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Voices of Courage, September 16, 2018

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The Courage to Speak Out
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with Tiamo De Vettori

Today we discuss the courage it takes to overcome our greatest fears and speak out.


Statistically speaking, the number-one fear among American people is the fear of public speaking. What's especially unfortunate about this widespread fear is that we all have a message and story to share with the world, but many of us are too fearful to use our own voice.

My guest, Tiamo De Vettori, has spoken to over 100,000 people on 250+ stages at conferences and seminars, and combines speaking with original live music to deliver "Keynote Concerts." He shares valuable advice for overcoming the fear of public speaking and tips on how to connect deeply with an audience while remaining true to yourself.


We Discuss:

  • Acknowledging our greatest fears and the true inner dialogue that holds us back
  • Why saying "no" to what doesn't serve us is more powerful than pleasing others
  • Giving others permission to be their authentic selves by modeling it for them
  • How to handle "negative press" from those that may not like you or your message
  • Improving our face-to-face skills in a culture that's so obsessed with social media
  • Why being genuine is the fastest way to grow a business and have a lasting impact
  • How public speaking can help create clarity around who we are at our core
  • Overcoming fear by becoming present with feelings rather than suppressing them
  • Accelerating on-stage confidence and taking public speaking skills to the next level
  • A breakdown of the major differences between the new vs. the old speaking model
  • The common misconceptions about being a confident and successful speaker
  • Why it's absolutely essential to have a real human connection when speaking
  • Coming from a place of vulnerability instead of a pedestal above your audience

Learn More About Ken D Foster


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Voices of Courage

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster
Show Host
Ken D Foster

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