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Dr Bells Health Science and Energy Show, March 7, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Dr. Fred Bell's
Health, Science & Energy Show

hosted by Dr. Fred Bell
Date: March 7, 2010
Station 1 - Thursdays
5:00 - 5:55 PM (PST) live
8:00 - 8:55 PM (EST)

Station 1 - Sundays
9:00 - 10:00 PM (PST)
12:00 - 1:00 AM (EST)
Dr. Bell's Health, Science and
Energy Show

5pm Pacific or 8pm Eastern
airing on BBS Radio's Station 1

Dr. Bell is a practicing naturopath, scientist and environmentalist, and political activist, and has been currently working worldwide with programs that include a proper conduct of school systems, autistic children, and other problems that develop and effect the growth factor of our young up-and-coming society. He spent 20 years with a National Health Federation, a U.S. based group that has promoted an individuals freedom, to choose the type of health-care, freedom to choose the various vitamins and minerals and dietary elements that best works for them. In addition, he has brought attention to various forms of world attrition, which have caused the formation of many oceanic and rain forest projects.

Dr. Bell invented the famed and patented Nuclear Receptor. One of his newest inventions, the Andromedan Holographic Projector, which allows the operator to manipulate space and time conditions. Dr. Bell has also written several books and been the subject of several others. The Promise, and a second book called the Fellowship, written by famed author Brad Steiger are written in German and Japanese languages and are selling well in America and oversees.

Other Bell highlights: He studied with Himalayan Masters; is internationally known as a contactee to Pleiadean and Andromedan groups of extraterrestrial humanoids; and was awarded The Distinguished Scientific Progress Award by the Russian Society Of Cosmonauts (astronauts). He has worked with the National Health Federation and on many oceanic and rain forest projects for over 20 years.

Dr. Bell has invented and patented many unique, futuristic devices including the famed Nuclear Receptor and Projector and Pyramid Technology devices. He has written several books and is the subject of many others.


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