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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, April 13, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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How to Stop Binge Eating with James Greenblatt, M.D.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

How to Stop Binge Eating with James Greenblatt, M.D.

Binge eating is the most common eating disorder, affecting more than 2.8 million people in the United States. People with binge eating disorder (BED) consume excessive amounts of food in a single sitting. During periods of bingeing, they experience a sense of loss of control over their eating. They often experience feelings of guilt or shame following these binge eating episodes. Dravon James talks to James Greenblatt, M.D., from Walden Behavioral Care to explain how to heal from BED.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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positive prayer from Silent Unity the newest in voice-activated technology available on any device like the Amazon Echo is prayer and meditation on positive prayer will help strengthen guide and comfort you just say Alexa open positive prayer you can ask for specific prayer on topics like healing prosperity and comfort give it a try today<br> we Are Spiritual Beings having a human experience this is Unity online radio. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build a life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> Welcome to our show on Doctor Dre by James and this is everyday piece of the way I'm super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday peace defined as wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality as I'm saying that to you I can feel my whole system decompressing I'm just rounding myself and I hope that you're able to do that as well this is the everyday piece showing on this program we talked about the philosophy of every day peace as a system for us to achieve our next level of greatness we also bring on fabulous guest and topics that highlight opportunities for us to laugh for us to grow and for us to laugh and so learn and grow and laugh if you can't beat that so, last week's show we had an amazing<br> show last week we learned about feng shui with Patsy vallaki if you miss that show you miss an amazing opportunity she talked about how to increase your love life and all sorts of things and how to do that with the placement of things in your home and in your office so if you miss that show please visit the unity online radio network or apples Spotify Google play a Stitcher And subscribe to the doctor Grapevine James every day parties podcast and you'll be able to get all that fabulous information there for 2022 as you are well aware is it's time to improve my life every time I say that I feel convicted and I feel like it's the most loving thing I can do for myself and for the planning for people around me when I improve my life that's what happens I do better and I have more service to other people and I help them to improve<br> they're like the same thing with you when you improve your life is not just for you it's for the it's for the planets for the universe is for the people in your family on your block in your community on your job improving your life is the most giving thing that you could ever do and so what stops Us in this is our everyday peace moment what stops us from taking this journey jumping. Full Speed Ahead and improving our life what is the number one thing that I hear from my life coach clients and for my executive clients is fear fear you know there's so many things to be afraid of if you really think about the infinite number of things to be afraid of but here's what I want to offer you today that no matter what your fear is<br> no matter how big or small you think it is<br> there are only two positions to play when it comes to fear in your life you can either serve fear or serve love Choose Love choose to love the people you're providing service for Choose To Love Yourself choose to see love and everyone else and I promise you that you will start to diminish when you decide that I'm a little afraid but I'm choosing to serve and love I'm choosing to see those I'm serving with love and I'm going to move Full Speed Ahead in love so that is our moment for today choose love when it went for your creeps up choose love we have a fabulous guest for us today dr. James Greenblatt is here today to talk about how to stop binge eating I don't know about you but this topic I am so excited for today I'm going to let dr. James green black come on to the show and introduced himself to us we can jump<br> to this fabulous hour of conversation between black welcome to the show<br> thank you I good to be with you always this is an exciting topic I'm sure that you get people who are sitting on the edge of their seats hear about how to stop binging on so many different levels and you know what you're talkin about you're the chief medical officer of background and interested in this<br> well I'm you know if they are both certified child and adult psychiatrist have been practicing over 30 years and about 20 years ago I found myself in writing an eating disorder Center in your programs in the three states and inpatient residential and outpatient program and in one of the disorders that Retreat it's really underdiagnosed and under Trinity is binge eating disorder so over the years as about the expertise and in helping individuals understand this disorder and pain effective tools for treating<br> oh I find this a bassinet as his son 20 years ago you said you found yourself over seeing this program was that your it's sort of just telling your lap or where you pursuing this opportunity to it's not a choice to let you know that many people in the mental health field them you know we kind of shy away from eating disorders that both anorexia nervosa very strict and eating and and then eating so it's not feel that it's hard to find psychiatrist again I found myself a job has said chairman of the psychiatrist for a community clinic that to the hospital that had a program and we just grew it from a small six-bedroom g 2 you know three states and hundreds of patients a day that we take care of<br> wow. I didn't know that it was hard to find a psychiatrist who specialize in Eating Disorders why is that<br> well I think part of it is psichiatra has become is symptomatic of your medication for everything and if we don't have medicines for anorexia nervosa we don't have medicine for binge eating disorder we do have some effective treatment so I think that's probably part of it and I think there is challenging without those Sim quick simple tools and so we have become a struggle to find good sex high address for the treatment of eating disorder<br> oh that makes perfectly good sense because you know if you can't couple it with something that you're working from both ankles here and in the medication definitely can supplement the process of Psychiatry without that I can understand how challenging it would be so I think we need to start at the very beginning cuz I think a lot of us miss use the term binge eating and but they are talking about binge eating disorder so maybe you could start off by just hitting a straight you know there is binge eating we've all done it signified the refrigerator with anal looking in there and everything I'll just talk about myself everything that has a car but you know some sugar in it is their game at some point you know you may be rushing in from work and then afterwards you have this feeling like I did I do that though but I think about binging I think about that you know that but then there is also a binge eating disorder so help us to understand both of those<br> schorno I think it's a really good point because you know what you've been now the word on everything from TV watching too you know eating end and overeating or another way we just wrapping up binging because you're angry or upset or because you have great food is different than binge eating disorder so that is really important point so over eating from the other binge eating different than binge eating disorder that repeatedly eat a large amount of food in a very short. Of time and it sounds very subjective and in some ways it is but you know over the years it's very easy to diagnose someone who has this uncontrollable<br> Natalie urge to eat which hopefully we all have but if this inability to stop people described it as kind of a black hole ever feeling. It's often very secretive and so she was out of Shame and guilt and its associated with them you know significant psychological you know consequences from that shame and guilt in the feeling of out-of-control on a regular basis<br> so I didn't know it was done in secret and secret too so that makes sense as with a lot of addictions are done secretly he knows is that so there's no the shame and the guilt associated with it what what is the address the root cause of this<br> sure I'm in use the word Addiction and I think that's important because a lot of individuals<br> I don't like you that were but but I do and I'll be right about food addiction conference and food addiction and I think it's really important that we can talk more about it but like any other addiction I'm quite clear that the cause is<br> your chemical is the body's inability to regulate your hunger and Infamous hunger and satiety and added chemicals that's the chemistry of of the got in the brain talking to each other and we feel full after you eat an adequate amount of full-time food so I believe this at your chemical basis to it and the church is quite clear now might be stressed that that triggers it and might be emotional eating that that start that but at some point it becomes a New York chemical process that advertises just out of control I use a roller coaster image on my book and then it takes a biological intervention to get that under<br> Wow Let's talk about the image image in the book it was the title and where it where audience can find the book<br> Usher it's part of a series that we wrote on psichiatra redefined helping people look at what's called an integrative Medicine approach to such as a kiln Essentials called integrated medicine for binge eating guide to A New Hope model and discusses the biology and then both nutritional and dietary any medications that can help this roller coaster ride of binge eating and food addiction<br> so what you said a lot thank you so much anyway weird where where can I listen audience<br> integrative medicine for binge eating that's what we talkin to the doctor Greenblatt today was talking about how to stop binge eating which is why I keep saying binge eating but really today I think the book is more focus on binge eating disorder so I can we talk about that in the very beginning that people do you know come home after a long day I know I've done it in and sort of I am hungry but then there is a chocolate cake and then maybe there is a couple pieces of chicken and fried chicken not healthy and eating unhealthy beer right and it's sort of like melting away the stress of the day and also because you're so hungry after the long commute but it's almost<br> at the end of that. Will you do have this look like what why I do that I could have gone for a walk or I could have made a cup of tea you know and so<br> but that's not necessary disorder with a mean that's occasionally but this binge eating disorder as you mention is neurochemical which means it there's some imbalance there and stress is a trigger it just may cause you to have your first episode of would have you but if there's an imbalance there's an imbalance here's a here's the part is I'm listening to you talk that sounds<br> little disheartening I think we talked about addictions because you never have to take a drink of alcohol you never have to take any drugs you know you never have to get involved in this picture. It's right but you going to always have to eat<br> right you always have to be exposed to this substance right this is you going to always his almost like you have this you have to eat to stay alive but then you have this narrow chemical imbalance or something going on there newer chemically that makes eating challenging for you<br> but it but it's not all food so it's really important understand that and that's why people argue we can't really have a food addiction cuz you know food it's time some of these<br> I think we add to food that many people will say it's not so you know it's a processed food so there are three components of food that often in vulnerable individuals not everyone that the create this vicious cycling and one is sugar one is MSG monosodium glutamate with them you mention Fried Chicken which is no added to a lot of them fast food now and then you'll hide for Joe's corn syrup which is also added to a lot of drinks so these are artificial chemicals if you will and that is what our brain of times craves and disrupts some of the newer chemistry you know steak broccoli chicken you know those things don't cause this imbalance was not food it's these components that we add<br> oh I think that's a very good point and I hope that's liberating for a lot of us didn't do that and thank you for that and you're right when you said that I thought to myself I bet you no one is going to bend eat broccoli direct not going to happen but she wants a I think there's probably no surprise there because we hear about those things all of the time those are the big three and I guess I'm going to ask the obvious question right it seems like everything has sugar in it I know I do read labels and I try to avoid high fructose corn syrup I'm as much as possible but<br> that's everything seems to have that in there too and is it merely a matter of willpower of trying to do you know<br> I know these things are addictive but how does a person say okay I'm going to stay away from it you look it up there in a bottle of ketchup there's sugar or high-fructose corn syrup on there yeah I know I can set them and and that's it the focus of our working book is it no it's not a matter of willpower that's you know it<br> Mane taming night they say trout because I can if it's an addiction I don't we have to change the chemistry and and certainly a reading labels can be helpful and minimizing the amount of refined sugar is great but if this imbalance you happen then there's things that we would want to do it it's not just those freezer many many other factors including genetic we all know people that can you don't need any of these foods and and not have been cheating and you know we talked a lot about nutrition nutritional supplements and medication so damned is a subset of individuals that are<br> feel so out of control around the food similar to the alcoholic that we need to either provide very structured was called cognitive behavioral therapy medication and nutritional coaching and in I call it the three little eggs of that stool and you have to do all 3 to relieve a move on from the really kind of horrible feeling of being addicted to something that everyone else around you seems to be able to manage.<br> right and so are so I think you're right because there are these substances some people will help our taking these things as sugar that MSG the high for toast corn syrup and don't have a different level of sensitivity to it<br> then someone else I will make a fool of him and it just constantly I guess I don't know what is that why are they blocking certain neurotransmitters in the brain and how what is what are the substances actually doing<br> Japanese probably doing a bunch of different things in the brain you know what they all do kind of disruptive the appetite and the<br> in the fullness of time message Heidi mechanism and you know they can be restored and so it is you know what dietary changes although I never use the words we have a chance to call the on diet some people don't have to try not to cry themselves but it's also you know nutritional deficiencies and people talk a lot of dopamine you know that kind of reward chemical that goes off when the alcoholic has the drink or the individual addicted to certain foods eat those Foods so we're all in a helping to regulate the nutritional deficiencies that are related to appetite control<br> so you mentioned something about the dopamine reward award chemical so how closely<br> correlated is this food addiction with something like an opiate addiction we hear a lot about opiate addictions and you think about you know the reward centers in the brain how closely related are these two<br> well I mean that many of us believe they're very similar we can put you know people you know any brain scanner and if some of us are showing a chocolate shake you know the same areas of brain light up for someone with a alcohol problem seeing alcohol or cocaine addict seeing drugs of abuse we know the mechanism in the brain are similar and that's why we need to treat it you know as an addiction and in the foods are usually the highly processed sugar MSG high fructose corn syrup that's kind of create suspicious psycho<br> I'm just thinking about any of the foods that are out there are going to a restaurant and you are our celebration so much of what we do and it is surrounded with food right sad happy or glad it seems to be food involved in so much of that food as you just mentioned is a process meaning that it contains sugar free IMS G high fructose corn syrup so it seems we talked about this cognitive<br> Behavior what what does that entail like because that's a big switch isn't it too late to say that this event is not going to center around sugar e celebration<br> yeah I mean I think that dumb you know some people use the term emotional eating you know which would measure I like but that there is some behavioral therapy helps people become more aware of their eating and again it's not enjoying desert it's not enjoying a celebration a birthday cake you know it is those individuals that when everyone leaves my teeth the entire cake and then can't stop so again as you mentioned the beginning binge eating disorder is different than you know overeating enjoying sweets there's some individuals that so out of control that they might eat the birthday cakes and then drive through three or four different fast food restaurants do they have already eaten<br> again the disorder is a very rapid consumption of a large amount of food and this is so destructive Behavior so the cognitive behavioral therapy helps people become aware that you know of the behavior that around the evening when do they<br> Revenge when do they go to the to drive through so that when the kids or the husband are arguing X Y and Z or just under stress and if you become aware of eating habits it becomes easier to change some of those habits but then my work is mainly focused on the biology so that's why the Detroit auction medications we do also use as well as the kind of a rough therapy is that kind of three legs of that healing School 204 come to genic<br> I'm so it we talked about you know these elements the sugar that MSG the high fructose corn syrup and how they can be detrimental impact addictive components and in a lot of processed foods to what are some nutrients that are critical for supporting a healthy diet healthy digestion<br> sure I mean you know our approach has some testing and it's it really individual but one of the comment deficiencies that most people don't think about is that we found but hundreds if not thousands of cases with vitamin D deficiency phone is also critical making her transmitter in the brain called serotonin<br> and in serotonin helps regulate appetite<br> and deficiencies of vitamin D is very common without adequate serotonin individuals can't regulate appetite and that just by relieving vitamin D in the beginning of helping people restore optimal search on function and I don't know how many mostly I've read and as a pharmacist for over 30 years most people have a vitamin D deficiency right<br> absolutely mean that the estimates are forty fifty percent of the population of northern areas and is its more common in dark skin individuals cuz it started to make Vitamin D from the Sun so I think it's quite clear and now we live and work indoors and we have sunscreen if we go out and nobody is getting Vitamin D from the Sun so it's just an added to our arms and most the time it's not sufficient<br> right right yes isn't sufficient<br> and I guess you trying to increase our time in the sun you know the work environment just really you'd gone are the days of the simple 40-hour Work Week mostly Pro go in when it's still dark out and they come out when it's still dark out and it is getting dark again and so there is that limited exposure to that natural source of vitamin D and here is it here is it vitamin D deficiencies cause so much havoc in the body but knowing that they decrease are serotonin levels well there is a depression in that to write so there's a number of things going on and I'm hearing you say that it's an inability to get satiated is that what's happening with the decreased serotonin levels you're eating and you're not able to feel say she ate it<br> you must here in town and is one of the really important chemicals to regulate appetites without adequate serotonin appetite just not regulated so yeah there's no sense of fullness and so some of the supplements that we give people help the other recourse is to serotonin so we're able to build more serotonin in the body and that can help appetite research to support that fascinating and offers a lot of opportunity for<br> for healing when I said that way a lot of opportunity for healing of course I'm hearing that the process is going to involve exactly something you can sit back and just let happen to come back after break we're talking to doctor Greenblatt. James Greenblatt and our sub today is how to overcome eating disorders and bend eating specifically been eating disorders and more after the break this is a fascinating topic and I'm excited to dig more into it<br> promoting positivity and inclusivity you're listening to Unity online radio. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back isn't every day to be signed by dr. Dre Bond James and we're here today with dr. James Greenblatt we're discussing how to overcome binge eating disorders and and and and perhaps a little bit about being too we talked about that but we really really getting into the binge eating disorder and it being a neurochemical imbalances and I love that you talked about vitamin D and how its impact on serotonin and how would low serotonin levels we have our appetite isn't regulated so we could be very well be full and not and not know it and keep eating and keep eating until you're providing your patients with vitamin D as one of the way one way to help support a healthy digestion healthy diet healthy eating regimen we're not going to use the word diet but what are some other nutrients that could be critical for supporting healthy digestion<br> well is there vitamins you will not help somebody if they weren't sufficient so not everyone is sufficient so but there's something to do with that are and you know what vitamin D is just one of many vitamins and minerals that are associated with a serotonin that neurotransmitter sell vitamin B12 is also commonly to fishing and with some of the other B vitamins and minerals that magnesium and zinc so we really look for nutritional deficiencies that might affect serotonin and we also give you know the odds Camino acid precursor it's called of 5-HTP which is a vitamin supplement that helps your body make area tone<br> okay so I'm I'm hearing here that you know while your it was seems like a byproduct of having this binge eating<br> help its be a control you're going to have a bit of improvement in mood as well because overall feeling better more well being would you say that<br> yes absolutely I mean I think some of the consequences of binge eating is that feeling that low self-esteem and depression and that we see and I think that's one of the treatment is the antidepressant medications cause a ssris selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor so that doesn't help some individuals there are other medicines but yeah part of the support and we look at it nutritional supplements that support serotonin and we often find like the vitamin D and b12 deficiencies that can be treated<br> I have to be 12 to yeah okay yeah so that there's not there's a lot so I would assume there's a degree of a blood test and get us associated with getting this<br> under control and how can someone who is overweight and binges on thousand times a day I'm still being malnutrition and because we write to you yet<br> a very important question I think I'm over nutrition and malnourished and management is a very kind problem in the Western countries in which the obese individuals that are the micronutrients efficiencies that is a major part of all the Eating Disorders Retreat and cheating in particular you already are overweight and Samara beast in summer Knoll way but they are efficient and micronutrients because the food that they're eating enough nutrients dense that's where the B12 deficiencies or the vitamin D deficiencies are common<br> so when you said night nutrient-dense you're talking about not you're not eating the rainbow Knight green leafy vegetables are bright colored vegetables. That's not happening at correct the foods the processed foods might not have you know that the B vitamins certainly not going to vitamin D you are kind of concern or the increased incidence of vegetarian and vegan ism is also a problem because it's not sufficient in vitamin B12 do some individuals develop nutritional deficiencies going on a diet either health reasons or religious reasons but some individuals become nutrient-deficient on a vegan diet<br> I have heard that a lot and I think they know we probably would think if we look at someone who's going to begin diet and their pick new sort of and I do not mean to stare at people are you know smaller in stature but a lot of times you think maybe you need to eat something to get some you know extra protein or something of that nature we're not really surprised me hear malnourished but we hear the same ones who is overweight is malnourished you like well what's going on there and it sounds like it's just a lot of empty calories at they're not getting anything in their of substance to Juniors their body and their mind you know the brain<br> you know that is connected to the bodies of those nutritional deficiencies affect brain function and can affect appetite<br> right and I think you hit up something very very important is that a lot of mood I won't say a lot I'll let you tell me where there's a lot of it or not but I believe in that mood sometimes and this feeling of being overwhelmed is associated with the fact that our diets are so poor and at least I'll talk about working in the hospital people working in a very very long shifts and not nourishing themselves and when they aren't nourishing themselves their nearest and they're just feeding their hunger without actually feeding their cells and their brains and so they come back then eaten they film a physician if I am physically eating but they're not consuming food that could redeploy touch them<br> and so you see these really bad dipson mood and patience and overall just a sense of not feeling and behaving well because they're just starving themselves even though they're eating they don't know not eating nutrient this Mills<br> yeah that we see that all the time and and it's a sad because you know it just said stop the cycle of you no shame and guilt because they say try or they spend money on a new diet and they continue just to go up and down this roller coaster you know with just a few people understanding the neurobiology and it's frustrating<br> yeah yeah stupid people come to you and they need this this type of help what's the first step<br> he is doing some blood tests to look at some of these nutritional deficiencies the fact that I do everything I can't believe the guilt and shame make sure people know that's not their fault it's like any other medical illness we can understand it and treated and deficiencies if things are really severe that we would use medications to help individuals as they don't get some support but I need to bathe therapy and and nutrition<br> right and we talked about earlier that a lot of Physicians is sort of steered away from this line of work of expertise because there isn't a lot of medicine that supports the recovery from eating disorders but we've mentioned here that you know you got some supplements what medications do you have in place in the New Hope model for a wedding disorder<br> yeah me for anorexia nervosa that as Spectrum in the evenings or there's no approve medicines but her binge eating disorder there is some An approved medication FDA-approved called Vyvanse which is a stimulant and then we use other medicines that have been studied and we had good results once called Topamax and the other is some of the into the presence and we can effectively eliminate this binge eating disorder with<br> combination of the medicines the therapy and the nutritional support<br> wow that does that's encouraging and so what is that that's very very encouraging that the combination of the support with the medication could reverse this process and and what I'm hearing is that the medication does it sparked but that that calling to the peace and in the therapy that will help you stay on the road as the medication something that the patient would be on long-term or is this going to a place of healing and then I got to come off of the medication<br> yes it should be genius or I'd say most of the time that it's relatively short term six months nine months and that provides real-time to understand the therapist therapy and also understand that they do have control over changing some of their dietary habits so it's not long-term it's not forever but at least it provides a some relief and and sports mostly self-esteem when people feel that they can control their eating feel better<br> rights of habit we gaining that sense of control right I think that's so important because you're their self-esteem goes out they value their himself more in their self-confidence go look at start to believe in them so that this is actually something that they can do is there a component level of group therapy with this we talked about therapy a little bit is this is pretty much one on one with the psychiatrist<br> I know it leave the group therapy is the model that we use you no ads Arts clinic and it is very helpful but you know what their fee can be done as a group or individual user skills if people Incorporated gain with medication dietary changes<br> right so yeah cuz I was thinking that support from peers to so very important write this this this idea of religion earlier in the show that a lot of his binge-eating it is done in isolation right by there by themselves so that you'll be integrating and I'm losing that part of self that isolates and its associated with Shane also is it and I think an important part of the healing process to realize it until you're not alone in this in and that there is I'm glad to hear you saying this to you about the food cuz I got to tell you that for years I had a neighbor of mine and he constantly say I feel that they're putting something in the food that is really making people lack the ability to get full and it was years and years ago before you know I knew much about a lot of food components and you just have to have discipline but you don't give me you're absolutely right sugar is addictive people get addicted to it and then there is this part of NATO<br> I believe it if it doesn't We crave it and then if you have these triggers well there you go. I think it's great that you have a group there for that allows people to come me and Gage is being engaged to let go of that shame because she has so many other negative implications that are like so if nutritional rebalancing can be so powerful influence appetite what about the Cycle Therapy in the lifestyle changes like what are you looking for as far as diet hygiene<br> well you know in the in the world of Eating Disorders vertically prevent Jenny we try you know. She's weird diet we don't want to deprive somebody cuz that's never worked we know 98% diets don't work so that's why I in the book we use that word I'm diet be the only recommendation big picture recommendation that I give is to help patients think about a lower carbohydrate diet so that's kind of a brawler term without any rules but just being aware of carbohydrates protein and fat and then people will start the amazed at how much carbohydrates do for binge eating disorder we tried to help people they they just do better on a lower carbohydrate diet<br> and that right there too I would have sent you that people have said that in that you probably believe this dude I know I should if you eat protein it will fill you up and you'll feel fully or if you have protein but I tell you there's something about carbohydrates and which is very satiating I guess that it makes you feel. It's challenging at least I found it in my whole life challenge come off a carbs<br> you know it takes some working with a dietitian to anticipate that transition let me know how they affect you whether you're pre-diabetic and or have food addiction that they are important components<br> definitely Devon name of the book again and where we're going to find the book in your website<br> yes a James Green Glass MD my name. Calm in the book is called integrative medicine for binge eating and it's goes through we don't call them and do all kind of biological approach looking at supplements looking at food addiction to help individual some control hunger and satiety<br> yet this is a great a great discussion and even for our orbiting our team members who who who are not at the binge eating disorder but eating is still an issue is still a problem it's still something that can negatively impact our help what are some steps that someone struggling with either binge eating disorder or just been eating could take right now have to listen to this program Say Hey I was on I listen to doctor Greenblatt I'm going to start doing this now<br> Route 1 is.<br> I'm sorry I'm just about a minute left them in my home at 8 I want to get started<br> well I think I understand reading enough about it and understanding that you can't blame yourself so it's not your fault and that there's a biology to it and then understanding you know how to transition and understand lower carb diet and that could be very slow process but just becoming aware of sugar and carbs and then making sure your doctor check for vitamin D deficiency in vitamin B12 deficiency two very common nutritional deficiencies we see in those with binge-eating disorder<br> now are there any telltale signs that you have a vitamin D deficiency or vitamin B12 if yours is a call I think you are there any telltale signs that you may notice in your in your on your own<br> I know that and that's why you even are you can you know and anything related to hear a tone deficiency in vitamin G as so many affects the body so there's no way on a physical exam a doctor to tell and there's no way that you can tell it's really testing is the only way and that's why it's so important that our doctors test for vitamin D<br> and that they can't enforce eyes bad enough because there is an overwhelming number of people who are suffering from a vitamin B deficiency and without those blood test we're not going to know and without those blood test in the corrective measures to improve that vitamin D we're going to be like almost in a loop you know you're doing things are not getting the results that you want but because it's care Towing in the still lower number of other things what about probiotics you're a lot about that in today's media any any any part in the<br> healing process from this point and we see the microbiome the bacteria that look very different to those with anorexia nervosa those with obesity and understanding are a bit about binge eating disorder so they're still doing the research and this is some really fascinating but absolutely the gut likely affect the food We crave and and some people been able to demonstrate that certain bacteria are people who crave chocolate since different bacteria in their guts and said don't do that it's a fascinating science<br> wow I would have never thought that but it so you can you can alter these gut bacteria when you can alter this with probiotics<br> yea you can change and we don't you don't know exactly terms of Benji and the best ones to take but the research is fascinating looking at the different microbial growth in terms of helping me understand how it got changes with different food cravings<br> wow yeah and so an understanding understanding is that I hear so much news about to dig up a probiotic not to take a probiotic but what I hear you saying his overall may not be a bad thing to get on one you know and the worst case scenario you could do is clean up your gut a little bit and get some I guess relief maybe change baby change with your craving a little bit because you know I got this picture in my mind we talked about Dino the sugar and the MSG and high fructose corn syrup I got in the car to run around in my head right now about these running around and then the butt body and blocking up different neurotransmitters spots and that you only are craving more of this and I've been craving healthy food or you know your body is rejecting healthy food and you have this year in this vicious cycle of craving food that does not need<br> wishing you don't pose to as I've been thinking about and I just said that I'm thinking about the impact on our brain function<br> right brain cuz we have all the neurotransmitter serotonin in the gut in the gut communicate to the brain to break me the case but the cat has profound effects on our appetites and and our mental health in general<br> yeah it's over talking about the mental health of the brain it back and we mentioned earlier that wasn't you know newark's history neurochemical disorder for sure but there are some you know people who may be the trigger is stressed what are some ways that people could deal with stress or what is binge eating stress or free been eating stressed that would help minimize the likelihood of going into a full binge<br> plug-in part of the therapy is is being aware of you know bee lotions and around the eating so we're in this is really important mindfulness practices have been incredibly helpful be its yoga meditation or just you know understanding mindfulness which can be done even while you're busy while you're walking so it's really just a state of awareness that has really significant implications for relieving stress<br> the state of being self-aware which so many of us either consciously and subconsciously reject right we want that we don't want to look at things straight all because you think we won't survive the bike that's my theory anyway even though we are constantly surviving them we're developing these little Escape Escape paths that sometimes lead us down the wrong path areas that we don't want to go into instead of just saying and knowing not Morris more so knowing the same but knowing that we are safe we really are safe in this too will pass and that's why I love the idea of you know you talked about the group therapy is when you're in group with other people you do realize that<br> our lives are interconnected our problems are so we're having similar life experiences they were not alone you know we're not being picked on by the world what have you really just all of us trying to do the best we can and that they collectively the more of us get together and kind of know that it worked through that process together the more successful and as you mentioned with the combination of the medication the cognitive therapy all of these things can help improve your outcomes to what kind of outcomes are you seeing as far as<br> patients being able to recover from a vehicle do you call it going into remission is it with that is that the correct term<br> yeah you know that you're I mean I believe binge eating disorder is 100% treatable again focusing on these three your medicine if it's needed and frictional support as well as the kind of gave up therapy I mean it's part of this you know this disorder is that I believe everybody can be treated and in recovery is is appropriate<br> well that's that's really encouraging because I don't think we didn't say this in the beginning of the show but what if someone's been cheating of a proxy how many calories are they taking it in the setting you mentioned a driving in fast food restaurant to another but how many calories are using consumed during the session of binging<br> and you know is very but it can be thousands of calories as it's a bunch of time in there just know it's not part of the criteria it's it's this rapid consumption of food you know any more than XX that's it or I usual so good for some you know it's 1000 calories for a manufacturers how many calories consumption of food as you mentioned the isolation that that kind of thing and I've heard that we didn't necessarily say this here but I've heard is almost like a blackout experience I know that sometimes when I'm standing by the refrigerator I feel like oh my gosh I could have stopped a while ago and didn't but just absolutely that's the addiction you know part of this that never gets talked about people I can just feel the shame that they can't control themself<br> do we think we've begun we've been more tolerant understanding that substance abuse his addiction and we need to treat it as a medical illness but you know food addiction is not always looked at that way people just look and say oh you know for an anorexic you just eat and for someone who might be able to have been eating that you know they can control it and it's just not accurate and I think what we're doing here to thank you so much for bringing that up with the awareness of this is this is a disorder we've been talking to dr. James being black how to overcome binge eating this is the everyday pixiu with Dr Trevon James I'm excited to bring these topics to you that the book is innovative medicine for binge eating you can find on Amazon and as always thank you for being an everyday Peacemaker it is this is the season this is your season to improve your life if you have not joined the leaders in high-heels free Facebook group<br> do so today we'd love to have you thanks again and make it make it peaceful<br> you've been listening to Everyday peaks with Dr Trevon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that leads you to your next level of greatness and I would love to walk with you on your journey here so Levi can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let doctor dravon enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International enroll in the brilliant life 9-week online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at dr. Trevon purchase my book feed him as your first break from Amazon thank you for being an every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thanks for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> let go of everyday worries and find her calm with positive prayer from Silent Unity the newest in voice-activated technology available on any Alexa enabled device like the Amazon Echo is prayer and meditation on positive prayer will help strengthen guide and comfort you to enable it just say Alexa open positive prayer you can ask for specific prayer like healing prosperity and comfort give it a try today<br>

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