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Dr Bells Health Science and Energy Show, June 20, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

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SideKick Steve Barish. Steve joined us for a blockbuster seminar in Laguna Beach California. We covered several advanced Quantum Entanglement senarios, including remote healing, personal wealth, levitation and spiritual growth. There were many demonstrations involving the audience going into advanced spaces in time, and diminsion. During the Saturday night , world famous light show  (see U tube), laser light show, our recently departed neighbor, Mike , made a brief appearance, which demonstrated the clothing aspect of continuous release of amino acids from the body, allowing a few individuals to experience a individual on the other side. Mr. Mike actually pushed me during the show to get my attention. Then we were able to demonstrate the Phantom Ghost image to  some of the audience.     It is quite amazing to be able to demonstrate phenomena,  with the assistance of Pleadian science via Pyradyne accessories, especially as we are in a special place with our orbital precession around our central sun, Alcoyne, located in the Pleiadies. These are great times and Steve and I share what we can within our hourly time frame.  This seminar demonstrated  what the combination of very advanced science and willing human participation can do in unison. The attendee's left with a very different scope on life within a hologram, and the opening within the quantum world. Randy Masters gave us a holographic sound experience with his magical display of Balmer devices. Steve did some AMAZING healing on some of the folks. If you are priveledged to speak to  an attendeee, do it!  A very eye opening experience!!
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