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Dr Bells Health Science and Energy Show, July 19, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

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Special series launch. WHAT IS THE TRUTH ABOUT PLANET X, PLANET NIBIRU, A BROWN DWARF WILL THIS PLANET HARM YOU IN 2012 IS IT REAL???.  Steve and I  discuess in the first  installment, The split either theory that was demonstrated back in King Arthurs time, The relationship to Etheric and Gravitational Forces and the influence of Quantum Entanglement devices, then and now. Our first guest in 2 weeks, Dr Robert Hieronimus, will  begin to expain symbolism, which has grass roots back thousands of years. We will feature facts and opinions from scientists, physicists, cosmologists, historians, astronomers, and other highly qualified people that can help uncover the facts that will shape mans destiney over the next decade. In the course of destiney we have choices, and the quantum world will be a MAJOR INFLUENCE, as we rotated around this section of the Pleiadies , passing through what some call the" Photon Belt", where Einstein-Rosen bridges can manifest in your living room under the asupices of a "Star Gate". We will explore the Vortes Phenomena of vortex amplification via Holographic projection and go deep into Hawking and other form of radiations. This will be a block buster series, second to none on any network!

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