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Voices of Courage, August 26, 2018

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The Courage to Live Your Life to the Max
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with Eduardo Flores and Mike Lebrun

Today we discuss connecting deeply with our inner fire and living our lives to the max.


It’s important to know that if you’re stuck in any area of your life, whether it’s in your personal life or your business, there are solutions to everything. In fact, there are actually infinite solutions to our truly limited problems. My two guests today share how we can all start living our lives to the fullest.

My first guest, Eduardo Flores, spent over 20 years as a monk and is now helping people with their health and vitality. He shares some of the ingredients for success that he’s found in his journey, along with the number one thing that holds people back from taking their life to the max.

My second guest, Mike Lebrun, has been an entrepreneur since he was 19 years old. Today, he shares his journey with Max International and shares the life-changing benefits of Max’s safe and effective science and supplements that support the natural production of glutathione and a healthier lifestyle.


We Discuss:

  • Connecting deeply with our own inner fire to create a life of brilliance and fulfillment
  • Addressing everything that is and isn’t working in our lives
  • Building the foundation and roots in our life that will support tremendous growth
  • Acknowledging weaknesses and breaking start-stop patterns that get in our way
  • Overcoming challenges in life and committing to non-negotiable goals
  • What drove Eduardo Flores to become a monk at 21 years old
  • The essential ingredients for success that he found along his journey
  • Getting our minds clear and releasing old patterns to connect to our higher selves
  • Some of the symptoms that people experience when living from a comfort zone
  • Living from a victim consciousness and accepting a life of mediocracy
  • The number one thing that holds people back from success in life
  • Max International – what it is and why Eduardo chose to get involved
  • What the body needs in order to minimize pain and heal itself from the inside out
  • The powerful benefits that Glutathione and RiboCein have on our body
  • What differentiates Max International’s products from others on the market

Learn More About Ken D Foster


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Voices of Courage

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster
Show Host
Ken D Foster

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