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Dr Bells Health Science and Energy Show, September 26, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Tonight Steve Barish took the helm! We are still moving part of this wild operation. However the Andromedians we are photographing at the new pad are worth the effort! Tonights topic was the Amazing Action of the" Master Crystal!" Of the many mined from the Coleman mines, over 5000 in fifty or so years, there are none left. The few remaining were pulled out years ago and stored.  Now they have become not only an object of investment, but have great healing qualities as demonstrated by side kick Steve on tonights show!  Although large points can still be found in South America, and because the electron spin that formed them moves in the opposite direction, this negates  the healing effects found with  the true Arkansas Master.  People worldwide have found this to be quite factual and therby created a high demand for a rare product. A good example of this is the Shiva Lingual, a 700 lb point we sold the Buddhists in Hawaii. Originally sold in 1984 for 25,000 and used today for meditation and healing, its value is over a million dollars. Even with this fact, its not for sale, nor will it probably ever be, as what it does is priceless.
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