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Dr Bells Health Science and Energy Show, June 27, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

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Professor Randy Masters sound extradinaire, shares some great healing sounds, live, on air with us. Creator of the amazing Hydrogen sound amplifier, marketed exclusively by Pyradyne, Randy explains how they work and the miraculous  healing resonating tonalities of the Balmer Hydrogen sound. As we know Hydrogen is the main atom of consciousness, and as the Balmer patterns flow across the red to violet harmonic of the light spectrum, the Hydrogen Sound Generator causes an opening of trapped non resonate harmonics with the human cellular structure. This releases the light pockets within the cell and DNA allowing the body to reach a truly euphoric experience! Some of  Professor Masters graduates from the University of California Santa Cruz, have become world famous in their sound producing abilities, writing well known hit songs, opening sound therapy centers, an in general making a profound change on humanity in a very good way.
Professor Masters was one of the presenters at the Pyradyne June 2008, Seminar and his worldly sound healing experiences are a mind blowing way into inner dimnsions. A must hear again and again show!  For those of you whom have never experienced a Pyradyne Seminar in May or June, the presenters are world famous at their craft. The knowledge they provide and the resulting hands on experiences. While I was typing this, Steve Barish called and reported that he had just had a portal open within his projector system while playing the Hydrogen Amplfier. Then, following that he had an ET experience.
This show concluded the sharing of the seminar by the presentors. We look forward to seeing you at the next one. Book early as because we have a large following of regulars, we fill up quick. Thanks to Steve Barish and Randy Masters for making this a life changing experience for all of us.
Pyradyne Staff
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