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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, August 31, 2021

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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A Positive Perspective on the Pandemic with Forrest Rivers

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

A Positive Perspective on the Pandemic with Forrest Rivers

Author of The Hippie Revival and Collected Writings, Forrest Rivers will be joining Everyday Peace to share his spiritually enlightened insight on living through the pandemic.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

it's time for a reset to another Judy Cochran for your future looks good on you and empowering a relaxing Retreat September 30th to October 3rd 2021 at Unity Village Missouri learn Judy cellphone know the technique to help you pause reset and happened to the good that awaits you and health wealth relationships and self-expression also enjoy walking meditation gentle yoga music Art & More make a reservation to date learn more at Unity Village. Org forward slash retreat<br> Palmer welcome<br> Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show on Doctor Dre Bond James and this is everyday peace and I am super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday piece Define does holness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality I want you to imagine right now living a life of Peace everyday you peace no matter what seems to be going on in your external world I want you to feel that since<br> peace inhale it in hold that breath for just a second and then a complete exhale through the mouth<br> and decide make the decision because only you can make that internal decision for yourself in this moment this moment is whole it is complete there is nothing missing there is nothing broken this is the totality of You In This Moment not the moment before that not five or six more months in the future just this moment one moment at a time because I want you to know this but yes every day peace is possible you can be home you can be complete In This Moment yes you deserve every day and yes you can have every day peace we work together on this show to bring you the topics in the guest to partner with you as you create your life apiece everyday and if you miss the interview we had with Karen Warner<br> you're two years to yourself and to your family and friends to go back and listen to that she provided tips on how caregivers can prioritize their own mental health listen we all know that many people will have the opportunity and responsibility to care for their loved ones in sometimes we can become so involved in that chair because we want the best for them that we neglect their own care but we must remember that if we are an empty vessel we cannot give a highest quality of care to listen to that show encourage someone that you know to listen to that show about caregivers and going back and prioritizing their own mental health making it a priority also on that show you're going to hear Vanessa Cecil she gave a beautiful refreshing feminist View<br> to the story of yo Sahara of the Buddhist and The Woman Behind The Man Behind the Buddha awesome person to listen to the show was amazing how we often hear about the hero that's in the public eye but we know that when Whenever there is a person whether being male or woman who is in the public eye there is a whole team of people behind that individual taking care of things making sacrifices and she tells that story of the of the woman that was in the shadows and it's a beautiful story and I encourage you to lift to lift your spirits up by the awesome listen to that story she's Vanessa is amazing storytelling I guarantee you you will not be sorry that you listen to that you can access this show and our entire library of shells by subscribing to the doctor drayvon James everyday<br> he's podcast on Apple Spotify Google play Stitcher or you can listen to them on the unity online radio. Org website you can also listen to them on the new and improved dr. Dre by James. Com website this website includes transcripts from pashos words of wisdom and encouragement excerpts from my book contact information and you can get the show notes for those of you who like to go ahead and leave the show nothing else and never view who talked to me about that and we also have free courses available so you can go there and get your free course again that website is dr. Dre Bond James. Cam please bookmark that on your device and visit often<br> well guys we're here we're doing this again why do we buy to be gather you guys know why we got to be gathered so that we can encourage one another there is strength in numbers there's also accountability in numbers right we started off by a year with the theme of what are we waiting for and it's so important that that answer be nothing we are no longer waiting for anything meaning that we're taking control as the leader of our physical lives and seeing that if it is to be it is up to me whatever that is what are you looking for a new advancements in your career your business you're healthy relationships whatever that is what are you learning how to become more aware of yourself wherever you need to advance<br> it's going to take action and you are the one to decide to breathe life into your next level of greatness we bring the wonderful guests on and today we have an amazing guest Forest Rivers who's going to be here talking to us about the spiritual awakening that occurred as a result of covid-19 so do you want to hear this show and just like all of our other shows were gathering for the purpose of igniting or self shaking our self awake so that we can get about the business go about the business of moving into our next level of greatness<br> so we've been focusing on talking about letting go right this show is really designed to inspire us and to teach us into encourages and most importantly to shed light on the path to a door in our life that causes us to let go of yesterday<br> and in this moment right now to decide to take action on beginning our journey to Forever<br> how do we do that what we're discussing essential steps of letting go so we've been doing that we've been talkin about these essential steps to letting go and you talked about how important it was not to take anything to personally write to stay in the present so you don't miss the magic of this moment to let go of the belief that you are not enough and today we were talking about let go of making decisions based on the opinions of others you know how we do that we decide that we won't do this because my goodness how would our family feel about bed or what if we failed or they know how many times you've tried before and they just think we're flake is a number of things what are the neighbors going to say in what are the children going to say<br> a better question is what are you going to say about you when you give yourself permission to live your life out loud to present your true self to the world to take off the mask and never mind the opinions of other people this is part of the process of letting go of yesterday in embracing this moment in all the magic that it has for you that is our everyday peace moment and with that we're going to start going to introduce my fabulous guest today Forest rivers rivers is the author of covid-19 and Humanity's Spiritual Awakening no understandably covid-19 has been a Matt husband had mass chaos and unspeakable tragedy for many people however Forest as an author and inspirational speaker May<br> teens and his newly released in highly uplifting book covid-19 in Humanity's Spiritual Awakening that if we are able to steal our minds and be fully immersed in this moment we can start to see a different narrative emerging I am excited to have you on the show welcome to the show Forest<br> a thank you so much I could change to having to hear I am very grateful to be with you and your audience to such a big topic there's a lot going on with the covid-19 pandemic and we thought we were out of the woods you know we get all the variants and you know Rosie is a Resurgence and now we're going into flu seasons in as a healthcare professional I can tell you people are starting to panic all over again and it is refreshing to know a few things about life one of which there's always the unknown and the second to me is that there's more to this than what meets the eye right there is there is something beautiful is happening here too and I love your take on the spiritual awakening that's occurring so excited I'm excited for you to tell us more about that but before we get there you have it.<br> amazing story of your own that led to your eye opening away inspiring Awakening in your own life tell us a little bit about where you've been what you're doing what has inspired you to write this book<br> yeah so<br> you know how many people I've I've you know Ben been down in the trenches with my own suffering if you will not think many of your viewers and listeners can relate to the two that my suffering came in the form of about with a serious drinking problem that went on for about 12-13 years where I couldn't put down the bottle and it came from battling with my own inner demon in my own lack of self-confidence in myself and led me through the Jeep. Of abuse<br> and then I had this beautiful profound experience on a trip to Maui Hawaii I had an absolute blessing to be able to spend. Out there's about 10 days<br> in the Transcendent beauty of nature<br> gave me a sense of connection that I had never felt before I'd inherit Oneness a Unity with all that is many of the topics that you talked about on your show I embrace that inherent unity in that Oneness and that's what I felt on that island you know I it was a series of daily nature hikes that really sparked is within me I absolutely breathtaking sunsets and vistas of the ocean on one side and the mountains on the other and it just awoke something in me that had never been there I wasn't even aware of the four call it God call it the doll call it1 Miss but I became aware of that underlying reality that fabric<br> I've already existing set is within us and something happened to me there and I came back from Maui and I became very interested in eastern religion and began immersing myself in the meditation center and joined a Sangha and I worked with a teacher who specialize in working with addiction he himself had been an addict and we I just I just really spoke to me and you know what I started reading all the sacred texts and the doubt teaching in new pawn shops in the bag about details and all the texts I really began to speak to me and then I was laid off for my teaching job they thought that I was that I was to quote radical I didn't really know how to incorporate my Spiritual Awakening<br> into the confines of Academia and I had a year paid if you can believe it where they paid me off for a year and I used that opportunity to move off to the mountain and from Nashville Tennessee I moved off to the Smoky Mountains and explored the Awakening even further and immersed myself in nature<br> and now I teach meditation and I wrote a book called covid-19 in Humanity's Spiritual Awakening and I was motivated to write this book due to a sense of wanting to provide a counter<br> to all of the understandable suffering and anxiety and fear that's the worst feeling in the early days and still are of this pandemic and I wrote the book from March of 2020 to November 2020 and it just tackled<br> they basically attack has different theme from the idea of how we could use this<br> then this moment of suffering<br> Broan personal empowerment spiritual uplift and I and I felt like you needed to hear a positive message that countervail all the fear and anxiety and it was part to be at to be truthful I was part therapy for myself to to make sense of everything that was happening that's that's what I brought me here today<br> thank you for thank you for sharing that for us knew so many Pearls of Wisdom in your story I've never been as I told you before the show I've never been but I've heard stories much like yours of people going there and being taking these nature walks and experiencing The Awakening much like yours whether it be things that they were struggling with emotionally physical addictions all sorts of things are happening is I know there is some some energy around that is to just getting out into nature like that I think sometimes in our society were so busy and so indoors all of the time and connected to devices that we are not grounded and in getting what we need from the from the earth maybe if he's connected anywhere right here in the middle of Maryland where I am<br> we could have that same Awakening but I do hear that a lot that it happens in Hawaii so there's a problem<br> and you said it all right there. You changed the Transcendent beauty of the earth it's the most grounding force and I can't stay away from and I'm addicted I live in the mountains now that's my addiction now my addiction now is being a nature as much as every single day I it's literally a part of my lifestyle is part of my life is my grid the Earth is my greatest teacher in and I really you know I really mean this Nature has been my salvation and there is something about Maui in particular that that that spark that you know in me and it's just<br> an unbelievably special place and the energy there<br> I thought it's on another level in terms of that Spirit connection I can't put it any other way the spirit connection we'll talk about it and it'll listen to I can feel this like rumbling in my stomach saying yes that's my next location I've got to go there because it's something about that energy has to be and so you come back from the ER and I think it's so funny how you're funny in a curious yet almost predictable way that once we make up her mind sometimes 2 to go towards our healing as you did you know to follow what were you being naturally called<br> you were then challenged with<br> with the job situation<br> and all of that and you know but in that challenge right they sent you know there is there is also a blessing that you had and they say okay we're going to give you a year severance pay<br> and we all know it was an absolute when I look back on that now that was one of the most profound turning points in my life and I often Come Away with thinking now that any adversity that we face if we just it's always it's always how we approach that adversity if we meet that adversity with the mindset of<br> yes this is definitely one door closed but then there's the other side that there's one door opening and out of every adversity I truly believe it and it sounds cliche there is an opportunity for awakening and there's an opportunity to take another leap in our Consciousness and that that was a one of those moments for me to be there is an opportunity for awakening I don't want our listeners to miss that because I know that for somebody listening to this call right now they're in the middle of a battle that they would not have chosen and<br> there is something there be on the battle yes because we have to do those things to take care of ourselves to take care of our families but be encouraged and be on the lookout stay curious as to what that Awakening is what are you waking to what is the purpose of this whatever this is I'm sure and your story says this to me that whatever that is it hasn't come to destroy that was not the purpose of even this covid-19 and we have all lost loved ones myself included I'm doing this time. But there is even in this<br> something more some Awakening that we are meant to<br> open yourself up to to open ourselves up to so I'm so excited that you said that that wasn't what I'm listening audience to miss that so going into your book covid-19 medley Spiritual Awakening<br> I understand you wanted to give people a different perspective as another way to to deal with the suffering other than it was going on what why should we just pick up this but what's the number one reason why we should pick up this this book<br> yeah I think I think the number one reason why readers would want to pick this book up if to find the lights the and uplifting narrative that can are veils all the fear and anxiety I think this book will serve to inspire readers to use crisis moments like covid for their own inner growth and personal Evolution so I think this book would definitely Inspire any reader to use crisis moments for their own empowerment and and I really and I really do think that despite all of them<br> play all of the overwhelming suffering and I do not want to ever ever minimize the amount of suffering people have been through it has been a treacherous to put it lightly a treacherous time for many many people<br> what do we do with that suffering that's the question I'm asking what do we do with that suffering how can we use this suffering to<br> make us some more peaceful compassionate in a where<br> race of individuals and I I think for anyone looking for that answer<br> I I don't I think it might be in the book you know that that I offer I don't necessarily have the answer I don't believe I have answers to anything but I I have some ideas I should say of how<br> this moment this great moment of Crisis can actually be<br> adopted in a way that pushes us along and our refuge<br> yeah I get that from the book as well you know that the crisis moments are for inner growth but what do we mean when you say the phrase Spiritual Awakening I think we hear that phrase a lot of people don't really understand what that means I understand Spiritual Awakening and this is just my interpretation so please tell the listeners take it with a grain of salt is one of those phrases that could be subjectively interpreted but when I use the term Spiritual Awakening I'm really referring to like two things in one is it when I think it was fearful late and I think of how many chores greater awareness or understanding<br> that this physical world that we inhabit is only one facet of who and what we are and there's a deeper underlying fabric to our being call it the spirit call it the celestial realm call it the ultimate of ground of being whatever term you want to use for it that we're apart is it in that realm everything is connected mysteriously and beautifully as one and that's what I mean by Awakening coming to and understanding that we are souls first inhabited these bodies Incarnation to Incarnation so what I use that term awake and I mean like coming to awareness that that is who we really are at our core and of course following off of that when I use Spiritual Awakening I mean and understanding that we're all parts<br> of that mysterious Divine web that is that includes everything in it and and that is that underlying reality we are all part of some mysterious Cosmic web and the trees are part of it where part of it humans the the animals and plants are part of it the universe is parked it's it's all one if this mysterious creation that were all apart of in ice and that's what I that's what I mean when I use my troops<br> yes s you're saying that for us you know it's almost sounds to me and I don't want to oversimplify it but it almost seems like the the spiritual awakening is the cure for loneliness and feeling like an outsider and all these emotional things that we feel that drive our actions sometimes we feel separate or separated or isolated and when you when we realize that we are part of a whole<br> right and that our existence is connected to the existence of everything even the trees and the blade of grass and that we are part of this whole thing<br> it makes you feel it's the sense of pieces that and then haul talked about pizza definition of Peace being homeless completeness nothing missing nothing broken but I hear that and you're in this very simplistic definition that you're giving for Spiritual Awakening I get that feeling that when we are awakened we don't see our separateness and things anymore. Lucian of Separation dissolves set that Bale at Vail that keeps us thinking like you just said dr. James that we are separate that dissolves and you start realizing again that you're the one with the trees and with the mountains and your one with the madman you're one of the police officer that up Lincoln right back you are one with the madman and the police officer we are amazingly blessed to have you with us we'll be right back after the break<br> We Are Spiritual Beings having a human experience<br> welcome to Unity online radio<br> Dubois 7 Awakening world<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to every Dave East with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back to Everyday peace in our Fabolous yesterday is Forest Rivers the author of the book covid-19 and the spiritual awakening just before the break we were talking about the spiritual awakening and being at 1 it when we were sort of joking but you really serious that you we are one within the police officers the madman. They're the same don't mean to imply that at all but other person that anybody the person that you see begging change on the street or the CEO of a major corporation to the baby that's just being born in this moment<br> to the blade of grass that will pay no attention to when to have this old was Ernest that there is no separation between us and that which we profess to love and that between profess to be in direct opposition with<br> that we are that we are one with that or is it and I don't know I'll let you expound on this but for me that is so comforting and it takes this whole<br> judgment out of me like you know to say something is good or bad or right or wrong when I realized that that thing is also me<br> when you when you have an Awakening<br> and everybody can have their Awakening such different ways that's what I've learned to appreciate to your one person could find it like we were just having a conversation right dr. James during the break how you can have it during a jog you know through the town you can get that runner's high and feel that weightlessness and in feel yourself merging with everything that is around you you can experiencing it through the birth of a newborn you can experience it it to a Mountaintop experience literally in nature you can feel it you know in any number of ways you can you can experience an Awakening but one of the things that<br> you know one of the things that it that it does is it takes you completely outside of yourself and it real and you makes you realize that there are no good there is no evil good like everything just is and everything is a is a is a mysterious interplay of countervailing forces merging upon each other all of the separation that we normally are thinking mine normally are attached to<br> yeah yeah and I'm going to go pick up this call or who's been on the line patiently waiting<br> hello you're on the air with every day peace and got to drive on James and our Fabolous guess today is Forest Rivers did you have a question or a comment to questions if I made the first question is I'm loving everything you're saying about having an Awakening and you had yours until my question that questions to part one how do you know I'm how does a person know when I guess it's different for everybody but how do you know when you've experienced that Awakening cuz I don't feel like I have yet at all and I've been waiting and waiting and then the second thing is other things you can do to maybe the clear your mind and your your soul in your heart you know try to rid yourself of all the Demons of insecurity and self-doubting all these things I was listening to you talkin and a lot of what you was talkin about you happy with yourself<br> the same thing and so those are the two questions that I had like how do you know and then can you prepare yourself or is it as you said you know you said things are just what they are and so it doesn't just have to happen and you can't make it happen<br> yeah I would have what is what is amazing like two incredibly thoughtful questions yes it needs to just happened when the Awakening happens you just sort of know for me to try to put that moment in two words almost corrupts the experience of itself is your you know you'll know when it happens if it's it's almost like your shift in your figure and ground when it does happen your entire perspective of how you approach life begins to shift there isn't so much went when you had that Awakening the only way I can really say is that you're seeing the world through a new pair of eyes that doesn't see things as separate any more things are more interrelated and connected in and you don't put as much judgment on things you just everything<br> is just as it is. That's really the best way I can explain it in it when it happens you'll know and by the sound of your voice your you're probably on the cusp or of having it if not already had major glimpses of that and ask for the second part of that question you know there are some things you can do a meditation is something that I highly recommend to everybody just quieting your mind you you would mention what can I do to kind of quiet my soul clean out my soul and meditation is a wonderful practice of meditation prayer tablets use mine every day for for prayer and meditation and then getting out into nature oh my gosh I can't emphasize enough how much<br> nature plays a role in cleansing one Spirit you know it and it doesn't happen it doesn't have to be going climbing the mountain you can go Garden or you can go you can just go sit outside on a park bench in the middle of the city and experience that that same kind of level of peace and I'm talking about yeah so I recommend spending some time in nature meditation and then last week and maybe most important getting involved in some kind of like service to others I think there's no other way to to awaken the heart then then engaging in in the spirit of service okay thank you so much<br> no thank you those are absolutely fantastic questions in the last thing I say to is a weight is just because you have your moment of awake and he doesn't mean you're awake in I'm I'm not yeah I am not I am not I want to emphasize the audience here I am not awaken I do not consider myself you know it awakened or enlightened being and I think anyone who would say that has a lot of work clearly to do on themselves and you know so so I think you have that you have I think the more accurately to say is I'm thinking this through more you you have an Awakening yes but then it it it's a continue unfolding of numerous Awakenings if that makes sense<br> so yeah<br> I love that question thank you so much for calling in and again thank you for being and every day Peacemaker and you all said something that I thought was<br> really insightful it probably speaks to the hearts of many of our listeners is this the idea of having to a being able to clean out your soul clean I think a name and I work at my coaching client that haven't I haven't had anyone say it just that way but that is a profound sentence because I think this is the source of guilt for a lot of people is that they have things that they're holding on to our stronghold and you mentioned in the beginning of the show that you went to Maui and you get this Awakening and awareness that let you down the path to sobriety and so<br> I know a lot of people are blocked from their Awakening because they are ashamed they have this heaviness that they feel that they need to clean out their soul I will never forget that phrase thank you for saying it so much so much comes to my mind after we have our talk today I'm going to sit and just ponder that phrase clean out your soul because so much comes to mind when I hear you say that but you mentioned that ways to clean out your soul I just want to say them again for a listing audience and maybe you want to talk about them a little bit I don't know but you said that once was meditation and you talked about prayer as a form of meditation and I would also add just still nice and quiet is a form of meditation to write if you can find it and<br> you know the study of various scriptures that could take the form of sitting and quiet and in writing poetry or or or painting you know we could take the form of creative expression you could take the form of just bonding with an animal you know there's a lot that qualifies for sitting in Stillness oh my gosh yes and I want to say this is the ultimate form of self-love in my opinion is this taking time to be still especially at you know there are a thousand things and that we could be doing and we are in the we live in a society where we are encouraged to multitask and we're almost you're browbeating if we say that we do we don't want them out the tasks we do want to just sit and be for a moment right and butt<br> so very important if we're talking about this ain't no cleaning out of one solo how amazing is that and how freeing that would be until this is accessible to us and it is by this form of meditation being in the Stillness and then secondly oh only because we said it second is service to others and I wanted to say that I'm not had a guest on the show yet and I've had lots of guests on the ship who has come about any great thing in their life by any other means than their desire to serve others including yourself I know you said you wrote this book because you wanted to provide others with a different narrative for the suffering and in the covid-19 pandemic there is something about this act of giving and being in service of that really does unburden the soul<br> use the phrase of the last caller it truly cleans out the sole service and giving it just it just does something to the soul that transforms it from the eagle mines to the spirit heart and that's it I mean nothing else I can really say it's there's a reason why in the bag of ID town which is one of my most influential text I read there's a reason why Krishna when he's teaching Argentina his disciple he's testing him essentially I'm paraphrasing the highest spiritual Act is found through the spirit of service I said there's nothing higher on the past then serving others it's truly cleansing and liberating 41 Solon<br> I think it's if anybody is confused about who they are or what they are go serve and those answers will start to come to you intuitively<br> that's beautiful yes service you'll find Clarity I love I love that so now we talked about your book being a place that people can find a spiritual awakening and I love the fact that you don't give the answer to a spiritual awakening but you read it in it and it's there for everyone they find it in their own space and time but how can people Embrace suffering in a positive way like staying in and this is such a practical question I think and I really love to get your thoughts on this people are suffering in the in the end there in that moment right you're in the moment of suffering you're not in the philosophical waxing and waning or whatever philosophical talking about the moment you actually in the moment and you're in the heat of this and you're so bothered you can't how can you<br> maybe let go or disconnect or it and I don't mean that in the worst form of wearing in the most positive way but how can you Embrace this suffering in a positive way what other tools and techniques people can use for that<br> yes oh and I and I mentioned it before but again meditation is designed not for those moments when you're feeling peace enjoy it's great when you're in a great mood and you want to meditate and you get into that daily rhythm in the practice of it but what meditation is really designed for dr. James is those moments where the suffering is just so agonizing and it's just gripping your entire being that's what that's what meditation is truly for its for those moments of suffering you you practice it you get into a daily routine during the good times and you build that daily have it so when the bad times come when it's hardest when you need the meditation the most it's their you cultivated those have it so again I say meditation and prayer is the way to meet is the way to meet those moments and I use the term meditation and prayer kind of<br> continuously because I believe personally and again this is just my interpretation that prayer is just simply the highest form of meditation it's a conversation between you and creation and what is prayer but an ongoing conversation with creation and that's it's all meditating it do it all meditation is stealing your mind open up and become a Clear Channel it clear soul to be able to receive the messages and conversate with the universe and that is so vitally important during a profound moment of suffering like we're in right now and you know it's interesting that during covid testing hold on I'm trying to remember where it was from it'll come to me but it's but it found that more more people than in the last 20 years have been turning to meditation and prayer as a way to try to<br> deal with all of the of the loss of loved ones sickness and disease and job loss and job and security people are turning to these time-tested methods to try to deal with this<br> but I think I think I can't emphasize enough to get through the suffering prayer meditation and I would also a Doctor James the importance of communicating the kind of spaces that you're providing for example through this program when people are suffering you know there's that tendency to think that you're suffering alone and that no one understands our suffering right that that makes that kind of suffering even worse right you know when when you're when you hit rock bottom when you're in the Dark Knight of your so no one can possibly understand you say to yourself This is Perfectly Natural to think this that no one can possibly understand what I'm going through but having like a community of fellows who have been through the Peaks and valleys who have hit rock bottom and then climb the Mountaintop and got in through the suffering you know<br> having a community of fellow Seekers to engage with is so so vitally important and that's why I think space is like what you're providing vitally vitally important for everybody it gives us that sense that oh yes there's other people who have been through what I'm going through and understand and it's almost like we're charting road maps for each other how to get through the rough Terrain<br> so it's beautiful I really believe that I sincerely believe in in in the in the power of community and song<br> I absolutely do to that because one thing that I do know about about fear and worry is it does cause us to ruminate continually think about those things and isolate and so that we become all the council right so you know we become our only Council and in our in our pain and suffering it seems to be seen to think that's right so we are asking the questions and answer the questions all in such a way that keep us in more suffering so if we do have that Community or go out and look for that Community I guarantee you it's out there closer than you think and not in that Community is always is always a step away clickaway a phone call away I mean look at me I feel like we just formed a community with this program but that one caller immediately I immediately felt connected to that caller<br> through simply a third person phone call I'm speaking to you and then a third person calls in and there's a community of three right there I think it was that said wherever to May Gather in my name I am there you know that the community is is is a powerful a powerful tool to confront suffer yeah I think that we cannot discount the power one another and either other I absolutely agree with that on that line that know you are doing amazing where can I go to tell you your voice and your presentation your phraseology all of that is very soothing and ignites gross and a very even the harmonious way what are some spiritual teachers that you most admire that are that have influenced the way you write in the way you practice<br> I got to say that I got to say the number one that that has I just immediately comes to mind and I I I loved him with every ounce of my being though he's not with us in the physical form anymore is ROM Dass ROM Dass is unquestionably my most influential spiritual teacher the man was a pure essence of humility love compassionate action he shared all the pitfalls that he personally went through on the past and in a humorous and uplifting way and then you know he walked the walk around us is without a doubt one of my most influential spiritual teachers a lot of those teachers actually from the 60s and 70s was phenomenal. I absolutely love Steven Levine who was a close contemporary of Ram Dass as well I obviously love the witty humor of an Alan Watts that<br> Aldous Huxley all the 60s and 70s spiritual teachers were absolutely astounds me but nothing done more than ROM Dass for me just just absolutely profound and frankly that's who I I draw most inspiration from in I try to model my pass after him as best I can of course I don't think of anywhere near that doing him justice but I thought I try and and he's been he's been a absolute inspiration and of course the you know the the ancient teachers you know the Buddha Christ's teaching the ancient wisdom texts out there absolutely inspired me and then and then of course the teachers in my day-to-day life I mean we can't discount the the teachers that we encounter<br> I needed a life for me I talk about her in the book A Lot Myrtle driver she's a beloved woman of the Eastern band of Cherokee Indians which is about 45 minutes from where I live right now and she's a dear friend of mine and if she's a Native American Elder and she's one of those wisest giving people I've ever met she single-handedly is keeping as has worked to keep the Cherokee language alive she's been the one of the most influential leaders of that movement and to keep people practicing their their their culture and in the Eastern band she's been one of my most profound day today spiritual teachers I can think of today and of course Dave Smith who is my first meditation teacher I mentioned when I got back from Maui his his love and compassion you know really helped me through a difficult<br> find me to help you get navigating the terrain of suffering of ancient and contemporary teachers and are dated and we have dated a day-to-day features that that show us the way<br> use its have said so much and I and I got to go back to a couple things navigate the terrain of suffering I love that phrase as well so before we go on we have about three or four minutes left I do want to ask for you to tell her I'm listening audience if they have a time to get a pen and paper write it down or put it in your device how can they get it to get your book and if if there's anything else that you're working on<br> yeah so I'm working on a boat so you can get the book covid-19 Humanity's Spiritual Awakening on Amazon and on Barnes & Noble online the books are both available there and you can reach out to me at Forest Rivers, I have a contact form and you can you know you can write me and go straight to my email and it's Forrest and I'm working on actually on a new project I guess you could call it a sequel to the last two covid-19 Humanity's Spiritual Awakening the book I think it's called<br> the search for meaning during a pandemic during a pandemic and I'm setting out to interview hundreds of people from all walks of life and asking them to simple questions please share with me your experience during covid-19 perience and secondly<br> how is covid-19 sperian steering covid added meaning to your life I want to talk about I want to get real put them or human faced on this and understand how this is how this is how was this. Helped us find more meaning in our lives and if any of your any any of your listeners want to reach out to me and share me their stories I would be grateful and one more time how they can connect with you I'm sure we have listened to that contact me then that would love to contact you and talk to you share their story of how they navigated the terrain of suffering they gain from this area Forrest<br> Boris you are a delight thank you for the work you're doing in the universe thank you to all my everyday peacemakers I look forward to our time together again make these next 7 Days count I absolutely love you<br> you've been listening to Everyday piece for dr. Avon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that lead you to your next level of greatness and I would love to see you and your turn to hear some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let dr. Dre Bond James. Calm enrolling my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International in role of the brilliant life 9 weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at Doctor Trevon James. Calm purchase my book Freedom is your first break from Amazon thank you for being and every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thank you for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> it's time for a reset to another Judy Cochran for your future looks good on you and empowering and relaxing Retreat September 30th to October 3rd 2021 at Unity Village Missouri learn Judy self hypnosis techniques to help you pause reset and happened to the good that awaits you and help wealth relationships and self-expression also enjoy walking meditation gentle yoga music art and more make a reservation to date anymore at Unity Village. Org forward slash retreat<br>

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