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Crazy Sexy Midlife Love, October 7, 2020

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Crazy Sexy Midlife Love
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How to calm the crazy, asking for what you want, making love and happiness bigger than the annoyance, getting what you

Crazy Sexy Midlife Love with Morgana Rae-Galaudet and Devin Galaudet

How to calm the crazy, asking for what you want, making love and happiness bigger than the annoyance, getting what you want

No, it’s not just you. The world is nuts. 
Besides the too-strange for fiction front page news, weird science denial, and stuff I never expected to see in my life, Mars (for my woo astrology-loving friends) is super intense, we're entering a Mercury Retrograde "shadow" period, and the other mischief abounds.
So if it seems like even your most even-keeled friends are a little sensitive and aggressive, and you're feeling a little extra out of sorts or irritated yourself, you're not alone. (And if you're feeling awesome, we love you too! There's always an outlier.) 
Pressure tends to reveal the underlying fissures in relationships--with lovers, family, business, friendships, money, ourselves--so we can see what needs attention. And that's a good thing. And there's no better time to stock your tool belt with effective new skills to counter the crazy. 
We'll be covering how to calm the crazy, and ask for what you in in a way that GETS YOU WHAT YOU WANT on the October 7, 2020 live broadcast of Crazy Sexy Midlife Love Radio
How to ask for what you want in a way that you GET IT!!! 

No, it’s not just you. The world is nuts. Learn how to communicate and create a soft landing during crazy times.
How to make the love and your happiness bigger than the annoyance… because you WILL be annoyed.
Get what you want in love. 

Crazy Sexy Midlife Love

Crazy Sexy Midlife Love with Morgana Rae-Galaudet and Devin Galaudet
Show Host
Morgana Rae-Galaudet and Devin Galaudet

My husband and I are 25 weddings deep into getting married 100 times in 100 countries. 100% his idea. And honestly, when we hit 100 we’ll probably keep going, cause we’ve been in honeymoon mode for 5 years now. (He’s a smart man.) We met at 45. Started getting married at 47… back in 2014.

My philosophy is love gets better and more fun at midlife, especially for women. We’re smarter. Men are more relationship ready. (And if they’re not, it’s so obvious! Next!) I want to punch holes in all that negative, fear-feeding nonsense I grew up hearing about age and love for women.

Getting Married around the World

The reason for this is simple. Love and travel are two of our favorite things. By combining the two we unite the best of our worlds. Yes, at least, 100 weddings!

100 Weddings, So Far

Yes, we are aware that we are just getting started. 

1. Los Angeles, CA USA — May 23, 2014

2. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico — June 5, 2014

3. Dubrovnik, Croatia — September 14, 2014

4. Kotor, Montenegro — September 15, 2014

5. Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina — September 18, 2014

6. The mountains above Sarajevo, Republic of Srpska — September 22, 2014

7. Belgrade, Serbia — September 26, 2014

8. Belgrade, Serbia — September 26, 2014

9. Bled, Slovenia — September 29, 2014

10. San Marino, San Marino — October 4, 2014

11. Rome, Italy — October 5, 2014

12. Vatican City — October 5, 2014

13. Gesi, Turkey — February 12, 2015

14. Norwalk, CA — May 27, 2015

15. Villa Del Palmar, Loreto, Mexico — June 17, 2015

16. Wizards Academy, Austin, TX — October 6, 2015

17. Sri Rahti, Penestanan, Bali, Indonesia — May 8, 2016

18. Toronto, Canada — August 10, 2016

19. San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico — June 15, 2017

20. Colima, Mexico — November 18, 2017

21. Sedona, Arizona — November 10, 2018

22. Paris, France — September 26, 2019

23. Brussels, Belgium — September 29, 2019

24. Madrid, Spain — October 11, 2019

25. Lisbon, Portugal — October 17, 2019

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