Voices of Courage, March 10, 2019
Today we discuss creating the life of your dreams.
Is it possible that you might be preventing yourself from achieving success through your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging habits? Today we're going to help you move whatever it is that's standing in your way so that you can actually live the life you've been dreaming of.
My first guest, Mark Romero, is an internationally renowned high-vibration music artist and energy healer that is recognized as a leader in the field of transformation through music and sound. He joins me today to share the revolutionary technology that he uses to help people remove the negative influences in their environment, dissipate disempowering limiting beliefs, and tap into all of the power and know-how needed to reveal the masterpiece within.
My second guest, Nancy Solari, is the founder of Living Full Out - a company created to guide people in reaching their maximum potential - and she is a true example of how to persevere and live above adversity. She joins me today to share how our losses and past mistakes can evolve us into living a life of purpose, and provides tips on how to overcome limitations, distinguish ourselves from the competition, and maximize every moment of our lives.
We Discuss:
- The warning signs and clues to look out for that are left behind from self-sabotaging thinking
- Raising the energy, frequency, or vibration within ourselves in alignment with our goals
- A method for tapping into our inner wisdom and accelerating the rate of our success
- Music frequencies that can actually tune, harmonize, and raise a listeners energy field
- How music, vibrations, and sound work on the brain and body to create a transformation
- What causes our energy field to end up in a state of disharmony and compromise our wellbeing
- The benefits of rising above all of the negative energy disrupters in our environment
- Letting go of what's not truly aligned with who and what we are and want to be in life
- How vibrational limiting thought patterns reflect back into our lives and what we experience
- Why being in a harmonized state can significantly enhance our ability to heal and transform
- Mastering our emotional energy and becoming the catalyst for transformation in our lives
- Learning how our past mistakes or losses can help evolve us into living a life of purpose
- Discovering how to become an original and distinguish ourselves from the competition
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Voices of Courage

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