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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, January 18, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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Transform Your Health, Money, and Relationships with Lillian So, and Divine Genius with Adam C. Hall

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Transform Your Health, Money, and Relationships with Lillian So, and Divine Genius with Adam C. Hall

Lillian So, a holistic life coach, healer, and dreamer discusses her new book, So Empowered, the quintessential guide to transforming your health, money, and relationships. And Adam C. Hall shares the 13 universal wisdom teachings and the Genius Process that led to his transformation.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

celebrating our soul a news conference by people of African descent will be August 11th the 14th 2022 at Unity Village Missouri this event will celebrate the contributions people of African descent have made the new thought movement join us as we hear from Reverend dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith Bishop Yvette flunder and rev Dr celebrities in early bird registration is open now through March 15th midday p a d a n t g. Org for more information and inclusivity you're listening to Unity online radio.<br>Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show I'm Dr.Dre Bond James and this is everyday piece I'm super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday piece to find assholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality can you even imagine existing in that space everyday everyday like right now you peace whole complete nothingness nothing broken totality why I'm so happy we can be together on this wonderful holiday as we commemorate<br> the life of the incredible Martin Luther King jr. a man who brought us so much hope think of what I think of hope I think of it as a pool of energy that can sustain us through difficult times and help move us to our next level of greatness Martin Luther King stood for Hope and Justice and equality he believe in the basic goodness of mankind and had faith that fairness would help create a better future for everyone and I admire the man and his belief in a better world I would like to take a brief moment to honor the memory of Martin Luther King and the work that he has done to make such a just Society<br> and as we go on with our show today I went to say this last week we announced our theme for 2022 and I hope you remember it I hope it's embedded in your heart and mind there are theme for dr. Dre Bond James in the everyday piece or the ants are show is it's time to improve my life that make you feel as excited as it makes me feel right now it's time to do it we talked about why we put the theme in the first-person right Why didn't it is time to improve my life not time to improve your life we're taking ownership of that is because we all need to take personal accountability for achieving our next level of greatness whatever that looks like for you on this program we talked about the philosophy of every day peace as a system for us to achieve our next level of greatness we also bring on the gas in the topic that highlight opportunity<br> tuna tees for us to learn to grow and also to have entertainment the last couple of weeks we have been talking about goals and how to set them so that we can hit the mark right we don't want to be part of that 92% of people who set those New Year's resolutions and they don't work they don't they don't make their goals and we can change that narrative so if you not listen to the last few shows please go back and listen to them I strongly recommend that you go get that training and that teaching in that guidance on how to effectively set a goal you can go back to listen to last week's show the show before in all of her shows by visiting and subscribing to Dr.Dre Von James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google Play and Stitcher or you can listen to them on the unity online radio. Org website you can also access a wealth of information about<br> the doctor Trevon James everyday peace World by visiting our website Dr.Dre Von the website includes words of wisdom encouragement experts from my book contact information and yes you're right free gifts we got tons of free gifts on there so if you're interested in getting some free gifts and learning some free things that will help you on your journey please visit the website visit often if you have not signed up for leaders in high heels what are you waiting for this is a fun absolutely necessary component to you building to your next level of greatness it's an<br> membership free membership what is a Facebook group visit Facebook and go to L and high heels Dr.Dre Von James joint today you will not be sorry that you did your butt all kinds of tips to help you get to your next level of greatness and a great community of women to support you as you do that community and support is everything if you have not set your goals for 2020 to encourage you to do so for those of you who've already set your goals congratulations as we discussed last year please remember not to overwhelm yourself with setting one major goal one major it doesn't have to be earth-shattering to Major to you important to you won Gold in your health category 1 golden your wealth category and one goal in your relationship category and when I say it's a major goal with only needs you major to you doesn't need to be major to anybody else make this go something that's personal and significant for you<br> so if you haven't done that you haven't set your goals please go ahead and do that we talked about so many things about how to set a goal make sure that you're looking for who was the person that you want to become in 2020 to really get a strong image of who that person is as you move along in your journey with me talking a lot about this over the next couple weeks so I but I do want to bring on our fabulous go out for this week with who is Lillian so she's our first guest of today she is a life coach she is a Healer she is a dreamer she just makes me smile she is with us today to discuss her new book so empowered which is the quintessential guide to transforming your health your money in your relationship sound familiar that sounds like it's right up her alley is everyday peacemakers welcome to the show Lillian<br> thank you so much for having me inside of our conversation I am so overwhelmed to have you here today because we know if you do read about you and read some of your work if you so resonate with what we're doing here and looking at the whole person so tell us a little bit about your journey before we jump into I'm talking about your book have a long and winding up my career in about 20 plus years ago at this point now I'm going to show you because I started my journey to Fitness at a very young age and that was because my extended family members were always making comments about you know how they thought I was too overweight and how they thought that I was too big and Too Tall and you know this.<br> you know compared to kind of like the average small you know caci Korean little girl and so you know that my appearance and what not and you know I threw myself into fitness at a very young age Fitness and dieting and all that stuff but he'll from there you don't having already started to get really involved in all things you don't Fitness new car naturally you start to get into all the other things that have to do with self improvement in South development as well. I kind of feel like naturally along the journey so once I started getting some glass feelings in my Fitness career I just realized that there was still something missing I wanted more and so I started to explore Beyond Fitness I started to explore my body modalities more self development self-healing all things.<br> love psychology and philosophy in all the way and then pretty much you know throughout you know about a 10-year journey of self-discovery and he only has just kind of integrating everything into a holistic process until holistic system to help my clients and become the healthiest happiest where's the consult as well in the same way that I was able to do for myself<br> oh wonderful and so we share the common I'm from Chicago as well so and I love the fact I love the fact that you mentioned that your journey has not been linear right and that is the truth for any of us right so I want to just take that moment encourage our listeners if you're looking at your path and you're wondering you know what how you been doing this and doing that and for following what you believe to be the correct formula there is nothing wrong with you nor your formula if you found that your your journey is not linear because there are no linear Journeys in life we all do this cyclical thing in life and that's what keeps this whole process going and so you pick up and you learn and you moving a circular pattern it's not linear but it is beautiful when you sit back and reflect on your journey I encourage you all to do that as we are still trying to just sit back and reflect on the learning that's taking place to develop in this taking place not on the adults don't do a tally of with our so-called wins and lost because you're always win<br> based on your perspective so that thank you for reminding us of that so we're talking about your book which is fabulous tell us a little about what led you to write this book<br> yeah so that we can worry about this book was because he told it's very hard to explain what I do like a probably one of my questions to receive when I need somebody is also what did you do and I'm like oh Lord here we go<br> I hope you have a minute because once again my journey was writing on money or I wouldn't say that I just have one title you know where job descriptions you know one job title that I do know there's so many things that I do and and I'm such an integrative facilitator transformation and soap first. It was just hard for me to explain what I do in general I realize that I realized that I needed to you know find a way to really consolidate what it is that I do to try to hone in my message to Billy dyal down what it is that I do and I realized that in writing a book amongst many other things of course would be a great way for me to be able to do that and so writing this book the phone powered is basically the first lesson that I teach any new clients that comes in to work with me so anytime he wants to come in to work with me because they want to transform whatever it is right<br> people come to me cuz they want to chance on their body some people from their money they are the relationship whatever it is that they're looking to transform when they come and work with me the first lesson that they learned is that whatever it is that you want to cheat in your life you have to learn how to take care of yourself first and you are more than just a physical being you have five layer holistic games and we have to start taking care of all of those layers of your body's first and once you start to dial that in other people organized around you and start to make sense of round all of the first things first you got to take care of yourself and that is the kind of like a long answer to why I decided to write this book because so often not just women men included we don't take care of ourselves we're we're on the last last thought in my mind we don't if we take a moment and I have worked in healthcare for over 30 years and I know<br> people look at you like you have to pick to do say I'm going to take a lunch break do you get all this week and all these people who need you and need you on the front lines and how dare you have this human desire to to replenish yourself with sustenance better for everyone around us when we take care of our sup I love I love the fact that that was the intention here is to really how do you take care of yourself so let's talk about these five layers of taking care of yourself what are they and how can we do better in that and you know taking care of yourself absolutely yes it's so true that you know I think anybody has a lot of responsibilities and some kind of a high achiever or an overachiever you know we are very much driven to take care of other people to accomplish our goals and it's so easy to put ourselves<br> even though we are aware that it's like it's so funny how we do this is how you're going to get there better faster and and not be in shambles when you get there if you actually take care of yourself along the way you know but we often forget that and so he has this book to me is basically I call it like a human operating manual it's a guide to taking care of all the layers of yourself so you are not only just a physical body but you are an energetic body you are mental emotional body you are a wisdom spiritual body and you are also a bliss body so there are five layers and components to the whole being and when you take care of all of those layers fat is when you can truly feel a sense of wholeness that's when you can reach your potential until present happy you know all that good stuff that we're all looking for<br> okay and as you were talking I'm sorry I was trying to write them down I got the spiritual body you are the Blissful body and the physical body in there was two that I miss everybody which is the second and then the mental emotional body which is a third where the way that you can look at it it that your physical body energy that your thoughts and feelings it's your spirit<br> we have to take care of all of that all the time. It sounds like a lot of work a little bit tired thinking I don't know if I can do it but here's what I know right when we start taking care of ourself at the outcome is so so needed and we see and feel that difference that it's something that we we desire to do we want to have this show of self-appreciation I got you a call at that because that's really what it sounds like to me this is a create a sense of self-preservation cuz you were taking the time to acknowledge these five layers of you that all need tending to<br> right yeah absolutely I mean I think a lot of times we think that we know what's self-love actually is and you just hit the nail on the head right there this really is you know a guy to actually learning how to take care of yourself how to love yourself and think that self-love just means I took myself out for you know a nice dinner or I treated myself on vacation again I speak my mind all the time I make my own money I love myself and yourself really means that you really know yourself inside and out you know what your needs are and you take care of yourself without any jokes about anything without any hesitation and you can meet you at all the time. You really understand that you are the most important person in your life and everything else that you want including you two making other people happy to comes from you<br> loving on yourself<br> okay so we got we got this understanding that everything stems from your I inspect the foundation if you haven't done this then it's sort of a no-brainer time you tried to give externally to someone else is going to have a very short short shelf-life you're not going to be able to sustain that cuz your foundation is week you have been poured into yourself right you haven't taken the time necessary to make sure that you are free from the actor aftershocks of a disappointment or what have you any of those things that they do that's so very so very necessary in order to push for that what is the best it like weird where should I where do we start as a listener we got these five layers where do I where do I start as far as taking care of myself which layer is do I start with if there is no clear indication of something that's cause<br> this book is that you know with each layer I take you through a self-assessment I literally in very very simple terms in a break it all down with each layer right and what not and literally inside the book I'll say like when your energetic body is you know well and healthy and taking care of you feel xy&z you know you don't feel sluggish you have energy to do you wake up out of bed excited for the day excetera when your energetic body is all of these signs and symptoms already in the book so you can talk about yourself as you are reading it as you go in real time or which is really helpful and then from there once you actually assess yourself and let me know what the time and then we go into action steps right I'm all about like okay so now what do I do about it like I get it might just go by me come out like I get in my spirit my spirit body need some<br> what do I now do and so this is where we break it down into very very easy to follow action steps that work immediately this is all they know we already know but we just need someone to literally tell us and so the lowest hanging fruit the easiest place to start is by taking care of your physical body you live in your physical body everyday who you are no matter what it is whatever your profession is a matter where you live in the world you have to take care of your body that is the easiest place to start and we obviously start with some Basics and. In the box and some of those Basics would truly look like drink water every day move your body eat nourishing foods<br> don't even do those basic even my own parents I have to call them and be like I have you been drinking water out how much water are you drinking like are you sure you know and it's like such basic things but we we can't ignore them and neglect these things because you're so basic do you know and then everything falls apart from there when she don't have that foundation so that is the easiest to start with the lowest hanging fruit items possible which literally looks like drink water go outside move your body weak well<br> yeah and the next seems to be like you said but basic basic common knowledge right these are things that the body needs it doesn't change the body is still needing those things and then anything we do above that that's an extra stuff at the body can definitely benefit from two as well but without the sleep in the Attic put water in fluid in water and take everything else is having a front I'm going for it that's in the book tell us where we can find the book again so empowered where do we find this book can also let you know that the my side so empowered so it's literally so empowered you can get the book fair and then you come to learn more about my methods on at my website just tell we can also find it<br> obviously put in the internet put it put it put it in the empowered and I want to ask you how is it the work you how is the work that you do different from traditional therapy or life coaching<br> yeah absolutely I think the biggest difference with what I do is that I fill in the gaps where wherever the fitness I felt like there wasn't enough mind body and the yoga world I felt like there wasn't enough regard for literal basic health and fitness therapy I feel like they do it's just so focused on The Talk therapy in the processing that there isn't enough looking ahead setting goals and actually taking care of yourself why we got there why some things happen why we feel a certain way but then it doesn't really give you the action stuff in like now what do you do about it and then if you go to regular coaching goals and you're being held accountable and motivated by a coach to do the thing but sometimes<br> coming back to the south side of housing pattern if you don't get to the root cause of why you cannot get past a certain time that you keep on going through which is often times worked out in therapeutic settings so the difference between working with me and maybe some of these other ones or traditional job description is that when you work with me it's a one-stop-shop so when you come and work with me all of a sudden it's like hiring a personal trainer a therapist a coach and a Healer all in one we do the health and fitness work we do the therapy what we do the goals that and we do the accountability we get a little bit into the wood we get into the spiritual lingo stuff and we combine all of that together so that now everything connects your able to connect the dots so much faster and then that way you get the results that you've always wanted without feeling like you're constantly<br> France has taken you 10 years which would have took me ten years of research and and trying to stop the other all of a sudden you can now find it in one place one sister one process with me<br> yeah that. I love that and I love the fact that you know you take this approach in his action-oriented that give me like a if you know we going to be asked her why and oftentimes that's great you know we need to have that why but we do need some you know some action steps to move us towards our next level of greatness wherever we decide that's going to be so what are some of the most common blind spots are disconnections you see Infosys you work with<br> yeah I mean I think a lot of things so many of my clients come to me and they're burned out I would say that that's probably one of the most common ailments that my friends have they said they come in and they're so burned out and they are<br> they are successful but they're burned out and the reason why they're so successful is because they've always been the reliable one but Dependable wants the one that always gets things done but then the process they're constantly burning out and then what they don't realize in this is what I can see what they don't realize is that they would actually Step better boundaries if they would actually spent more time to give themselves what they eat breakfast go workout take care of themselves for still there, they would actually be able to get done just as much if not more and less time without the burnouts but their conditioning their programme has told him like I know I'm the only one that can do it I'm the one that's different I'm the one that's reliable and told their whole lives that they're such good kids they've been told her whole life that they're the only ones that scare parents can rely on the teachers can rely on their funds in the line and so this becomes of programming<br> free to step away and sold a couple further so afraid to take care of themselves which ends up putting them on this hamster wheel of burnout and never feeling like they can step away and take care of them until the biggest blind spot there is that they don't realize that they actually need to take care of them both for that if they would actually let those better boundaries that they would actually do to get just as much done if not more but you don't there's this old programming this old conditioning that's driving them and they don't realize that so that's like one example another example of a blind spot would be somebody who's been trying to lose weight for a long time I've clients that come with me because they want to lose weight they tried everything under the sun all the time they don't understand why why can't they seem to know these away and so forth and when they come in and work with me<br> Lillian I'm so caught up I hear the theme music of my gosh I had one more you are so amazing you have to come back and when we're talkin to Lillian so her book so empowered you have to get this book this is after day by James this is everyday peace will be right back after this commercial break<br> you found the most positive place on the internet<br> thanks for listening to Unity online radio. Org<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back to the shore I'm dr. Dre by James Regan amazing guest with us for the second half of the show I know you enjoy it Lillian so she was amazing right now I want to welcome our guests now who is Adam see how he is up an author a speaker future has a successful businessman very very successful social architect impact investor Adam is here to talk about his book Divine genius the on learning curve I was just telling him during the break that I am super and fasten it with the title of just excites me to cover everything is wonderful so we're going to die then he's got a lot to talk about today we're going to talk about just on learning and Andre rediscovering and that's where I think we're going to focus today and Adam welcome to the show tell us a little bit about your journey and What's led you to where you are today<br> well thank you dr. James it's and it's wonderful to be here with with you and and all your your listeners too and yes we are all on a powerful transformational journey and I certainly been on my become one myself which really begin you know many many years ago in my quest for let's just call it to to Chivas accepts the American dream the home in all the teacher mention the good life you know they they hamster wheel of just just having to show up every day and you don't take it and work as hard as I can but ultimately it was a very narcissistic lifestyle for me I didn't feel good I was taking the Tums in the morning and drinking the tequila at night<br> and while there was much success there was something missing and that's what begin when the alarm Bill kind of went off and I see me leave it all here but do I really and that begin the journey to begin bike there must be something more in life than I must have missed that can serve the greater good in my life so I begin that exploration from kind of be what someone called did need as the Earth conquer to ultimately begin the journey to serve the greater good of our humanity and share the work that I do now and then so I've been riding<br> I've been sharing and working with leaders around business and business and in all so very much focused on the challenges and that we face right now so here I am I look forward to sharing with you today about the Divine genius the end learning curve and whatever else we may want to explore so thank you for having me to I do want to just invite we have so much to talk about so little time so I can already tell you one of those guests who I would I want to bring back again and again but I love their sometimes when I just hear the words I wouldn't say that I'm a lover words necessarily but when some words come together they just evoke something in me and this Divine genius this title seems to say so much I love to hear your thoughts behind putting those words together in the Divine genius and what was meant by that<br> Divine genius being learning curve the working title was actually Divine Design<br> and what I had been doing over the last couple years is really what I would change exploring my own conscious evolution so that I could deal with of my life journey in the path I wanted to take another word instead of Life happened to me I wanted Mike to happen through but I felt a lot like to move beyond the burn out the stress and I can move into a place to my own creativity with spirit and so I begin this journey of the Divine Design kind of looking at the blue pant plant of the Elegance of the universe both the heaven and Heaven and Earth and looking at ourselves as physical in the physical world and also the spiritual world and connecting with the quantum field and all<br> at work but ultimately when it got down at the end of the day so to speak when it came down to what is really what is this book about and it's about the the Divine Junior and the Divine genius some would call God others would call the Christ mind the Buddha mind are the Christian mind it's not attached to a god or a bean or religion or philosophy it's a universal expression of who we all are in the universe that we are we are we are loved and we are geniuses in often we don't think of ourselves that way we play small I played small in the possibility of what I could be so the Divine being is with the live<br> certainly in in the life that I'm living and in the lives of all of us Joe I'm here to help activate that Divine Divinity LOL anyway I can and thank you for having me and supporting your your working all our work together to do that right and you said something which I also love to you said you know you we are all Geniuses right and you're here to help us not to Place Mall and when I think about you and your in your background of your history and here you are this amazing successful businessman in the business world and yet you refer to yourself as that you were playing small and I get it I get it because you had so much more to give on a different level and as a coach myself I find it that is one of the general things amongst people in their whole life is that they feel like they're playing small and they don't know how to either achieve the success that on the path that they're on and it would stay<br> so desperately are working towards and then there are those who want to disentangle themselves from the path that they're on to follow their passion and then I have those who have not yet discovered their passions are people in these three categories you know and all of them I would be I think the term that you used playing small would be befitting is that okay how do you stop playing small and feed your inner self and I know that's a loaded question for a short interview and so I'm interested in you taking that anywhere you want to but I think that does speak to The Human Condition because with or without covid pandemic we still have the conditioning of the human human mind right and and the playing small so how do we re conditioner so we're not doing that<br> well it is it is it is an excellent question because being the wiring in the firing of all default mechanisms in our brain which is primarily driven by our survival Instinct a darwinian Instinct animal in Ultimate lead the idea if it's locked it into and what I found what I share in the Divine genius the unlearning curb it locked into a very small aspect of our self and that small aspect is the problem that small aspect is the idea it's the thought<br> that we could be separate<br> comfort each other but Mother Nature from God or Spirit or Divine genius whatever you want to call it that is a spot with lots of into a way of living I buy in a very limited way to limited experience and often time we look into our outer world and we see people quote on quote pics transport celebrity actors you know agent people that are Applebee's people that are business people all these high falutin and they have these perceptions of thick but what is it in what I found is that is not sure that can be a part of the desperate not to accept and that the the greater success what I found is living freely in the<br> Unity with the vastness and the great abundance of the quantum field the totality of everything if you wanted to play on a small playground and just be in that world and experience that world then that's one thing but if you want to play on a bigger playground what has more of all the fun things to do that we could ever imagine that's playing big it's showing up it just have a greater life experience and we often or tear apart I could just say March Madness our magnificence of our own genius because it means we have to let go or at least in my chest doctor changed and how we lived our lot I believe it's inviting all of us<br> I beg the show up and live live live bullet<br> right into that me to and there's a lot that you're saying there too because I I can see her listeners you know in my mind's eye kind of scratching your head or rubbing their chin and say now there's to see ourselves as one or connected with the Divine Source right I hear you saying that see yourself is connected with the device or so we are connected with the Divine Source however you want to call that for each listener who comes from very background right you know this is the source of all from which all stands resumes Empower right that's what I see right and then to see that one and then also to to be willing to let go and when that when you say that Adam I got to tell you that it feels freeing and scary at the same time because who doesn't want to let go of a free-fall for a little while for the universe and you know and just have his experience of freedom but at the same token there's a part of us and it and I know I'm not alone<br> there has to be a part of us it says no what if I crash and burn what if I hit something you know this is my life I'm talking about this is me walking away from or letting go of the only safety net that I know of but I know that I meant to soar I know how do you how do you walk through that process and I understand you did it you walked away from a successful career you walked into your passion but you know I guess what I'm saying for a lot of people is that they don't have that maybe they don't have the financials Surety they don't have the key of the tribe of support of the familial support that says okay<br> you need to let go and walk in this direction how are people what can they hold on to that stands with a says okay I can take this baby step on it was that baby step well for me it was it was a leap of faith that was a leap of faith that that there that I would find a greater guide and greater truth in my life that I had to be willing to let go and in the Divine genius the and learning curve I share these 13 wisdom teaches Universal teaching better lights up a stepping stone to cross a bridge from our old version of ourselves where we are living in our past and we're deep ball team to face places and ultimately with the fighting all the pain in the trouble on the challenges we face but then we are moved in our say motivated and some cake<br> B pill mess or chaos in the world or maybe some of us are inspired by Spirit may be where I called you are greater truth of our selves and our that Excel so what what I share in the Divine jeanist and learning curve that it is unlearning is a letting go in and of itself out of trying to get something function of what I share of wedding pieces of that no longer service go so I shared one of the wisdom teachings and there's several there's 13 all are essential but I shared one on death<br> and I pose the question at the beginning of the Divine Shameless can you get out of this lifetime a lot and other words can you get out of this lifetime now free liberated from our past liberated from our past conditioning to Plummer limiting beliefs in the answer is definitively yes and in the book I may offer up 13 steps to do that the move away and one of them is dead which is Felicia bender and when what I found is when I let go of the life that I was living ultimately on the other side of that was something that was even born in the things that were true beautiful tree daughter the life of pets and friendships my mother my father<br> watch them they've got all that remain true but the stories and the traumas in the limiting beliefs started to fall away and that was no longer taking power so that first step that I found is to be really radically honest if they hate I want to live a life of guessed it I want to lift my full of joy now I want to live in one day and I don't know how but I'm willing to take it show up and listen because spirit is present the guides our present and when I found Letting Go surrendering the idea of what was Shepard<br> all that one away and what remained of which always been the indelible truth of my Oneness with nature my children and those I love and I'm meeting up with people that way today so that's the invitation and let's go to embrace this now why wait to the end of our Lives why not now oh my love that I love what you're saying with you why wait what and it was our theme and in the beginning of 2021 and throughout the whole year or thing was what are we waiting for right and so here we are now you know we're improving Our Lives it right now this moment in this year so no more letting go and Brace it no more waiting to let go embracing the letting go right now so that we can walk boldly toward what already is right is US keeping the blinders on or trying to exist in an in a place<br> no longer exists right the past is no longer there but we keep trying to squeeze herself back into that shadow so we can exist there because the brain has this Comfort level there and we keep trying to be there but I am so grateful for what you're saying here to know why or why not move forward now into our place in it and ultimately into our Bliss so in the book you didn't you mentioned it a few times can you share the 13 Universal wisdom teachings and the genius process and he talked about 1 right now is can you get out of this alive and I love that that is the death of the death of the end of one thing at there's a phrase that I heard that I really love is that the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next right and so that life is going on this journey always right we're going on this journey towards the next thing always but I'm in addition to that you know the death the letting go of one thing<br> a little more about these teachers in the process and how they are meant to benefit benefit us in our everyday life<br> well these are like curls 13 pearls and each Pearl is strung together as big as the 13 or put together come together as an as your necklace of the gems of of of of Life they offer us steps<br> incremental steps across the bridge from what I described is our 1.0 nature our ego separate into our 2.00 nature which is our one the one that's in a unified self R Us tentik self or are in each of these teachings play an instrumental role in that they offer us insights into how we can take the steps across the bridge a couple examples with you<br> and this is really important because if if you work all or some of you may recall Einstein once said you can't solve the problem on the place the problem was created<br> 18 year Student Of A Course in Miracles the problem<br> is thought of art Google that were separated that's the problem but that's also the solution that's the greatness if we solve the problem we also have the solution so how do we move Beyond this idea of our separation well I put forth a process a pathway there are many beautiful one I put forth a process that allows us to experience the first one is what we've spoken so much about on the journey and continue to but that's true forgiveness<br> Atlanta Falcons stats about forgiving ourselves not for what happened but for what did not happen<br> what did not happen is we forget so easily that we are connected in one<br> and in the one that's there is no separation there is only one and that is our forgetfulness we all make that hair and the idea is not to deny a trauma or an event but the idea is not to play victim of the perpetrators are play The Rescuer roll that we all want to play so often the ideas no longer to be the judge no longer to convince people or ourselves I doing wrong we simply made an air and our forgetfulness and we don't have enough time today to go through these 13 wisdom teaching dr. James put into our expression it has in our Divinity and our life to practical they're easy and it's about learning and old thought that we are set<br> that's the problem once that Onslaught is looked at and understood for what it is and unlearned<br> the Divinity in the Brilliance in the genius in the light of who you are is already except it's not out there it's right here yeah you've given us so much right here and you're right we will have about four minutes left but there is so much right here in that in that forgiveness and I love how you said that you forgive herself for what for what did not happen not for what happened that's not heard it said that way but still forgive herself for what did not happen is an interesting concept because somewhere on a mini levels when you said that I thought about that a lot of I guess if that's a lot of this regret for what did not happen and made because of decisions are you know but ultimately ultimately what I hear you saying is that we made somewhere along the lines we thought ourselves separate from the divine right in our humanness in in in in what we call our flaws are our mistakes we allow that to be the the the separate<br> and if you will between that which we consider to be the Divine and therefore we in that process deemed ourselves to be less than worthy and I'm sitting here in this space and having this conversation with you it seems a little Chris was like oh my gosh no right I can and I am everything all that I that I wished to be I am it's a matter for me of me accepting that you regardless of what I see so this the work that you're doing is phenomenal the book is for I've got to encourage everyone if you're ready if you are truly ready to untie to discover you this is the place this book here will help you to do that going through these 13 steps Divine genius the other learning curve is a great a great read a great I think<br> if you allow me to use my own words to make great discovery fall in love with yourself again and fall in love with your passion and fall in love with with you and your journey without regret any of those Nature's any of those things they are so last thoughts at them for where we are today lots of people we start up talkin uni before the show came up speaking to the condition that people are in right now today and we talked about forgiveness being one of these greats of the 13th of steps of pearls that people could take it right now in the midst of covid-19 that's going on it seems to be pretty chaotic do you have any tips that our listeners could take with them to navigate this time. In life successfully<br> power is you you are the guru<br> you need nothing other than the genius that resides within your heart and in your soul the presence of the Divine is if is here the light has come to Hold Us in her own pathway should we choose to show up the being the Courageous one to be the hero or heroine of our life's journey this is the moment why wait but what you can do right now why wait till tomorrow or another day when things will be very different or change perhaps not in our favor proportionately Our Moment is now so I invite everybody to please check out my work explore the book I'm deeply blessed and grateful to have been here with you today. Can you sing all of your manners<br> thank you so much and can you give our listeners a website that they can fire it'll be on our on our site to at Unity 3 when was the Jack down Adam C Halls website address is call. Solutions Adam Hall. Solution and I offer a beautiful Fleamasters class on there that can help you to awaken and discover your Genius and how you can create a powerful and important impact in the world that still needs all of us right now but thank you so much Adam and dr. Dre Von James your listing and every day peace if you have not visited our Facebook page page leaders in high heel I encourage you to do it today I absolutely love you I'll talk to you next week<br> you've been listening to Everyday peaks with Dr Trevon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that leave you to your next level of greatness and I would love to walk with you on your journey here's the ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let Dr Graber on enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International enroll in the brilliant life nine weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at Doctor Trayvon purchase my book feed him is your first break from Amazon thank you for being and every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thank you for listening to Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> by people of African descent will be August 11th the 14th 2022 at Unity Village Missouri this event will celebrate the contributions people of African descent have made the new thought movement as we hear from rev dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith Bishop Yvette flunder and rev Dr celebrities in early-bird registration is open now through March 15th with a p a d a n t g. Org for more information<br>

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