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The Delirious CURE, November 20, 2019

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The Delirious CURE
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Learn how we eliminate toxins & improve your messenger RNA to protect you from disease all based on laboratory science.

The Delirious CURE with Dr Johnny Delirious

Toxins and Heavy Metals are affecting our health and I am going to explain how to eliminate toxins to protect the Adaptation DNA and specifically how we can apply food therapy to improve your messenger RNA. Learn why it is so important that we are sending the right genetic messages inside our bodies. This is brand new research from only several laboratories that I am working with on the Human Microbiome Project. 

The Delirious CURE

The Delirious CURE with Dr Johnny Delirious
Dr Johnny Delirious

Ancient Wisdom is Today’s Greatest Health Secret that brought the Renaissance and also inspired our Founding Fathers to form our great United States of America. The Master Survivor will be applying Modern Laboratory Analysis to Enhance Traditional Greek Medicine, Wisdom and Therapies.  

In the early 1980's, I worked with one of the first pioneers of the scientific modality - Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), finding the right diet to experience life free of disease. I owned and managed an analysis laboratory and trained medical doctors to interpret the HTMA but did not know I had life threatening hepatitis c. When I sold the business because I had no energy and went for treatment the doctors tested and examined me, I had 12 million hep c viral load and 96% scar tissue (cirrhosis). They said I would have to have a liver transplant because I had less than 6 months to live. When I choose not to get the transplant because I wanted natural therapy they said I was not thinking right and called me delirious. I got rid of my hepatitis (no viral load or antibodies) and eliminated my cirrhosis. All of this is proven from laboratory blood tests and MRI (no scar tissue found). That was over 25 years ago. In a nutshell, I naturally recovered from my life threatening illness using my experience from the lab. 

Today, I give my expert advice with over 35 years of experience as a professional in the health industry to help my patients.The Delirious CURE is a show that will bring the culmination of my life's work from the laboratory, what I learned from my natural recovery from hepatitis A, B and C and 96% cirrhosis and helping my patients recover from life threatening illness. I work with several laboratories today. The focus of my practice is to help the patient achieve mineral synergy in every cell in their body and total gut restoration eliminating Candida and leaky gut. With the cells and gut balanced, the patient lives a life of homeostasis. The guessing game to achieve good health is over. There is only one Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor Johnny Delirious - The Master Survivor ™ his work is truly beyond Ph.D.

Restoring the microbiome of the gut and every cell of the body; this is what "The Delirious CURE" is all about.

Tune in now to the show that brings proven health solutions, backed by laboratory science, to naturally heal.

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