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Dr Bells Health Science and Energy Show, September 12, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Tonight I was with my two sidekicks Bella Bird and Steve Barish. We discuss the fact that we are doing a partial relocation to the Temecula-Fallbrook area because we will be constructing the X-1 healing machine. The new pad is bigger and set up for R&D and housing for the engineers that will work on the project. As this is a Pleaidian device, we have re-established contact with Semjase. Or I should say they re-established contact wih us. There may be others involved, but we will not know until we complete the move in within 2 weeks. We also discuss technical details on other devices. There were callers on this one. Good Show! 
Meanwhile the Andromedians gave us a visit!
  I took a picture recently on the property while I was there. It seems this new location there is an ET Presence as indicated by the very visible female Andromedian, by the Avacado tree. There  is a male next to her a little taller, and less visible. Above him and to the left just below the mountain crest on the left is a small  CIGAR SHIP, I would estimate to be about 150 feet long. You will see a smokey haze around the ship. To see the picture, click on the Video link.
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