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Dr Bells Health Science and Energy Show, August 1, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Cal Orey  I booked her two weeks ago. She predicts earthquakes and teaches others how to do it also. Then, last week we had a nice earthquake here in the neighbor hood, [5.4 Mag.], which she had predicted several months ago. She got the time right and the location was off only 19 miles, not much for a 5.4 . Cal is a well known writer and wrote a book called, "The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes," which I found to be very, very informative as it contains history,  causes, and prevention of catstrophy afterwards. We also discussed Oil and Vinager, Mediteranean culinary likestyles,and their health benefits, as we both are into the taste and health issues. See our website, for her books and and our Gormet section for our special items available only through Pyradyne. A very educational show on many fronts!!

Cal Orey, once pigeon-holed as a "health and pets magazine journalist," spread her wings in 2004. A native Californian, this sensitive animal lover wrote the book, The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes. The author knew her late pets sensed the Oct. 17, 1989 World Series Quake, a 7.1 monster but through her research for the book, she has discovered that she, too, can sense imminent shakers. These days, her best selling books are The Healing Powers of Vinegar, Revised and Updated and The Healing Powers of Olive Oil: Nature's Liquid Gold based on the health-boosting Mediterranean diet and lifestyle. She is an internationally recognized health and science author-intuitive who often predicts Earth changes.

Her reader-friendly vinegar and olive oil books have sold more than two hundred fifty thousand copies, have been translated into 15 languages, and purchased by the One Spirit Book Club. As a health-conscious baby boomer and psychic intuitive who predicts temblors to economic shakeups, Orey has appeared on Coast to Coast, KSFO, What's Cookin?,, and other national radio programs, magazines, and newspapers. She also is the co-founder of earthquakeepi-center, a popular and progressive disaster preparedness web site.

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