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Voices of Courage, October 14, 2018

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The Courage to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power
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with John Assaraf

Today we discuss unlocking the hidden power and true potential of the brain.


I’ve been working in the field of personal development for over 22 years now, and I’ve seen a lot of success gurus come and go. There have been many fads and countless sure-fire methods of growth. Most of these short-lived methods have one thing in common - they’re offering a "quick fix" solution to a much deeper problem.

If anyone is telling you that they have the solution to your business or life and it’s only going to take a few minutes or a few sessions, you may want to walk away. I’ve found that success doesn’t come from a quick fix, it comes from setting an intention, developing willpower, and having the right mentors and coaches to help guide you.

But, even all of those things require the right mindset and positive self-talk. In order to be successful in your life and in your business, it's crucial that you break free from disempowering thoughts, beliefs, and habits that might be keeping you stuck. But, can you actually choose the way you feel or the results you get in life?

My guest, John Assaraf, is one of the leading mindset and behavior experts in the world. He joins us today to share powerful advice about recognizing and releasing the mental and emotional blocks that prevent so many of us from achieving our biggest goals and dreams in life. John explains how we all have much more control over our lives than we give ourselves credit for, we just have to tap into the hidden power of our brains to take hold of it.


We Discuss:

  • Strengthening our minds and overcoming our greatest obstacles
  • Why all of the fads and "quick fix" methods are not the right solution
  • How our brain works and how we can learn to use it to change our life
  • Innercise - what it is and how we can use it to shift our mindset and behaviors
  • How "innercising" can help a person get "unstuck" from where they are in life
  • Breaking free from negative feelings, such as anxiety, self-doubt, etc.
  • Recognizing disempowering thoughts and emotions and shifting our focus
  • Becoming familiar with the "Einstein" and "Frankenstein" sides of our brain
  • How to break away from the habits and patterns learned through conditioning
  • What self-deprecating language patterns are actually telling our brains
  • The first step toward establishing a brand new healthy habit in our lives

Learn More About Ken D Foster


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Voices of Courage

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster
Show Host
Ken D Foster

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