necessary in the Journey of Life Brazilians will be a part of that we will all have to decide<br> that it's time to get up brush yourself off your Square our shoulders up<br> put that smile on in March forward and that's exactly what you did to tell us about the book tell us where we can get the book and the title all of that again yes the title is called Floetry a collection of 108 Poetics close on life love and liturgical issues you can get it at Barnes and Nobles Amazon Apple Kindle anywhere where books are sold is also available on eBook<br> oh I love it I love it in the book again is inspired it was the thing that helped you to re-engage right to say Hey you know horrible thing has happened what what are some tips that you would give me about 2 minutes a little over a little room it was a couple tips if you would give to our listeners who are struggling right now and need to find a way to get up and get back in the game<br> I would say that life is going to throw you curveballs trust me on that I was a board certified obstetrician-gynecologist a surgeon and now I am a retired author of poetry trust me I did not see that one coming in so just know that no matter what happens the most important thing is that you breathe in breathe out take one step at a time and as long as you have breath in your body you can keep moving forward you can try a different career path and you can just keep trying and it doesn't matter how many different options and different paths you go as long if you can keep going there's a different paths you can take and a different option you can try<br> if keep trying I love it remember to breathe in breathe out and keep going right you know they'll be there be more light on the next step so keep moving it's so important and so important I'm not to drive on James this is everyday peace our Fabolous yesterday has been dr. Tiffany take more her book is Floetry which is available at Barnes and Nobles please run out and get it and I love to have you back here as my special guest each and every one of you listeners everyday piece next week same time<br> you've been listening to Everyday peace with Dr Trevon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that leads you to your next level of greatness and I would love to hear some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let Dr Graber on enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International enroll in the brilliant life nine weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at the Grapevine purchase my book Freedom is your first break from Amazon thank you for being and every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thank you for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> is it Go of every day with positive prayer from Silent Unity the newest in voice-activated technology available on any Alexa enabled device like the Amazon Echo each prayer and meditation on positive prayer will help strengthen and comfort you just say Alexa open positive prayer you can ask for specific prayer on topics like healing prosperity and comfort give it a try today<br>

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